人教新目标版七年级下册Unit 3单元过关检测英语试卷

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人教新目标版七年级下册Unit 3单元过关检测英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . After a long walk, I felt very hot and I really wanted to drink.Acold somethingBsomething coldCnothing coldDcold anything2 . We_ have much fruit and enough vegetables.AneedntBneed toCneedntDneeds3 . His brother playspiano every day.A/BaCanDthe4 . TomKate since two years ago, and they have had a child.Agot married withBmarried toChas been married toDmarried5 . _ is Mary?She is fine.AWhoBWhatCWhereDHow6 . - Who will be our monitor?-Liming. Because he is always ready to help others and gets on well _ us.AonBinCforDwith7 . Lilys mother is too busy housework her with her homework.Adoing; to helpBdoing; helpingCto do; helpingDto do; to help8 . Mr Green asks us to hand in our reports _ we finish them.AbeforeBas soon asCthoughDbecause9 . - _ are their keys?- I dont know. Are they in the bag?AWhatBWhereCHow muchDHow many10 . convenient the way is! We can pay moneyscanning QR codes(二维码)in many shops.AHow; forBHow; byCWhat; by11 . Look! The childrenfootball on the playground.AplayBare playingCplaying12 . _ have you lived in Wuxi? Since I was born.AWhenBHow soonCHow oftenDHow long13 . -_do you finish your homework every day? -For an hour.AHow soonBHow oftenCHow farDHow long14 . The man works in a company (公司) _ Nanjing.Ain centre ofBin the centreCon the centre ofDin the centre of15 . Why is there a hole in the wall? My cat can get in or outit.AacrossBpastCoverDthrough二、完型填空Li Qinmei lives in Zhucheng,Shandong Province. She lost her_at three. Four years later, her father couldnt_after an accident. After the death of her grandmother,12-year-old Li Qinmei had to support her broken family.Qinmei learnt to_and live a life with 24 yuan per month from the government, The most_things she had to deal with were to_her father wash, dress and use the toilet as he could hardly move.During most of her junior school years, she went to classes_once a month as her father was seriously ill at that time. “I taught_at home and asked teachers for help on my school days,”she said.Though she had a hard life, the difficulties taught her to be_“My classmates have both Mum and Dad to_them. How happy they are! However, I dont feel_as I still have my dear dad and many kind people with me. I believe I will go to college,” she said.16 . AgrandmotherBfatherCmotherDsister17 . AworkBwalkCmoveDrun18 . AcookBwasteCreadDwrite19 . AinterstingBcomfortableCdifficultDunforgettable20 . AencourageBhelpCpromiseDmake21 . AalwaysBonlyCgladDangry22 . Amy fatherBmy classmatesCmeDmyself23 . AcarefulBstrongCweakDhappy24 . Aworry aboutBcare aboutClook forDlook after25 . AunhappyBhappyCluckyDcomfortable三、句型转换句型转换26 . Jodie is on my left. Nancy is on my right. (合并为一句话)Im _ Jodie _ Nancy.27 . The restaurant with a beautiful garden is on Happy Road. (就画线部分提问)_ the restaurant with a beautiful garden?28 . His house is behind our school. (改为同义句)Our school is _ his house.29 . Are there two clothes shops on Park Street?(作否定回答)_, _.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。30 . The_ (玩笑) in the sitcoms are very good and I like them.31 . Would you like to see a movie with me _ (今晚)?32 . We are_(计划) to visit the West Lake this summer vacation.33 . My parents_(期待) their children to get good gradesin this exam.34 . Mike _ (发现) a wallet lying on the floor when he came in.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空35 . You are _(suppose) to shake hands when you meet a Chinese friend.36 . Keep your eyes _(close) when you are doing eye exercises.37 . A knife is _(use) for _(cut) things.38 . People are pretty _(relax) about time in Colombia.39 . Hes on duty today. He should _(clean) the blackboard.六、材料作文40 . 书面表达.简要说明你的家人上班或上学的交通方式。_第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、句型转换1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、材料作文1、

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