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New Airport Landing Fees Delayed机场降落收费新政策延期1the government has delayed by at last a month a plan to reduce congestion at the nations airports following stiff resistance from airlines.受到航空公司的强烈反对,政府关于减轻国家机场的拥堵的计划,至少推迟了一个月。2.A new federal policy allowing airports to charge higher landing fees during peak periods, and for other reasons, aims to reduce delays by encouraging airlines to spread their flights more evenly throughout the day .The policy which also encourages congested airports to include in landing fees the cost of expansion projects,had been scheduled to take effect in March,following a 45-day comment period. 一项新的联邦政策允许机场在高峰期收取更高的降落费用,或因其它原因,旨在鼓励航空公司在一天内更均匀地安排航班起落以减少延误。该政策还鼓励拥挤的机场将机场扩建项目的成本纳入到机场降落收费中。此项政策原计划三月份生效,并设置了45天的征询意见期。3.But airline trade groups, which oppose the plan,requested a 30-day extension of the comment period. Their request has been granted, a Transportation Department spokesman said Thursday.但是反对这项方案的航空公司贸易团体,要求将征询意见期延长30天。星期四交通部发言人说,他们的要求已被批准。4.The Air Transport Association, which represents the nationss largest airlines, welcomed the governments decision for giving it “more time to thoroughly review the proposal and provide meaningful input”,said spokesman David Castelveter.美国航空运输协会,作为美国最大的航空公司,其发言人David Castelveter表示支持政府“放宽时间进行彻底审查并提供有效信息输入的提议。5. Airline delays, last year were the second worst since comparable data began being collected in 1995, the department said this week.交通运输部本周表示,去年的航班延误是自1995年参考数据被搜集以来第二糟糕的6. The association representing airport owners and operators said its members are ready to act now, but did not oppose the airlines request for an extension.代表机场的所有者和经营者的美国航空运输协会表示,其成员现在已经准备好实施这一方案,但并不反对对征询意见其的延长。7.“Airports are ready to implement measures to address passenger congestion and delay today,”said Deborah McElroy, executive vice president for policy and external affairs at Airports Council International-North America.国际机场协会北美地区政策与对外事务执行副总裁Deborah McElroy说,“机场现在已经准备采取措施应对乘客拥堵和航班延误。”8.On January 14,Transportation Secretary Mary Peters said the policy will make it easier for airports to reduce delays by charging fees based on traffic volume,instead of aircraft weight alone. The proposal also would allow operators of multiple airports, such as the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, to distribute landing-fee revenue among facilities. 1月14日,交通部长Mary Peters 说,该政策使机场在通过基于交通流量而不是飞机载重收取费用可以更容易地减少延误。该提议也将允许多个机场的运营商,如纽约和新泽西港务局,将降落费的收入用于机场设施建设。9. The Port Authority runs John F.Kennedy International Airport, LaGuardia and New Jerseys Newark Liberty, which last year had the nations lowest on-time arrival rates, and aviation officials say delays there cascade throughout the system.港务局运营的John F.Kennedy国际机场,拉瓜迪亚和新泽西的纽瓦克自由机场,是去年全美准时抵达率最低的,航空官员解释延误是因为其整个系统的级联。10. ”You cant have all flights leaving JFK at five oclock,”said Terry Trippler, a Minneapolis-based airline expert who wasnt surprised by the airlines request for an extension.Their schedules, he says, are done far in advance, leaving them little time to make changes the policy will require.Terry Trippler说:“你不能让肯尼迪机场的所有航班在同一时间出发”,明尼阿波利斯航空的专家延期的请求并不感到惊讶。他说,他们的日程安排早就制定好了,这让他们只有很少的时间对政策的要求进行调整。11. While generally supportive of the airline industry, Trippler said”they have failed to handle this situation and theyre going to have to do it.The government is going to win this one.虽然通常情况下会支持航空公司,但是Trippler说:“他们没能处理好这种情形,而且他们将不得不这样做(遵守政策要求)。(在这项政策上)政府在这方面会有最终的决定权的。12. Transportation Department spokesman Brian Turmail said “the agency received a number of requests to extend the comment period and felt it appropriate to accommodate those requests so we could consider the broadest range of comments.”运输部发言人Brian Turmail说:“该机构收到大量要求延长征询意见期的请求,认为考虑这些请求是适当的,这样我们就可以考虑来自最广范围的意见。”13. Several requests came from airline industry trade groups, following the lead of the ATA, which last month called the proposal”congestion pricing disguised as an airport fee”.来自航空业贸易组织的多个请求,下面的ATA,ATA上个月称该提案称为“以机场收费为掩护的拥堵收费 ”。14. ”Because the central policy issue at stake here-influencing airline market decisions through airport pricing-is inherently complex and historically has been controversial, we believe that it merits additional time to fully develop comments reflecting the views of industry stakeholders,”according to a letter dated January 30 and submitted to Federal Aviation Administration by the ATA, the Cargo Airline Association, the National Air Carrier Association and the Regional Airline Association.根据1月30日由ATA、航空货物协会、国家航空运输协会和地区航空公司协会提交给联邦航空管理局的信件,称“因为中央政策问题的关键所在-通过机场定价影响航空市场-本来就很复杂,而且历史上存在争议,我们认为它需要更多的时间充分考虑反映产业持股者的观点的意见”。15. The groups letter also asked the government to clear up some ambiguity about which airports it identified as “congested”. The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, the National Business Aviation Association and the International Air Transport Association also submitted letters supporting the ATAs request.一些组织的来信也要求政府澄清一些关于哪些机场被定性为“拥挤”模棱两可的概念。飞机所有者和飞行员协会,美国国家公务航空协会和国际航空运输协会也提交信件支持ATA的请求。16. The government maintains the plan will go into effect promptly,”Our intention remains to move forward as quickly as possible with this policy once the comment period closes,”Turmail wrote in an e-mail Thursday.政府坚持认为这项计划将会很快产生效果,Turmail星期四在一封邮件中写道:“我们的目标是征询意见其一结束就尽可能快地推行这项政策”。药学121王启明201243855134


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