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人教版(PEP)2020版四年级英语上册期末测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . heavy are you? ( )AWhatBWhenCWhichDHow2 . _ play near the fire. ( )ANotBDontCNo3 . _ is the ninth month. ( )ASeptemberBOctoberCNovember 84 . Bring me _ drawing, please. Its nice, I think. ( )AyourByouCyoure5 . How many _ are there in the UN? ( )AflagBflagsCflages6 . Jenny brushes her _.( )AtoothBteethCtooths7 . There are five big_ in the fields. ( )ApearsBwatermelonsCapples8 . ( )(1)当你向别人介绍海伦是你的妹妹,可以说:AThis is HelenBHelen is my sister.9 . I _ want to learn Japanese .AtooBeitherCalsoDas10 . 当你的朋友遇到了困难,你想鼓励他,会说:ADont worry, cheer up.BYou are welcome.CI am sorry to hear that.11 . Ten big lions are _ the zoo. ( )AofBatCon12 . 选出不属于同类的单词。(_)1.A.factoryB.scienceC.cinemaDhospital(_)2.A.eveningB.morningC.filmD.tonight(_)3.A.dancesB.studiesC.writesD.pilots(_)4.A.rightB.stopC.goD.wait(_)5.A.fishermanB.businessmanC.snowmanD.factory worker13 . There are many _ in the world. ( )Aa countryBcountryCcountries14 . The man often on the weekend. ( )Ago swimmingBgoes swimmingCgo to swim15 . In_,it is cold.( )AsummerBspringCwinter16 . Im _AsoryBsorryCSorry17 . I like the orange trousers, but theyre too _ . Do you have any_? ( )Abigger, small oneBsmall, smaller onesCbig, smaller ones18 . What _ I do? ( )AamBshouldChave二、情景交际19 . 早上突然刮风,奶奶让李梅戴上帽子,奶奶这样说:( )ADraw a cap.BPut on a cap.CShow me your cap.三、填空题20 . 按实际情况回答问题。1. What do you have? _2.What do you need? _3.What does your sister have? _4.Does your mother need any meat? _5.Do you have any tofu?_21 . 看图,完成对话。A: Marry, hurry up.B: Whats _ _ ?A: Seven ten.B: Oh, its _ .A: Its time to _ _ .22 . 选词填空。on a run teacher red1. My dress is_.2.Whats_the table?3.Its_big elephant.4. The duck can_.5.She is my_.23 . 写出下面字母的左邻右舍:1. _J_ 2. L_N 3._l_ 4.k_m 5. _M_四、单词拼写24 . Look and write the letters. _ld五、排序题25 . 根据所听顺序,用数字给下列句子标上序号。( ) (1)How nice!( ) (2)How are you?( ) (3)What colour is it?( ) (4)Shes my friend. ( ) (5)This is me.六、英译汉26 . 将下列短语的汉语意思写在横线上。1. blue eyes 2. white eraser 3. yellow hands 4. red mouth 5. green pencil6. orange crayon 7. black body 8. brown bag 七、判断题27 . 根据短文内容,判断句子的正误,用“T”或“F”表示An ant(蚂蚁) goes to the river to drink some water. But he falls in and cant get out.A bird sees the ant is in danger(危险). “I must help him,” she says: “ If I pick up a leaf(叶子)and put it on the water, the ant can get onto it. It is like a little boat.” So the bird puts a leaf on the water and the ant climbs onto it. “Thank you, Miss Bird,” says the ant. “I can help you some day.”A man sees the bird in the tree and is going to shoot (射击)her. Just then the ant comes and bites (咬)the mans foot. The man jumps and his arrow(箭) goes up into the sky. The arrow misses the bird and she flies away.“Thank you ,little ant,” says the bird. “You help me!”【小题1】The ant wants to swim in the river, so he jumps into the water. (_)【小题2】The bird sees the ant is in the river. She wants to help the ant. (_)【小题3】The ant falls in the river and doesnt get out from the water at last (最后) . (_)【小题4】The ant wants to help the bird , so he bites the mans leg.(_)【小题5】The man is going to shoot the bird, but the ant helps the bird. (_)八、连线题28 . 情景配对。第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、二、情景交际1、三、填空题1、2、3、4、四、单词拼写1、五、排序题1、六、英译汉1、七、判断题1、八、连线题1、

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