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北京版六年级上册期中测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、阅读选择1 . 阅读短文,回答问题Mr and Mrs Smith come from Sydney. They teach English in a middle school in China. They like their work. They have a son and a daughter, Jim and Sue. They are all in China now. Mr Smith can speak Chinese. He likes swimming and reading. Mrs Smith likes swimming in the afternoon and cooking. Jim and Sue like playing chess. They often play games with Chinese boys and girls. Jims uncle, Green, works on a farm(在农场里)near Sydney.He likes swimming, too. He wants to work in China. But he cant speak Chinese. So he is still there and goes to Chinese classes every week.(1)Where are Jim and Sue from?A. America B. Canada C. Australia(2)What does Mr Smith like? He likes _.A. cooking B. reading C. playing games(3)What does Jims uncle like? He likes _.A. reading B. playing games C. swimming(4)Where does Sues uncle work?A. On a farm. B. In a school. C. In a club. (5)Who works in different countries(国家)now?A. Mr and Mrs Smith.B. Mr Smith and his uncle.C. Mr Smith and his brother.二、完形填空2 . 完型填空。This is 1 Japanese girl. 2 name is Becky. 3 is eleven. She is now in China. She is 4 NO.9 Middle School. 5 in 6 4. Mr. Hu is 7 teacher. 8 is a good 9 teacher. Now Becky can count in 10 .( )1.A. a B. an C. the D.( )2.A. she B. her C. He D. Her( )3.A. Shes B. She C. Hes D. He( )4.A. for B. to C. at D. a( )5.A. Shes B. Hes C. She D. He( )6.A. grade B. class C. row D. Class( )7.A. She B. He C. her D. Her( )8.A. She B. He C. Her D. His( )9.A. China B. Japanese C. japan D. Chinese( )10.A. Chinese B. Japanese C. Japan D. China三、任务型阅读阅读短文,用T/ F判断句子正误。Im Li Tongtong. I come from China. I can speak English very well. I have been to London before. I visited Big Ben and London Bridge last winter. Id like to go to Australia this summer. Sydney Opera House is famous there. I can also see some cute animals in that country. I will have great fun there.3 . Li Tongtong is from China. (_)4 . Li Tongtong cant speak English. (_)5 . Li Tongtong visited Big Ben last winter. (_)6 . Australia is famous for Sydney Opera House. (_)7 . Li Tongtong will have a good time in Britain this summer. (_)四、选内容补全对话阅读对话,选择合适的单词或句子填空。Amy: _ that woman?Chen Jie: _ my mother.Amy: Whos that _?Chen Jie :_ my father.Chen Jie: Hi, mom!This is my friend, Amy.Mom: _Amy: Nice to meet you, too.8 . AWhosBWhats9 . AHesBShes10 . AmanBwoman11 . AShesBHes12 . ANice to meet you.BGood morning.选择合适的句子完成对话,填序号。A.What did you see there?B.Who did you go with?C.I went to the beach with my mother.D.Can I go with you one day?E.We saw many fruit trees too.A:What did you do last week?B:13 . A:Did you go swimming in the sea?B:Yes. It was cool. There were many funny things.A:14 . B:I saw a boat race. The boats were small, but they were very fast.A:Anything else?B:15 . I ate many mangoes and pineapples.A:You had a really wonderful week then.B:Sure. What about you?A:I went to visit my grandparents in Shanghai.B:16 . A:Only me. My grandpa waited for me in the station.B:Sound great. 17 . A:Of course.五、匹配题18 . 看图片,选出小猫的身体部位名称,只写序号。AfootBeyeClegDearsEnose19 . 看图片,选一选。( ) 1. on Monday A( ) 2. on Sunday B( ) 3. in the morning C( ) 4. in the afternoon D( ) 5. have Music E六、书面表达20 . 书面表达。你的爱好是什么?请以“MyHobbies”为题写一篇短文,介绍你的爱好。要求:1语句通顺,书写工整2.不少于40个单词。_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、阅读选择1、二、完形填空1、三、任务型阅读1、四、选内容补全对话1、2、五、匹配题1、2、六、书面表达1、

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