2020年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit 1 Friends 单元测试题D卷

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2020年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit 1 Friends 单元测试题D卷_第1页
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2020年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册Unit 1 Friends 单元测试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Tommy is really a _boy .Yes , he always has many new ideas .AfriendlyBfunnyCcreativeDactive2 . _ important knowledge is to us AWhat anBHow anCWhatDHow3 . _ bike is this? Its_.AWhat, meBWhose, myCWhose, mineDWhose, I4 . . - What should we pay attention to when travelling in Southeast Asia?- Remember to use _ hands to pass things to someone else.AallBeachCeitherDboth5 . What _you do _ vacation last summer ?Ado , forBdid , inCdo , onDdid , on6 . A classmate of mine invited me _ his party on Sunday.AforBto comeCcome toDto come to7 . I tried my best to prepare for the English exam in your way, but I still got low marks. Dont worry._. Continue to work hard and Im sure youll get higher marks next time.AIts still earlyBIt takes timeCIt dependsDIt doesnt work8 . Yao Ming is one of_most popular_in China.Aa ; playersBthe ; playersCan ;runnersDmuch; runners9 . My _ brother will go to America for _ study next year.Aolder; fartherBolder; furtherCelder; further Delder; farther10 . Susans notebook is similar _ yours.AonBinCtoDas二、完型填空Summer is coming. Grade 9 students are going to goodbye to each other. Everyone must have _to say to their classmates at this moment. But where can they pull all their warm _?In the past, each student would buy a big beautiful notebook and ask their classmates _ in it. But things are a bit_ now.Grade 9 students use USB flash disk (软盘) _notebooks. Some students are not good at Chinese. They cant use sweet words to show _they love their friends. But with the USB flash disk they can write, draw or even make cartoons for each other.One of the students said, “I like USB flash disk because it _ less than fifty yuan. And there is a lot of _ for me to write in.”But some students still like notebooks better. They say words in computers are cold. It is bad for their eyes to use computers_. “Though a notebook may have less space, I still choose one. A notebook can keep my classmates handwriting which makes me_ of them.” said a boy.Which way will you choose to say goodbye to your classmates?11 . Aa lotBa lot ofCmanyDplenty of12 . ApresentsBbooksCwordsDschoolbags13 . Ato readBto writeCto singDto look14 . AsameBdifferentCinterestingDwonderful15 . AinsteadBbutChoweverDinstead of16 . AwhenBwhyChowDwhere17 . AcostsBpaysCtakesDspends18 . AroomsBpaperCcardsDspace19 . Atoo muchBmuch tooCtoo manyDmany too20 . AthoughtBthinkCthinkingDto think三、阅读单选Teacher Appreciation Week in the USA is celebrated in May. People across the country use this special week to show and tell teachers how important they are to their lives.Some students aretalking about the teachers that have inspired them most.Ms. Lindsay is a wonderful teacher because she gives us chance after chance, and forgives(原谅)us when we do wrong. She has really helped me bring my math grades up.Jessica, 11A teacher who inspires me is my art teacher, Mrs. lime is the best person I know. She is always smiling and saying. “I love it! I love it!” She believes in me and in every child she teaches. Olivia, 10Ms. Kincaid is an active participant(参与者)in her community and has a huge influence in and out of school. Her teaching has a very special and professional style.Ihave never had a teacher who cares about me so much. Nick, 9My favorite teacher is my first-grade teacher, Mrs. Denise. She changed my life by making school fun. She gave me a reason to want to come to school every day. She loved teaching, helping her students succeed,and most of all, making people happy. Mary, 12Mr. Zielinski is an English teacher. When the class doesnt understand something, he makes it clear in a funny way. He even plays with us during the break. We like to talk to him when we have trouble. Owen, 921 . Jessica thinks Ms. Lindsay has helped her_.Ado better in mathBbecome a brave personCbecome a happy personDget interested in learning22 . Mrs. lime is a teacher who teaches_.AhistoryBmathCEnglishDart23 . To Nick, Ms. Kincaid_.Ateaches in a very special wayBis very strict with studentsCis very good-lookingDhelps him succeed24 . Because of Mrs. Denise, Mary enjoyed_ .Agoing to schoolBplaying sportsChelping othersDreading books25 . Which of the following best describes Mr. Zielinski?ASerious.BHard-working.CLess experienced.DEasy to get on with.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据中文提示、首字母提示或语境写出单词,每空一词。26 . 27 . She wore those strange clothes. Everyone _ (注意到)her when she came in.28 . 29 . Tom was quite _ (兴奋的)about the great news.30 . 31 . He does his work very well in this _ (时期).32 . 33 . In the 18th and 19th _ (世纪),many people moved to the city.34 . 35 . I have to stay at home a_ these days. My parents went to Shanghai yesterday.You can come to my home. We can play computer games together.36 . 37 . We can put the _(帐篷)near the river.38 . 39 . Marco Polo was from Italy, so he was an I_.40 . 41 . During 21st_(世纪), mobile phones are used all over the world.42 . 43 . Did they have a p_ last Sunday?44 . 45 . When you go out by yourself, dont f_ to take your coat.五、完成句子46 . 艾伦,早上好!_,Alan!47 . 那个杯子是红色的。That cup _48 . 那个用英语怎么说?_that _English?六、用单词的正确形式完成句子用表格中动词的适当形式填空。walk,enjoy,be,like,hope49 . My brother _ to be an English teacher.50 . Lets _to the supermarket. Its not far.51 . Guo Degang _good at telling jokes (讲笑话).52 . My classmates _playing football after school.53 . Does Joe _to listen to music?七、材料作文54 . 最近,学校号召大家向“最美中学生”徐蕴迪同学学习,根据下面的表格中徐蕴迪同学的事迹介绍,写一篇英语短文,并号召同学们一起向她学习。词数:80左右。良好的学习习惯1. 课上专心听讲,课后及时完成练习。2. 有不懂的问题向老师或者同学请教。3. 勤奋,喜欢看书,总是在语文上能得到高分。良好的生活习惯1. 喜欢拉小提琴,很少玩电脑游戏。2. 健康饮食,很少吃甜的零食。你的感受自拟一到两点。The Most Beautiful Middle School StudentRecently, Xu Yundi has won the award the Most Beautiful Middle School Student, I think she deserves it and we should learn from her.Xu has a great learning habit. _Xu also has a healthy lifestyle._第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、材料作文1、

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