2019年冀教版英语九年级Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future单元检测B卷

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2019年冀教版英语九年级Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future单元检测B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Ann always goes over her exercises to _ there are no mistakes.Aset upBmake sureCfind outDtalk about2 . How will we sell more products?We need to come up with more _ ideas.AawfulBcreativeCmeaninglessDembarrassing3 . Why didnt I see you at Lucys party last night? Because I _ to her party.Ahavent been invitedBdidnt inviteCwasnt invitingDwasnt invited4 . Nothing and nobody can live _ air and water. I agree _ you.Awith, withBwithout, withCin, with5 . Im afraid that I cant finish the work within one hour.Dont worry. You _ more time to do it.Awill giveBare givingCwill be givenDwere given6 . (2014淮安市)You should _ smoking. Its really bad for your health.Alook upBgive upCget upDset up7 . His grandfather sometimes _him on Sundays.Ais going to seeBis coming to seeCcomes to seeDgo to see8 . (题文)Alice is interested in _ the Internet.AsurfBsurfingCto surfDsurfs9 . People_to write letters, but now the Internet is widely_Aused; usingBare used; usingCare used; usedDused; used二、完型填空What are things going_like in 100 years? Can you guess?You wake up_7:00. Your_ may be all ready for you to eat. People neednt(不需要) cook. Now you start_. But you dont go_. You get on a moving sidewalk. It carries you to a train station. There you_a train. Three oclock comes. Your work is over for a day. “Ill call my friend, John,” you say. John_the visual phone. You and he hear and see each other over the phone. “What are you going to do_ Saturday?” you ask. “Will you come and visit the underwater park with me?” John may say, “I want_a spaceship(宇宙飞船)!Lets_the moon.”10 . AbeBto beC/Dto11 . AinBonCatD/12 . AbreakfastBlunchCdinnerDdrink13 . Ato workingBworkedCworksDto work14 . Aby carBby a carCtake carDtake cars15 . AbyBtakeCtakesDtook16 . AasksBaskedCanswersDanswered17 . AatBonCinD/18 . AtakeBto takeCinD/19 . AflyBfly toCflewDflying to三、句型转换20 . You must remember to come on time(改为祈使旬)_come on time21 . The Students have to wear the uniforms(对画线部分提问)_the students have to_?22 . Bob has to make the bed every day(改为一般疑问旬)_Bob_to make the bed every day?23 . They can play with friends and watch TV on weekends(改为否定句)They_with friends_watch TV on weekends24 . Dont fight with your classmates(同义句转换)You_with your classmates四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空25 . My father likes French food, while my mother prefers _ (Italy) food.26 . Kevin is _ (interest) in stamp-collection.27 . I like sleeping late on Sunday mornings.There is nothing_(good) than that.28 . There will be a Chinese painting _ (exhibit) in the national museum next week.29 . We had a great time with the _(fisherman) in this village.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子railway board memories soft bedroom whilerailway board memories soft bedroom while30 . -Where is my quiltMorn?-It is in your_31 . This kind of train must run along a_32 . -Morncan we have supper now?-OKThe supper will be ready in a_33 . Most children like_toys34 . Those events in my childhood left me sweet_35 . Chess is a kind of_game六、多任务混合问题East Dublin is a small town in the United States. Yet it is very famous for the Summer Redneck Games,a funny sports meeting,which is aimed to raise money for charity(慈善).In 1996,the 26 Olympic Games took place in Atlanta. This Olympic Games was very successful but just like other Olympic Games,some athletes made some funny mistakes. After the game,Mark Davis who was a reporter came up with an idea to hold a special charity activity. To attract people,all the games are modeled on the funny mistakes of the athletes in the Atlanta Olympic Games. Because of the attention from newspapers and TV stations,it soon became a yearly game.The Summer Redneck Games has two funniest games. One is throwing toilet seats. All the competitors throw toilet seats modeling the way cowboys threw horseshoes. The one who throws the farthest wins. The other is picking pig feet from a basin(脸盆 )of water with mouth. The one who picks the most within 30 seconds wins. There are many other funny games such as wet T-shirt competition and big-hair competition. All of them are popular.According to the Summer Redneck Games website,the organizers expected only about 500 people in the first year,but got 10 times of people instead. Over the past ten years,almost 100,000 people have attended the sports meeting. As a result,East Dublin has become one of the most famous towns in America.36 . What is the purpose of the Summer Redneck Games?It is aimed to_.37 . Why did the Summer Redneck Games become a yearly game?It was because of_ from some public media.38 . What are the two funniest games?They are_ and picking pig feet from a basin of water with mouth.39 . How many people have taken part in the sports meeting over the last ten years?_have attended it over the last ten years.40 . What effect does the sports meeting have on East Dublin?It has made East Dublin become_ in America.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、完型填空1、三、句型转换1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、多任务混合问题1、


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