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人教版2019-2020年度九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The teacher asked the children not to make any _ in class.AvoiceBnoiseCspeakingDsound2 . My pocket money_, so I wanted to find a part-time job to get more money.Aran outBwent outCran out of Dran away3 . (2016南通市)Jack is still working to high standardshe has made great achievements.AuntilBifCthoughDbecause4 . What did you _? I _ my pen.Alost; loseBlost; lostClose; lostDlose; lose5 . My parents are crazy about Running ManHow about your parents?_ my dad _ my mom likes it,But they prefer Ode to Joy(欢乐颂)ANot only;but alsoBBoth;andCEither;orDNeither;nor6 . If we are quick enough, we can _ before nine oclock.We dont need to _ the park so early.Aget to, getBget, arrive inCarrive, getDarrive, arrive at7 . You will see _ on the exhibition. That is great! I look forward _ it.Asomething wonderful; to seeBsomething wonderful; to seeingCwonderful something; to seeDwonderful something; to seeing8 . His mother can _ there at nine .Aget toBgets toCget9 . _! Its not the end of the world. Lets try again.APut upBSet upCCheer upDPick up10 . Hello! Can I speak to Chris? Sorry, he isnt in. He _ Japan on business.Ahas been toBhas goneChas gone to11 . .Who is the person you admire the most?Qian Xuesen,the Father of Chinas MissilesHe is the _ of ChinaAleaderBprideCvoice12 . You have to believe in _. Thats the secret of success.AyourByourselfCyouDyours13 . My father has worked as a surgeon since he graduated from Beijing Medical University. So he is now?Ain 1990; in his fortiesBin 1990s; in his fortyCin the 1990; in the fortiesDin the 1990s; in his fortieth14 . Therea panda and two lions in yesterdays film.AwereBwasChad15 . Wont people work in the future?_. Robots will only do some of the work for people.AYes, they willBYes, they wontCNo, they willDNo, they wont16 . Are you going to Tibet for vacation? Yes. I want you to _ me with some information about it. AofferBprovideCshowDgive17 . - - -Can you come to Susans party? - - -Oh,_.Thanks.AYes, pleaseBYes, I wouldCId love to18 . Tickets for Friday?Sorry weve got _ left.AnothingBnoneCnoDno one二、完型填空完形填空This is Alice White . She is from Canada . She is twelve_old . She is_Class Eight , Grade Seven . She has big eyes and long hair_mother is_English teacher . She has a sister . She is a student ,_. They are in the same school but in different classes.19 . AyearsBmonthCyear20 . AinBfromCat21 . AHeBHisCHer22 . AanBaCthe23 . AtoBandCtoo三、阅读单选(2017湖南永州)On Dec.28,a small satellite(卫星)was launched(发射)into space from Taiyuan,Shanxi.It was a big news for students at Beijing Bayi School.After all,they designed the satellite.With the help of space scientists,more than 30 students built this satellite(12cm long,11cm wide and 27cm tall).This is the first satellite designed and built by middle school students in China.This August,the school worked with the China Center For Aerospace Science and Technology International Communications(CCASTIC中国航天科技国际交流中心)and started the satellite program.It allowed space experts to teach students about basic knowledge of satellites.After several months of hard work,students designed their own satellite.Their main achievement was the design of the satellites function(功能) in space.“We worked together and came up with more than 10 ideas.But after tests and experiments we settled on four,”Zhu Xun,16,told BeijingEveningNews.Indeed,they have to consider the weight of the satellite.The satellite will stay in space more than 180 days.Its functions include taking pictures of Earth,radio communication and sending information to Earth.The students hope that the satellite can take photos of smog,typhoon(台风)and other weather conditions.The students were divided into five groups.The group members worked closely to make satellite models“Every time we think the satellite we are designing will fly into space,we are excited and try to do experiments.”said Shen Shulang,17.They also visited the Chinese Academy Of Sciences and other organizations to get inspiration(灵感).24 . designed the satellite.A. Students from Beijing Bayi SchoolB. Some space scientistsC. Some space experts25 . The satellite can NOT.A. take pictures of EarthB. send informationC. predict the information26 . The underlined phrase “settled on” means in Chinese.A. 计算 B. 确定C. 总计27 . helped the students build the small satellite.A. The schoolB. Space scientistsC. CCASTIC28 . Whats the main idea of the passage?A. The first student-designed satellite was launched into space.B. Space experts taught the students about the basic knowledge of satellites.C. Students visited some science organization to get inspiration.Taking away a citys rubbish is a big job. Every day trucks come into a city to collect it. Most rubbish is made up of things we cant eat or use. If we kept these things, we would soon have a mountain of rubbish.In some cities the rubbish is collected and taken outside of city to a dump. Often the city dump is placed where the ground is low or there is a big hole. The kitchen rubbish is broken into small pieces and sent into the sewage system. The sewage system takes away the used water from toilets, bathtubs and other places.To keep mice and flies away, some earth is used to cover the newly dumped rubbish. Later, grass may be planted on the rubbish-filled land. Finally , a house or a school may be built there, and then youd never know that this had once been an old rubbish dump.In other cities the rubbish is burnt in special places. The fire burns everything but the metal. Sometimes the metal can be used again in factories where things are made of metal. The food parts of rubbish are put in special piles where they slowly change into something called humus, which looks like black earth. It is rich with kinds of things that feed plants and help make them grow.29 . The underline word “sewage” in the passage means_A排污B染色C洗涤 D洗尘30 . How can we keep the mice and flies away?ASome water is used to cover the rubbish. BSome earth can be used to cover the rubbish. CThe fire burns the rubbish.DThe sewage system takes away the rubbish.31 . According to the passage, the food parts of rubbish can be used again_.Ato feed animalsBto feed plantsCto build a houseDto make machines32 . How should we take care of a used metal box according to the passage?ABy burning it offBBy putting it in waterCBy throwing it awayDBy reusing and recycling it.33 . The main idea of the passage is _A to let us know taking away rubbish is a big job.B. to explain the need for rubbish collectionC. to introduce different ways to treat rubbishD. to tell people to take useful things out of rubbishThis is a picture of Mr. Lis family. The man in the middle is Mr. Li. The woman is Mr. Lis wife. They have two sons. The child behind Mr.Li is Li Lei. Hes thirteen. The other in front of Mrs. Li is Li Ming. He is eleven. Li Lei and Li Ming are in the same school, but not in the same grade. Li Lei is in Grade Two. Li Ming is in Grade One. They are good students.34 . There are _ people in the picture.AthreeBfourCfiveDsix35 . LiLei and Li Ming_ in the same grade.AisBisntCareDarent36 . Mr. and Mrs. Li have _.Aone boy, one girlBtwo childrenCtwo girlsDone boy37 . Li Ming is _ brother.AMr. LisBMrs. LisCLi LeisDwe dont know.38 . How old are Li Lei and Li Ming? Theyre _.Aeleven and thirteenBeleven and twelveCtwelve and elevenDthirteen and eleven四、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子39 . The Browns have moved into a new flat. It is on the _ floor.( twelve)40 . Keep these books on the shelf. They are very _ to us.( help)41 . I have got your _ and I will come to your birthday party on time.(invite )42 . _, someone picked up her wallet and gave it back to her. (luck )43 . A policemans job is to make our city a _ place. (safety)适当形式填空44 . Although she just started to learn English, she can speak it with _A(fluent)45 . He tried very hard and finally got his _ rightA(pronounce)46 . I had an _ experience when I went on a tour of the cityA(forget)47 . The _ often studies animals and plants and knows a lot about themA(biology)48 . We all are looking forward to _ the space in the near futureA(explore)五、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词填空because, history, so, what, Monday49 . My favorite subject is _. I think its very interesting.50 . Why do you like music? _its fun and relaxing.51 . _ is in the box? Its a purple pen.52 . _ is the second day of a week.53 . Science is not interesting _ I dont like it.六、填写适当的句子补全对话情景交际。根据对话内容,从方框内选出五个合适的句子补全对话。其中有两项是多余的A: Good morning. 54 . B: My name is Daming. And whats your name?A: Im Jack Smith.B: Hello, Jack!55 . A: No, Im not. Im from America.B: Oh.56 . A: Yes, I am.B: Oh, Im in Shanghai International School, too.A:57 . B:No, I cant. But I can speak English.A:58 . B: Yes, I can.A: Great! We can play basketball together(一起).七、句子配对59 . I swam in the river and caught a small fish yesterday afternoon.-_Ayou are welcomeBwhat funCEnjoy yourselfDthats right60 . 一_?一Its seven thirty .AWhat day is it todayBWhat is the date, pleaseCHow much do you wantDWhats the time ,please八、填空Almost every kid in this country has ever eaten Hershey chocolate. But do you know that the Hershey chocolate factory is more than one hundred years old? And do you know that the father of Hershey Chocolate, Milton Hershey, had many failures in business before he started his famous company?Milton Hershey grew up in Pennsylvania. Before he became interested in making chocolate, he worked as a printer for a small newspaper at first, and then decided that printing was not the right job for him.Then he worked at a candy factory in Lancaster. After working a few years there, he decided to open his own little candy business near Philadelphia. His first business failed because it was not making money. After that, he went to Denver to learn how to make caramels(焦糖). He took his new skills back to New York and worked selling candies on the street. But his second business also failed.Finally, Milton Hershey moved back to Pennsylvania where he grew up. He then experimented with all sorts of different candies and chocolate. By 1893 he was selling a million dollars worth of caramel candy each year. Since his chocolate-flavored(巧克力味的) caramels were the best selling, he decided to make chocolate himself.By experimenting, Milton Hershey discovered how to make delicious chocolate. The area where he lived had a large and easy supply of milk and sugar, which helped him succeed in his chocolate business. In 1903, Milton Hershey built a huge chocolate factory and a town to go with it.Today, the town of Hershey is still the home if the factory that Milton Hershey built. And if you ever visit, you can smell delicious chocolate smells just bu driving through the town.The factory is not so hard to find, Just travel down Cocoa Avenue until you get to East Chocolate Avenue. Turn right at the traffic lights and just follow your nose.61 . Who is the father of Hershey Chocolate?62 . Where did he grow up?63 . Why did he go to Denver?64 . Why did he decide to make chocolate himself?65 . What might be the reasons for Hersheys success in his chocolate business?任务型阅读 ( 将下列人物与事件配对)(5分)66 . I love animals, and I want to be a volunteer when I leave school.67 . I love playing with children, I can read stories for them.68 . I love books. Reading is my favorite. I want to spend time doing something I love to do.69 . I dont know what I can do. Maybe I can go around the city, you see, I have a bicycle.70 . Those sick people are so sad. I think I can sing for them and cheer them up.Avisit the sick people in the hospitalBsend out the adsChelp work in the animal hospital Dlook after young children after schoolEhelp work in the City Library九、话题作文71 . 根据中英文提示写一段话。要求:意思连贯、符合逻辑,字数不少于60词。体育运动不仅对健康很重要,而且对学习也有帮助。进入毕业班后,很多同学忽视了体育锻炼。班级准备召开班会,就如何处理好学校与运动的关系展开讨论,请你以“Studies and Sports”为题写一段话。说明:1、运动的重要性。2、你是如何从事自己喜欢的运动的?3、怎么处理好运动和学习的关系。提示词语:important, build up muscles, be busy doing, practice running Studies and Sports十、其他请根据提示,选择图片,完成下列各小题,再根据实际情况回答60小题。72 . Lin Ling is in a school.She is 14 years old.73 . Toms mother works in a school.74 . Toms father works at a hospital.75 . Lin Lings uncle has got a big hotel.He is the manager.76 . What is your fathers job?He is_ .第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、句子配对1、2、八、填空1、2、九、话题作文1、十、其他1、

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