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人教版2020年(春秋版)九年级上学期期中考试英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . 一Are you going to the cinema tonight?一I dont know. I _ go or I_ stay at home.Awill; willBmust; mustCshould; shouldDmight; might2 . David and his friends like to have a picnic in the park on a _ day.AquietBclearCfreshDstrange3 . Attention, please! The last award will be _ to the best singer of the year-Coco Lee.AlentBintroducedCdonatedDpresented4 . It is _of Ann to make clothes out of newspapers.AseriousBcreativeCpopular5 . It took her much time _ English out of class.Apractice speakingBto practice speakingCto practice to speakDpractice to speaking6 . 选出不同类的单词AcarBfarCsmallDsame7 . _ useful information! Yeah, we dont have to go online for it.AHowBWhat aCHow anDWhat8 . _ will be less pollution if we try our best to protect the environment.AItBThereCThatDThis9 . There is a wonderful football match TV today.AonBinCatDwith10 . Where is salt _?AproduceBproducedCproduced inDmade in11 . Can you show me your photo?_ Here you are.AReally?BNot really.CSure.DGood idea!12 . -Whats your favorite fruit?-I like _ best.AapplesBBroccoliCPotatoesDCabbages13 . You shouldnt _ your daughter at home. She can receive better _ at school.Aeducate; educateBeducation; educationCeducate; educationDeducation; educate14 . When you lose something, you can go to _.Athe airportBthe stationCthe hospitalDthe lost and found office15 . He couldnt _ an answer when I asked him why he was late.Acome overBcatch up withCcome outDcome up with二、完型填空One midnight,a little girl woke up to drink water. She got up by _,walked to the bedroom door and _it. She looked outside but walked _,because it was so dark in the hall _ she feared. Her mother said,“Dont be afraid,honey. Take courage(勇气)!”“Whats courage?”she asked,running to her mothers bed. “Courage _the brave breath,” her mother answered. “Mum,do you have courage?”“Certainly. ”The little girl held out her cold hands,saying,“Mum,blow some _ your breath of courage to me. ”After her mother blew some of breath into her little cold hands,the little girl clenched her fists(握拳)_,afraid that the “breath of courage”_ run away. Then with her fists clenched,she walked out of the bedroom towards the kitchen with nothing to fear(害怕). Her mother said to herself,“It will be _ if someone can blow some kind of breath to me. Then I can also hold it in my hands when I feel terrified. ”In a word,the thing that we are terrified of is nothing else _the fear in our mind. The person who we should defeat is nobody but ourselves.16 . AherBourselvesCmineDherself17 . AcloseBclosedCopenedDopen18 . AforwardBbackCoutDfurther19 . AifBthatCwhetherDwhen20 . AareBdoesCisDdo21 . AofBwithCwithoutDat22 . AnervousBmore nervousCmuch nervouslyDnervously23 . AwillBwouldCshouldDcan24 . AwellBluckilyCniceDbad25 . AbutBsoCandDbecauseBobby was sitting out in his back yard in the snow. The thin shoes he wore had a few holes in them and they did a_job of keeping out the cold. Try as he might, he could not come up with an idea for his mothers Christmas gift.Ever since his father had passed away three years ago, his mother worked nights at the hospital, but the small money she made could_be enough for their needs.Although the family was short of money, they made up for in love and family unity instead. The children_the household (家庭) when their mother was away. All three of Bobbys sisters had already made beautiful gifts for their mother.It was Christmas Eve already, and he had nothing. Bobby started to walk down to the street. He walked from shop to shop. Everything seemed so beautiful and so out of_Suddenly he found something shinning on the ground. He reached down and_a shiny dime (一角币). Never before has anyone felt so_as Bobby did at that moment. He held his new found treasure and went inside a flower shop, but his excitement quickly turned cold when he saw the_of flowers.When the owner asked if he could help him, Bobby_the dime and asked if he could buy one flower for his mother as a Christmas gift. The shop owner looked at Bobby and his ten cent_, and said, “You just wait here and Ill see what I can do for you.”The shop owner returned holding 12 red roses. “That will be ten cents, young man,” he said.Bobbys heart beat fast. Slowly, he moved his hand to give the man his dime and_for his home.Then the shopkeepers wife appeared. “Where are the roses you were fixing?”The shop owner replied, “While I was setting up things to open the shop, I thought I heard a voice telling me to set aside a dozen of my best roses for a special gift. When I saw that little boy tonight, I knew who that voice was.”26 . AgoodBpoorCseriousDclear27 . AnearlyBnormallyCtypicallyDhardly28 . AdidBcontrolledCranDoperated29 . AreachBmindCsightDbreath30 . AexaminedBcheckedCdiscoveredDreceived31 . AcrazyBsafeCcoolDrich32 . ApricesBnamesCcolorsDkinds33 . AnoticedBpresentedCexplainedDcollected34 . AallowingBchoosingCservingDoffering35 . AlookedBheadedCsearchedDdrove三、阅读单选There once lived a young man who thought himself to be poor. One day he went tovisit a wise man to ask how to become rich. The wise man said, “Young man, you are rich now.”“Where is my wealth?” the young man asked.“Its with you. Your eyes are your wealth. You use them to see the world. You use them to see all beautiful things in the world. Your hands are your wealth. You can use them to work. You can use them to hug your beloved(挚爱的) ones. Your legs are your wealth. You can go to any places.” the wise man said.“You call these wealth? But everyone has them.” the young man said.“These are wealth. What you have now is not what someone else can luckily have. Are you willing to give your eyes to me? Im willing to give you a lot of money to exchange(交换) for them.” the wise man said.“No, Im not going to do so! My eyes are important to me!” the young man said.Everyone is rich. We should treasure(珍惜) our wealth and take care of it. We should not overuse(过渡使用) it because once it has gone, it has gone forever. It is our wealth that we do not want to lose.36 . The young man went to visit the wise man because _.Ahe was illBhe wanted to be wiseChe was the wise mans friendDhe wanted to know how to be rich37 . We can infer that _.Athe wise man knew the young mans advantageBthe young man didnt like the wise manCthe young man wont treasure his eyes any moreDthe wise man wanted the young mans eyes38 . The young mans wealth in the wise mans eyes is _.Ahis moneyBhis healthChis houseDhis car39 . The young man wasnt willing to exchange his eyes for money because _.Ahe was richBhe didnt like the old manChe thought his eyes were important to himselfDhe didnt like money40 . The passage mainly tells us that _.Awe can overuse our wealthBwe should treasure our wealthCwe should try our best to live a better lifeDwhat we have now is what someone else can easily haveMy little brother sat in the corner of the living room, with a pen in one hand and my fathers book in the other. As my father walked into the room, my brother knew that he did something wrong. And I just watched my brother scribble in the book. Now, he and I were both sure that my father would be very angry and we both waited for our fathers punishment.My father picked up his book and looked at it carefully. I thought my father would hit my brother or at least shouted to us loudly. However, he was not angry and didnt punish us, but took the pen and wrote in the book: Johns work, 1986, age 2. Then my father thanked my brother for scribbling in his book. He said my brother made the book special and meaningful. We were both surprised. But at that time we were too young to understand it.The years came and went. We came to know what my father meant by doing so. From time to time we would open the book, look at the scribbles and read my fathers expression of love. My father taught us about what is really important in life; people are important, not the things you have. My father loved us, so he thought of the scribbles as artwork that made the book special. He taught me how to cherish and be good to everyone around us.Now Im a father, too. Unlike my father, I dont wait for my daughters to take books from my book-shelf and scribble in them. I take one down and give it to them to scribble. As I look at their artwork, I think about my father and the lesson he taught me.41 . What did my brother do in my fathers book?AHe wrote a sentence.BHe drew a nice picture.CHe drew and wrote freely.DHe wrote an article.42 . How did my father behave when he saw what my brother had done?AHe shouted to my brother.BHe hit my brother.CHe thanked my brother.DHe thanked me.43 . Which of the following is true according to the passage?AI hide all my books so that my daughters will not find them.BI would open the book to enjoy what my brother scribbled.CI understood what my father meant at first.DMy daughters artwork reminds me of my fathers lesson.44 . How old was my brother when he scribbled in the book?A2.B3.C4.D5.45 . Whats the main idea of this passage?AIts good for kids to make mistakes.BChildren should learn to behave well.CParents shouldnt be strict with kids.DPeople are more important than things.(题文)Joshua Smith loves Easter (复活节). He always has a good time at Easter. He loves the Easter eggs with great colors; he loves making Easter baskets, playing Easter games with his cousins and having Easter egg hunts (搜寻). But his sister Mary doesnt like Easter. She doesnt like it because she cant find any Easter eggs in an Easter egg hunt.This year, Joshua gets to hide (藏) the Easter eggs for the Easter egg hunt. He wants his sister to have fun. So he hides some eggs in Marys favorite places the TV room and the doghouse. He thinks that can help her find the eggs easily. He hides a white and blue egg in her schoolbag, too. Joshua really wants his little sister to find an Easter egg. He really wants her to have a happy Easter.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。46 . (小题1)Who does Joshua love playing Easter games with?AHis brothers.BHis sisters.CHis cousins.DHis parents.47 . (小题2)Mary doesnt like Easter because _.Ashe cant find any Easter eggsBshe thinks Easter games are not funCshe has no friends to play with on that dayDshe doesnt want to play with her brother48 . (小题3)文中划线单词that指代的是_。Aplaying games with MaryBletting Mary hide the Easter eggsChiding Marys schoolbag in the doghouseDhiding some eggs in Marys favorite places49 . (小题4)What color is the egg in Marys schoolbag?ABlue and white.BYellow and blue.CWhite and green.DGreen and yellow.50 . (小题5)What can we know from the passage?AMary doesnt like dogs.BJoshua loves his little sister.CMary wants a new schoolbag.DJoshua cant make Easter baskets.Mr. Hills mother is going to be seventy years old. He wants to give his mot her a birthday present. First, he chooses a necklace(项链),but in the end, he buys a parrot. The parrot is very expensive. Its $5000.Its more expensive than other birds. This is because the bird can speak English, Japanese and nine other languages. Besides, it can sing three famous songs. On the mothers birthday, h is mother receives the bird. However she doesnt know all of that. Early the next morning, the telephone rings in her room. She answers it quickly. Its from her son. “Do you like the bird, Mum?”“Oh, yes, very much!” Answers his mother. “Its very delicious. Will you buy another one?”51 . “parrot” means in Chinese .A鹦鹉B珠宝C火鸡D鹅52 . The man gives his mother as a birthday presentA5000Ba recorderCa birdDa necklace53 . Why is the bird so expensive? Because Aits a presentBits very deliciousCits a birdDit can speak many languages and sing three famous songs54 . What happens to the bird in the end?AIt flies awayBIt becomes a petCThe mother eats itDThe man gets it back55 . Mr. Hill may feel when he hears his mothers words.AgladBwellChappyDsurprised四、根据首字母、中文提示填空首字母填空56 . If you want to i_ your memory, you need to find some proper ways.57 . If you dont listen to her words, you will surely be in t_ later.58 . You wont succeed u_ you work hard.59 . Remembering the word is the first s_ to study a language.60 . The teacher gave us a new m_ to solve the problem.五、回答问题It was a very hot day. An eight-year-old girl went into Toms shop for an ice cream. When Tom saw ten dollars in her hand, he thought perhaps the girl didnt know an ice cream was only two dollars. So he asked her to pay eight dollars. The little girl looked at Tom without a word. Then Tom gave her the ice cream and said, “I hope you will enjoy it. Now only a few children come to my shop for ice creams.” When the little girl heard this, she answered, “Im not surprised, because they can get one ice cream for only two dollars in other shops.” When Tom heard her words, his face turned red and he said “sorry” to her. Finally, he returned the money to her.61 . What was the weather like that day?_62 . How old was the little girl? _63 . What did the girl want to buy in the shop?_64 . Why did Toms face turn red when he heard the little girls answer?_65 . How much money did Tom have to give back to the little girl?_六、材料作文66 . 书面表达你的好朋友戴尔在学习英语过程中遇到很多问题,比如:单词记忆、句型的运用、阅读文章等一系列问题。请你根据你的学习情况,把你学习英语的方法介绍给他,让他慢慢地提高他的英语成绩。字数要求;80词左右第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、回答问题1、六、材料作文1、

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