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人教版2019年中考二模英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . You _return the book now. You can_ it until next week if you like.Aneednt; keepBmustnt; borrowCneednt; borrow2 . Of the two dresses,Id like to choose the one to save money for a hat.AcheaperBmore expensiveCcheapestDmost expensive3 . The propgram also provide them _ job training so that they can live a normal life.AofBwithCforDTo4 . A of four months is quite a long time for me.AplentyBdistanceCperiodDlist5 . Can you go camping with me tomorrow?_.ANo, I dont.BSure.CNo, I cant.DLets make it.6 . _ learning English, we want you to experience the life in the USA.A. As good asASo well asBAs well asCAs better as7 . Hey, Amy. Do you have _ volleyball? Yes. I like play _ volleyball after all.Aa; theBan; theCa; /Dthe; /8 . A fool has gained nothing from the time _, for he _ nothing.Apassing; has paidBpassed; has been paidCpassing; has been paidDpassed; has paid9 . What did the woman ask just now? She asked_.Awho was I waiting forBhow she can get to the post officeCwhere I liveDwhether I could help her find the post office10 . Do you believe there are aliens?Im afraid not. I dont think aliens _ in space.Acan findBcan be foundCcant be found11 . One way _ this problem _ search for some information on the Internet.Asolve; is toBto solve; is toCto solve; isDsolve; is12 . Mum, my computer doesnt work. It needs_ . OK. I will have it _.Arepairing; repairedBto repair; repairCbe repaired; repairingDbeing repaired; to repair13 . Jack , you seem in high sprits . . We won the match 4 0 .AGuess what ? BSo what ? CNo wonder . DNo trouble .14 . Jane has become much _ than before. She can express herself in public now.AbraveBbraverClazyDlazier15 . _ people come to the meeting. _ the people _ about 50.AA number of, The number of, areBThe number of, A number of, isCThe number of, The number of, areDA number of, The number of, is二、补全对话7选5补全对话(有两项多余)A: Hi, Cindy! You were not at school yesterday. Were you ill?B: Yes, I was. My mother took me to the hospital.A: 16 . B: Much better. Thanks. You are always healthy. Why?A: 17 . B: Really? 18 . A: I exercise every day.B: 19 . A: I like running.B: What about your lifestyle (生活方式)?A:20 . I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. I never eat junk food. I sleep eight hours every night.B: You are great. I should learn from you and keep healthy.ABecause I often exercise.BI have a healthy lifestyle.CHow often do you exercise?DI go to the movies once a week.EHow are you feeling now?FWhats your favorite sport?GDo you eat junk food very often?三、完型填空Do you love dogs? Do you love to watch _ shows? Dog owners(主人)in America have a fashion show for their dogs in the Times Square in New York. Many dogs from different countries come to the show. It is wonderful and _ . Dogs dont like to wear clothes, _ you dont often see dogs in clothes. The dog owners must know _ dogs very well. First, they must know about the shapes(形状)of the dogs. Then they must know what the dogs _ and dislike. Some dogs like leather but some _ it. Next, the dog owners design and make suitable _for the dogs. Afterwards, the well-dressed dogs _ on the catwalk(T型台). Some of them are really smart, and some are funny. _ ,an English dog wins the first prize(奖)The owner has a special reward(奖励):a _ trip to China. He can visit China without paying any money!21 . AcarBfilmCfashionDtalk22 . AinterestingBbusyChelpfulDlazy23 . AorBbutCbecauseDso24 . AtheyBthemCtheirDtheirs25 . AlikeBneedCstartDeat26 . AkeepBloveCdressDhate27 . AclothesBmaterialsCstylesDcolours28 . AstayBwalkClieDsleep29 . AFirstBNextCAgainDFinally30 . AcheapBlowCfreeDpoor四、阅读单选On television, talk shows (脱口秀) are very popular. American host (主持人) Oprah Winfrey is very smart and she is really good at talking to people. She asked people interesting questions on her show. She laughed and cried with them. She got them to open up and to tell the true stories about themselves.Oprah is not only a talk show host! She is also an actress and has her own magazine (杂志). She does all she can to help children. She gets people to read more. to help others, and to work hard for a better life. In her eyes, all these things are worthwhile.Oprahs life isnt always so happy. When she was a little kid, her mother was poor and young and could not take care of her. Oprah lived on her grandmothers farm and she had no friends and no toys there Luckily, she went to live with her father later. Oprah said her fathersaved her life. He took good care of her and made her follow his rules She became a good student. Then she got a job reading the news on the radio when she was still in high school!Oprah Winfrey was on her way!31 . What do the first two paragraphs talk about?AOprahs booksBOprahs familyCOprahs talentsDOprahs dreams32 . What does the underlined word “worthwhile” in Paragraph 2 mean?AImportant and usefulBHard to be popularCTiring and useless.DGood for nothing.33 . Who brought Oprah a better life?AHer grandmotherBHer friendsCHer motherDHer father34 . When Oprah was in high school, she got a job_.Aas a hostBas an actressCreading the newsDworking for a magazine35 . In which part of a newspaper can we find the passage?ASportBHealthCFood.DPeople.The World Health Organization(世界卫生组织)says air pollution kills seven millionpeople around the world each year. Even if polluted air does not kill us, it can make us very sick.However, breathing dirty air may do more than hurt your body. It can also affect (影响)your brain and your ability to think.A new study shows that air pollution can cause a “huge” reduction(减少) in our intelligence(智商). The researchers reported that the long-term exposure(暴露) to air pollution can affect a persons mental(智力) abilities in two areas: language and math.Xi Chen, the researcher of the Yale School of Public Health led the study. He and his team found that breathing polluted air can reduce a persons education level by about one year.Chen said that the effect (结果)generally is worse for those over 64 years of age, especially for men and for those with little or no education.“The older persons they are more affected. And we find, quite interestingly, men are more affected than women. And people working outdoors are more affected than people working indoors.”The researchers noted that the effect of pollution on language ability is even more serious as people age, especially among men and the less educated.Why were language skills more affected than math? There are two main kinds of tissue(组织) in the brain: white matter and grey matter. White matter is more connected with a persons language skills, while grey matter is connected to our ability to solve math problems. Studies have shown that air pollution has a great effect on the white matter in the brain, but not the grey matter.Chen said that air pollution did affect the math skills, just not as much as their language skills.36 . Air pollution causes_million people to die around the world each year.AoneBtwoCsevenDsixty-four37 . Which is not true according to the passage?ABreathing dirty air may hurt your body.BBreathing dirty air can affect your brain,CBreathing dirty air can affect your ability to think.DBreathing dirty air can make your immune system(免疫系统) strong.38 . The effect of breathing polluted air generally is worse for those people except _.AmenBwomenCthose with little or no educationDthose over 64 years of age39 . In the sixth paragraph, “people working outdoors” probably refers to(指的是) “_”.Athe researchersBpeople with little or no educationCpeople from the World Health OrganizationDpeople from the Yale School of Public Health40 . Air pollution affected the language skillsmath skills.Aas much asBas little asCmore thanDless thanVisit the Forest Zoo. Come and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from Northeast of China. The beautiful birds from England are ready to sing songs for you, and the monkeys from Mount Emei will be happy to talk to you. The lovely dogs from Australia want to laugh at you. Sichuan pandas will play balls for you. The giraffes from Africa are waiting to look down on you.Tickets Opening timeGrown-ups: 3 9:00a.m.4:00p.m.Children: Over 1.4m: 2 except FridayUnder 1.4m: Free 10:00a.m.3:00p.m.Keep the zoo clean!Do not touch, give food or go near to the animals.41 . Why does the writer introduce so many animals from different places to us?ABecause the writer wants to frighten us in the zoo.BBecause the writer wants to make us lovely in the zoo.CBecause the writer wants to attract us to the zoo.DBecause the writer wants to show us that animals can do everything.42 . How much does Mr. Smith have to pay if he visits the zoo with his son of three?A3.B4.C5 .D6 .43 . We can visit the zoo at _.A8:30 a.m. WednesdayB9:30 a.m. FridayC3:00 p.m. SundayD5:00 p.m. Tuesday44 . Which of the following statements is TRUE?AWe can spit(吐痰)everywhere.BWe can throw things everywhere.CWe should keep the zoo clean. DWe can play with the animals.45 . From the passage we can infer(推断)a giraffe must be a very _ animal.AfatBshortCStrongDtall五、阅读判断阅读短文,判断正(T) 误(F)。We are playing a hide seek game (捉迷藏). My name is Bill, where am I? Im under the bed. My friend Tom and Tim are in the tree(在树上). My friend, Eric is in the big(大的) case. My sister, Gina is looking for us(寻找我们).46 . Bill is under the bed.47 . Tom and Tim are in the tree.48 . Eric is Bills brother.49 . Gina isnt Bills sister.50 . There are (有) 5 children(孩子) playing the game (做游戏).六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words given.51 . Helmut Braun felt terribly sorry. He said he didnt mean_ the rule. (break)52 . Students in junior 3 are too busy with their exams. All they want to do is _ a good sleep.(have)53 . To our _, the weather was good during the sports meeting this year. (amaze)54 . Henrys car was broken. He went to a garage and the mechanics promised to get his car _ again. (work)55 . The job is _ finished by the workers. Their boss is very happy and gives them a 7-day holiday. (success)56 . To manage the school well, our school has some new rules. Without teachers _, parents cant go into the campus to see their kids. (permit)57 . Winter is coming, many children and old people in Sichuan get ill because of the air_.(pollute)58 . The policeman _the car off the wrong way and told the driver of the car not to do that again. (lead)59 . The Indian film Hichki is one of _ films in 2018. I am really touched by the story. (great)60 . Calculators _ many years ago and they are nearly replaced by computers now. People dont often use them. (invent)七、单词填空Hainan Island is very beautiful. It is f_ away from Shanghai. But many people s_their holidays on Hainan Island. The w_ there is nice. Its warm and wet all the year round. There are many kinds of fruits there. People like eating the fruits very much. Hainan Island is also famous for its beautiful beaches. People can swim, dive, c_shells and make s_there. Im going there with my parents this winter holiday. Were going there by plane. It will cost us 3,000 yuan. Im sure well have a good time there.61 . f_62 . s_63 . w_64 . c_65 . s_八、回答问题It was a very hot day. An eight-year-old girl went into Toms shop for an ice cream. When Tom saw ten dollars in her hand, he thought perhaps the girl didnt know an ice cream was only two dollars. So he asked her to pay eight dollars. The little girl looked at Tom without a word. Then Tom gave her the ice cream and said, “I hope you will enjoy it. Now only a few children come to my shop for ice creams.” When the little girl heard this, she answered, “Im not surprised, because they can get one ice cream for only two dollars in other shops.” When Tom heard her words, his face turned red and he said “sorry” to her. Finally, he returned the money to her.66 . What was the weather like that day?_67 . How old was the little girl? _68 . What did the girl want to buy in the shop?_69 . Why did Toms face turn red when he heard the little girls answer?_70 . How much money did Tom have to give back to the little girl?_九、材料作文71 . 书面表达请根据本市学生道路伤害事故原因调查统计图表,写一篇英文短文,向刚来你校的外国交换生介绍这些事故的最主要的两项原因,并针对调查结果提出几点保障出行安全的建议,最后,表达你对他们在这里安全,愉快生活和学习的良好祝愿。文章首句已给出。Road safety is important for every student.十、话题作文72 . 书面表达假设你是太湖中学的学生,你们学校新来了一位交换生peter, 他想要更多地了解你们学校,请你按照下面表格的内容,写一篇文章介绍你们学校。地理位置苏州西部校园环境楼新操场宽敞教室干净明亮鸟语花香树绿人文情况师生勤奋友善时刻乐意助人喜欢经常阅读自拟两点学校评价学习和交友的好地方要求:1. 词数80左右2. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。3. 文中包括所有要点,可适当发挥,语句连贯。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、阅读判断1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、十、话题作文1、

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