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人教版九年级5月中考模拟英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Whenwesawourfirstteacheragain,weallgot_.AsurpriseBasurpriseCsurprisesDsurprising2 . Your jacket is _. Thank you.AmiddleBEnglishCniceDyellow3 . - do you exercise in a week?-Three times.AHow oftenBHow many timesCHow longDHow soon4 . How long have you _ here? For several days.AgoneBarrivedCcomeDbeen5 . -I can drive you home.- , but are you sure its not too much trouble?ADont mention itBThat would be greatCIm afraid notDTake care6 . To his _,the car caught fire. And his family and he himself were in danger.AhorrorBjoyCsurpriseDsadness7 . Are you often late for school?No, I get to school on time.AalwaysBhardlyCsometimes8 . Neither of them _ in China.Ais madeBare madeCwere madeDmade9 . Could I go to the movie this weekend, Dad?Yes, you _ . But you have to come back before nine.AwouldBcouldCcanDmust10 . I dont know what _ if I do that.I think you _ tell him the whole thing first.Ahappens;shouldBhappens;shouldntCwill happen;shouldDwill happen;shouldnt11 . I was watching TV _ the thief came into the house.AwhenBwhileCforDbecause12 . Are you sure you can do well in todays test, Lily?_. I have got everything ready.AIts hard to sayBIm afraid notCI think so13 . My parents can drive a car, _ I cant.AsoBandCbutD/14 . Our teachers always tell us that we must to calm down when a natural disaster happens.Atell ourselvesBtell yourselfCsay to ourselvesDsay to yourself二、补全对话7选5(题文)九、补全对话(其中有两个选项是多余的)(每小题2分,共10分)Li Yang: Good morning, Mathew.Mathew: Good morning, Li Yang. (小题1)Li Yang: Theres still smog (雾霾) today. Well have to go to school with face masks (口罩)Mathew: (小题2) According to the news, PM2.5 pollution is the main problem with air pollutionLi Yang: Yes, and air pollution has done harm to peoples health.Mathew: So the Chinese government and Chinese people must take action to fight it.Li Yang:(小题3)Mathew: Since PM2.5 is mainly caused by vehicles (机动车) and factories, cars with large emissions (排放) should not be allowed and factories should be closely watched.Li Yang:(小题4) We hope that more and more people will join us in making the blue skies return for good.Mathew:(小题5)三、完型填空Dear Kitty,I am sorry that I did not write to you earlier because I have been very busy. I was helping with a charity show to raise money_Project Green Hope. A lot of work needed to be finished, so I did not have much free time.I felt very happy when I_to be the host. It was exciting, _I was also very nervous. I know that lots of people would come_the show and many pop stars would come, too. My job was to_each star and I also had many other duties.We practiced a lot before the show. I had to remember to look at the right camera at the right time. At first, I thought I would never be_to remember all the words.The big day came very quickly, and I was so excited. Twenty minutes before the big event, we_the doors and many people came into the theatre to watch the show. The fans of the pop stars were making a lot of noise, so I had to speak_.A lot of_has been given to Project Green Hope. I hope more events like this will be organized to raise money for charity and I think more people should be_to take part in them.See you soon. Best wishes!Ricky15 . AwithBforCfromDtowards16 . AchooseBchoseCam chosenDwas chosen17 . AorBsoCandDbut18 . Ato lookBto watchCto noticeDto find19 . AintroduceBteachCknowDhelp20 . AsorryBgladCableDafraid21 . AopenedBbrokeClockedDclosed22 . AquicklyBhappilyCquietlyDloudly23 . AfoodBpaperCmoneyDmedicine24 . AinvitedBfoundCcaughtDcarried四、阅读单选About 3 months ago, my father was in hospital recovering from a major lung operation. My mother had recently passed away, and my father had taken the loss of his partner of 58 years very hard and had lost interest in life. It was quite difficult to try to get him to eat each day as he didnt want anything. The one thing, however, that he would ask us to bring him was ice cream.One evening, to our surprise, he refused to eat the ice cream, so I placed it in a staffroom refrigerator. A little while later, my son said he wanted it, so I fetched it for him. As I passed another ward (病房), a woman asked, “Are there more where that came from?” When I explained, she seemed very disappointed. She then said that she had cancer and could eat very little other than the occasional ice cream.The next evening, I decided to buy two ice creams. On the way to dads room, I came into the sick womans room, and offered her the ice cream Id bought for her. She was totally astonished that I had thought of her, and accepted the gift with tears in her eyes. I spoke with her for a few minutes, explaining what was happening in my family and listened to her similar story of pain and suffering. It wasobviousthat she did not have many visitors.I repeated the gesture a few days later, and this time I received a warm hug. I never even thought to ask her name and never saw her again, but it made me realize that a simple act of kindness can bring joy to a persons unfortunate life.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。25 . Why it was difficult to try the authors father to eat food?ABecause his father has being recovering from a major lung operation.BBecause his father cant eat food just after a major lung operation.CBecause his mother passed away and his father lost interest in life.DBecause his father was very weak.26 . What is meaning of the word underline in this passage?A伤心的B困惑的C寂寞的D显然的27 . Which is the best title of this story?AA Ice CreamBA Womans Unfortunate LifeCA Warm HugDA simple act of kindness28 . Which is TRUE according to this passage?AOne evening the authors father didnt want to eat anything except ice cream.BWhen the author passed the womans ward, he gave an ice cream to the woman.CThe woman had cancer but few people to look after her.DThe author knew the woman a long time ago and they kept in touch with each other.29 . Form this passage we can learn that.AWe should look after the old when they suffer some cancerBIt is very easy to make someone happy when they are unlucky.CIf we buy some present, well get a warm hug at last.DIf someone has a cancer, he wont eat anything except ice cream.School education(教育) is very important and useful. Yet, no one can learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he knows, can not teach his students everything they want to know. The teachers job is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. So, much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves.It is always more important to know how to study by oneself than to memorize some facts or a formula(公式). It is actually quite easy to learn a certain fact in history or a formula in math. But it is very difficult to use a formula in working out a math problem.Great scientists didnt get everything from school. For example, Edison didnt even finish primary school. But they were all so successful. They invented so many things . The reason for their success was that they knew how to study. They read books that were not taught at school. They would ask many questions as they read. They did thousands of experiments. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. Above all, they knew how to use their brain.30 . According to the passage, the most important thing a teacher should do is _.Ato teach his students everything he knowsBto teach the students how to thinkCto know everything they want to knowDto teach the students how to work out a math problem31 . To work out a math problem, you need to know _.Aa certain formulaBa certain factCsome factsDthe way to solve it32 . Which of the following is NOT true?AGreat scientists read a lot of books and asked many questions while reading.BGreat scientists did thousands of experiments.CGreat scientists always worked hard and never wasted time.DGreat scientists got everything from school.33 . The passage is written mainly to tell us.Ahow to memorize some facts or a formula(公式)Bwho the great scientists areCHow to studyDwhy Edison didnt finish primary schoolNow there are something new in our life,they make our daily life more colorful and more convenient.Google GlassGoogle Glass is a pair of glasses with a battery (电池)hidden inside the frame (边框).It can perform many of the same tasks as smart phones. The glass has a hidden camera and a tiny screen. It is designed to take hands-free photos or videos of anything people are doing.The Digital (数字的)LibraryCan you imagine walking into a library and finding all the books have turned into computers? The first bookless public library is planned to open in San Antonio,Texas. America. Computers will take the place of books soon.A New Kind of ShirtHate washing clothes? You are going to love this kind of shirt made by an American clothing company, Wool & Prince. This shirt can be worn for 100 straight days without washing! The Wool & Prince shirt never needs ironing (熨烫)An Underwater HotelIt looks like a spaceship but it is actually a picture of an underwater hotel. A company plans to build the hotel in the sea which is about 15 meters below the surface . The whole building is underwater, and you can get to it by swimming and diving.根据表格回答问题34 . The underwater hotel is about _meters below the surface.A10B15C10035 . You neednt use _ when you take photos or video with Google Glass.AcameraBa screenCyour hand36 . You can wear the Wool & Prince shirt for about _ without washing.Aa yearBtwo monthsCthree months37 . The digital Library tells us something about a library without _.AbooksBreadersCbookshelves38 . Which one of the following can reduce our housework in our daily life?AThe underwater hotelBGoogle GlassCThe Wool &Prince shirtLiverpoolDiscover the best music, sport and culture in the UKMUSIC IN LIVERPOOLSPORTS IN LIVERPOOLThe Beatles StoryThe world-famous 1960s music group came from Liverpool. Find out about The Beatles at The Beatles Story attraction.Open every day except December 25 and 26for holidays.Adult:16Student:12Child:7Child under six: FreeLiverpool FCThis city loves football.Visit Anfield Football Stadium, home toLiverpools favourite football team, and takea tour.Closed on weekends.Adult:15Student:9Child under six: FreeMUSEUMS IN LIVERPOOLSHOPPING IN LIVERPOOLVisit The Museum of Liverpool. Opened in 2011Learn all about the history and culture of Liverpool.Free entry!Open daily 10 a.m. - 5p.m.Liverpool OneFind the best shopping in the centre of Liverpool at Liverpool One, Liverpools new shopping centre. Opened in 2008. More than 160 shops, restaurants, cinemas and cafes.39 . The Beatles is a well-known _.Amusic groupBfootball stadiumCstorybook characterDtourist attraction40 . If your parents go to Anfield Football Stadium with you, they should pay _ for the tickets.A9B15C24D3941 . The main purpose of the writer is to _.Aget some information about LiverpoolBintroduce Liverpools attractions to touristsCsend the pictures of Liverpool to readersDencourage people to go shopping in Liverpool五、根据首字母、中文提示填空三、根据课文内容以及首字母填空The Class 1, Grade 7 students are giving a fashion show now. They are s42 . you different s43 . of clothes in the school hall. Millie is wearing s44 . clothes and a pair of l45 . and c46 . trainers. They are very p47 . a48 . young people. Simons wearing a p49 . shirt and a pair of g50 . trousers. His tie m51 . his clothes. He looks s52 . .六、回答问题We need animals. Every animal has its place in the balance(平衡)of nature. We should try to help save the animals.Some people think zoos are good places. The zoos give the animals the comfortable and safe living places. If the animals get hurt or ill, people will take care of them. The zoo is a good place to know the rules in the wild world. We can be much closer to nature. We can know more about the animals in the zoos by watching, listening even smelling instead of just looking at the pictures in books.Some people dont think animals feel happy in the zoos. Animals like pandas, wolves and bears usually live in the wild. They play and find food by themselves. They are free and happy in the wild. If they are in the zoos, food is enough and rooms are comfortable. They do not need to do their best to find food to eat or places to stay in. They just walk around, sleep day and night, but they are not free at all.I think we should build national parks as wild life nature reserves to protect animals. If we do nothing, animals will get fewer and fewer.53 . What does every animal have in the balance of nature?54 . How can we know more about the animals in the zoos?55 . Do you think animals feel happy in the zoos? Why or why not?七、材料作文56 . 书面表达李华所在的国际学校正在开展“My Favourite Traditional Festival”交流活动,假定你是李华,请你向来自不同国家的同学介绍中国传统节日端午节,内容包括:1. 今年庆祝时间(6月18日)2. 节日由来:纪念(be in memory of)屈原3. 吃粽子,赛龙舟,挂菖蒲和艾草(calamus and Ay Tsao)4. 欢迎大家一起体验这个传统节日注意:1. 词数80100;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.文中不能出现与本人相关的信息;4.开头已写好,不计入总词数。Dear fellows, The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. _.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、回答问题1、七、材料作文1、

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