2020版牛津上海版英语八年级第一学期Unit 6 Nobody wins(1) 单元测评卷D卷

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2020版牛津上海版英语八年级第一学期Unit 6 Nobody wins(1) 单元测评卷D卷_第1页
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2020版牛津上海版英语八年级第一学期Unit 6 Nobody wins(1) 单元测评卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Her voice showed that she _ afraid again.AisBwasCwould beDwill be2 . Your answer _ be right, but Im not sure.AmustBmayCcantDwill3 . (题文)While we stay in the countryside, we are so close to nature and can _ fresh air.Agive outBdepend onCtake inDlook for4 . Please be _ with your things from now on.AcareBcarefulCcarelessDcaring5 . Hurry up, we must be the first to _ the pop star.Sure.AinterviewBattendCcomplete6 . After a long hiking, the boy was _ tired to walk.AtooBtoCsoDvery7 . Will you please say it _? I still cant follow you.AslowlyBmost slowlyCmore slowlyDthe most slowly8 . May those who got killed in the bombing rest .Ain piecesBin peaceCin a peaceDin peaces9 . They usually watch cartoons at home doing outdoor activities.Ainstead ofBinsteadCinstead toDinstead with10 . I often share my happiness _my classmates.AforBtoCwithDon11 . _ the timetable,the train for London leaves at seven oclock in the evening.AThanks toBAs forCThanks forDAccording to12 . A powerful magnet above the cage pulled _ guns from our hands.AweBusCourDours二、完型填空Time flies so fast and Chinese New Year is coming. It is time _ me to write down my New Years resolutions.The first resolution is about improving my _ with my family. Im going to spend more time talking to my parents. And Im going to play with my younger brother and teach _ how to solve(解决)problems in his life.My second resolution has to do with my _. Last term,I got good grades in all my subjects except English. So next year,Im going to spend much time _ my English. I hope I can get good _ in English next term.My _ resolution is about improving my health. I hardly ever did exercise before,_ I was busy with my schoolwork. Next year,Im going to do exercise often. _,Im going to play ball games after school.The last resolution is about self-improvement. Im going to _ a new hobby-reading books. I will read more books about computer and history. I think it will open my eyes.13 . AwithBforCthroughDto14 . AinformationBeducationCnewsDrelationships15 . AhimBherCyouDthem16 . AfriendsBclassmatesCstudiesDfamily17 . AquestioningBimprovingCbreakingDwondering18 . AprogramsBprizesClessonsDgrades19 . AsecondBthirdCfourthDfifth20 . AbecauseBafterCsoDbut21 . AHoweverBFor sureCFor exampleDAll in all22 . Atake upBdress upCmake upDfind out三、阅读单选Mr. and Mrs. Mallard(野鸭) were looking for a place to live. But every time Mr. Mallard saw what looked like a nice place, Mrs. Mallard said it was no good. There were sure to be foxes in the woods, or turtles in the water, and she was not going to raise a family(养家)there. Because she didnt want foxes or turtles(乌龟)nearby. So they flew on and on.When they got to Boston, they felt too tired to fly any further. There was a nice pond(池塘) in the public garden with a little island on it. “The good place to spend the night!” said Mr. Mallard. So down they came down from the sky.Next morning they fished for their breakfast in the mud(泥地) at the bottom of the pond. But they didnt find much. Just as they were getting ready to start on their way, a strange large bird came by. It was pushing a boat full of people, and there was a man sitting on its back. “Good morning,” said Mr. Mallard. The big bird was too proud to answer. But the people on the boat threw peanuts into the water. So the Mallards followed them all round the pond, and got another breakfast, better than the first.“I like this place,” said Mrs. Mallard as they climbed out on the bank and waddled(蹒跚) along. Why dont we build a nest and raise our ducklings(小鸭子) right in this pond? There are no foxes and no turtles, and the people feed us peanuts. What could be better?”“Wonderful,” said Mr. Mallard. He felt happy that at last Mrs. Mallard had found a good place. But “Look out!” cried Mrs. Mallard. “Youll get run over!” And when she got her breath(呼吸), she said: “This is no place for babies, with all those terrible things around us. Well have to look somewhere else.”23 . Where did Mr. and Mrs. Mallard stop for the night?AIn the woods.BIn the river.CAt a nice place with foxes and turtles.DIn a nice pond with a little island on it.24 . What was does the underlined word “it” stand for?AMr. Mallard.BThe strange large bird.CThe fox.DThe turtle.25 . Why didnt Mr. and Mrs. Mallard choose the pond to raise babies?AThere were foxes and turtles.BThe people fed them peanuts.CTerrible things were around them.DThey had no food there.四、句型转换句型转换26 . My mother likes purple.(对画线部分提问)_ your mother like?27 . I want two boxes of lemons.(对画线部分提问)_ of lemons do you want?28 . I spend much money on books every year.(改为同义句)I _ much money _ books every year.29 . Whats the price of the teddy bear?(改为同义句)_ is the teddy bear?30 . It isnt difficult to pay over the Internet.(改为同义句)_ over the Internet _ difficult.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):31 . This afternoon we heard a big _ . (argue)32 . He walked away _ , without saying any word. (quiet)33 . The boy took the sick man to the hospital, but he didnt tell the police the _ . (true)34 . Steven would like to be a _ in the future because he likes writing very much. (report)35 . Whats going on, May? You look _ . (worry)36 . Dont let _ come into your house, when your parents arent at home. (strange)六、根据音标写单词37 . The _ /kptin/ order that everybody abandon the ship.38 . The lion quietly _ /prutt/ its prey(猎物)and suddenly attacked it.39 . The article is well written _ /Iksept/ for some spelling mistakes.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文Have you ever been to Thailand? And what did you learn about Thai people? After traveling 40 . Thailand for over a month, Ive seen and learnt quite a few things - not just about the country, but also about 41 . people. Here are some things that Ive learnt about Thai people.They always give you the warmest, friendliest smile if you smile first.Thai people are often very 42 . , and many of them smile at you in the street. But most of the times, they look at you. If your 43 . meet and you smile, then they smile back right away. If you dont smile, however, 44 . do they. My experience is that they smile more brightly than you when you smile first.No matter(无论)45 . early you get up in the morning, most people are already awake and working. Its true that Im an early bird. But no matter when I get up, it feels like Thai people have been awake for just a little 46 . than me. They are already in their shops, at the markets or in the factories 47 . I get up. Its not that Thai people never sleep; they just dont sleep the way we do.When it comes to transport, theres no such thing as “full”.The buses are always 48 . in Thailand. Even if some kids have to hang (悬挂)off the end of the bus, there is still space 49 . more people. Once we had about 33 people in a very small bus. It was crazy!八、单词填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。Children are amazing! They pick up languages so naturally and easily. Have you ever wondered why? Its not because they have great natural language abilities. In fact, studies s50 . that an adults potential(潜能) to learn language is just as good as a childs .So why do children still s51 . to acquire(学到) language more quickly than the rest of us? Its because of the way they learn. Children learn by simply d52 . what comes naturallythey listen, copy and communicate. Lets take a c53 . look at how children acquire language. Perhaps we can discover a better, more “natural” way to learn English.Children dont practice grammar drills, but u54 . language to talk about things that interest them. This helps them learn to express themselves. They dont w55 . about inadequate(不足的) vocabulary or poor grammar. They find w56 . to express themselves, and they do it successfully.Students of English should also pay more attention to genuine(真实的) communication. Look for chances to talk with people in English. If you cant find a foreigner to talk to, talk with other English students i57 . . Start an English discussion group and chat about music, movies or whatever interests you.Dont worry about m58 . mistakes. The aim is to learn how to communicate easily and comfortably. Remember that you can communicate successfully even with a small vocabulary.Trust your own natural a59 . to learn English. Youve got more potential than you probably realize!九、回答问题Not every parent looks forward to the day when their child goes off to school. In fact, some parents are not sending their students to school at all. Instead they are choosing to teach their children at home. This is called homeschooling. Parents educate children individually at home instead of sending them off to be formally educated in public or private schools. In the U.S., only about three percent of children are homeschooled.There are many reasons why some parents choose to homeschool. One reason is that some parents do not feel their children are safe in school because of bullying (恃强凌弱). Others parents want their childs education to be based on their religion or moral beliefs. Yet other parents feel like the education in school is not good enough. Homeschooling is also seen as a choice for families that live in rural areas, and families that travel, like actors.There are many different ways to homeschool, and homeschooling allows parents to customize (订制) lessons based on their childrens needs. Families can buy textbooks to use or write their own materials. Some parents who follow a philosophy (信条) called unschooling, which allows a child to decide when, and how they want to learn based on their natural curiosity (好奇心). Some worry that homeschooling means students wont have chances to socialize. To answer this worry, some families have set up cooperatives, where a group of homeschooled students will learn and play together and take part in activities that would usually happen in school like field trips and dance parties.Being homeschooled doesnt mean a student cannot go to college. Most colleges accept homeschooled students. It is important, however, for parents and students to create a set of things to prove what has been learned.No more than 5 words.60 . What is homeschooling?_61 . How many children are homeschooled in the USA?_62 . How many reasons are there for parents to choose to homeschool?_63 . Some families have set up cooperatives so that students will take part in activities that would usually happen in school. Please give two examples._64 . How do you like homeschooling?_十、话题作文65 . 目前中学生学习任务重,压力大。丰富多彩的业余生活,有利于开阔视野、调节身心、提高学习效率。请结合下面的提示词,以“My Spare Time”为题写一篇70词左右的短文,谈谈你的业余生活。你喜欢做什么?你是如何合理安排的呢?说说你的想法和理由。提示词语:busy、play、healthy、knowledge、housework、relax、colourful要求:1. 短文内容应包括以上提示的内容,可适当发挥;2. 书写工整,句式规范,条例清楚。有表达自己观点的句子;3. 不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、根据音标写单词1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、回答问题1、十、话题作文1、

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