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人教版2020版九年级初中毕业生学业考试模拟(一)英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The boy across the road is our new classmate. Lets go to say “Hello”.Ain front ofBbehindCon the other side of2 . The key isnt . It belongs to .Aher; TomsBhers; TomCher; TomDhers; Toms3 . The broken _may cut into your hand if you touch it, you should be careful.AglassBglassesCcandleDcandles4 . Does she like_?Yes, she has many friends.Amake friendBmake friendsCto make friendDto make friends5 . You can work in small or large groups: it _ your personal choice.Aputs onBcomes onCdepends onDhangs on6 . It is reported that a space station _ on the moon in a few years.Awas builtBwill be builtCis built Dhas been built7 . According to the new traffic rules, kids under 12 _ sit in the front passenger seat of a car.AmustntBcantCshouldntDneednt8 . She was _ sunglasses.AwornBwearingCputting onDdress9 . I hope you _ my birthday party next Saturday. OK, I _.Ato come to; willBto come to; amCcan come to; willDcan come to; do10 . I have_violin and I can play_violin.Aa;aBa;theCa;/Dthe;the11 . Li Hua is _ person I know.Athe most funnyBthe funniestCfunnierDFun12 . _ is important for us _ sports every dayAIt; doBThat; to doCThis; to doDIt; to do.13 . - Would you like to go out to play football with me? - _. When shall we meet?AId love toBYes, I likeCOf course notDYes, I do14 . I think you should _a balance _ work and play.Aachieve; inBkeep; onCachieve; betweenDget; at15 . Daniel, you are speaking too fast. I cant follow you.Sorry, I will speak a little more _.AslowlyBloudlyCpolitelyDcompletely二、补全对话7选5口语应用。Ado some sports every dayBgoing to bed early goodChealth is more important than moneyDsport is very important, tooEfood is the most importantFIt is very healthyGThe less you eat, the healthier you are阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。A: Which is more important, health or money?B: In my eyes, 16 . .A: I agree with you. But how can we keep healthy?B: I think17 . . I always eat healthy food.A: Can we eat junk food?B: 18 . .A: What else should we do?B: We should19 . . But remember not to do sports soon after meals.B: I see. Is20 . for our health?A: Yes, it is. Early to bed and early to get up makes you healthy.三、完型填空A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D、四个选项中选出可填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Nowadays,more and more teenagers have too much pressure. They find their_are getting heavier and hours they spend on their homework are becoming_.They think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies. But their parents think the hobbies can_their schoolwork. Should parents allow their children_their own decisions?Liu Ying,a fifteen-yearold girl, is a singing star at schoo1. She always wanted to be a professional(专业的)_when she grows up. _, her parents dont want her to practice singing because they think their daughter should study hard to get good_and go to a good university. “She needs to spend more time_her homework because its_to become a professional singing star.” says her father. But Liu Ying really_“I know my parents_me. And they hope that I will have a better life in the future. But I am_singing. I should be allowed to make my own decision. Only then will I have a chance to achieve(实现)my_.” says Liu YingDoctors say lots of pressure_bad for childrens development. Society should pay more attention to the health of teenagers. Parents have to own the_attitude(态度)towards the students development. Although its normal to want successful children, Its even more important to have healthy and happy children!21 . AschoolsBschoolbagsCsuggestionsDrequires22 . AlongerBshorterClessDfewer23 . Aput downBput outCget out ofDget in the way of24 . AmakeBto makeCmakingDmade25 . ArunnerBplayerCsingerDwriter26 . AHoweverBThoughCButDSo27 . AjobsBbooksCgradesDdreams28 . AwithBforCinDon29 . AeasyBinterestingCpossibleDdifficult30 . AagreesBmindsCdislikesDdisagrees31 . Acare aboutBtake afterClook forDlook like32 . Aangry withBserious aboutCsorry forDpleased with33 . AplaceBdealCdreamDgrades34 . AareBwereCisDwas35 . AwrongBrightChardDsimple四、阅读单选Welcome to Blue Sky Hotel and we will do all we can to make your stay an enjoyable one. We hope you will find the following useful to you.Star Ratings: Blue Sky Hotel, sincerely looks forward to your arrival!Hotel FacilitiesGeneral Dining room Coffee shop Gym centre Outdoor swimming pool Business Centre Elevator/ lift ATM NightclubRoom Safe box Air-condition International direct dial Hair drier Mini-fridge A private bathroom Television Wi-Fi free in the whole hotelInternetHotel ServicesServices24-hour front desk, morning call, ticket service, taxi service, message and fax service, etc.Charges A single room: 150 yuan per night. Double room: 200 yuan per night. 30 per meal, children under 12 years are half off.Hotel Rules Pets are not allowed. Guests are responsible for their own property and safety. Smoke only in smoking area.Things to rememberCheck-in time: 2:00 pm(present your ID card, passport)Check-out time: noonMeal time: Breakfast (8:00-9:30)Lunch (12:00-14:00)Dinner (18:30-20:30)Your reservation is absolutely safe. All personal data is encrypted and will only be used for your booking.36 . You cant _ when staying in Blue Hotel.Araise petsBgo swimmingChave meals37 . If Mr. Brown and his 8-year-old son have a meal in the hotel, how much should they pay?A 30.B 45.C 60.38 . Which of the following is true?ANo free Wi-Fi in the hotel.BYou can enjoy dinner at 18:00.CYou can check out at 12 oclock.39 . The underline word encrypted(in the last section) probably means _.AprotectedBstoredCsold40 . The purpose of the passage is _.Ato introduce the hotelBto make people enjoy their tripsCto attract more people to live in the hotelWeve Moved!Please come to the partyIn our new house.8:00pm on November 5Betty and JackAdd: 31 Station StreetTel: 3421525E-mail: betty 12email.netMust sell 275Best washing machineOnly 6 months oldOwner going abroadCall Mike GreenAdd: 10 Park StreetTel: 3422691E-mail: mikegreenbotmail.comSmiths Book ClubNew and old booksOver 1000 kindsGood coffee and teaOpen every day 10:00 to 22:00Add: 15 North StreetTel: 3427391 or 3427350E-mail: smith15yahoo.com41 . If you want to go to Betty and Jacks party,you can call.A3421525B3427391C342269142 . Mike Green has to sell his washing machine because .Ahe wants to buy a new oneBhe will go abroadChe wants to buy a new house43 . Smiths Book Club is opena day.A8 hoursB10 hoursC12 hours44 . If you want to read some books, you can go to.A31 station StreetB15 North streetC10 park street45 . You can use the e-mail mikegreenhotmail.com if you want to.Aread some booksBgo to a family partyCbuy a washing machineThere was an ancient Chinese story. A naughty boy Mencius and his family lived next to the cemetery(墓地). Mencius liked to hold a funeral(葬礼) just like people around. Mencius mother took him and moved to a market. Then Mencius and his neighbors children learned to buy and sell meat. Finally, they moved again and lived next to a school. In this neighborhood, people treated each other politely. Mencius mother thought that was the right living place for her son.The story tells us the importance of people around us. For students, they can be role models.In a study, I interviewed some students at Bingham High School. These teens have lots of opinions about role models.Teens need role models to provide direction. Jeff Pratt said, “To have a role model helps you to decide where you want to go with your life.” A role model shows what a teens life could be like in the future. “Role models are people you admire, and those people that help make you a good person.” This is Spencer Parks opinion of who role models are and why it is important to have them.A role model is “someone to look at and try to learn good qualities from,” said Natalie Bean.When teens were asked “What is a role model like?”, the list included words such as, encouraging, inspiring, strong-willed, honest, ready to stand up for what they believe in, helpful, easy to talk to, talented and cheerful. Teens want to learn from their role models how to succeed and also how to carry on after failure.Robbie Jenkins said, “Good role models are people that stand up for what is right and good.Role models encourage and inspire.” Heidi Woolley said, “A good role model makes a teen do the best in school and in life and make much progress. Then he will have a good opinion of his own abilities and accept himself gradually. In this way, role models help build up a teens self-esteem.”“The role models teens need are not the ones that appear in the media,” said Natalie Bean.My study also shows students are quick to agree on that a true role model is not the person with the best job title, the greatest responsibility, or the greatest fame(名望). Anyone who inspires a child to achieve dreams in life can be a right role model.46 . The writer uses the story in Paragraph 1 to show that _.APeople should have good habits.BPeople are influenced by others.CPeople are able to choose good neighbours.DPeople know how to choose a living place.47 . What do students at Bingham High School probably agree?ARole models stand up for what is right and social.BAnyone can inspire a child to achieve dreams in life.CHaving a role model decides where to go with your life.DA teen can learn good qualities from a good role model.48 . What does the underlined word “self-esteem” mean?ASelf-respect.BSelf-control.CSelf-praise.DSelf-support.49 . Whats the writers main purpose in this passage?ATo know what students role models do.BTo tell how a teen learn from a role model.CTo find out students ways to be a role model.DTo share ideas of some teens about role models.五、完成句子根据括号内的汉语意思,用相关短语完成句子,每空一词。50 . He is worried that he may_(被开除).51 . What his parents said_(使他发狂)just now.52 . I _(宁愿) take a train to Beijing_(而不是)fly there.53 . Nobody wants to chat with him. He felt_(被冷落).54 . Our English teacher said that he wanted to_(和我们成为朋友)us.六、单词填空The Great Wall is known as the eighth wonder of the world. Every year thousands of tourists from all over the world come to visit this place of55 . in China.Last Saturday I went to the Great Wall56 . some of my friends. It was a sunny day. On our way up, we saw many volunteers(志愿者) keeping working in the sun. They helped the elders with their bags.,57 . photos for some tourists and answered peoples questions. Though they are very58 . , they didnt stop to have a rest. We were deeply moved when we saw this.Just at the moment, we saw59 . little boy standing alone and crying. We went over and asked what60 . to him. From his answer we knew that he couldnt find his mother. We told him not to61 . about it and then we tried to get to touch with his mother with the phone number he gave us. Twenty minutes62 . , his mother turned up. When she saw her son, she was very excited and thanked63 . with tears in her eyes.That day we not only enjoyed the beauty of the Great Wall, but also felt the warmth of the society.64 . everyone can reach out a helping hand to others, the world will be more and more harmonious(和谐的).七、信息归纳阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。There are many inventions that have caused great changes in the world. Here is a short introduction of the maglev train (磁悬浮). The history of the maglev train started in the beginning of the 1900s. The American Robert Goddard and the French Emile Bachelet came up with the idea of frictionless (无摩擦的) trains. But scientist didnt succeed in making it at that time.About 60 years later, the Japanese started their research on maglev transportation. After many years of experiments, the Japanese began to build their first test line. 7 km in 1975, and finished it in 1977. Many test runs started in July, 1977 with a speed of 517 km/h. In 1990, Japan built the Yamanashi Maglev test line. This test line was 42.8 km long and the first running test was held in 1997.The Germans also started research on the maglev train in the early 1970s. It took them ten years to make the first track(ti)model. In 1993, the longest nonstop test running was 1,674 km. That same year the speed reached 450km/h.China finished a 30-km-long maglev train line in Shanghai in 2003. This is the first commercial (商业的) maglev train line in the world. Although this project cost over 1 billion dollars, we should feel proud of it.65 . Robert Goddard and Emile Bachelet _ the idea of frictionless trains.66 . In 1975, the Japanese began to build _ of maglev trains.67 . The Germans spent _ in making the first track model.68 . The Maglev train line in Shanghai is _ long.69 . _ made the first commercial maglev train line.八、材料作文70 . 书面表达根据表格提示,以My day为题,写出自己一天的活动安排。起床5:40午饭12:00早饭6:30做作业7:00上学7:30看电视9:00上课8:00上床睡觉10:00_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、信息归纳1、八、材料作文1、

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