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人教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期第一次月考英语试题(不含听力材料)(II)卷一、听短对话回答问题1 . What does the woman want the man to do?AShe wants the man to see a film with her.BShe wants the man to visit a museum.CShe wants the man to play basketball.2 . How many desks are there for the parents?ASixteen.BTwenty-five.CTwenty-six.3 . Where will the two speakers go this weekend?APeoples TheatreBBright Cinema CMuseum4 . WhatwillBobtellhisfriendtodo?ATostopfightingBTostopsmokingCTostoptalking5 . AMarcia.BLana.CA surprise party.6 . ATo see Beijing Opera.BTo go to library.CTo stay at home.7 . Whats the boys telephone number?A764036.B764063.C764033.二、听长对话回答问题听一段大对话,回答以下小题。8 . What did Marco do yesterday?AHe worked with Steve.BHe went boating in the park.CHe went fishing in the river.9 . What do we know about Steve?AHe wanted to study at Cambridge before.BHe is now studying at Harvard.CHe has no interest in business.三、听句子或对话选择图片10 . Which sign are the speakers talking about?AABBCC11 . Whats the womans father?ABC12 . ABC四、听短文回答问题本题你将听到一篇短文,读两遍,请从每个小题的三个选项中,选出最恰当的一项。13 . London has a population of_ million?A7B17C7014 . What do people in London like to talk about?AThe parks.BThe weather.CThe gardens.15 . Which is the first place you should visit when you are in London?AThe Big Ben.BThe River Thames.CThe London Eye.16 . According to the speaker, the British Museum can tell you some_.Aspecial stories.Binteresting stories.Cboring stories.17 . The speaker may be a_ according to the passage.AteacherBguideCtourist听短文,回答以下小题。18 . Why was Mr. Lee afraid of taking a plane?AHe had an accident before.BHe read a lot about accidents.CHis last trip by plane wasnt good.19 . Who wanted to take Mr. Lee for a ride?AHis father.BHis boss.CHis friend.20 . How was the weather when Mr. Lee got on the plane? AIt was sunny.BIt was cloudy.CIt was cold.21 . How did Mr. Lee feel when the plane started to move?AHe was excited.BHe was relaxed.CHe was afraid.22 . What did Mr. Lee see out of the window?ASome trees.BSome ants.CSome people.五、单选题23 . Why did his father buy that phone watch for him?Because the GPS in the watch can help him to avoid _ the way.Ato loseBloseClosesDlosing24 . Walking more is good for our health.So I would rather _ an hours walk to work instead of _ a car.Atake;driveBtake;to driveCto take;drivingDtake;driving25 . Do you know _ there are any good restaurants _ hereAif; onBhow ; onCif; nearDwhere; to26 . This is _ bedroom. They like it very much.ALucy and LilysBLucy and LilyCLucys and LilyDLucys and Lilys27 . What do you want to buy?_ATwo pairs of glove.BTwo pair of gloves.CTwo pair gloves.DTwo pairs of gloves.28 . Whats his mothers name? _AIm Sue.BHer name is Sue.CHis name is Sue.DShe name is Sue.29 . We_ our dreams someday as long as we keep trying.Awill realizeBrealizedCrealizeDhas realized30 . 一WOW! This is_best film I have ever seen一I agreeI have never seen_better one beforeAthe;theBthe;aCa;aD;the31 . Please _ two apples and then _.Apeel, cut them upBpeel, cut up themCget, cut themDget, cut them down32 . spell the word cup?C-U-P.ACan youBHow do youCDo youDAre you33 . -Im going to Beijing for my summer holiday soon. -Thats nice. _.ANever mindBHave a good tripCYoud better notDI know34 . Some students dont like English because they have some problems_ it.AonBaboutCatDwith35 . 下列大小写字母不对应的一组是 _。AFfBMwCEe36 . About two _ students take buses to school in the town.AhundredBhundreds Chundreds ofDhundred of37 . I think you should _a balance _ work and play.Aachieve; inBkeep; onCachieve; betweenDget; at六、补全对话5选5A:Hi, excuse me. B:Yes, 38 . A :Well. Im new in town. I want to send a letter to my friend. 39 . B:Yes, there is one on this street.A :40 . B:No, it isnt. Its just across from the bank.A:41 . B:Look! Its over there, only five minutes walk.A:Oh, I can see it. 42 . B:Thats right.A:Thanks so much!B:You are welcome.AIs it far from here?BI can go there on foot.Chow can I help you?DBut wheres bank?E. Is there a post office near here?七、阅读单选The MayflowerIn Britain, there was a group of people called Pilgrims. They were different from most people there. They had certain religious beliefs that others did not share. So they wanted to leave Britain and go to the New World. They hired a ship called the Mayflower to take them to America.They left in September 1620 and landed in America after two months of sailing. They were supposed to go to the Hudson River area. But they landed at a place called Plymouth Rock. It was in modern-day Massachusetts on Cape Cod. Still, the Pilgrims decided to settle there.The first winter was hard. Many Pilgrims died. But the Native Americans there made peace with them. Their leader was Samoset. He brought Squanto to stay with the Pilgrims. Squanto and other Native Americans taught the Pilgrims how to farm the land properly. That year, the Pilgrims harvested many crops in fall. They had a big three-day festival with the Native Americans. That was the first Thanksgiving.Every year the Pilgrim colony became stronger and stronger. More colonists came from Britain. So the colony became very successful.43 . How was the first winter after the Pilgrims arrived in America?ACold.BComfortable.CPleasant.DDifficult.44 . Which one is NOT true according to the passage?AThe Pilgrims sailed to America on the Mayflower.BThe Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock at last.CSquanto was the leader of the Pilgrims from Britain.DThe first Thanksgiving was held in the year 1621.45 . The article is probably from a_ .Ahistory bookBnoticeCmovie posterDnovelHello, everyone! My name is Guo Kai. Im eleven. I study in a middle school in Shanghai. I have two good friends, Bob and Frank. They are from America. Bob is twelve and Frank is thirteen.We all like sports. Bob likes volleyball (排球) and he is in the school volleyball team. He has ten volleyballs. Frank likes tennis. He is a member of the Tennis Club. He goes to the club four times (次) a week. He has twenty tennis balls and five tennis rackets (拍子). Basketball is my favorite sport. I am in the school basketball team. I play basketball for an hour every day. I have six basketballs.We three also like playing football. We always play football at weekends. David Beckham is our favorite football player and we often watch football games on TV.46 . Bob and Frank are Guo Kais _.AbrothersBcousinsCfriendsDteachers47 . Bob is _ years old.A11B12C13D1448 . Frank is a member of _ in his school.Athe table tennis teamBthe Tennis ClubCthe basketball teamDthe Football Club49 . Guo Kai has six _.AvolleyballsBtennis ballsCtennis racketsDbasketballs50 . Which of the following statements is correct?ABob and Frank are from England.BThe three boys all like playing football.CBob and Frank do sports for an hour every day.DThe three boys often watch basketball games on TV.八、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句子意思和所给汉语提示,完成下列单词51 . He was beginning to enjoy the _ (景色) of nature.52 . Mt. Qomolangma is the highest _ (山脉) in the world.53 . Excuse me. Is there a _ (直达的) train from here to Nanjing?54 . If you want to know more _ (细节), please listen to our radio programs carefully.55 . We can organize our ideas using the main _ (观点) when writing something about our trip.九、完成句子根据情景提示,完成下列各题56 . 你想了解今天的天气如何,你可以这样问:Whats _?57 . 得知朋友即将参加比赛,你可以这样鼓励他:_!58 . 同桌对你说“Im sorry for losing your pen.”,你可以这样回答:_.59 . 你想知道 Mr. Li 多久去游泳一次,可以这样问:_, Mr. Li?60 . 你想告诉朋友你和你妹妹长得很像,你可以这样说:_.十、填写适当的单词补全对话A: Hi, Carol.61 . was your school trip last weekend? B: It was great.A: Did you go to the zoo?.B: No. I didnt. I went to a farm. Look, here62 . my photos.A: Did you see any cows?B: Yes, I63 . . I saw quite a lot and milked a cow.A: Did you feed any chickens?B: Well, I saw some chickens.64 . I didnt feed them.A: What else did you do?B: My friends and I went for a walk around the farm and chatted with a farmer.A: It sounds like you had65 . good time.B: Yes. You can go there if you are free.十一、材料作文66 . 书面表达假设你是无锡市English Weekly的特约小记者,请以“A new town”为题,写一则80词左右的简讯,介绍你市的太湖新城(Taihu New Town)。内容提示见下表:简介位于无锡南部,近五年来变化巨大。过去有很多大型工厂。现在政府已迁走所有工厂,空气清新,没有污染。问题尚存一些,其中之一是公交线路太少。愿望注意:1.简讯须包括表格内所有信息,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;2.请展开合理想象,用23句话叙述一下你的愿望;3.简讯的标题乙给出,不计入总词数。十二、其他请选出下列选项中单词划线部分读音与其它三个不同的选项。67 . (小题1)AgradeBmatchCgladDman68 . (小题2)AfunBclubCcuteDbut69 . (小题3)AshopBlotChopeDnot70 . (小题4)AtimeBkiteCfineDhim71 . (小题5)AmeByesCbeDThese第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、二、听长对话回答问题1、三、听句子或对话选择图片1、2、3、四、听短文回答问题1、2、五、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、六、补全对话5选51、七、阅读单选1、2、八、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、九、完成句子1、十、填写适当的单词补全对话1、十一、材料作文1、十二、其他1、


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