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2019年八年级英语期中考试(仁爱版,无听力)C卷一、单选题1 . - Whats Mr. White doing now ?- He is _his purse, but he cant _it.Afinding; findBfinding; look forClooking for; find2 . I study five days week and on Sundays I often play football.A不填; theBa;不填Cthe;aDthe;the3 . -Did you also walk to Zhenguo Temple, Gaoyou from Yangzhou ?-Yes, it was a great trip _ we didnt enjoy it _ the beginning because it rained .Aand; inBor; atCso; atDbut; at4 . What about sitcoms, Jim? No, I _ stand them .Aam notBcantCwontDdont5 . We should eat _ food.AunhealthBhealthyChealthDunhealthy6 . When you see the sign _ in public, you must keep quiet.ABC7 . China has seen a trend(潮流)ofshared bikes since last year.ArideBridingCtakeDtaking8 . Have you seen a book with two pages ?AmissBmissedCmissesDmissing9 . Whats the American English for “autumn” ? _.AEraser B. Movie C. Fall D. Vacation10 . Linda, the strawberry cake is really delicious. Which bakery did you buy it from?Haha, its homemade. I made it.AherselfBhimselfCmyselfDitself二、补全短文5选5A healthy lifestyle is important to our lives.11 . . So how we live has a direct effect on our health. Remain activeThis is the most important part of a healthy lifestyle. Remain physically active. Walk, run, play, swim, climb and jump, which keep you physically fit. 12 . . If your job requires long hours of sitting, take breaks often, get up often and stretch. Clean house, do gardening, go cycling and so on. There are plenty of simple active ways to lead a healthy lifestyle. Do not let laziness impair your body and mind. Keep cleanKeep your surroundings clean. 13 . . Unclean and untidy places can not only trouble you but also can make you sick. It stands for unhealthy mindset. Cleanliness also mean getting rid of unnecessary things that we keep storing at our home, office or mind. Eat healthy foodWhat you eat has a direct link to your body and mind. 14 . . Our physical and psychological constitutions (心理的组成成分) depend on our food we eat. If you like eating junk food, you are risking damaging your health. Prefer well cooked food that includes most of the healthy nutrients (养分).Live naturallyThis is probably the easiest way to live a healthy lifestyle. Be among nature as much as you can. 15 . . Avoid usage of materials that are harmful to the environment. This includes plastics, chemicals and other man-made equipment. A natural lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle. Protect our nature and nature will protect us. 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选择。使文章内容通畅,完整。ANeat and well organized places are beneficial to healthy mind and body. BPlant trees around your house. CThe healthier the food is, the healthier your lifestyle will be. DAvoid using vehicles as much as you can. EIf we have unhealthy lifestyles, we may not be able to enjoy the goodness that life offers to us.三、完型填空Youd never know that Lisa Davis,a judo(柔道) teacher and club owner,used to be bullied(欺侮) at school and couldnt protect herself at allIn junior high school, children would often laugh at her as she was rather _.One day, four elder children stopped her while she walking down a quiet street. They _her schoolbag over a high fence and began pushing her around,saying that they would _ her upI couldnt make them stop and this wasnt the first time it had happened Lisa saidThat day I decided to do _about it I talked to my brother and he said I ought to learn to protect myselfHe suggested that I take up judo,so I joined a clubThough I felt _ at first,it gave me confidence(信心),and I _losing weight as I got fitter. I found judo very helpful. When the bullies _ that I was learning judo,they soon left me aloneAs time went on, Lisa became _ interested in judo that she opened her own club. Lisa said, “Many young people are interested in judo for several reasons; it teaches them _to protect themselves; it keeps them fit and builds their confidence. I teach them that judo is an excellent way of protecting themselves, but they _ use their talent to start fights or join in. Judo is a form of self-protection, and they must use it only when necessary.16 . AoverweightBweakCdisabledDthin17 . AhandedBtookCpulledDthrew18 . AgiveBbeatCcallDcheer19 . AnothingBanythingCSomethingDeverything20 . AuncomfortableBunluckyCunfairDunexpected21 . AmissedBimaginedCregrettedDstarted22 . Aworked outBfound outClooked outDthought out23 . AquiteBsuchCsoDrather24 . AhowBwhenCwhereDwhat25 . AwontBneedntCmightntDmustnt四、阅读单选For RentA big apartment for a family of three people. ¥900 a month. Call Mrs. Brown.Tel:(0591)8355-2147.WantedLooking for a quiet single room under $120 per month. Please call Dick at 159-5912-5856.LostID cardName:JackNumber:350198199812102500Please call (0591)8838-7166.FoundA red purse with some money and keys. Come to Room 402 from 7:00- 9:00 p. m. or call Jim at(0591)8378-3021.根据表格内容,选择最佳答案。26 . Please call _ to rent a three-bedroom apartment.A(0591)8838-7166B159-5912-5856C(0591)8355-2147D(0591)8378-302127 . You can rent your single room to Dick for _ per month.A$150B$110C¥900D¥25028 . If you find an ID card, you can call _ at (0591)8838-7166.AJimBDickCJackDMrs. Brown29 . If you cant find your purse, you can go to Room 402 to get it back at _.A7:00 a. m.B7:30p. m.C9:30 p. m.D8 oclock in the morning30 . You want to rent a big apartment for your family for three months. You must take out _.A$2700B$360C¥2700D$120Accident Report FormAccidentA car hit a tree.Four people were in the car.Weather conditionThere was a heavy rain.CauseThe driver named Li Jun drank too much.Date of callMarch 20th, 2008Time of call8:30 p.m.Name of callerA man called Zhang Wei.(He was taking a walk there at that time.)PlaceZhongshan Road, NanjingConditions ofvictims (受害者)Mr. Green hurt his head.Mrs. Green hurt her left leg.Their daughter felt frightened.Their dog died.ActionPolicemen arrived at 8:40 p.m. and sent the victims to Gulou Hospital at 8:45 p.m.31 . What time did Zhang Wei call the police?AAt 8:30 a. m.BAt 8:30 p. m.CAt 8:40 p. m.DAt 8:45 p. m.32 . How many people were there in the cars?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.33 . Whose left leg was hurt?AMrs. Greens.BTheir daughters.CMr. Greens.DTheir dogs.34 . What was the weather like that day?AIt was sunny.BIt was snowy.CIt was cloudy.DIt was rainy.35 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe car hit a wall.BThe accident happened on Zhongshan Road in Beijing.CThe driver drank too much.DThe policemen arrived half an hour later and sent the victims to the hospital.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文(题文)Aa lifeBquietCwastingDand E. stood upAfter the water was gone, Billy jumped up to run back to the house. I followed him to a tap. He sat there (小题1)turned on the tap, letting the water slowly fill up to his “cup. When he (小题2)and began to leave, I was there in front of him.“Im not(小题3)was all he said.The tears rolled down my face. All I can say is the rain that came later that day saved our farm, just like the actions of one little boy saved (小题4)六、汉译英:整句把下列各句翻译成英语。36 . 一些家庭甚至付不起钱买笔和笔记本。_.37 . 他是足够地勇敢从火灾里救出他的邻居。_.38 . 他浇水在他的衣服上来保护他自己。_.39 . 我们应该当心火。_.40 . 当他有空的时候,他经常在“援助俱乐部”帮忙并且为俱乐部做大部分的电脑工作。_.七、书信作文41 . 书面表达假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Alan最近通过E-mail告诉你,他的身体不太好,比较胖,不爱运动,经常胃疼。请你给他写一封回信,告诉他如何保持身体健康。要求:主要包括以下内容,可以适当发挥。开头已给出,不计入总词数。提示短语:some useful advice, should do more exercise, eat a balanced diet(饮食平衡), stop eating junk food, enough sleep .Dear Alan,Im glad to receive your E-mail._ Yours, Li Hua第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、汉译英:整句1、七、书信作文1、

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