牛津译林版 八年级英语上册 8A Unit4 单元检测卷

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牛津译林版 八年级上册 8A Unit4 单元检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Independence Day is a public holiday, but Americans only have one day.AabroadBoffCoverDaloud2 . The airfresh(新鲜的)after the rain. And the sky is blue.AlooksBsmellsCfeelsDlistens3 . Peter, _ more if you want to get high scores in the P.Atest next month.BpracticeCpracticesDpracticingEwill practice4 . -Dont leave the water running after washing your hands.-_AOK, I will.BIm afraid not.CSorry, I wontDIt doesnt matter5 . You can new words in your e-dictionary.Alook upBlook atClook forDlook around6 . He _ his coat and went out.AworeBwas wearingCputs onDput on7 . A:Do you like(喜欢)sports?B:Yes. We have many:basketball, ping-pong, soccer, and more.Asports club B. sports clubs C. sport club D. sport clubs8 . Luke _ the final exams, so his parents punished him by not letting him play video games.AtookBfailedCfinishedDpassed9 . Rita her mother know my address. They often drop by my home.ANot; butBBoth; andCEither; orDNot only; but also10 . Can you go _ on school nights?AupBout ofCoutDin11 . Im not happy, because I argued _my best friend _the gift.Ato, aboutBas, onClike, onDwith, about12 . I am _ to be a computer programmer in the future. Ago toBgoesCgoDgoing13 . Is this your watch? Please call Alan_ 5353-4691.AforBatCtoDin14 . When something _ you, I will always help you, so dont _ it.Aworries about; worryBworries about; worry aboutCworries; worry aboutDworries; worry15 . If it tomorrow, well go to the park.Adoesnt rain Bisnt rain Cwont rain二、完型填空“If Mom finds that Im going to the beach, Ill be in trouble,” I said to myself.I walked slowly and tried not to make any _. A few minutes later, I got out of the house and started _ to the bus stop quickly. After half an hour, I was at the _ with my friends, Jimmy and Bobby. We began to play volleyball _. Suddenly, Bobby _ the ball too hard and it flew into the sea. I thought my _ skill was good, so I decided to _ the ball.I jumped into the water and started swimming _ the ball. However, after about ten minutes, I got cramp(抽筋)in my legs and I_ swim. I tried hard to control my _ and began to swim back to the beach. But soon I felt too _ to swim any further.Luckily, a boat soon reached and _ me. When I _, I was in a hospital. After a few minutes, my parents walked in with angry and _ faces. They were angry with me for my going out of the house, but they soon glad because the doctor said I was not badly_.I will never forget that terrible experience and never want to do it again.16 . AtroubleBdecisionCvoiceDnoise17 . AwalkingBdrivingCrunningDriding18 . AhouseBbeachCstationDschool19 . AangrilyBsadlyCquietlyDhappily20 . AheldBgotChitDcaught21 . AswimmingBwritingCreadingDlearning22 . AgetBcatchCfindDwin23 . AforBtowardsCwithDby24 . AneedntBmustCcouldntDcould25 . AfeetBheadCarmsDbody26 . AlazyBtiredCrelaxDfree27 . AsavedBmissedCfollowedDdrove28 . Abrought outBdressed upCfound outDwoke up29 . AworriedBfriendlyChappyDbored30 . AlostBhurtCbehavedDaffected三、阅读单选There are 50 students in Class 7. Now they are doing a survey about how they spend their pocket money. Some spend it on books, and others spend it visiting. What about you? Please read the form and answer the questions.51512513Buy some CDs and computer games.Buy some snacks and drinks.Buy some books in the bookshop.Save it up and spend it traveling on holiday.Buy some gifts for friends.31 . How many students will spend money on CDs and computer games?A10.B12.C13.D5.32 . What do the most students do with their pocket money?ABuy some CDs and computer games.BBuy some snacks and drinks.CBuy some gifts for their friends.DBuy some books in the bookshop.33 . How many students spend their pocket money traveling?A10.B5.C12.D13.34 . Which students are more than the students who spend money on gifts?AThe students who buy CDs.BThe students who buy some books.CThe students who buy some snacks and drinks.DThe students who spend money traveling.35 . Which of the following is TRUE?AStudents who spend money on CDs and computer games are more than those who spend money on snacks and drinks.B10% students save up their pocket money and spend it traveling on holiday.CThere are 60 students in Class 7 and no one wants to save up their pocket money.DStudents in Class7 spend their pocket money mainly in four ways.Long ago in a small village, there was a place called the House of 1,000 Mirrors(镜子).A small, happy little dog learned about this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he jumped happily up the stairs and to the doorway of the house. He looked through the doorway. His ears lifted up, and his tail wagged as fast as it could. To his great surprise, he found himself looking at 1,000 other happy little dogs with their tails wagging just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile and he found 1,000 great smiles that were just as warm and friendly. As he left the house, he thought to himself: “This is a wonderful place. I will come back to visit often.”In this same village, another little dog, who was not quite as happy as the other one, decided to visit the house. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung (垂下) his head low as he looked into the doorway. When he saw the 1,000 unfriendly-looking dogs looking back at him, he growled at them. He was afraid when he saw 1,000 little dogs barking back. As he left, he thought to himself: “That is a terrible place. I will never go back there again.”All the faces in the world are mirrors of you. What kind of reflections (反映) do you see in the faces of people you meet?36 . Why was the first dog surprised when he went into the house?ABecause everything was strange to him.BBecause he found that the dogs looked sad.CBecause he didnt know there were 1,000 mirrors.DBecause he saw so many happy dogs smiling at him.37 . The first dog wanted to visit the house often because _.Ahe liked the mirrors thereBhe made many friends thereChe felt he was welcomed thereDhe got lots of knowledge there38 . How was the second dog feeling when he visited the house?AExcitedBNervous. CWorried.DUnhappy.39 . The underlined word “growl” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_”.AshoutBsmileClookDrun40 . What does the story tell us?AMirrors can tell whether(是否) you are happy or not.BIf you show life a smile, life will smile back.CEveryone in the world should believe in each other.DHappy people are more popular than unhappy ones.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号中所给的中英文提示或音标写出单词, 使句子惫思完整正确。41 . Whats the total_ (数量) of the students in your class?42 . Lily usually sleeps_(少)than 6 hours every night.43 . Different people have different_ (how one lives).44 . She doesnt feel _(舒适的)to travel alone.45 . The governments of the USA and Russia say no one can kill polar bears for their soft and_ /smu/五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空46 . He wears dark glasses _(protect)his eyes from the sun.47 . There are a lot of ways _(save)animals in danger.48 . If we work harder,our life will become _(good).49 . He sent an email _(tell)people what was happening.50 . These animals have no place _(live)in.51 . Our parents advise us _(drink)more water every day.六、汉译英:整句. 翻译句子52 . 当一匹马失去控制时是很危险的。_53 . 我六岁时就对弹钢琴感兴趣。_54 . 我足够幸运被选作班长。_55 . 他们从月球上带回了一些岩石,以供进一步研究。_56 . 由于他的出色服务,他被授予自由勋章。_七、材料作文57 . 书面表达假如明天是你妈妈的生日,你想为妈妈做一份炒饭,请根据所给内容提示,写一篇你做炒饭的过程。参考词汇:1. fried rice,cooked meat,oil,salt,green onions(葱);2. cook,cut,put,fry,add;3. carefully,finely(细微地),slowly,lightly。要求:1. 语言表达准确,语意通顺、连贯;2. 根据所给内容及参考词汇,可适当发挥;3. 文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名;4. 词数:70词左右。文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数。Tomorrow is my mothers birthday. _第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、汉译英:整句1、七、材料作文1、


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