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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期中英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空When Millie gets up this morning, she finds it is a beautiful spring day. She sees some_ in the sky,but she doesnt think about themShe wakes up her dog,Eddie,and puts him in the_Then she drives out into the country _ a picnic with her dogWhen they gets to a big tree, Millie stops her car and tells Eddie to get off the car. They begin to play games under the_ . How happy they are! An hour later,the wind begins to blow(刮风) and it turns_ Millie and Eddie are warm from running,so they dont feel coldWhen Eddie _ with the ball,Millie _snowflakes (雪花)in the skyShe calls Eddie,picks up the picnic things and get _ in the carAs she is driving home,the_ becomes heavier and heavierSoon all Millie can see is white all around_ The road becomes slippery(滑的)and she has to drive very_Then the car hits into a piece of ice and it goes around in circles(圈). She gets her mobile phone and asks for _quicklyThey wait for about an hour because it is _ for the police to drive in the snow. At last,the police come to save(救) them. Millie was very _, she says she will_the weather report(预报) before going on a picnic next time1 . AbirdsBkitesCsnowsDclouds2 . AroomBdeskCcarDbag3 . AonBforCwithDin4 . AcarBtreeCbridgeDdesk5 . AwarmBhotCcoldDcool6 . AplayBplaysCis playingDplaying7 . AlooksBseesCfindsDputs8 . AupBbackCoffDaround9 . ArainBsnowCdogDcar10 . AhimBusCherDit11 . AslowlyBeasilyCquicklyDhappily12 . AappleBfireCwaterDhelp13 . AeasyBniceCdifficultDlucky14 . AthankfulBhelpfulCcarfulDbeautiful15 . Await forBlook forChearDlisten to第 3 页 共 3 页参考答案一、完型填空1、

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