人教版七年级英语下学期Unit7 单元练习

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人教版七年级下学期Unit7 单元练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . This street is _ for the local snacks(小吃).Come here and enjoy eating!AfreshBfamousCquietDfriendly2 . My father was very tired yesterday._he got home, he went to bed.AAs long asBBecauseCAlthoughDAs soon as3 . - What is he doing for vacation?- Hes _.Agoing campBgo campCgo campingDgoing camping4 . What is Amy doing?Shes _ her English book.AlookingBlooking forClooking out5 . Look! _ man over there is Lilys father.AAnBACTheDOne6 . The fire spread(蔓延)through the hotel very quickly but everyone_ get out and nobody was hurt.Ahad toBwouldCcouldDwas able to7 . Look at the photo I took in Jinghong, Yunnan Province. _ fantastic the Water Festival is ! Wow! They were celebrating the Water Festival.AWhatBHowCWhat aDHow a8 . What do you think of this film STAR WARS: The Force Awakens?Oh, excellent. Its well worth _ in the cinema.Ato watchBto be watchedCbeing watchedDwatching9 . Please turn off the light _ you leave the classroom.AunlessBwhileCbeforeDafter10 . Where can I find a _? I want to get some money. Go down the street and turn left.AschoolBlibraryCbankDhotel11 . - Could you tell me what time the train leaves Wuhan for Beijing?- Im afraid you need to on the Internet.Alook for itBlook at itClook it overDlook it up12 . Please remember _the book.AtakingBto takeCbringingDto bring13 . He was thin two years ago ,butbig and strong he is now!AwhatBhowCwhat aDhow a14 . She said she _ dance quite well when she was five.AmightBcouldCmustDcan15 . Dont worry _ him. He will be back soon.AofBforCaboutDat二、完型填空We use our mouths to do many things. We eat, talk and _ with them.In English, many sayings(谚语)have something to do with “_” . For example when you say bad things about a man, he may tell you, “Do not put_in my mouth!”People _ say something bad to a friend or a family member and they later feel_for that. The_ may say, “I really put my foot in my mouth this time. ”It is to mean that he feels sorry for saying the _ thing.Some people have _ money because they were born in a rich family. There is a saying for _ too, “born with silver in his mouth. ”But for a poor one, we can say such a man “lives from hand to mouth”. Sometimes you have an unhappy and bad experience(经历)with others. You can say that experience“leave a bad _ in your mouth.”16 . AspeakBplayCsingDdance17 . AmouthBearsCnoseDeyes18 . AfoodBdrinksCwordsDclothes19 . AsometimesBusuallyCalwaysDnever20 . AhappyBsadCsorryDsweet21 . AspeakerBreaderClistenerDask22 . ArightBwrongCfunnyDgood23 . Aa littleBlots ofCa lotDlittle24 . AtheBthemCtheirDtheirs25 . AlookBsmellCsoundDtaste三、阅读单选It was Sunday morning. A butcher(屠夫) heard the doorbell(门铃) and thought it must be a customer. But he was surprised to see that a dog was coming into his shop. The dog had $10 and a note in its mouth.The butcher took the note and read it. It said,“10 pork chops(排骨), please.”So the butcher took the money and put a bag of chops in the dogs mouth.Then he quickly closed the shop because he decided to follow the dog. He found the dog on the street. The dog was waiting for a green light. Then the dog walked across the road. The dog went to a bus stop. When a bus arrived, the dog checked the number and then got on the bus.After a while, the dog stood up on his back paws(爪子) to push the “stop” button(按钮). The bus stopped and the dog got off. Then the butcher followed it to get off the bus.The dog ran to a house and dropped the bag in front of the front door. It then began to beat its head against the front door. After a while, a big man opened the door and began shouting at the dog. The butcher ran up and shouted at the man, “What are you doing? Your dog is a genius(天才).”The owner of the dog said, “Genius? No way! I always tell him to take the keys when he goes to the stores. But he never listens to me!”26 . Who was the customer that Sunday morning?AA big man.BA butcher.CA dog.DA little boy.27 . How much did the dog pay for the pork chops?A$20.B$10.C$5.D$62.28 . How did the dog take the note?AIn the bag.BOn its back.CIn its mouth.DAround its neck.29 . Which is NOT right according to the story?AThe dog stood up on its back paws to push the “stop” button.BThe butcher quickly closed the shop to follow the dog.CThe big man was pleased with his dog.DThe butcher thought the dog was a genius.30 . What is the story mainly about?AA customer.BA smart dog.CA butcher.DA big man.Look carefully at the back of a California state quarterA man with a walking stick is pictured thereA bird called a California condor(大秃鹫)is flying overhead. Who is this man,and why is he so important that he is featured(处于显著地位)on the back of a coin?The man on this quarter is John MuirEven as a child, Muir loved watching nature. As a young man,he spent much of his life exploring the beauty of the wildernessHe walked more than a thousand miles across the country,through fields and woodsJohn Muir liked writing about the places he visited,describing their beauty.Muir also wrote about problemsIn order to create more farmland for sheep and cattle, rnany trees were being cut downThis made Muir unhappy and worried,because he knew that trees were important to forests and to the animals that lived in themMuir believed that nature should be conserved(保护)instead of being changed by human beingsHe wrote articles in magazines and newspapers to spread the word about conserving forestsSoon,others began to listenMuir wrote letters to important people,such as President Theodore RooseveltThe president admired Muirs love for natureWhen Roosevelt came to visit Muir in California.Muir convinced(说服)the president to go camping with him for three nights under the trees so they could talk about conservationLater,President Roosevelt set aside 148 million acres of land for national forests and established(建立)five national parksNational parks are large areas of land that are protected from development. This means that people cannot build homes or businesses there. One of these parks is Yosemite National Park,the area that is featured on the back of the California quarterThough it has been almost one hundred years since John Muir died,people continue his work todayHis work as a conservationist helped us to see the beauty of our natural worldJohn Muir made us understand the importance of protecting our earth and our resources-then,now,and for the future31 . What did John Muir spend much of his life doing when he was a young man?AWatching natural viewsBWriting about the places he visitedCExploring the beauty of the wildernessDCreating farmland for sheep and cattle32 . Why did President Theodore Roosevelt visit John Muir?ABecause Roosevelt loved watching natureBBecause Roosevelt received letters from John MuirCBecause Roosevelt admired John Muirs love for nature.DBecause Roosevelt was sad about the problems with farmland33 . What happened after President Roosevelt went camping with John Muir?AMany trees were cut downBFive national parks were establishedCMore homes and businesses were built.DMore farmland was used for sheep and cattle.34 . Why is John Muir featured on the back of a California state quarter?ABecause he walked over a thousand miles across the countryBBecause he helped people understand the importance of protecting the natural world.CBecause he wrote articles to spread the word about conserving forestsDBecause he once wrote several letters to President Theodore Roosevelt35 . What is the writers purpose of writing this article?ATo advise readers to become active conservationists.BTo make us interested in the story about a great manCTo tell us something about an important person in historyDTo give information about how to conserve the environment四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意,用括号中所给的汉语提示或单词的适当形式填空,使句意完整,每空一词。36 . My sister has many _(爱好) and her favourite is reading.37 . Our classroom is big and _. (明亮)38 . He usually _ (借) books from his teachers.39 . If you need something _ (其他的) for the party, please tell me.40 . He lives in a small town, which is about 10 kilometers _(远离) from Yangzhou.41 . Helen is my cousin. I often play with _ (she).42 . In my free time, I often practise _ (dance) with my friends.43 . I hope to be a tennis _ (play) like Li Na in the future.44 . The good news makes Jim _ (feel) happy.45 . Tim goes to the museum _(two) a month.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据汉语提示或用所给单词的适当形式填空46 . You need to brush your _ after eating. (tooth)47 . Dont eat too _. Its not good for you. (quick)48 . It usually takes him an hour _ his homework. (do)49 . For many students, its very easy _ to school. (get)50 . His parents are _ (music). I like them very much.六、完成句子51 . 他相信那个时刻很值得等待。He believed that the moment _ .52 . 那位四十多岁的男子已经坚持写作十年了。The man _ writing for ten years.53 . 请记住幸福绝不会取决于你的车值多少。Please remember happiness never _.54 . 她的教学风格和多数老师相似。Her teaching style _ most teachers.55 . 由于路面结冰,我们的车失去了控制。Our car _ the icy road.56 . 进入九年级,我们的班主任会在行为举止上对我们更严格。Our head teacher _ our behavior after we are in Grade Nine.57 . 结果是他与那件打架事件没关系。It turned out that _ the fighting.58 . 不要总是生气,你应该学会和人们和睦相处。Dont always get angry. You should _ people.59 . 如果你对结果不满意,你可以通过正确的方式告诉他们。If you _, you may tell them in the right way.60 . 他总是被误认为他的双胞胎哥哥。He _ his elder twin brother.61 . Chairman Xi asks each of us Party members to _ (对自己严格要求).七、用单词的正确形式完成短文AtalkingBlookedCfromDsittingEdividedIt was the first day of class. Two of her new ESL classmates wanted to know where Tara was from. They were both from Iraq. Because Tara 62 . Iraqi, one of the women asked Tara, in English, if she was from Iraq. Tara replied, No, Im not. Then the women took turns asking Tara if she was from Iran, or Syria, or Jordan. To each question, Tara responded with a simple no. Laughing, one woman said to the other, Shes not from anywhere! The two went to their desks, 63 . to each other in Arabic.The next day, the teacher64 . the students into groups of four. The students in each group asked introductory questions of each other. A student in Taras group asked her, Where are you from? Tara answered that she was Iraq. The two women who had questioned Tara the day before were65 . only a few feet away. Both of them heard Taras response.八、单词填空Mobile payment apps have made it much easier for us to pay. Some of these apps are trying to do m66 . . In the past few years, they have greatly changed the way business is done, making efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and encourage users to live a low-carbon life.One example is Alipay(支付宝).It is one of the countrys most popular online payment platforms.With the help of modern technology, it started the Ant Forest program to help i67 . the local environment as well as provide jobs for the local people. Ant Financial, the company behind it, is using the app to turn virtual trees that users grow online to real o68 . . Ant Forest just makes living a low-carbon(低碳的) lifestyle fun. Users who perform low-carbon activities, such as paying bills online and taking public transport, are given “green energy” points. When users have e69 . points, Ant Financial will plant a real tree. Ant Forest brought hope to local desert. S70 . the start of the project, millions of trees have been planted in Inner Mongolia. (内蒙古).More than 300 million people have joined the program. Ant Forest s71 . gives all of us a chance to save the Earth. And it also just shows the amazing p72 . of individuals working together to make the world greener.九、填空You cant just stop worrying. Worrying has been a huge positive in my life. There is lots of evidence(证据) that worriers are better prepared for lifes challenges and so tend to do better in the long run. I wouldnt give it up at all. I read this sentence somewhere and kept it saved on my phone to remind myself “Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but takes you nowhere. ” Its possible to live better with worry. There you learn to deal with worrying in your study and life.Divert (转移) your mind. Make yourself get rid of the thoughts that worry you. Go out. Do some things. Keep yourself busy. Talk it out. It works for a lot of people. Talk to somebody who really understands you. If they are busy, get online. There are many anxiety forums(论坛) where people are there to listen.Take a break from your schedule. If you get a holiday with your family, your friends or just tour a new city alone,you will return and become new. Write a diary. I experienced that writing your worries gives better feelings, reduces the pressure in your head and decreases the frequency(经常性) of worrisome(令人烦恼的) thoughts. Watch something positively. A good speech, inspiring movie, or video sometimes gives us the confidence and courage to do something, moving past our worries. All in all, dont take life that seriously. Remember that you have only one life to live. Its almost no use wasting it over a lot of things that we worry about. Breathe deeply! It will get better. Title:73 . PurposeThe article wants to tell you some methods about 74 . with worrying in your study and life. How to treat worriesKeep yourself busy so that you have no time to 75 . about something. Talk about your worries with somebody who really understands you.Your holiday will make you new to something if you spare some time to take a holiday.Writing diaries can make you have better feelings.You will feel confident and have courage by watching a good speech, an inspiring movie, or a video when you watch something in a 76 . attitude. ConclusionIts no use wasting life over things that we worry about. Take a deep 77 . , and it will be better.十、材料作文78 . 书面表达假如你是李华,Linda 是你的好朋友,请根据以下信息介绍你和你的朋友。(1)我们都是15岁的中学生。我总是安安静静的,喜欢待在家里看书。(2) Linda 性格比我更外向,她喜欢旅行,每年会旅行两次。(3)今年暑假我们一起去了北京,参观了故宫,品尝了北京烤鸭。(4)要求:(1)短文须包括所有提示内容,要适当发挥。(2)词数80个左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、填空1、十、材料作文1、

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