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人教版九年级中考二模考试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its time _ to bed. You should _ the light. Ago; closeBto go; turn offCto go; turn on2 . -David will never _ though he fails again and again. -_. So I believe both of you will succeed one day.Agive up, Neither will youBgive off, Neither you willCtake up, So will youDtake off, So you will3 . Lucys mother _ a teacher in a big school. She is kind to all her students.Aworks outBworks inCworks onDworks as4 . Hello. Im Simon.AThis is AmyBHello,Im AmyCNice to meet you tooDFine, thank you5 . Steve, youd better not drive so fast on such a narrow road.OK, I will slow down.AEvery dog has its dayBAll roads lead to RomeCIts better to be safe than sorryDAll is well that ends well6 . Could you please tell me the pretty dress? She bought it online, I think.Awhere Mary boughtBif Mary likedCwhen Mary boughtDhow much Mary paid for7 . We are _ tired to go any _. Lets stop to have a rest.Aso; farther B. too; fartherBso; farer D. too; farer8 . What do you think of the lesson?This is _ interesting lesson and it is also _ useful one.Aan; anBan; aCan; the9 . -Your 12-year-old son doesnt know much about shopping online, _ he?- _, actually shopping online is popular with teenagers these days.Adoes/NoBdoes/YesCdoesnt/NoDdoesnt/Yes10 . Shall we go traveling?We cant. _, we dont have enough money. Secondly, were too busy.ATo start withBAs a resultCAfter allDIn fact11 . My brother has lost his watch. Now he is looking for_AoneBthisCthatDit12 . -I wonder if these are Jims glasses .-Theybe his .He doesnt wear glasses.AmustBshouldCcanDcant13 . Does Hong Kong Disneyland _different parks?Yes, there are four parks in it, _Tomorrowland and Fantasyland.Ainclude, includingBincluding, includeCinclude, includeDincluding, including14 . When will the sports meeting _ ?AhappenBtake placeCbe happenedDbe taken place二、完型填空In 2014, when I was well again after a serious illness, a friend invited me to a writers meeting in Orlando, Florida. My family thought that a _ might be just what the doctor suggested, so I went offI was tired when I arrived in the Sunshine State. I caught a taxi to my hotel. The next morning, I took_ taxi to the shopping centre to buy something, later after shopping I went to a lovely restaurant _ lunch,_there were no more tables. Then I heard a friendly voice, “You can _ my table.” I thankfully sat down with the_lady. We had a happy lunch together. At the end of the _she asked me how I would plan the holiday in OrlandoI_her that I didnt have a car. I would take taxis to go out though it was a bit _. Hearing that she said, “My dear, dont use any more taxis. Im retired (退休) and free. I am glad to_ you to any place you wish.” I told her that I couldnt put her into that_, but she didnt agree. She asked me where I was_ and the next morning, she came to my hotel and took me to Disney World. She stayed with me for some time and then _me alone. At the end of the day, she returned to take me back to my hotel. I gave her money but she didnt take any._ the help of her, I enjoyed my trip there. Ill never forget _ she did for meShe made my short holiday in Florida such a wonderful memory.15 . AholidayBmeetingCresearchDconversation16 . AanyBotherCanotherDthe other17 . AatBtoCofDfor18 . AsoBandCbutDthough19 . AuseBmakeCpassDshare20 . AoldBpoorCcleverDstrict21 . AdayBmealCtalkDtable22 . AsaidBtoldCtalkedDshowed23 . ApleasedBharmfulCexcellentDexpensive24 . AcallBfindCdriveDguide25 . AplaceBdangerCtroubleDsituation26 . AstayingBworkingCvisitingDshopping27 . AleftBsentCaskedDhelped28 . AInBWithCUnderDBecause29 . AitBthisCthatDwhat三、阅读单选Harry is nine years old. He goes to the school next to his home. He always walks to and back from school. One day he came back from school late. His mother saw him and asked him, “Why are you late, Harry?” “My teacher is very angry(生气的) and asks you to go to her office tomorrow.”“To her office? Why?” his mother asked, “Because she asked a question in the class and I was the only boy who could answer it.” said Harry.“You are very clever, my son.” His mother said with a smile.(微笑)“Her question is who put the tomato on my chair and make my trousers dirty(脏)” said Harry.30 . _could answer the teachers question in class.ANobodyBHarryCMany studentsDGirls31 . There was a _ on the teachers chair.AtomatoBbookCtoyDpanda32 . The teacher asked Harrys mother to school because _.AHarry didnt work hardBHarry went to school lateCHarry couldnt answer the questionDHarry made her angry.33 . Harrys mother thought her son was _ first.ArightBcuteCsmartDgood“Mom, I dreamed about you last night. I dreamed that you came back to me, but I know you are gone.” says a girl named Lulu in Sina Weibo. Lulu has been “talking” to her deceased mother on her blog for the past four years. Her act has moved many people.Lulu left her first message on June, 2013, a week after her mother died. Since then, she has been writing the blog almost every day, saying how much she misses her mother and whats going on in her life. Lulu says its her way to “keep in touch” with her mother. During the past four years, she has written over 1,200 messages and got 86,583 followers so far. One follower says, “The story moves me so much. Thanks for telling us to cherish(珍视) each day we have with our family.”Lulu is glad that her blogs can make young people think about their family duties and she hopes they can spend more time with their parents.34 . Lulu keeps in touch with her mother by_.Awriting lettersBdoing TV showsCwriting blogsDmaking calls35 . What does the underlined phrase “deceased” mean in Chinese?A老的B去世的C生病的D和蔼的36 . After reading Lulus blog, the followers feel_ .AmovedBworriedCscaredDexcited37 . Which one is NOT the “family duties” in the last paragraph?AYoung people should show love for their parents.BYoung people should spend more time with their parents.CYoung people should take care of their parents.DYoung people should stay away from their parents all the time.38 . What can we learn from the passage?ALulu started writing her blogs before her mother died.BLulu has been writing the blogs every day for five years.CLulus blogs show she misses her mother very much.DYoung people are sorry that they cant live with their parents.Dear Mom,Im sorry that I cant go back home for Mothers Day next week. On that day, Ill have to go to an important meeting for my boss, who helps me a lot with my work and life here. But Ill find time to see you at home soon.Mom, thank you for everything youve done for Tim and me. After Dad died in a traffic accident ten years ago, you had to work in a supermarket in the daytime and in a restaurant at night. But you always gave us two your love and care. Though you dont have to work now, I still remember your coming home and feeling tired many evenings.Tim is going to finish his studies next month. He said he would move back from school and look for a job near home. Im glad you wont live by yourself anymore. Lets plan to take a trip in the near future. Its been over 5 years since the three of us took a trip together.Happy Mothers Day! I love you, Mom.Best wishes,John39 . How many people were there in Johns family 10 years ago ?AtwoBthreeCfourDfive40 . John cant go home on Mothers Day because he has to _.Ameet his boss at the airportBtake a tripCattend a meetingDgo to a party41 . What can we learn about Johns mother ?AShe lives by herself now.BShe still works day and night.CShe will make a plan to save money.DShe used to be too busy to care for her children.42 . What do we know from the letter ?AJohn has two brothers.BJohn is unhappy with his boss.CTim will finish his studies soon.DTim will go far away for his job soon.43 . Which is true according to the letter ?AJohns father died at work.BTim will look for a teaching job.CJohn bought a gift for his mother.DJohn hopes to take a trip with his family.Music CenterJoin us! Now its your chance to play music!7: 00 pm-9: 00 pm every Monday, Wednesday 9: 30 am-11: 30 am everySaturday, Sunday( Dont forget to bring your instruments )Telephone: 5130564The Swimming ClubBusiness hours: 10: 00 am-10: 00 pm Price: 20 dollars for adults 10 dollars for studentsThe cafe is open from 11: 00 am to 2: 00 pm, every MondayAddress: 362, Williston Road Telephone: 5439624Season restaurantAddress: 126.Green roadBusiness hours: Mon to Sat.7: 00 am-9: 00 pm Sun.10: 00 am-2: 00 pmTelephone: 5706536Joes MarkFresh vegetables and fruit.We also sell sandwiches, cakes, pies.We are open 6 am-8 am Monday to Friday.Free ice cream for children under 10Telephone: 5807932根据短文内容,选择最佳选项,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。44 . If you want to join the music center, you may come at_.A8: 30 am on WednesdayB9: 30 pm on MondayC11: 00 pm on TuesdayD10: 00 am on Saturday45 . If you want to book a table in the Season Restaurant, you can call up the number.A5130564B5439624C5706536D580793246 . Mike and Jack are middle school students.How much will they pay in total if they want to swim in the swimming club?A10 dollarsB20 dollarsC30 dollarsD40 dollars47 . A(n)_child can enjoy free ice cream in the Joes Market.A8-year-oldB1l-year-oldC13-year-oldD15-year-old48 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe music center will provide you with some instruments for free.BYou can buy fresh fruit in Joes Market on Monday morning.CYou can get to Williston Road to have lunch in Season Restaurant.DYou can eat something in the cafe of the swimming club on Sunday.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。49 . I couldnt a_ (买得起)the dress on my own50 . Smoking is not only h_ (有害的)to yourself,but also to the others51 . The beautiful girl is the future q_(王后)of that country52 . Jane was very happy because she was p_(表扬)by her grandfather.53 . Jack is the only b_(银行家)in my small village五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意用括号中单词的适当形式填空,使句子的意思完整、正确。54 . Who _ the flowers for Miss Green?(buy)55 . Many _ doctors wear glasses, too(woman)56 . Please _ kites with me, Jim(fly)57 . The girls of China Women Volleyball are our _, we should learn from them(hero)58 . I think _ is fun(run)(题文)用所给词的适当形式填空59 . (小题1)Here _ (be) a nice photo.60 . (小题2)I have(有) two _ (son).61 . (小题3)Is this _ (you) sister?62 . (小题4)My grandfather _ (be) here.63 . (小题5)Are _ (that) your uncles pictures?六、完成句子64 . 我现在能离开吗?_ now?65 . 我认为孩子们应该做家务。I think _.66 . 我认为我们遵守纪律是公平的。I thin k _ for us to obey the rules.67 . 我认为你最好先打扫一下房间。I think _ your room first.68 . 我认为孩子们应该学会如何保护自己。I think children should learn _.69 . 请你把教室打扫一下好吗?好的, 当然可以。_ clean the classroom?Yes, _.70 . 我能用一下你的钢笔吗?不, 你不能。我正在写信。_ your pen? _ _, you _. Im writing a letter.71 . 现在我能和朋友去逛街吗?当然能, 但你得先把餐具洗一下。_ hang out with my friends now?_, _ you _ _ _ the dishes first.72 . 雨一直下。It is raining _.73 . 我讨厌做家务。I hate to _.七、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Learning math doesnt begin or end in the classroom. When your child starts school, you still have to help him 74 . math. Here are some ways for you to help your child learn math at home.Ask questions about your 75 . (child)math lessons at school. Try to check(检查)his homework.Try to help your child understand math problems. For example, you can cut an apple into four 76 . (help)him solve(解决)a math problem. You can also take him to go 77 . (shop)to plan how to spend money.Encourage(鼓励)your child to learn math 78 . (good). For example, when he finishes his homework, tell him that he does 79 . good job.Welcome wrong 80 . (answer). When your child cant work out math problems, keep calm(冷静). Just try to help him to work 81 . (they)out.Learning math isnt just about 82 . (finish)the homework its also about learning the processes(过程)of solving problems. Its an important job 83 . parents.八、材料作文84 . 健康对我们中学生很重要, 我们有很多方法来保持健康。请你根据以下提示内容, 以“Ways to Keep Healthy”为题, 写一篇短文。(1)eat healthy food. . (2)good and regular habit. . (3)do exercise. . 要求:(1)内容须包含表格中所提供信息, 可适当发挥。(2)文中不得出现真实的人名、校名及地名。(3)词数80个左右(开头已给出, 不计入总词数)。Ways to Keep HealthyHealth is very important to us. Good health can help us enjoy our life more.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、语法填空1、八、材料作文1、


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