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2019-2020学年人教PEP版六年级下册小升初全真模拟测试英语试卷(六)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Im going to _.( )APark Middle SchoolBPark middle schoolCpark Middle School2 . 找出不同类的单词:( )AhistoryBquestionCborrow3 . I can wear a_and_.( )Acoats; glovesBcoat; gloveCcoat; gloves4 . I have two good _.( )AfriendBfriendsCfriendly5 . How _ Mr. John _ the cinema? ( ) By taxi.Ado; get toBdoes; get toCdoes; get6 . _ you sing a song for me ? ( )AAreBCanCcan7 . In summer, its hot. I can _. ( )Amake snowmenBgo skatingCeat ice creams8 . Before theremany whales, but now therenot many. ( )Awas; isBwere; areCwere; is9 . Miss Li, I feel cold. ( )You should your coat, Lily.Atake offBput onCtake outDput in10 . We must stop at alight.( )AredBgreenCorange11 . 单选。【小题1】mother ( )A学生B阿姨C妈妈【小题2】family ( )A家庭B学校C图书馆【小题3】fat( )A长的B胖的C红色【小题4】big ( )A小的B大的C小猪【小题5】elephant( )A大象B小鸟C小猫【小题6】sister( )A兄弟B同学C姐妹二、阅读选择12 . 阅读对话,选择正确的答案。Zhang Peng: Look! Tomatoes.Jack: Wow, theyre yellow.Zhang Peng: Yes. But theyre good.John: What are these?Zhang Peng: Theyre green beans.John: Theyre so long.Amy: Are these carrots?Zhang Peng: No. Theyre potatoes.【小题1】_are yellow. ( )ABC【小题2】_are long. ( )ABC【小题3】Theyre _. ( )ApearsBpotatoCpotatoes阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Its a Sunday morning. Mr Sus family are at home. They dont go to work or go to school today. Look, Mr Su is in the study. He is reading a newspaper. Su Hai is in her bedroom. She is cleaning the windows. Where is Su Yang? She is in the bedroom too. She is sweeping the floor. Now their bedroom is very clean. Mrs Su is in the bathroom. She is washing the clothes . Look, whats on the sofa? Its their cat, Mimi. Its sleeping.13 . What is Mr Su doing? ( )AHe is reading a book.BHe is reading a newspaper.CHe is washing the clothes.14 . Where is Su Yang? ( )AShe is in the bedroom.BShe is in the study.CShe is in the batroom.15 . Is Mrs Su in the Kitchen? ( )AYes, he is.BNo, she isnt.CYes, she is.16 . What is Mimi doing now? ( )AIts eating.BIts sleeping.CIrs sweeping the floor.17 . Dear Tony,How are you? Are you still coming to my birthday party in July? My family, friends and my classmates are all coming. The party is on Saturday July 2nd at around 6:30.Its at Uncle Bills restaurant in the city. First, we eat and talk from 6:30 to 7:45. After that we can go to a concert at 8:00. I hope you can come. You can meet my other friends and sisters, too.Yours,EmilyWhat does Emily talk about in her letter?A.Tonys birthday.B.Her birthday.C.Uncle Bills birthday.D.Her sisters birthday.Where are they going to have the party?A.In Central Park.B.Near the History Museum.C.At Uncle Bills restaurant.D.In a concert.What can they do from 6:30 to 7:45? They can _.A.go to a concertB.eat and talkC.go to the museumD.go homeWhat time does the party start? It starts at about _.A.6:30B.7:45C.8:00D.7:00Is there a free concert at 8:00 every Saturday night?A.Yes, there is.B.No, there isnt.C.Sorry, I dont know.D.Yes, there isnt.三、情景交际18 . 现在几点了?AWhat day is it today? BWhat time is it?19 . 当你想告诉别人,“在我们学校有一个足球俱乐部。”你要怎么说:_ ( )AThere is a basketball club in our school.BThere is a football club in our school.四、填空题20 . 根据句意选择单词填空。who blackboard eyes teacher an 1. I can see with my _.2._is that? Thats Jims father.3. Miss Li is our Chinese_.4. Clean the _,please.5. Whats this? Its _ eraser.五、选内容补全对话选择适当的单词填空补全对话,将其大写字母编号写在横线上。A. crayons B. orange C. picture D. colour E. idea F. it G. funnyLucy: Hi, David. Look at the rooms 21 . .David: Its nice.I have 22 . . Lets 23 . it.Lucy: OK. Lets colour the desk 24 . .David: The bed is 25 . . Lets colour 26 . purple.Lucy: Good 27 . . I like itDavid: Me too.六、看图题28 . 看图选出最佳答语。(_)1.Do you have a bike? A.Yes, I do.B. No,I dont.C.Yes, it is .(_)2.Is the girl your sister? A.Yes,he is.B.Yes,she is.C.Yes,it is.(_)3.Wash your hands. A. OK.B.Here you are.C.No,it isnt.(_)4.Is it a ruler? A.Yes,it is.B.No,it is a rubber.C.Yes ,I do.(_)5.Whos the baby? A.Yes,it is.B.No,it isnt.C.Its me.七、书面表达29 . 写作。苏海生病了。她去医院看医生。请写一段不少于50词的对话。_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、2、3、三、情景交际1、2、四、填空题1、五、选内容补全对话1、六、看图题1、七、书面表达1、


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