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人教版2019-2020学年七年级第二学期期中英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The accident happened _Saturday.AatBinCon2 . My names John Green.Whats your_name?Green.AfirstBgivenClastDfull3 . Students_ Yuying School can join in a lot of wonderful games_ the Sports Day.Ain; atBin; onCon; onDat; in4 . -What do you think of _ film The Founding of a Republic (建国大业) ?-Its really _ exciting one . I can see lots of famous actors in it .Athe , anBthe , aCa ,theDthe , /5 . -Can you go cycling with me this weekend2-_. Il go to the Helping Hands Club.ASounds greatBIm afraid notCIm not sureDI dont think so6 . - Why didnt you go to see the film yesterday?- Because it was _.Aanything interestingBsomething interestingCnothing interesting7 . I think the best way to keep healthy is /ru/ exercise.AthoughBthroughCalthoughDthought8 . We are glad to hear that the Greens _ to a new flat next week.AmoveBmovedCwill moveDhave moved9 . Miss Miller is really a nice teacher. She teaches _ English patiently.AweBourCusDours10 . _ of us felt very tired but quite happy after _ sports meeting.AEveryone, a two daysBEvery one, the two daysCEvery one, the two-dayDNone, a two-day11 . I dont know _ he will come tomorrow or not ,_he comes , Ill tell you.Aif; whetherBwhether; whetherCif; thatDwhether; if12 . _ is it from your work place?About thirty minutes drive.AHow longBHow farCHow soonDHow often13 . We mustnt be nervous when we are in danger. We should cool.Atake Bstay CliveDmake14 . My uncle often reads about sports and _ sports, _.Aplay, tooBplay, alsoCplays, tooDplays, also15 . How is it going, Miller?_, thanks.ANot at allBSureCYes, goodDNot bad二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。A. Its really nice of you.,B. Im glad you are back now.,C. Im sorry to hear that.,D. What else did you do there?,E.I dont like the watch.,F.I havent seen you for a long time.,G. Shes much better now.A: Good morning ,Mary.B: Good morning, Mike.A: 61.16 . B: I went to London to see my parents. My grandma was ill.A: 62.17 . I hope shes OK now.B: Thank you.63.18 . She has been able to walk now.A: Its great.64.19 . B: I visited many of my friends. And we paid a visit to Big Ben and did some shopping as well. Oh, I bought you a watch, Mike. And I will bring it to you tomorrow morning.A: 65.20 . Thank you.B: Youre welcome!三、完型填空Mr. Evans lives and works in Sydney. Last week he had a_holiday, but he didnt know_ to go. He said to his friend Robert “I hate the hot weather here, but I cant_a cool place in Australia. Where should I go_a holiday?”“Thats easy,” said Robert, ” You can go to Moscow. Snow and ice are covering the ground there now.” Mr. Evens_ his advice. He bought a plane ticket and_Moscow. He enjoyed himself there, but one day he got into trouble. After lunch_a cold day, he went to a park in the city. He found that a dog followed him when he walked_a house. It seemed hungry. Maybe it wanted some food_,he thought. However, Mr. Evans had_ food in his pockets. He tried to make the dog_, but it began to bark at him. Just at that moment, he _a small stone on the ground. He tried to pick it up, but he_.“_strange these Russians are!” Mr. Evans said to_.”They tie up stones instead of their dogs.21 . Atwo weeksBtwo-weeksCtwo weeksDtwo-week22 . AwhatBwhichCwhereDhow23 . Athink ofBthink aboutCthink overDthought of24 . AtoBforCinDover25 . AcaughtBthoughtCfollowedDforgot26 . Areached inBarrived inCget toDarrived27 . AinBonCatDwith28 . ApassedBpastedCpastDpass29 . AeatBeatingCto eatDate30 . AnothingBnoCnoneDsome31 . Atake awayBthrow awayCgo awayDput away32 . AsawBheardCwatchedDlistened33 . AcantBwontCcouldntDmay not34 . AWhat aBHow aCWhatDHow35 . AitselfBhimselfCmyselfDyourselfBe happy to do anything even though it is very tiny.In fact,theres no single thing that is not worth doing or you are not able to do.So living a happy life with a light heart is the most important.A good mood decides your quality of life.Then _ can you live a happy life?Make each day meaningful(重要的) by helping someone or just making someone smile.The feeling which makes you want to help others _ at the bottom of your heart.Happiness depends on your feelings in your heart.Helping others is helping yourself.By helping others,you _ more.Seeing their satisfied smile will make you feel _ of what you have done.Face difficulties bravely in your life._ may meet with difficulties.No one can avoid them.The difficulties can teach you a lot.They are your treasure.They will help you to be closer to _Focus on the good experiences you _ in the past few years.Be grateful to life.Dont think too much about the negative things.They _ bad weather.Bad weather will pass sooner or later,so will the negative things.You may find many dead ends in your life,but you will _ find your way out of them.Everything will get better at last.Never worry about the things you cant change.Worrying isnt useful.Worrying can neither change the situation _ solve any problem.Perhaps,not every dream will be realized;not every effort will be completed.Never mind,and take it easy.Come on,everybody!Lets live a happy life with a light heart and enjoy the beautiful sunshine every day.36 . AwhatBhowCwhyDwhen37 . AstayBstayingCstaysDto stay38 . Aare givingBwill giveCwill be givenDgave39 . AproudBafraidCtiredDsad40 . ASomebodyBNobodyCEverybodyDAnybody41 . AendingBsuccessCtroubleDsuggestion42 . Ahave hadBhaveChasDare having43 . Aare different fromBare fond ofCare similar toDare worried about44 . AalwaysBseldomCneverDhardly45 . AalsoBnorCorDbut四、阅读单选A bus stops at the bus station. Its 8:00a.m.Mr. Brown looks out of the window and he sees a woman. The woman is selling cakes. People from other buses buy a lot. He also wants to buy one. He doesnt have breakfast at home this morning. But the woman is far from his bus. And he doesnt want to go out.At that time, he sees a boy. He is not far from the bus. “Come here, boy!” Mr. Brown calls to him.“Do you know how much those cakes are?”Mr. Brown asks the boy.“Thirty cents for one,”The boy answers.Mr Brown gives sixty cents to the boy and asks him to buy two cakes. Mr. Brown says,“One cake is for you and the other is for me.”After five minutes, the boy comes back with one cake. He eats the cake and gives thirty cents to Mr. Brown and says, There is only one left.46 . Mr. Brown wants to have a cake for_.AbreakfastBlunchCsupperDdinner47 . Mr. Brown asks the boy to buy a cake because_.Athe boy knows the womanBhe doesnt want to leave the bus.Che wants to buy one for the boy.Dhe doesnt like the woman.48 . Which of the following is NOT true?AThe bus stops at the station at eight in the morning.BThe woman is selling cakes.CMr. Brown wants to have a cake.DOne cake is twenty cents.49 . The underline word“left”means _.in Chinese.A离开的B剩下的C美味的D能吃的50 . From this passage we know that_.AMr. Brown knows the boy very wellBLots of people in Mr. Browns bus buy cakes.CThe bus leaves before the boys back.DMr. Brown doesnt have the cake.Australia is the greatest island in the world. It is to the south of the equator. So when it is summer in our country, it is cold winter in Australia.Australia is big, but the population there is thin. The population is the same as that of Shanghai, a city of China. Australia is a young, diverse nation and the Australian people come from many different countries.Australia has many, many sheep. After a short drive from town, you will see sheep around you. You can also find a kangaroo which has a “bag” below its chest. The mother kangaroo keeps its babies in the “bag”.Australia is considered to be a relaxed, informal society. When greeting others, students and young people usually say “Hello” or “Hi”. Sometimes they say “Hows it going?” or “G day”. In more formal (正式的) situations they usually shake hands the first time they meet. “Good morning”, “Good afternoon” or “Pleased to meet you” are formal greetings. English is Australias national language.51 . Australia is the greatest island in the world. The word “island” means _.A国家B城市C山脉D岛屿52 . Australia has the same population as _.AShanghaiBChinaCBeijingDJapan53 . When it is summer in Australia, it is _ in China.AspringBautumnCwinterDsummer54 . When Australian people meet for the first time, they will _.Akiss each otherBhug (拥抱) each otherCnod to each otherDshake hands55 . Which statement is RIGHT according to the passage?AAustralia has a large population.BA kangaroo is a kind of sheep in Australia.CYoung people sometimes say “Hows it going?” or “G day” to greet others.DWhen you drive in Australia, you can see many horses.Today is the fifth day of July. It is Judys birthday. When she comes back home from school, she sees a card on the table. It says, “Theres a present (礼物) for you, Judy. Look for (寻找) it in your bedroom.” Judy runs into her bedroom. Her parents are looking at her and smiling. On the chair she sees a red box. She thinks her present is in it. She opens it, and there is a piece of paper in it, “Dear Judy, Im your present. My first letter (字母) is in the word dear, but not in pear. My second letter is in red, but not in bed. My third letter is in bus, and in four. And you can find my last letter is in both (两个都) home and music. What am I?” Judy thinks for a while and says, “Aha, I know. But where is it?” Her father tells her it is in her drawer.What is it? Do you know?56 . When is Judys birthday?AJuly 5th.BJune 5th.CJuly 15th.DJune 15th.57 . Which picture stands for (代表) the word “smiling”?ABCD58 . Where can Judy find her present?AOn the chair.BIn her drawer.CIn the box.DIn the living room.59 . Which order (顺序) is right?Judy runs into her bedroom.Judy opens a red box.Judys father tells her it is in her drawer.Judy comes back home from school.ABCD60 . What is Judys present?AA clock.BA schoolbag.CA drum.DA dictionary.Hello, Im Mike. I like watching television and playing computer games. I can play football and basketball. I like basketball. I like basketball best(最).My favourite food is cake. I like spring. Its cool in spring.Hello, Im Mary. I like singing and dancing. My favourite sport is swimming. My favourite colour is red. My favourite food is fish. I like summer. My sister likes summer, too. what about you?61 . Marys favourite sport is_.ArunningBswimmingCwalkingDplaying basketball62 . Marys favourite food is_.AcakeBfishCeggsDbread63 . Mike likes_.AsingingBreadingCwritingDplaying computer games五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填一词)64 . All of these birthday foods may be different in different countries, but the i_ are the same.65 . A true friend reaches for your hand and t_your heart.66 . Some people think the stones can prevent illness and keep people healthy, but other people believe the stones have a medical p_.67 . Dont stand a_the wall. It looks like it is going to fall.68 . I would r_stay at home than go out for a walk.69 . By reading English 30 minutes a day, you can learn more words and i_ your writing.70 . Women sometimes have to make a c_between family and career.71 . A_ is the eighth month of the year.72 . His left leg was b_hurt after a serious traffic accident and he still cant walk now.73 . The novel Wandering Earth which is w_by Liu Cixin is now very popular all over the world.六、回答问题Last weekend Victor joined in an interesting event at the Civic Center. It was the Bamboo Expo. I advise that anyone who likes to learn about new things should go there next weekend. Its your last chance, Victor told his friends this morning.Victor didnt think he would enjoy it very much, but he really did. He never dreamed that so many things could be made from bamboo. In countries such as China, Japan and India, people have used bamboo in many ways for thousands of years. One display at the Expo was set up as a bamboo hut, like many found in Southeast Asia. The walls were bamboo. The roof was covered with bamboo leaves. The pipes bringing water into the house and out into the fields were bamboo. So were the cooking pots, drinking cups and shoes. Even the bed was made of bamboo.Victor also learned that it isnt just pandas that eat tender bamboo shoots. The shoots are eaten with rice by millions of people in Asia.Here in the US, were just getting to ,know bamboo, Victor said. Were starting to realize how useful this light but strong plant can be. Ill never think of bamboo in the same way again. Now Ill see it in my home, thanks to what I bought at the show. Check it out! Theres much to see, buy and learn.74 . When will the Bamboo Expo end?75 . Did Victor think he would enjoy the Bamboo Expo before he went there?76 . How long have people in China, Japan and India used bamboo?77 . Whats the Chinese meaning for the underlined words a bamboo hut?78 . What does Victor mainly tell us in this passage?七、话题作文79 . 假如你是Tom, 请根据下表内容,给你的笔友Sandy写一封信介绍你家乡的情况。要求:1.不要逐句翻译, 要包含表格中所有内容;2.省略号部分适当发挥;3. 80词左右(开头结尾不计入总字数)。4.不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。地理位置芜湖北边;离芜湖市中心不远;开车大约50分钟居住环境空气清新;居民生活公园散步;湖上划船社会风尚邻里和睦;交通出行汽车、火车、私家车感受(自拟1-2句)Dear Sandy,Thank you for your letter. I am happy to tell you something about my hometown._All the bestTom第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、2、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、回答问题1、七、话题作文1、


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