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人教版2020年中考英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空My son Daniel began surfing at the age of 13. Ater school each day he put on his wet suit and waited to be challenged by three-to-six-foot waves. Daniels love for the ride was tested one _afternoon.Your sons been in an accident, the 1lifeguard(救生员)reported to my_Mike over the phone hurriedly. “_he came up to the top of the water, the point of the board was headed toward his eye.”Mike rushed our son to the hospital. He_ 26 stitches (缝合)from the corner of his eye to the bridge of his nose.I was_ home from a meeting while Daniels eye was being stitched, Mike drove_ to the airport after they left the doctors office. He greeted_ at the gate while Daniel was waiting in the car.“Daniel?”I questioned. I remember thinking the_ must have been terrible that day.“Hes been in an accident, but hes going to be fine.” Mike comforted me.I ran to the car, My son reached out both arms, crying, “Oh, Mom, Irn .so glad youre home.”I sobbed(抽泣) in his arms, telling him how_ I felt about not being there when the lifeguard called.“Its okay, Mom,”he said. “Ill be fine. The doctor said I can go back in the water in eight days.”Was he _ ? I wanted to tell him that he wasnt allowed to go near water again until he was 35, but_ I controlled myself.He kept asking me to let him go back on the_ for the next seven days. One day after I _ “No” to him for the 100th time, he beat me at my own game.“Mom, you taught us never to_ what we love. ”I gave in. Back then Daniel was just a boy with deep_ for surfing. Now he is among the top 25 surfers in the world.1 . AunusualBboringCamazingDrelaxing2 . AbrotherBuncleChusbandDfather3 . AIfBWhenCUnlessDThough4 . AavoidedBchangedCreceivedDdiscovered5 . AflyingBdrivingCboatingDWalking6 . AsuddenlyBhappilyCcomfortablyDDirectly7 . AherBthemCusDme8 . AwavesBdreamsCcloudsDSuggestions9 . AbraveBluckyCawfulDproud10 . AbusyBcrazyCfriendlyDPolite11 . AinsteadBalreadyCevenDoften12 . AplaneBbedCboardDChair13 . ApostedBofferedCthrewDrepeated14 . Afind outBgive upChand outDpick up15 . AloveBfearCsadnessDregret二、阅读单选Channel(频道)TimeNames of the showKind of the showCCTV7:00Morning NewsNews8:30Walk of FameTalent Show9:20Animal WorldDocumentary(记录片)12:00Brave HeartSoap OperaBTV7:40China SportsSports Show9:20Happy FamilySitcom10:40Face to FaceTalk ShowHunan TV9:30True LoveTalk Show13:40Dad, Where Are We Going?Game Show22:40Are You From the Stars?Soap Opera16 . What time does the show Brave Heart begin?A12:00B9:20C13:40D22:4017 . What kind of show is Are You From the Stars?AIts a sitcom.BIts a sports show.CIts a soap opera.DIts a talk show.18 . Which two shows begin at the same time?AFace to Face and Dad, Where Are We Going?BHappy Family and True Love.CAnimal World and Are You From the Stars?DAnimal World and Happy Family.19 . Which channel has the show Walk of Fame?ACCTVBBTVCHunan TVDCQTV20 . If you like watching football match, you should watch _.ACCTV at 7:00BBTV at 7:40CHunan TV at 7:40DCCTV at 7:00You may have learned that tipping(给小费) is expected in some Western countries, but just how to do it correctly can be a bit confusing. In fact, incorrect tipping is the No 1 most common mistake travelers make. One well-known joke reflects this.The joke goes that four people were travelling together. They were sitting around a table in a restaurant in US. How much do you think each of them tipped?The man from the UK asked, “It is customary to tip 10 percent in US, right? ” The woman from the France answered, “No way! Im not leaving10 percent! The service was so terrible. ”The man from China asked, “Whats a tip?” And the woman from the US cried, “Whoa, I am planning to tip 20 percent!”Americans think it is the most natural thing in the world to pay for a service. Here are some comments on US tipping etiquette (礼节). Mark Styles, Ohio, USAs the mother of a one-time server (who was paid $2.35/hr by the restaurant), I think tipping is just sharing a bit. Some of these servers are working their way through grad(毕业)school. Others are trying to put food on the table for their kids. Dana, Indianapolis, Indiana, USAI felt strange in south-east Asia not tipping, it felt like saying to someone that I didnt really value their time or work. Then again, they probably all got paid enough to live on their wages alone. That simply is not true for a large part of service jobs in the US. Here are a few tips for tipping while you are travelling in the US. First, take a look at the chart below.Also, remember that your action is more important than your money. Always treat service providers with respect.21 . “I walked away from dinner, paying for food and tipping 20%. The waitress ran after me, thinking I left the money by accident. ” This story probably happened in _.AFranceBAmericaCUKDsouth-east Asian countries22 . You stay in a hotel in America for five nights. How much should you tip the hotel housekeeper ?A$ 8 at mostB$2.5 at leastC$ 25 is surely enough.DTipping is unnecessary.23 . Which of the following sentences about tipping in US is Wrong ?AMark from Ohio thinks tipping means valuing the time or work of service providers.BPeople working in service industries in US often get poorly paid.CIf you tip a waitress 10%, it shows that you are not pleased with her service.DWaiters or waitresses and taxi drivers usually get larger tips than washroom attendants.24 . The best title for this passage is _.AAre you Tipping Correctly and Properly?BHow Much to Tip ?CComments on US Tipping EtiquetteDWho gets a tip?Jerry is a lovely boy. He is 6 years old. He has a brother and a sister. His mother Mrs. Brown is a housewife (家庭主妇). She stays at home to look after these children.Jerry likes playing computer games. He always plays them after school. “Jerry, could you please buy some food for us?” Mum asks. There is a KFC near their house. It takes the family about five minutes to get there. But Jerry is playing computer games happily, and he doesnt want to go out. “But Im busy, Mum!” he says.Mum is a little angry, but soon she has a good idea. She goes to Jerry and says to him, “You dont need to go out to buy them. You can only buy them on the computer.”“What?” Jerry cant believe (相信) it.“I can teach you,” Mum says.“OK,” Jerry gives the computer to Mum. Together they find the KFC on the website (网站), and get in. Jerry buys two ice creams for his brother and sister and a hamburger for his mum. What about himself? He buys some French fries. Those are his favourite. How much are they? Just 12 dollars. Mum teaches him to pay the bill (买单) on the computer.Now Jerry knows the computer is not only for playing games.25 . Where is Jerry now?AAt schoolBAt homeCIn a shopDIn the park.26 . There are _ children in Jerrys family.AsixBfourCthreeDtwo27 . What food doesnt Jerry buy?APork.BIce cream.CHamburgers.DFrench fries.28 . Which of the following is TRUE?AJerry likes playing ball games after school.BJerrys favourite food is ice cream and cola.CJerrys mum is a computer teacher in a school.DJerry knows how to buy food on the computer at last.29 . Whats the best title of this passage?Aa great family dinnerBNice ice cream in the KFCCInteresting computer gamesDAnother use of the computerTaking part in charity is not just for adult people . Kids can do it too! Melvin, 14,an American student , has done charity work for eight years . He has also encouraged his classmates to join him.Melvin studies at a middle school in Philadelphia. Recently, he collected 1,500 by himself and 487 from his classmates to donate to Cooper University Hospital .Melvin was born nine weeks premature(早产的) in Cooper University Hospital , weighing 2.4 kg . His father told him how Cooper saved his life, so he feels thankful to the hospital.Melvins classmates joined him once they found out about his kind behavior. Their teacher, Michael also held a class with them about helping others. Michael said that it was not really about the money but about the fact they were doing something good.“It feels great, helping someone that I know,” said one of Melvins classmates. Melvins neighbors also helped out.Since Melvin was 8, he and his parents have given money to Cooper University Hospital every year. This year, Stahl, the head of the hospital, went to Melvins school to accept the money.The money goes to a part of the hospital that helps about 500 young patients(病人) every year.” When they leave, we call them graduates,” Stahl said he and his workmates are “pleased when our graduates and their families do well, like Melvin and his family .”30 . When did Melvin begin to do charity work?AAt the age of 6.BAt the age of 8.CAt the age of 14DFrom the moment he was born.31 . How much did Melvin and his classmates collect recently ?A487.B1,013C1,500D1,987.32 . Who does the underlined word “them” in the passage refer to (指) ?AMelvin and his familyBThe hospitals patients.CStahls workmatesDMelvin and his classmates.33 . Which of the following is True?AMelvin gives money to his school every year.BMelvins parents show little interest in charity.CMelvin was born nine weeks earlier than expected.DMelvins classmates think that he is wasting time.34 . What can we learn from the passage ?AKids can hardly do anything for charity.BEveryone is supposed to do charity work.CDoing charity work is only about money.DTheres no doubt that adults can do charity work better that kids.三、用单词的正确形式完成句子六、用方框内所给单词或词组的适当形式填空。play with new take the subway think of get to every day betweenand be afraid of come true likeplay with new take the subway think of get to every day betweenand be afraid of come true like35 . My math teacher is_my father36 . Do some exercise_I hope you are in good health37 . Miss Gao often_to work38 . He often_his dog,Wangwang39 . My dream will_one dayI believe it40 . He_school at 7:30 every day41 . -Why do you_the Chinese people?-Theyre very friendly42 . -Excuse me,can you tell me the way to Dayu Hotel?-Im sorryIm_here43 . My house is_the school_the post office44 . Dont_the lionIts in the cage(笼子)四、单词填空单词拼写。根据英语首字母或所给汉语提示写出短文中所缺单词的正确形式Eric works and lives in a big city. He likes his work very much but he has a problem. The city is always noisy. Because of the l45 . noise, he cant sleep well at night. Last month, Eric felt really tired at work, so he decided to take a holiday to 46 . (放松)。Eric asked his b 47 . for a weeks leave and went to the countryside where his grandma lives. Grandma was happy to see her g48 . . The countryside is beautiful and quite. Eric slept well there. A week later, he felt great and was49 . (准备好的) to go back to work.五、语法填空七. 首字母填空Robots are smart because they have computer brains. They can help people work in d 50 . places. They can also do difficult jobs. Brine, the robot mail carrier, b51 . mails to a large office building in Washington D.C. He is one of 250 robot mail carriers in the United States. But have you e 52 . heard about a robot teacher?Mr Green is a fourth-grade robot teacher. He has s53 . advantages as a teacher. One advantage is that he does not f 54 . details. He knows each childs name, their parents names and w55 . each child knows and needs to know. He even knows each childs pets and hobbies. Mr Green does not make mistakes. Each child goes and t56 . him his name, then dials an ID number. His computer brain puts the childs voice and number together. He identifies the child with no mistakes. Then he starts the lesson.Another advantage is that Mr Green is flexible(灵活的).If the children need more t57 . to do their lessons, they can move switches and change the timetable. In this way they can repeat Mr Greens lesson over and over again When the children do a good job, he tells them something interesting about their hobbies. At the e 58 . of the lesson the children switch Mr Green off. The children like Mr Green very much They feel happy and r 59 . in his class. And when they make a mistake, they dont feel upset. They have a lot of fun with a robot teacher.六、多任务混合问题阅读下面短文,按要求完成各题。You probably talk to friends more than you talk to your parents. Thats natural. Still,most of us want a parents help,advice,and support at times. But talking to the parents may be difficult or terrible,especially when it comes to certain subjects. Here are some suggestions to make it easier.Talk about everyday stuff,and do it every day. The more you do something,the easier it gets. Talking to parents about everyday stuff builds a bond that can help you discuss something more serious with them later.Find something to chat about each day. Talk about how your team did at the sports meet. Share something one of your teachers said. Even small talk about whats for dinner can keep your relationship comfortable.Its never too late to start. If your relationship with your parents makes you feel nervous,try getting into conversations slowly. Mention the cute thing the dog did. Talk about how well your little sister is doing in math. Chatting with parents every day not only keeps the present relationship strong,it also can help a might-be-worse relationship get better.When parents feel connected to your daily life,they can be there for you if something really important _.60 . 回答问题。What is the text mainly about?_61 . 请将文中画线句子翻译成中文。_62 . 请根据第四段内容列举与父母聊天的两个好处。(1)_(2)_63 . 请在文末空白处填入一个适当的词或短语。_64 . 请结合实际,写一个英语句子描述你和父母曾做过的一件事,不得重复文中内容。_七、材料作文65 . WritingWrite at least 60 words about the topic “Face Life with a Smile (以“笑对人生为题写一篇不少于60词的短文,标点符号不占格。)(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)The following points must be included. (下列要点必须包含.)How do you usually face life? /Do you usually face life with a smile?Especially when should you smile to face life? (Give at least two examples.)Why?第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、五、语法填空1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、材料作文1、


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