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英语常用短语的用法与练习(8)36. come into being 形成;产生,发生,出现(不可用于被动语态或进行时);例句:We do not know when this world came into being. 我们不知道世界是何时形成的。 When did the Roman Empire come into being?罗马帝国是什么时候形成的?Magazinescome into beingto voice the new sentiments in the air.鼓吹新风尚的刊物纷纷问世。短语:come into existence 形成;产生;开始存在;come into effect/ force/ operation开始生效;开始实施;come into use 开始被使用;come into power上台执政;come into fashion 开始流行;come into office 就职;come into action 开始行动;配套练习:单项填空:Before the computer _ , people could never imagine it could bring about such great changes to human life. A. came into being B. was discovered C. was come into being D. was formed Once a bad man comes into _, the people of that country will suffer a lot. A. energyB. officeC. powerD. nationIt is said that this old building has _ for more than three hundred years. A.existed B.appeared C.been built D.come into beingDo you know when did the world _? A. come into being B. come C. formed D. existed37. come to life 复活;苏醒;变得活跃;恢复生气;例句:I love to watch everything come to life in spring. 我喜欢看到春天万象更新。In a few minutes Tom suddenly came to life. 过了一小会儿,汤姆突然苏醒过来。The quiet girl has come to life since she worked as a saleswoman.那个少言寡语的姑娘自从当上售货员后变得活跃了起来。The doctor brought the patient to life after a few minutes treatment. 经过几分钟的治疗,医生让这个病人苏醒过来。短语:bring sb./sth. to life使某人/某事苏醒;使生动;使活泼;come out 出现;出版;结果是;come to 加起来总共有(共计);谈到;涉及;突然想到;come up with 提出;想出;come about 发生;产生;come across 偶遇;偶然发现;比较:come to life苏醒过来;恢复知觉;变得活跃;振作起来;活灵活现;表现生动;惟妙惟肖出现 come back to life复活;恢复健康,苏醒过来配套练习:(1).完成句子: 春天来临,万物复苏。Spring is here and everything _ . 鲜花可以使沉闷的房间恢复生气。Flowers can _ a dull room back _ .(2).单项填空When the teacher told the students they would have 3 days vacation, they _ at once.A. came to themselves B. came to lives C. came to their sense D. came to life Childrencometolifeatfestivaltimes. A.come to lives B.cometolife C.come back to life D.came to life Youre very cool with your brother, but with your friends you reallycome to life. A.friendly with B.getting on well with C. cool with D.afraid of The wounded soldier came to life again. A.cometolife B.came to life C.came to lives D.come back to life 38. come up走近;上来;提出;(植物)长出地面,(太阳)升起,发生,出现例句:The little boy came up to the stranger and showed him how to get to the police station. 小男孩向陌生人走去,并告诉他去警察局的路。We wont forget the day when we watched the sun come up on top of the Tai Mountain. 我们不会忘记一同在泰山顶看日出的那天。It is certain that the question will come up at the meeting.这个问题在会议上一定会被提出来的。The snowdrops are just beginning to come up. 雪莲花刚刚开始长出地面。How come her French is so bad if she spent 5 years in pairs?她在巴黎待了5年,但她的法语怎么这么糟糕。When it comes to getting things done, he is useless. 一涉及到做事,他便不中用了。come短语:come true变成现实,成为现实;come across邂逅;come about 发生;come at向扑来,攻击;come from来自;come out出版;开花;结果是;come up with 想出;come round绕道而来;苏醒;come down落下,塌下;come along 跟着来、快点; come over(从远处)来到;横过;come into use开始使用;how come .?(表示理解)怎么回事?when it comes to sth. 当涉及某事时;配套练习:(1)单项填空They arent afraid when they _ the difficulties in their study. A. come up B. come to C. come about D. come out Hi, Sam. Were going for a walk. Would you like to _?Great! Lets go.A. come along B. come on C. come out D. come upHis wish to become a policeman will _ some day, Im sure. A. come out B. come back C. come true D. come inI am afraid something urgent has _. A. come out B.come up C.come on D.come back (2)用come构成的短语填空The hunter walked across the forest when suddenly a bear _ him.The magazine_ once a month.I wish you can_ to England on your holiday.The engineers have_ new ways of saving energy.They _ an old school friend in the street this morning.39. concentrate on 集中;全神贯注于;用法:concentrate on 意思是集中精力于, 可直接接名词concentrate on sth 或接动词ing concentrate on doing sth 或 concentrate ones effort on sth/doing sth. 例句:I cant concentrate (on my studies) with that noise going on. 吵闹声不绝于耳, 我无法集中精力(于学习)。We must concentrate our efforts on improving education. 我们必须致力于改进教育工作。Having failed my French exams, I decided to concentrate on science subjects. 我因法语考试不及格而决心专攻理科。This firm concentrates on the European market. 这家公司把工作重点集中在欧洲市场。短语:concentrate ones mind/attention on (upon)= fix ones attention on = focus on = be absorbed in 把注意力集中在;put ones heart into sth.全身心地做某事;devote oneself to sth./doing sth. 把自己奉献给;concentrated adj. 极度的; 紧张的; 浓缩的;concentrated study/hate/effort紧张的学习/强烈的仇恨/专心致志的努力;concentrated fire集中的火力;concentrated food压缩食品;配套练习:(1).完成句子 _ (集中精力)your study if you want to catch up with the class. He _(投身于)helping the people in need. He set a good example for us.(2).单项填空She was so _ in her job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door. A. absorbed B. attracted C. drawn D. concentratedAll her energies are _ upon her children and she seems to have little time for anything else. A. aimed B. concentrated C. Guided D. Directed Please be quiet,the children are concentrating on their homework A.are concentrating B.are concentrated C.concentrate D.concentrated If you dont concentrate more on your work youll be dismissed A.dismiss B.dismissed C.dismissed D.to dismiss 40. as far as one is concerned就而言;例句:As far as I am concerned,I cant object to your marriage.就我(个人)而言,我不反对你们的婚事。As far as English is concerned,he is the best in our class.就英语学习方面来说,他是我们班最优秀的。as as短语:asso long as 只要; 像一样长;as soon as . 一就;as much as尽量多地;as far as 远到;就;concern短语: show concern for somebody 对某人表示关心;be concerned about/ for 关心、挂念;be concerned with/ in something参与、与某事有关;concern oneself about/ in/ with关心、忙于;concern somebody 跟某人有关、涉及;be concerned with sth.牵涉,与有关;参与; be concerned about/for/over sth.担心;关心某事; 配套练习:(1).翻译句子 就我而言, 我完全支持你的想法。就这项规则来说,没人能找到它出自何处。(2).单项填空She showed great concern _ her daughter. A. in B. to C. for D. at This murderer _ them deeply. A. concerns B. is concerned C. is concerning D. was concerned The childs mother was very _ for his safety when he didnt come back from school at the usual time. A. afraid B. worried C. concerned D. careful The meeting was concerned _ reforms and everyone present was concerned _ their own interests. A. with; for B. with; with C. for; about D. about; withThe meeting was concerned _ reforms and everyone present was concerned _ their own interests. A. with; for B. for; which C. for; about D. about; withKeys:36. ACAA37. (1). comes to life bring; to life (2). DBCB38. (1). BACB (2). came at comes out come over come up with came across39. (1). Put your heart into/Concentrate your mind on devoted himself to (2). ABAB40. (1). As far as I am concerned, I completely support your idea.As far as the rule is concerned, no one can find out where it comes. (2). CACAA


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