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外研版英语九年级下册期中综合提优测试卷(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I wonder if Tomin his business. He will if hemore chances.Awill succeed; will be givenBwill succeed; is givenCsucceeds; will be givenDsucceeds; is given2 . You shouldnt have too much junk food _ its bad for your health.AsoBbutCthoughDbecause3 . I have been to Shanghai. I _ there last month.AgoBwentChave goneDwill go4 . Look, the old man is walking slowly in the middle of the street. Its too dangerous. Youre right. Lets go and help him go _ the street.AacrossBthroughCoverDalong5 . _ the strong wind, we had to shut up all the windows.ABecause ofBBecauseCThanks to6 . You _ in your composition today. You can hand it in tomorrow morning.Aneed to handBneednt to handCneednt handDdont need hand7 . Do you want _ the red hat?Yes, I do.AbuyBbuysCto buy8 . How do you like the job now? Ive never making the decision because its worth effort.AregrettedBriskedCrealized9 . My grandparents live _the city centre. They like quiet places.AnearBfar fromCfar awayDnext to10 . Which month has days in a year?Athe mostBleastCmoreDthe fewest11 . Ruby plans to stop eating these foods because they are making her _ weightAput onBturn onCgive upDcut up12 . -Who taught you Japanese?- Nobody, I learned it by_.AmyselfBmyCyourselfDHimself13 . The 2018 Beijing International Marathon took place _ September 16th.AinBonCatDfor14 . I dont think we should keep personal worries to _. Its best to talk to friends or family.AweBusCoursDourselves15 . Bill is in good .He is pretty .Ahealth;healthBhealthy;healthyChealth;healthyDhealthy;health二、补全对话7选5阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A.Thanks for your advice .B.It depends on you .C.I believe shes right .D.Whats the matter?E.Do you often talk with your parents?F.I agree with you.G.Why not talk to Ms. Brown for more help?A:Hi , Alice . You look sad .16 . B:Well, I love comics , but Ms. Brown doesnt allow me to read them.A:Why doesnt she allow you to?B:Because she thinks comics may get in the way of my study .A:17 . We cant afford to waste time reading them when we should try the best to fight for our dreams.B:18 . But comics are so interesting that I cant spend a minute not thinking about them.A:I understand your situation . 19 . B:I have tried to, but she looks too serious to talk to.A:Communication is always a better way than keeping things to yourself.Maybe you can have a good talk with your parents.B: OK , I will try.20 . 三、完型填空BEIJINGThe sky is gray and air smells strange. Its another day of smog.On Saturday, heavy haze (霾) still covered north and east China. Highways were closed and _ couldnt take off on time.The smoggy weather _ the countrys land from north to south, including Beijing, Hebei, Shandong,and 6 other provinces. People could only see clearly _ than 50 meters in some areas.Cities _ Shanghai and Nanjing have been covered by the gray sky for the past several days. Many walkers in the street had to wear _. In the Lukou airport in Nanjing, more than 60 flights were canceled (取消) on Saturday _ the haze, which also made primary and middle schools and kindergartens stop _ on Thursday and Friday in Nanjing.The office worker of Environmental Protection said earlier this week that there were several _ reasons behind the widespread haze: unpleasant weather conditions making _ difficult for smog to disappear, motor vehicle exhaust (尾气), and coal use for winter heating.To fight pollution, the Chinese government now plans to clean up the air by cutting coal use, _ some factories, and remove 6 million old cars from the roads.“We must face up to the facts,” a professor of environmental science said. “The treatment of smog will be a long fight. From now on, if we use buses or cars less and do more riding, we believe a clear sky is not a faraway dream.”21 . AcoachesBtrainsCflights22 . AaffordedBaffectedCadmired23 . AlessBmoreCfarther24 . AinBlikeCaround25 . AhatsBglovesCmasks26 . AbesidesBexceptCbecause of27 . AclassesBrestCwork28 . AmainlyBmostlyCmain29 . AthatBthisCit30 . AcloseBclosingCopen四、阅读单选FoundThing: A watchColor: BlackName: CindyTelephone number:359-5934LostIm Linda.I lost a yellow ring.Please call Bill or me. My phone number is 485-3982.Bills telephone number is 683-5912.FoundIs this your jacket?Its a red jacket. And an ID card is in it.My name is Mike. My telephone number is 239-5178.31 . Cindy found a(n).AwatchBringCjacketDID card32 . lost a ring.ACindyBLindaCBillDMike33 . Whats Mikes telephone number?A359-5934.B485-3982.C239-5178.D683-5912.34 . What color is the jacket?ABlack.BWhite.CYellow.DRed.35 . Which of the following is TRUE?ABill lost an ID card.BThe watch is yellow.CMike found a jacket with an ID card.DCindys telephone number is 683-5912.Amsterdam is one of the most beautiful cities in Holland(荷兰). It is the capital of Holland. There are many big squares and nice museums. Hundreds and thousands of people from all over the world visit there every year.Riding bicycles is a fun and easy way to get around Amsterdam. Most students go to school by bicycle. People ride their bicycles to work. Even the policemen work on bicycles. There are many roads and traffic signs for bicycles in Amsterdam. There are also many places for bicycle parking.If you travel in Amsterdam, you dont need to take a bus or a taxi, just ride a bicycle. You can reach more places by bicycle than by any other way. It is also fantastic to go for a ride. There are a lot of bicycle shops in Amsterdam. You can buy yourself a nice bicycle at a good price in the shops. If you dont wants to buy a bicycle, you can go to a bicycle rental(自行车租赁店). You can find one in almost every place of the city. Youd better find a guide when you are travelling in Amsterdam. Because he would take you to some of the citys most beautiful places. Riding bicycles in Amsterdam is great fun and relaxing. But there is one thing you must keep in mind. You should always follow the traffic rules.36 . Why do many people visit there every year?ABecause riding bicycles is very easy and fun.BBecause there are many big squares and nice museums.CBecause there are many bicycle rentals. DBecause it is the capital of Holland.37 . How can you enjoy more in your trip to Amsterdam?AYou should find a guide.BYou neednt follow the traffic rules.CYou can enjoy a bus trip.DYoud better go on the trip alone.38 . What cant you get from this passage?AYou can buy a bicycle by yourself.BYou can go to a bicycle rental to borrow one.CYou can borrow a bicycle in some special bicycle shops for free.DThere are also many car rentals there.39 . This passage may not be from_. AMagazine. BHomepage of Amsterdam.CBook of travelling. DBook of science.Im Tony. My best friends are Frank and Cindy. We often do many things together. Frank lives next to my home and we are in the same class. He is thirteen years old .He is tall and of medium build. He has curly hair and blue eyes. Hes good-looking and very clever. Hes good at math and often helps me with my homework. He likes wearing black pants and yellow T-shirts.Cindy doesnt go to my school. Shes eleven years old. She is thin and medium height. She has curly blonde hair and her eyes are brown. She is good-looking, too, but a little shy. She is good at playing the guitar. Her favorite subject is music. She often teaches Frank and me to play the guitar after class.The three of us have fun together, and we help each other and sometimes play video games at my house.40 . What things do the three children do together? They _.Aplay baseballBplay video gamesCplay soccerDplay chess41 . _ eyes are blue.AFranksBCindysCMyDTonys42 . _ good at math.AI amBCindy isCFrank isDTony is43 . _ is good-looking, but a little shy.AFrankBCindyCTonyDMy friend44 . Where do they play video games? _.Aat schoolBat Franks houseCat Cindys houseDat Tonys house五、阅读判断Hi,Im TinaIm an office worker and work in a downtown officeI live on a small island,so I take a boat from the island to the city every dayThe boat leaves every 20 minutes and it takes about 35 minutes to get to the cityThen I have a short walk to my officeSometimes when the weather is bad,I cant get to work on time by boatMy name is Sarah and Im a teacherI take the train to work every dayThe train is quick and cheap,and there are hardly any delays(延迟)The trains run every half an hour and run until 00:30The train station is near my homeIt only takes 20 minutes from my home to schoolHello,Im Maria and Im a college student(大学生)I live in the collegeThe college is very big,so usually walk a lotSometimes it takes 15 minutes to get from one building(楼房) to the nextWhen I want to shop with my friends outside the college,we take a busThe buses stop running after 10:00 pmSo if we come back after that time,we have to take a taxi根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)、误(F)。45 . Tina goes to work first by boat,and then on foot46 . Sarah likes taking the train to work,though there are often delays47 . There are only two trains from Sarahs home to her school every day48 . Because the college is very big,Maria goes from one building to the next by bus49 . Maria and her friends cant take a bus back to her college after 10:00 pm六、完成句子翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)50 . 故事发生在老北京的一个茶馆里。The story _ in a teahouse in old Beijing.51 . 英国的风俗习惯和中国的不同。Customs in Britain _ those in China.52 . 我累了,让我们停下来休息一下。I am very tired. Lets stop _ .53 . 你觉得这部电影怎么样? What do you _ the film?54 . 为什么午饭后不在操场散散步呢?_go for a walk _ the playground after lunch?55 . 这家大鞋厂于五年前关停了。The big shoe factory _ five years ago.56 . 格林先生的报告是关于急救的。Mr. Greens report was about _.57 . 不要害怕在作业中出错。Dont be afraid to _ in the homework.58 . 我的兄弟从自行车上掉下来,伤了膝盖。My brother _ the bike and hurt his knee.59 . 我在飞机场第一次碰见他。I met him at the airport _.七、语法填空根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的空白处填写一个正确的单词。One day, when I60 . (play) football with my classmates on the playground, I61 . (fall) down and hurt my legs badly. My teacher and classmates t 62 . me to the hospital at once. D63 . my stay in hospital, my classmates came to see me and helped me64 . my lessons. Thats very kind of them. I will do my best 65 . (help) others.八、多任务混合问题任务型阅读There was a little island in the middle of the ocean with only three people on it,a farmer,a gardener and a butler(男管家).The farmer lived on the right side of the island.He had a cow.The gardener lived on the left side and he had some flowers.The butler lived in the and he had a horse.They were all very pleased with what they had,but this changed one day when a big wind named Wind-Lou blew in from the sea.The three people made it a law that they could keep whatever was blown to their land.The farmer and the gardener waited for the Wind-Lou all day and wanted to get the horse.The butler didnt mind what was blown to him.If he got the cow,he would say,“Delicious milk!” If he got the flowers,he would say “Sweet flowers!” ,now that he owned the horse,he rode it happily.Wind-Lou blew day and night.She blew the three things around and finally blew them back to their original owners.The farmer and the gardener were not pleased with what was blown to them.1题完成句子;2题简略回答问题;3题将文中横线处空缺的一个单词填写在下面的答题线上;4题找出并写下全文的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。66 . The butler lived _the farmer_the gardener.67 . What was Wind-Lou? .68 . 69 . 70 . 九、书信作文71 . 书面表达假如你是Wendy,春天来了,你准备邀请Millie去西太湖(West Taihu Lake)野餐,请根据以下提示给Millie写一封邀请信。内容必须包括以下要点:1.春天来了,鸟语花香,都认为西太湖是野餐的好地方;2和朋友们周日上午8点在校门口集合,准备乘公交车前往,大约半个小时就到了;3带一些食物、水、小吃等。4在西太湖还可以划船、放风筝、环湖骑行和玩游戏。相信会过得愉快的。要求:1. 内容完整,可适当发挥;2. 表达清楚,意思连贯、符合逻辑;不少于80字。Dear Millie,We are going to have a picnic at West Taihu Lake this Sunday._Would you like to come with us? Yours,Wendy第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、阅读判断1、六、完成句子1、七、语法填空1、八、多任务混合问题1、九、书信作文1、


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