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人教版2020年(春秋版)八年级上学期期中英语试卷(带解析)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Do you look the same?No, I amtaller than her. But she is asas me.Alittle; the thinBmuch more; thinCa bit; thinnerDa little; thin2 . In spring, a mask can be helpful if flowers make your nose uncomfortable.AwearBworeCwearingDworn3 . Susans jeans are the same _ Annas but different _ Lisas.Aas; asBas; likeCas; fromDlike; as4 . I am reading a reportanimals _ danger.Aon ; inBabout ; onCto ; fromDin; with5 . Is that your uncles child?Yes, hes my _.AsisterBbrotherCsonDcousin6 . I hope my school life of senior high will be _ than that of junior high.Amore excitingBvery excitingCas exciting asDthe most exciting7 . - Can I have _ more food? - Sorry, theres _ in the fridge.Asome, anything elseBany, nothing elseCsome, nothing elseDany, something else8 . Not only my friends but also I _ tired after the school trip two days ago.AamBareCisDwas9 . Doctors advise old peoplein the open air on such hazy(雾霾的) days.AexerciseBexercisingCto exerciseDnot to exercise10 . _ more information, passengers can contact the air company _ 0273 330016.AWith; byBAs; withCBy; atDFor; on11 . The child _ his homework in the evening.AdoesBdoCmakes12 . We really enjoyed the school trip yesterday, _ it rained in the afternoon and some of us got wet.AthoughBafterCbecauseDso13 . _ too quickly. Its not good for us to eat a quick lunch.ADont eatBNot eatingCNo eatDDoesnt eat14 . He eats food, so he is fat.Atoo much, much tooBmuch too, too manyCmuch too, too much15 . Here _ two photos of my family.AisBareCamDbe16 . It takes Simon about fifteen minutesto school every day.AgetBgetsCto getDgetting17 . Liu Huan, a famous male singer ,has long hair ,but he _ short hairAused to haveBis used to havingCis used for havingDis used to have18 . - Why didnt you _ them _ with each other ?- Im sorry, but I was making a call at that time.Astop, fightingBkeep, fightingCstop, to fightDprevent, fight19 . The two boys _ good at sports.Aare bothBboth areCare allDall are20 . _ necessary for us _ our environment clean and tidy.AThis is; keepBThats; to keepCIts; to keepDIts; keep21 . Some scientists believe that theremore robots in the future.Awill haveBwill hasCwill be22 . -Hey, Ben. Why didnt you go to Erics birthday party?-I had tothe final-term exams.AworkBimproveCprepare forDwrite down二、完型填空Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes these can get in the way of their schoolwork, and parents might worry _ their success at school. Teenagers often think they _ be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want. Do you agree?Carla, a fifteen-year-old girl, is talented in singing, _ is a singing star at school. She dreams to be a professional singer. However, her parents dont allow her to practice so much because _ think their daughter should study hard to get good _ and enter a good university. “We _ every one of her competitions. We have nothing against singing. But she needs _ more time on her schoolwork because its difficult to become a professional singing star.” says her father. But Carla really disagrees. “I know my parents care about me, And they hope I will have _ better life in the future. But I take singing _. I want to make my own decision. Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.” says Carla.Parents have to own the correct attitude (态度) towards the childrens development. _ its normal to want successful children, its even more important to have healthy and happy children!23 . AaboutBatCforDwith24 . AcouldBwouldCmustDshould25 . AbutBandCorDso26 . AtheirBtheyCtheirsDthem27 . AgradeBthankCgradesDthanks28 . AsupportBsupportedCwill supportDhave supported29 . Ato spendBspendCto takeDtake30 . AaBanCtheD/31 . AseriousBseriouslyCseriousnessDmore seriously32 . AUntilBSinceCAlthoughDWhen三、阅读单选One day an American called Simon went to London to visit his friend, Rick. Rick told him that his flat was on the first floor. When he arrived, Simon went straight to the first floor of the building. But he was told that there was no Rick on that floor. Do you know why?In fact, the British call the first floor of a building the ground floor. The floor above the ground floor is the first floor, which Americans would call the second floor.The story shows that there are a few cultural differences between Britain and America, though the British and Americans both speak English.The British usually hide their feelings. They seldom start a conversation with strangers. For example, on the train the British often spend their time reading newspapers or books. But Americans are quite different. Theyre more active and easier to talk with.The British and Americans may use differenttermsfor the same things. The British usually use football, eraser and mail while Americans prefer to use soccer, rubber and post.33 . Simon went to London to _.Avisit his friendBspend his holidayCstudy EnglishDhave a meeting34 . According to the passage, the British usually spend their time _on the train.Aplaying cardsBtalking loudlyCdoing some readingDsinging and dancing35 . What does the underlined word terms mean in Chinese in the passage?A成果B学期C会议D用语36 . Whats the best title for the passage?ADifferences in cultureBSimons funny storyCInformation abroad(国外)DHiding the feelingsShopping Guide in City Mall5FRestaurant, Tea house, Coffee house ,Cinema4FChildrens clothing, Childrens pleasure ground3FMens clothing, Sports clothing2FWomens clothing1FVegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, drinks, cooked foodBusiness hours:Weekdays: 9:00 a.m.10:00 p.m.Weekends: 9:30 a.m.10:30 p.m.37 . You can buy a dress for your mother on _.Athe first floorBthe second floorCthe third floor38 . According to the guide, we can go shopping at _ on Sunday.A9:00 a.m.B10:00 p.m.C11:00 p.m.四、单词填空短文填空(本题共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)Li Lei is thirteen now. He began to study in a middle school two years ago. His h39 . is in a small village (村庄), and its nearly five kilometers from his school. He has to g40 . up early in the morning and run to school. He is n41 . late for school. His father thinks Li Lei is too t42 . . He wants to b43 . some money to buy a bike for him. Li Lei doesnt agree because he knows his m44 . is always ill and the family s45 . a lot of money buying medicine (药). He keeps running every day. He becomes stronger and stronger. He runs fastest in his class.Last week there was a sports meeting in his school. Li Lei ran faster than any o46 . boy and got the first place in the boys 1, 500 meters. The w47 . school knew him. His classmates and teachers were very proud (骄傲)of him. He was happy, too. He ran home fast to tell his parents a48 . the good news.五、填空阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后1-10小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。Some people dislike hiking because they think it is too difficult. However, sometimes it can really be as easy as going out to the park and walking by the river. The places for hiking should be far away from the cars and the noise. Heres some useful advice for people to go hiking.First of all, when you choose your first hike, you should be careful. If you choose a too easy one, youll still have a nice day outside to enjoy. However, if you choose a too hard one, you may be very tired and cant have a good time.Secondly, its good for a beginner to join a group. The people in a group can help each other. If you decide to take a hike by yourself, you should prepare as much as possible. You should wear right shoes to make your feet comfortable. Also, take a map with you. If not , youll fail to find your way home.At last, dont forget to take a mobile phone or a whistle(口哨). When you are in trouble, you can use it to get help. A pleasant hike will give you a sense of freedom(自由) and you will also have a clear mind(头脑) and then return to your studies after it.Something about hikingIts difficult for some people to take a hike, but sometimes its49 . to take it. You should take a hike in a far and50 . place.First of allYou must be careful to choose your first hike. If its too hard, you may feel tired instead of51 . your hike.SecondlyIts good for a beginner to go hiking with a52 . .When you decide to take a hike53 . , you should prepare54 . .55 . a map, you may lose your way.If you dont wear56 . shoes, your feet may feel uncomfortable.57 . When you are in trouble, a mobile phone or a whistle may58 . others to know where you are. A pleasant hike will be good for your studies.任务型阅读Sports help people to live happily.They help people to keep healthy and feel good. Doing sports is good for people .When people play games, they always move _.It is good for their health. And having sports with their friends often makes them happy. Many people enjoy sports by watching others playing .It can also make them happy and excited.Many people buy tickets to watch different kinds of games.Because it is 更激动人心的to watch matches in the stadium than at home.But more people like to watch sports games on TV. It is more relaxing and cheap.In China, there are many beautiful seas , rivers and lakes.In summer, many people like to go there. Whatever sport you like , just enjoy it and keep healthy , My friends!59 . 对处选择合适的答案:A a lot ofBlot ofCa lotDlots of_.60 . 将处英语翻译成汉语。_.61 . 将处汉语翻译成英语。_。62 . 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。Having sports with peoples friends often makes them happy. _63 . 给本文加一个适当的标题。_六、话题作文64 . 现在,某英文网站正在开展以 “成就 ”为主题的征文活动 假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿 谈一谈你经历的让你很有成就感的一件事情,主要内容包括 :你取得了什么成就,你是如何做到的,以及你在取得成就的过程中学到了什么 提示词语 :write,translate,friend,help,teamwork,better提示问题 :1. What achievement have you made?2. How did you make it?3. What have you learnt from the experience?第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、单词填空1、五、填空1、2、六、话题作文1、

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