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人教版七年级(下)英语unit1单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Where did you buy the prawns?- _the market, _ the fish stall.AIn, inBIn, atCAt, inDAt, on2 . My parents dont_me eat_junk food.Alike; too manyBwant; too muchCask; too manyDlet; too much3 . It was strange that the street was crowded _ people.AforBbyCwithDof4 . You should stick _ listening to slow songs.AinBtoConDof5 . As well as _ all his homework, he helped his mother with a good cleaning around the house.AfinishingBfinished C finishesCto finish6 . (2017 湖北省武汉市中考英语模拟押题卷)What did he say?One shouldnt act without caring for public _.AadviceBsuggestionsCideaDopinion7 . All of us are interested _ Wechat. Yes, because we can communicate more freely.AbyBaboutCinDfor8 . Could you please tell me something about his performance in yesterdays _ show? Excellent! He is really has a great _ for performance.Agift; talentBgift; giftCtalent; talentDtalent; gift9 . (题文)Go _ the park and turn left onto Yimeng Road.ApassBpassedCpassingDpast10 . 一Whats behinddoor? I cant open it一Let me seeOh,theres a chairAaBanCtheD11 . Id like to help homeless peopleYou could _ food at the food bank to help feed themAgive outBrun outCwork outDcome out12 . Xiao Li_playing football with his friends on weekends.Awould likeBis fond ofChopesDwants13 . (题文)My father _in the morning , but now he likes running in the evening.Ais used to runningBused to runCgets used to running14 . Is this pen, Tim?No. Its Marys.AyouByourCyoursDyourself15 . Its an English class. Please dont _Chinese.AsayBtalkCtellDspeak二、完型填空完形填空,先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。A woman saw three old men sitting outside. She said, “I dont think I know you, but you_be very hungry. Please come in and have something to eat.”“We dont go into a house_” They replied.“Why is that?” she asked.One of the old men answered, “His name is Wealth(财富), this is Success(成功), and I am Love.” Then he said, “Now go in and_with your family which one of us you want in your house.”The woman went in and told her family what had happened. She said, “Lets invite Wealth. We have been so_” Her husband disagreed, “My dear, why dont we invite Success? Dont you want me to be a successful man?” then her daughter asked, “Would it be_to invite Love? Our life will then be filled with love!”In the end the family decided to take the_advice. The woman went out and asked, “Which one of you is Love? Please come in and_our guest.” Love got up and started walking to the house. The other two also got up and_him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success, “I_invite Love. Why are you coming along?” The two old men answered, “If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two would have to stay out. But since you have invited Love, wherever he goes, we go with him._there is Love, there is Wealth and Success.16 . AneedBmustChave toDmay17 . AtogetherBaloneCcrowdedDlonely18 . AplayBexerciseCagreeDdiscuss19 . ApoorBrichCluckyDhappy20 . AworseBbetterClessDmore21 . AfathersBmothersCdaughtersDparents22 . AbeBisCareDam23 . AleftBfollowedCstoppedDpulled24 . AonlyBhardlyCneverDalmost25 . AwhenBwhatChowDwhere三、阅读单选The Small Countries in the WorldNaura-21km.Located(位于)east of Australia,Nauru is the smallest island country in the world. It is also a country with the most overweight people in the world,with 97% of its men and 93% of women being overweight.Tuvalu-26kmLocated in the Pacific Ocean,west of Australia. There are about 10.000 people,with 8km of roads,and only one hospital on the main island. Since its a difficult place to get to,in 2018,only about 2,000 visitors came to Tuvalu.Vatican- 0.44kmThe worlds smallest country is Vatican,also known as the Holy See. This country fits within the Italian capital city of Rome. It is also home to the biggest church in the world-St. Peters Basilica,and holds some of the most important art things. Monaco- 2kmLocated on the French Riviera,Monaco is home to the largest number of rich people in the world. With a population of over 36,000,Monaco is the worlds most densely(密集地)populated country. People there are mostly French speaking. The most popular event is the Formula1(一级方程式)race and Monaco holds it every year. 26 . According to the text,we can learn_.Amost people in Nauru are very heavyBTuvalu is to the east of AustraliaCVatican has the oldest churchDthere are 2,000 people in Tuvalu27 . The reason why Tuvalu has only a few visitors is that_.Athe people there are unfriendlyBits hard for people to get thereCthe islands there are too smallDpeople cant find hospitals thereToday my sister and I visit Tianjin Zoo. It is not big but new. We get to the zoo and see a big white house. On the wall of the house, these is a picture of a panda. “This is the pandas house,”I say. “Lets go and see the panda first.”There are three pandas in the house. One is small, and the other two are big. The small panda is a baby. It is just six months old and its name is “Lingling”.Then we go to see monkeys. Most of the people, especially(尤其)the children love them very much, because they climb trees quickly, and they can pick bananas and apples. There are a lot of monkeys on the hill. A small monkey runs to us and wants to get some food from us. My sister gives a banana to it. It thanks her with its hands and makes faces at us. Oh, theyre so lovely.28 . Tianjin Zoo is _.Abig and newBsmall and newCbig and oldDsmall but old29 . How many pandas are there in the house?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.30 . Lingling is _ name.AmyBmy sistersCthe baby pandasDthe small monkeys31 . Do the monkeys climb trees quickly?AYes, they do.BYes, they are.CNo, they dont.DYes, he is.32 . My sister gives a banana to _.Athe pandasBa baby pandaCa lot of monkeysDa small monkeyWhat should we do if a fire happens? Look at the following.1. ShoutShout as loudly as you can ,because people may be asleep.2. Call 119Never try to put out a fire yourself. Tell 119 where you are and what is on fire.3. Keep down close to the floorTheres less smoke down there, so its easier to breathe and see where you are going.4. Test the door the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, dont open it! Try to find a different way out.5. Get out not stop to pick up anything. A fire can become very big in afew seconds!6. Dont use the lift(电梯)ways use the stairs. The lift may go wrong and keep you inside.7. Dont go back if you have left your pet or favorite toy inside, dont go back for it.Animals have a very good sense of smell. They often get out of building before people.33 . According to the passage, when something is on fire, you must _ at once.Alook for your petBtelephone 119Ccall 120Dput out the fire yourself34 . The passage tells us that we can _ in a fire.Ause the liftBtry to put out a fire ourselvesCopen the hot door and go outDshout as loudly as possible35 . You should keep down close to the floor because _.Apeople may be asleepBthe firemen can find you easilyCthere is less smoke down thereDyou should look after your things carefully36 . If the door is hot, we should _.Aopen it and get outBfind another way outCstop to pick up somethingDgo back for something37 . The lift is dangerous in a fire because _.Ait is too smallBit may go wrongCit may keep you insideDboth B an C四、根据首字母、中文提示填空38 . 一 W_ my watch?Its in the Lost and Found.39 . Whats that in English?Sorry. I dont k_ .40 . My CDs are on the t_.41 . His baseball is u_the bed.42 . My watch is on the d_.43 . Thanks for your b_. I can put(放) my books and pencil box in it.44 . This is my b_. I can sleep(睡)on it.45 . My c_ is nice. I can sit(坐)on it.46 . My desk is in my r_ .47 . My hat is on my h_.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空I am able _(swim)六、完成句子根据汉语及句末括号内的英语单词提示,用相关动词短语的适当形式完成句子。(提示:每空不超过四个单词)49 . 你应该学会礼貌地拒绝别人的邀请。(turn)You are supposed to learn _ others invitation politely.50 . 当我们赶到书店时,他们已经卖光了哈利波特这本书。(sell)By the time we arrived at the bookstore, they _ Harry Potter.51 . 志愿者们正在努力地为俄罗斯世界杯提供更好的服务。( make)The volunteers _ to provide Russia World Cup with better service.52 . 在学校你的课业已经足够了,必须删去课外学习班。(cut)You have enough classes from school. the after-school classes must _.53 . 我朋友第一次来黄冈时,就喜欢上了这个城市。(fall)My friend _ Huanggang when he came to the city for the first time.54 . 作为一名登山运动员,亚历克斯习惯于冒险。(take)As a mountain climber. Alex is used to _.55 . 如果我们齐心协力,我们的中国梦一定可以实现。(pull)If we all _, our China dream are sure to come true.七、单词填空I dont like to get up early, so my i56 . school starts at 8:30 a.m. It f57 . at 3:50 p.m. Theres a beautiful park near the school. We can eat lunch and chat there. We can also e58 . walking there. I have English lessons every day. I work hard at it because I think English will be very i59 . for me in the future. We dont have to w60 . uniforms at school. The school has a cinema on one side and a supermarket on the o61 . , so we can go to the movies or buy things we need easily. We have a big l62 . with lots of books and magazines in the school. We can do a lot of after-school a63 . . I like playing c64 . , so my ideal school should have a Chess Club. Every spring, we go on a school t65 . to the countryside.This is my ideal school.八、回答问题回答问题Today ,more and more sharks(鲨鱼)die because of humans activities .Sharks are facing hard living conditions these days. As we know ,sharks are among the oldest animals on earth. There are over 500 kinds of sharks living in the oceans. Most of them are quite large and they are about two meters long. Yet some are small , for example, the dogfish shark is less than 20cm long . The shark has a strong sense of smell. This sense helps sharks find their food . Sharks eat fish and plants in the ocean.Sharks grow slowly. About forty percent of all sharks lay(产) eggs. The others give birth to baby sharks. Some sharks carry their babies inside their bodies as humans do. Some sharks are not able to have babies until they are twenty years old. And each of them gives birth to at most ten baby sharks.People kill sharks for food, medicine and their skin(皮肤). Experts say the market needs much more sharks . In Asia, people enjoy a kind of food made from shark fins(鱼翅). For the reasons above, some sharks are endangered.根据上面的文章用完整句子回答下面5个问题。66 . How is sharks living conditions these days?_67 . Whats the number of the kinds of sharks living in the oceans?_68 . What do sharks eat in the ocean?_69 . Whats the length (长度)of the dogfish shark?_70 . Where do people enjoy a kind of food made from shark fins?_九、材料作文71 . 假如你就读于一所双语学校,你校爱心社要招募学生志愿者去儿童之家做义工。请你根据表格提示内容,用英语写一则招募广告。志愿者招募要求1.擅长唱歌,会弹吉他;2.周末有充足的时间;3.可以教小孩说英语。联系人王霞联系方式wangxia126.com要求:60词左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数。Volunteers wantedWe need help at the childrens home. _第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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