外研版英语七年级下册Module 11 Unit 1同步测试卷

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外研版英语七年级下册Module 11 Unit 1同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . They are in the same grade, but in _ classes.ApossibleBimpossibleCinterestingDdifferent2 . Dont time on TV.Ato spend too muchBspend too muchCspend too manyDto spend too many3 . Heres your birthday present._! I cant believe my eyes.AHowBWhatCWhyDWhen4 . _? My watch doesnt work.AWhy are you hereBHow do you doCWhats wrongDWhats this5 . Lets _ volleyball. - That sounds goodAplayBto playCplaysDto plays6 . Can you speak ? Of course. My mother is a .ARussia; RussiaBRussia; RussianCRussian; RussianDRussian; Russia7 . Mickey Mouse was the first cartoon _ sound and music.AandBWithCinDof8 . - Its said that the plane MH370 from Malaysia got lost.- _ sad news.AWhat aBHow aCWhatDHow9 . (题文)- What day is the fifth day of a week?- Its _.ATuesdayBWednesdayCThursdayDFriday10 . What does your father look like, Tony? .AHe is tall and friendly BHe is a musicianCHe likes basketball二、补全对话7选5完成对话ASome people like to put their hands together and then nod heads.BThats because different cultures have different ways to show their welcome.CIn Japan, people usually bow when they meet.DPeople wave to goodbye.EIn Russia, people usually kiss each other when they meet.FWow, it sounds interesting!GIts rude to touch the nose.A: Hello, Linda. What are you doing?B: Im doing my homework. Our English teacher asked us to find how people greet in the world.A: 11 . Is there anything special?B: Yes. I find people in New Zealand like to touch noses.A: Really? We never do that!B: 12 . A: Sometimes we Chinese nod our heads, too.B: 13 . A: My mother told me about that before. She knows a lot about Japanese.B: 14 . A: We only do that between children and parents.B: 15 . 三、完型填空语法选择The expression “down to earth” means being open and honest. It is easy to get on _ someone being down to earth. A down-to-earth person is the opposite of someone _ acts important or proud.Down-to-earth people could be important members of society. But they do not consider themselves _ better than others who are less important. A person who is filled with _ own importance and pride is said to have “his nose _ the air”.Americans use _ expression that is similar to “down to earth” _ some ways. The expression is “_feet on the ground”. Someone like this is a person with a good understanding of reality. He may have dreams, but he does not allow them to have influence on his understanding of _ is real.The opposite kind of person is one who has his “head in the clouds”. _ with his head in the clouds is a person whose mind is not on what _ in real life. Such a person _ be called a day-dreamer.When we have both our feet on the ground, _ when we are down to earth, we do not have our noses in the air. We act honestly and _ to others. Our lives are _ the ground below upsolid and strong.16 . AforBinCaboutDwith17 . AthatBwhichCwhomDwhat18 . AbeBareCto beDbeing19 . AhimselfBhisChimDhe20 . AacrossBoverCinDbelow21 . Athe otherBanotherCotherDothers22 . AtoBwithCinDof23 . AeitherBallCneitherDboth24 . AwhichBwhatCthatDwhom25 . ASomeoneBAnyoneCNo oneDEveryone26 . AhappenedBare happeningCis happeningDhappen27 . AmustBmayChave toDcould28 . AbutBsoCandDalso29 . AopenBopenedCopeningDopenly30 . AonBunderCasDlike四、阅读单选Americans are very direct people. When they want something they say “yes” and when they dont they say “no”. If they want something different from what is given, they ask for it. Heres an example. I arrive at someones house and he gives me wine, I dont want wine. Maybe I dont like it or maybe I just dont want it. I will say “No, thanks.” If everyone around me is drinking something, I would ask for something else, “No, thanks. But Ill take a bit of tea if you have some.” If I really want wine, I just say, “Yes, thank you.” Unless they happen to know the Chinese customs, westerners will not ask you again and again after you have said you dont want it.31 . If Americans want something, they would say “_”.AYes, thank you.,BNo, thanks.,CNo, Im sorry.,DYes, why not ?32 . When Americans do not want what is given, they would say “_”.ANo, I dont.,BNo, thanks.,CYes, thank you.,DNo, Im sorry.33 . In this passage, “westerners” means_ .Athe people who live in the west of their countryBthe visitors who go to the Western countriesCthe people who live in the Western countriesDthe people who know the customs of the West34 . The Chinese people might if you dont want something given.Abe glad,Bsay “thank you”Cget angry,Dask you again to take it35 . From this passage we know that_.Athe Chinese people are direct,Bthe Chinese customs are betterCthe westerners are more polite,Ddifferent countries have different customs五、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required:36 . Tom has already booked an afternoon flight on China Eastern Airlines.(改为否定句)Tom_ booked an afternoon flight on China Eastern Airlines_37 . Kim put on his finest suit for the interview to leave a good impression. (对划线部分提问)_Kim put on his finest suit for the interview?38 . Lets roll up our sleeves to work harder. (改为反义疑问句)Lets roll up our sleeves to work harder,_.39 . Alice asked Tina, Have you got everything ready for the competition? (改为宾语从句)Alice asked Tina_ she had got everything ready for the competition.40 . The captain will choose ten boys to work as volunteers. ( 改为被动语态)Ten boys will_ to work as volunteers.41 . The speaker spoke loudly. All the audience could hear him. (同义转换)The speaker spoke loudly_all the audience could hear him.42 . his teacher, apologized to, being, for, late, school, Jack, for (连词成句)_六、根据首字母、中文提示填空. 根据句意提示完成单词43 . We should _(悬挂)the food in a tree tonight.44 . There is a _(突然的)turn in the road.45 . We should have a _(枪)to keep us safe.46 . The scarf feels _(柔软的).47 . The baby bear ran _(朝,向)me.七、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):48 . What animal is it in the _ picture?(twelve)49 . Kitty and her friends were _ to hear the news.(excite)50 . Its nice to live in my _ because there are plenty of facilities.(neighbour)51 . I hope that everyone will have a _ life in the future.(please)52 . Dont make so much _. Grandparents are sleeping.(noisy)53 . They would like to live near _because they go there every week.(church)八、完成句子根据所给中文完成句子翻译。54 . 你会玩电脑游戏吗?Can you _?55 . 他们在7E教室。They are _.56 . 红色是国旗的颜色。Red is _ the national flag.57 . 他在一所中学工作。He works in _.58 . 她姓欧阳。_59 . 那是玛丽的父母吗?_60 . 你一定要向老师寻求帮助。_九、用单词的正确形式完成短文选词填空,请将序号A-H写在答题纸相应位置上。Afashion,BBritish,Clate,Dhot,Eorder,Fafter,Glow, H. richAfternoon tea& high teaAfternoon tea is a 61 . food tradition of sitting down for an afternoon treat of tea, sandwiches, scones and cake.Afternoon tea is served around 4 p.m. In the early 19th century, when dinner was served as 62 . as 8 p.m., Anna, the Duchess of Bedford often felt really hungry around 4 p.m. between lunch and dinner. So she would 63 . tea, bread, butter and cakes to be served in her room. Later on she would invite friends to join her at her home, and this habit soon became a 64 . and quickly spread throughout England.The afternoon tea was for 65 . people in the 19th century. For workers in the newly industrialized Britain, tea time had to wait until 66 . work.By that hour, tea was generally served with more than just tea and cakes. Workers needed sustenance (食物维持) after a day of hard labor, so the after-work meal was more often 67 . dishes and accompanied by a pot of good, strong tea to revive flagging (衰弱的) spirits.The word “high” to the phrase “high tea” is believed to differentiate between the afternoon tea that is traditionally served on 68 . , comfortable, parlor chairs or relaxing in the garden and the workers after-work high tea that is served at the table and seated on high back dining chairs.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、完成句子1、九、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、

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