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牛津译林版八年级下英语期末考试专题练习单项选择姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . As a student , I will _ late for class .Atry to be notBnot try to beCtry not to beDtry to not be2 . _ your name, please.M-I-K-ABMeetCSeeDCallESpell3 . The children must study or read _ in the library.AquietBquietlyCmore quietlyDmost quietly4 . Could I ask you a few questions,sir? It wont much of your time.Aput upBmake upCuse upDtake up5 . Ladies and gentlemen, attention please! I have _ to tell you.Aanything importantBimportant anythingCimportant somethingDsomething important6 . (贵州省六盘水市2015年中考英语试题)-Must I practice the violin now ,mom?-No, you_.You can go out for a walk.AmustntBshouldntCcantDneednt7 . (2017届江苏省东台市实验中学九年级第三次模拟)I likebecause it makes us know ourselves better and know more about the world.AreadingBcookingCswimmingDdancing8 . I hear Tom is leaving. _ why?AAndBButCOrDSo9 . Trees _every spring in North China.Ahave plantedBwill plantCwere plantedDare planted10 . I prefer _ at home rather than _ out for a picnic on a rainy day.Astay, to goBto stay, to goCstay, goDto stay, go11 . His name is Tony Green. His _ is Tony.Afirst nameBlast nameCfamily nameDname12 . When I stepped into the classroom, I saw the teacher _ out the test papers.AhandsBhandedCto handDhanding13 . As students, we should always get to school _Ain no timeBon timeCtime to timeDin time14 . Why is he_? Because he saw Nicks BMW and he wants to have one of his own.Ared with angerBwhite with fearCgreen with envyDblue with sadness15 . In my opinion, Tim doesnt write English his sister.Aas clear asBso clear asCmore clearlyDas clearly as16 . I dont speak French _ David.Aas good asBas better asCmore better thanDso well as17 . Could you help me_ my English?Sure.AinBwithCstudyDB. or C18 . You can find_ easy to learn English.AthatBthisCitDhow19 . _ my mother came back from the market,I had already made lunch for the family.AAt the timeBAll the timeCFor a timeDBy the time20 . (题文)Unless we _ the problem,we wont be happy.AsolveBwill solveCsolvedDsolving21 . Mo Yan is famous _ a writer and he is famous _ his books.Aas; forBas; asCfor; asDfor; for22 . There are _ children here, but only two_like studies.Athousands of, thousandBthousand of, thousandsCthousands of, thousandsDthousand of, thousand23 . (题文)The man fears _ in the river because he cant swim.AplayBplaysCto playDplaying24 . Will you come to the party next Friday? _. I will be on business by thenAIm afraid notBI hope soCI think soDI hope not25 . The teacher told us that red _ power,heat and strong feelings.Awould representBrepresentsCrepresentedDhad represented26 . _ eat out tonight?Sorry, I dont feel _ today. Wed better stay at home.AWhy not; wellBWhy dont; goodCShall we; goodDWhat about; well27 . What do you think of English?Its a useful _,so we must learn it well.AquestionBlanguageCmessageDproblem28 . Our physics teacher told us that the earth _ around the sun.AtravelingBtraveledCtravelsDtravel29 . Heplenty of money to the people in the earthquake area.Aput out; to work out wellBhanded out; help them outCgave out; work out wellDgave away; to help them out30 . - The traffic is busy in Harbin.-Its really so. When the subway, the traffic will become better.AfinishesBwill finishCis finished31 . trees are going to be planted around the park near our school.AA lotBPlenty ofCLot ofDMuch32 . What vegetables do you like?_.AIce creamBHamburgersCCarrots and broccoli DBananas33 . The old people are in good _. They all eat _ food every day.Ahealth; healthyBhealthy; healthChealth; healthDhealthy; healthy34 . If(如果) he isnt at school. Please call me_453-7868AinBatConDfor35 . - _ does your mother finish work every day?- She finishes work at 5 p.m. every day.AHow longBWhat timeCHow muchDHow often36 . We should practice our_ English_ .Aeveryday; every dayBevery day; everydayCevery day; every dayDeveryday; everyday37 . _ are good to us.AThe teachers allBAll our teachersCOur all teachersDAll of teachers38 . Do not throw rubbish or pour dirty water _ rivers and lakes.AontoBinCtoDinto39 . Whatever difficulties you meet in your life, dont _.Aput upBwake upCgive upDtake up40 . _ your sister often _ sports?Yes,she often _ tennis with my parents.ADoes, do;playsBDo, does;playsCDoes, do;playDDo, does;play41 . - Could you help her _ a fire? - Sure.Amake BmakingCmakesDwill make42 . -Can youEnglish? Yes, I can.-Good. Now letsabout the film in English.Asay ,speakBspeak, tellCspeak, talkDtell, talk43 . Can I go to the concert with you tomorrow, Mum? OK, if all your homework _.Ais doneBwill be doneChas doneDdoes44 . The man _ his coat as soon as he walked into the warm room.Atook awayBtook downCtook offDtook on45 . Why not_ an English club to practice _English?Ajoin; to speakBto join; speakingCjoin; speakingDto join; to speak46 . My uncle lives inand he can speakwell.AGerman ; GermanyBGermany ; GermanyCGermany; German47 . David didnt give up _ he had failed in the experiment four times.AifBsoCthoughDand48 . Mary got up early this morning,_?Adoesnt sheBwas sheCwasnt sheDdidnt she49 . (2014常州市)The Yellow Riverflood large areas, but now the waters of it are used toenergy.Awas used to; producingBused to; producingCwas used to; produceDused to; produce50 . My car _. Could you please give me a ride tomorrow?-Im sorry I cant. Im _ London tomorrow morning.Ais new; leavingBhas broken down; leaving forCbroke; leaving forDis expensive; leaving for51 . Look, the man under the tree _ our maths teacher Mr. Wang.Alooks likeBis likesClook likeDjust like52 . Must I stay here with you? No, you. You may go home, but yougo to the net bar (网吧).Amustnt;dont have to B. neednt;mustntBmust;need D. need;must53 . My mother often tells melate for class.Anot beBnot to beCam notDnot54 . - _ you_your room yet?- Yes. I_it a moment ago.ADid;clean;cleanedBHave;cleaned;have cleanedCHave; cleaned; cleanedDWill; clean; clean55 . -_ do you feel _ Sanya? Its beautiful and warm.AHow, aboutBHow, likeCWhat, aboutDWhat, like56 . (题文) -Whose badminton racket is this? It looks nice. How much is it _?-Sorry, I dont know.AcostBpayCspendDworth57 . - What did your daughter say in her letter?- She told me that she _ Cambridge University already with her friends. Ahad visitedBhave visitedCwas visitingDvisited58 . All the _ in our school enjoyed themselves on March 8th because it was their own holiday.Awomen teachersBmen teachersCwoman teachersDman teachers59 . When it miaowed, it _ a whisper.AsoundBsound likeCsounded likeDsounded60 . Do you mind telling me how to restart the computer?_. Its simple. Just press the button here.AYes, I doBSurelyCOf courseDNo, not at all61 . The park is acrossthe school.AinBonCfromDof62 . _has Mr White learnt Chinese ? Since he _to China?AHow soon, comesBHow often, gotCHow long, cameDHow far, arrived63 . We should have _ to face these difficulties instead of fearing them.AstressBcourageCreliefDspeed64 . The tickets were _ within two hours.Asold outBsent outCput outDcarried out65 . Which picture means “cross”?A. B. C. A.A B.B C.C66 . Mary is always a_ girl. She keeps smiling even if she fails.AhelpfulBcheerfulChopefulDmeaningful67 . Students should do eye carefully to protect their eyes.AexerciseBexercisesCsportDsports68 . My grandfather is used to _ a newspaper at the table before breakfast.AbuyingBbuyCreadDreading69 . I think running is an easy way to keep healthy ._, but Alan doesnt think so.AI thinkBI don think soCI agreeDI dont agree70 . (题文)When you find it difficult _ the problem, you can go to your parents and teachers _ help.Ato solve; toBsolving; toCto solve; forDsolving; for71 . Your father _ in the meeting-room just now.AarentBwasntCwerentDdidnt72 . -What_ Jennys mother_?-She is of medium height.Adoes; looks likeBdo; look likeCdo; looks likeDdoes; look like73 . What does the signmean?ANo parking.BNo pho tos.CNo eating.DNo smoking.74 . Please stop _a rest if you feel tired.Ato haveBhavingChave75 . Hello! Could I speak to Mr. Liu, please? Sorry. He _ for a month.Ahad been awayBwas leftChas been away76 . I hope you can _ me with some information about the trip?_ Sure. Ill _ you the most specific route about it .Aprovide, offerBoffer, provideCprovide, provideDoffer, offer77 . Thank you _ us _ youAfor inviting/to joinBto invite/to joinCinviting/joiningDfor inviting/ joining78 . Our English teachers plan a New Year party for us.AholdBholdingCto holdDheld79 . Can you go swimming with us this afternoon? Id love to,but I _ take care of my little sister at home because my mother is ill.AneedBmustChave toDshould80 . In China, plenty of rubbish every day because of the large population.Aare producedBis producedCare producingDis producing81 . (题文)Your suggestions _ his needs so much that he was _ with you.Asatisfying; satisfyingBsatisfied; satisfiedCsatisfied; satisfyDsatisfy; satisfied82 . 一Jack, remember off the lights when the home.一OK, I wont forget, Mom.Aturning; leavingBto turn; leaveCturning; leftDto turn; leaving83 . People in the UK always queue. They think its rude tobefore others.Apush inBput inCjoin inDhand in84 . Mum, when shall we leave for HongKong?Im not sure. We have to wait for your dad to decide.Aput offBtake offCset off85 . What do you your old bike?Adeal withBlay outCput upDdo with86 . I dont know how to work out the problem. What should I do?How about _ Ann _ help?Aasking; forBbringing; outCcomparing; with87 . -How old is your little sister?-She is just five months old. She was born August last year.AinBonCatDfor88 . Do you think _ acceptable for group of women to dance to loud music on the square near your house?AitBthatCthisDthem89 . There was paper on the table. It Eat your lunch by yourself.Aa piece; saysBa piece of; toldCa; saidDa piece of; said90 . When shall I hand in my report? As soon as it _ tomorrow.Awill be finishedBwill finishCis finishedDfinishes91 . He has been to Europe, has he? I dont know.AalreadyBneverCstill92 . Is that your mother?No. She is my aunt, my mothers _.AmotherBdaughterCsisterDbrother93 . Must we keep the window_ all the time? No, you dont have to.AopenBopenedCOpening94 . -Whats this in English?-_ a pencil.AThis isBItsCTheyre95 . - Sit down, please.- _.AThank youBIm sorryCGoodbye96 . The little boysing in his room last night.Aheard toBis heard toCwas heardDwas heard to97 . What _ bowl of noodles would you like?Oh, a small bowl, please.AkindBsizeCkind ofDsize of98 . The teacher asked us to keep quiet.Which kind of structures does the sentence belong to?AS+V+DOBS+V+PCS+V+IO+DODS+V+DO+OC第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、55、56、57、58、59、60、61、62、63、64、65、66、67、68、69、70、71、72、73、74、75、76、77、78、79、80、81、82、83、84、85、86、87、88、89、90、91、92、93、94、95、96、97、98、

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