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人教版七年级英语上册Unit3测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The girl felt worried because she had not _ her parents for long.AexpectedBdreamed ofCheard fromDlistened to2 . My English isnt good. You can ask the teacher_ help.AinBforCofDat3 . -How was your vacation?-_!I had a great time in London.ANot goodBTerribleCWonderfulDBoring4 . The lovely girl is from Class_name is Alice.AHisBHerCIts5 . Last week, the twins chose a pair of gloves for _mother as a birthday gift.AtheyBthemCtheirDtheirs6 . In this group,most of the members are .Atwenty year oldsBtwenty-year-oldCtwenty-year -olds7 . Sam, my mobile phone is in my bedroom. Could you it for me, please? No problem, Dad.AbringBcarryCtakeDfetch8 . _ you _ any apples?ADo; have;BAre; haveCAre; having;DDoes; have;9 . -_? - Yes, it is.AWhat is this in English ?BIs it a computer?CWhat is three and five ?DAre you nine?10 . -Thanks a lot. -. Which is not right?ANo thanksBThats rightCNo problemDYoure welcome11 . - Hello,Jane. Who teaches you English this term?- Miss Gu. We love _ very much.AheBsheChimDher12 . This is my cousin. _ names Tom.AHeBHisCHer13 . No matter how worse the_ was,he could deal with it successfully.Apollution .BsatisfactionCinformationDsituation14 . This is my friend. _name is Tony.AHisBYourCHerDMy15 . I know people in Austria speak _. So they dont have any trouble communicating with _.AGermany, GermansBGerman, GermanCGermans, GermansDGerman, Germans二、补全对话7选5任务型阅读根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Linda: Good morning. I lost my pencil box this morning.Man: OK.16 . Linda: No, it isnt. Thats my pencil box.Man: Here you are.Linda: And thats my friends school ID card.Man: 17 . Linda: Her name is Jenny White.Man:18 . Linda: J-E-N-N-Y-W-H-I-T-E.Man: OK. 19 . Linda:20 . Man: Youre welcome.AWhats her name?BHeres the school ID card.CWhats your name?DIs this your pencil box?E. Thank you for your help.F. Have a good day.G. How do you spell it?三、完型填空Today is Saturday and there _ a concert at Grand Concert Hall at 7:30 pm.Lily and Lucy _ there early,and they are reading the Notice(告示) to the Audience(听众)Notice to the AudienceAll the audience should _ neatly(整洁地),and if you dont,we wont let you _._ wear your slippers(拖鞋) into the concert hall.If you do,you wont go to the concert.Dont take food or drinks into the concert hall.If you do,we will take it _.Dont take photos during the concert.If you do,youll _ leave.Dont smoke in the concert hall.If you do,well ask you _.Please keep _ all your mobile phones (手机)during the concert.After reading the notice,Lucy reminds(提醒) Lily to put her camera into her bag,then they go _ the Grand Concert Hall.They are happy.21 . AisBis going to haveCwill haveDwill be22 . Aarrive atBreach toCarriveDget to23 . Aput onBhave onCdressDwear24 . AinBoutCawayDoff25 . APleaseBDontCNotDNo26 . AoffBoutCdownDaway27 . AmustBshouldChave toDought to28 . AleaveBto leaveCleavingDleft29 . AoutBonCdownDoff30 . AinBintoConDonto四、阅读单选Two months ago, my family moved to Planet Zox. There are species (物种) from many different planets on Planet Zox. In fact, I liked my new planet till it was time to start school.“Im worried,” I told my parents that first morning. “Nobody there will be like me.”“They dont have to be like you to be friends with you,” Mum said.When I got to school, I kept an eye out for other humans (人). I found a few in the halls, but I was the only one in my class. Nobody talked to me all morning. At lunch, I found that all the other humans were eating with other species. I found only one table with empty (空的) chairs. There, alone, sat one of my classmates, Hululialana. She had many tentacles (触手). I spoke to her with great care (关心), “Hello, Hululialana.” Slowly, one of her tentacles pulled (拉) a chair closer to me.I sat down. “Thank you,” I said. We looked at each other, then away. “Hows your first day going?” I quickly asked.“I wish I were still at my old school,” she said.“I miss my old school too,” I said. “But youre not the only human_Im the only Hulu.”I thought for a minute and said, “That makes you special.” “That makes me a freak (怪人),” she said.“Well, lets be freaks together.” Then, for the first time, Hululialana smiled.After that day, school on Planet Zox began to be pretty fun.31 . Before the writer went to his new school, he worried that _.Athe subjects would be difficultBthe school would be dangerousChe couldnt understand the teachersDhe would look different from others32 . The underlined part “kept an eye out for” in Paragraph 4 means “_”.A调查B负责C信赖D留心33 . What can we know about Hululialana?AShe lived close to the writer.BShe thought she was a freak.CShe was bored with her old school.DShe had fewer tentacles than the writer.34 . The underlined sentences show that Hululialana probably felt _.AluckyBproudCsadDangry35 . After the lunch, the writer and Hululialana might _.Abecome closeBleave Planet ZoxCget popular at schoolDgo to a different tableThere are some very interesting places in Vancouver, Canada. Please pay a visit to Vancouver and enjoy yourself here.Stanley Park Horse-Drawn ToursA one-hour tour. Operating daily, departing every 20 to 30 minutes, rain or shine.March 1October 31Adult: $31.99 Child: $16.99 (3-12years old)Phone number: 604-681-5115Website: www.stanleyparktours.comWater Slides(滑道)Heated slides & showersLarge picnic area (lowest price)Ice cold drinks18-hole mini-golfOpen weekends 10:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m.Phone number: 604-794-74551-888-883-8852Capilano Suspension BridgeIts the thrill of a lifetime. Capilano Suspension Bridge is 460 feet across and 230 feet above Capilano River.For more information, call 604-985-7474 or go to www.capbridge.com.Vancouver AquariumDiscover a world of fishes at the Vancouver Aquarium. Youll meet whales, seals, sharks, dolphins and 60,000 other creatures. Visit the caf and gift shop. Find out more, call 604-659-3400.36 . If Mr. Li wants to take a horse-drawn tour in Stanley Park with his 8-year-old son, how much should he pay for the tickets?A$16.99.B$31.99.C$48.98.D$46.98.37 . Where can you see different kinds of fishes?AAt Stanley Park.BAt Vancouver Aquarium.CAt Capilano Suspension Bridge.DAt Water Slides.38 . If you want to get more information about Capilano Suspension Bridge, you can call _.A604 -681-5115B604 -659 -3400C604 -985 -7474D604 -794 -7455五、句型转换根据汉语意思完成句子.39 . 听到你身体不好我很难过。Im _ to hear you are not _ well.40 . 学好英语很重要。_ to learn English well.41 . 我们的老师嗓子痛,或许她发烧了。Our teacher has a _. Maybe she has a _.42 . 我的压力很大,因为我的口语没有长进。Im _ because my speaking English isnt _.43 . 她需要放松,但她有许多作业要做。She needs to _, but she has _ homework to_.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空七、根据汉语提示,补全下列句子44 . I am so busy with my study that my mother _ (收拾好,整理好) my room for me.45 . The Taobao customer service has told me that they will send me the goods_(尽快).46 . In a word, you must try_(尽力) to protect the environment.47 . From his early age, he was taught by his mother_ lies (不要撒谎).48 . Lots of things _(出错) when I made the card for my mother.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空49 . Looking after pre-school children is very _ ( tiring).50 . We still lack a pair of _ (chopstick).51 . I like watching the _ (raise) of the national flag.52 . Rushton has done _ (wonder) for the industry.53 . The final word will still come from the Secretary of _ (state).54 . He is no more an _( invent ) than an engineer.55 . Now we live _ (far) away from the city centre.56 . A German _ ( science) interrupted me and asked if I came from China.57 . San Francisco is a city of great _ ( beautiful).58 . The main _(attract) of the place is the night life.八、回答问题Suppose you will travel with your parents to America. You family will stay there for four days and plan between 1500 dollars and 1600 dollars on hotel accommodation. Please make the flowing decisions for your parents according to the given tariff: (价格表)MAIN BUILDING WEST BUILDINGSuperior Single $ 418 Standard Double $180Standard Double $428 Superior Double $268Superior Double $528 Standard Single $100Standard Suite $888 Superior Single $218Superior Suite $1288Executive Suite $2288*Rate are subject to 15% service charge in the main Building and 10% in theWest Building.* Free shuttle bus to the airport and railway station.*Check-out time 12:00 noon.59 . Which building will you and your parents live in?60 . How many rooms will you book for your family?61 . What rooms will you book for your parents and yourself?62 . What time should you leave the hotel?63 . How will you go to the railway station so that you can reduce the cost?九、材料作文64 . ( A) Write a passage according to the information given. (30-50words)尊老敬老是中华传统美德,你是老年之家(the old peoples home)的负责人王强,在假期即将到来之际,你想要招聘与你志同道合,愿为公益事业服务的志愿者。请以此为话题拟一则招聘广告。(30-50词之间)提示:1要求有爱心,善沟通,2请有意者给你打电话686-7729。Volunteers Wanted_( B) Write a passage according to the title given. (80-100 words)生活中、学习中,父母的关爱、老师的付出,朋友的帮助成就了今天的你,让你走;境走向成功。此时此刻你一定有很多感谢的话要说。根据提示用英文写一篇短文。提示:1感谢对象:父母,老师,朋友(可选择一个对象或多个对象来写)。2感谢的原因:生活方面,学习方面,3美好祝福。要求:(1)词数:80-100词之间。(2)字迹工整,语言流畅,表达准确,逻辑清晰。(3)文章内容可适当发挥。Thanks_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、


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