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人教版2020版九年级第一学期期中考试英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Jack was a hard-working student when young but he had some big problems. He used to be shy before his classmates. So he had_friends at school. Bob was a new student in his class. All the students were soon familiar 熟悉的 with him and got on well _ him except除了Jack.One day, some boys put some money into Jacks bag and Bob pretended 假装 to have _his money. Of course, they found the money in_bag at last.Jack felt shameful 可耻的_he could not say anything about it. Soon his classmates called him a thief and_ him in the school. His teachers also_that and called his parents to the school, too. Just then, Bob stood out and helped Jack make everything_.From that day, Jack and Bob_ good friends. Bob often took Jack to take part in many activities and Jack became outgoing. Bob was weak in English and Jack often helped him_it. Now Jack became the monitor in his class, and he had more friends. He enjoyed the nice friendship and the school life.1 . AmanyBfewCseveralDnew2 . AagainstBlikeCwithDfor3 . AlostBwastedCfoundDmade4 . AyourBtheirCBobsDJacks5 . AbutBifCsinceDunless6 . Aagreed withBlaughed atCdealt withDgot excited about7 . AallowedBfacedCdevelopedDbelieved8 . AclearBeasyChardDwonderful9 . AgreetedBmetCbecameDloved10 . AtoBinCbyDwith二、阅读单选William Shakespeare is one of the greatest writers in English literature. His plays can be divided into threecategories:histories, tragedies(悲剧) and comedies. Shakespeare wrote eighteen comedies, although two were lost. These comedies usually have happy endings and a light-hearted tone and style that are quite different from his tragedies.All of Shakespeares comedies have five acts and the most important or exciting point always takes place in the third act. The hero does not appear until after other characters have talked about him. Shakespeare had some themes that he usually wrote about: the fight between good and bad, loves great effect on people, and the difference between first appearance and a persons true personality or face. Shakespeare also wrote his play in a certain style. For example, Shakespeare used words in such a clever and humorous way that they had more than one meaning. Some of the characters changed their appearances so that people didnt know who they were.Even though the tone is lighter in these plays. Comedies in Shakespeares day were quite different from modern-day comedies because their purpose was not to make people laugh. Shakespeares comedies are very emotional(有感染力的) and often include serious topics to think about.11 . How many Shakespeares comedies can people enjoy now?A18B16C5D212 . Which word has the same meaning as the underlined word “categories” in Paragraph 1?AtypeBpartsCcopiesDpages13 . When does the hero in Shakespeares comedies appear?AAt the beginning of the play.BIn the middle of the play.CNear the end of the play.DNot until other characters have mentioned him.14 . Which sentence is WRONG according to the passage?AAll Shakespeares comedies have five acts.BShakespeares plays are written in a certain style.CThe purpose of Shakespeares comedies is to make people laugh.DThe fight between good and bad is one of the themes Shakespeare wrote about.Salted fish is a common food that is popular in the south of China. It is chewy (有嚼劲的) and adds a salty taste to other dishes. But eating too much salted fish can cause cancer (致癌).Salted fish is made with much salt, and the mixture of salt and fish later will turn into nitrites (亚硝酸盐).When nitrites reach our stomach, they will be changed into another kind of thing that can cause cancer. So cant we eat salted fish anymore?“People dont need to worry too much.” Huang Yufang from the Cancer Center of Guangzhou Medical University said. If you really like eating salted fish, you can eat a little once or twice a month. At the same time, you should also eat more fruit and vegetables that they have a lot of vitamin C (维他命 C),because this can help to stop the salt from becoming nitrites.In fact, there are many foods that we often eat that can cause cancer, too, such as pickles (咸菜),fried chicken in KFC and even red meat (pork and beef). But it doesnt mean a person will get cancer just by eating them.Some people have cancer and there are some reasons for it, such as ones genes (基因), environment, lifestyle and eating habits. As long as one has good eating habits, one doesnt need to stop eating cancer-causing foods at all, Fang Yu, a doctor from the Beijing Cancer Hospital said.15 . Salted fish popular in south China because_.Afish is easy to find and cook.Bit is a common food in south China.Cit is chewy and adds taste to other dishes.16 . Salted fish may cause cancer when_.Apeople cook it with saltBpeople eat too much of itCpeople eat it with some foods17 . What advice does Huang Yufang give to salted fish fans?AStop eating salted fish from now on.BEat a little of the salted fish every day.C.Eat more fruit and vegetables to get more vitamin C.18 . From the passage, we can infer_.Afood itself cant make people get cancerBvegetables and fruit are more healthy than meatCpeople who have a good eating habits will not get cancer19 . The writer wants to_.Aask us to stop eating cancer-causing foodsBtell us getting more Vitamin C is the best way to kill cancerCshow us that health has relation to (与有关) many reasonsLast Monday John went downtown. After John spent a long time shopping downtown, he got very hungry. Across the street there was a McDonalds. He didnt usually eat at fast food restaurants and didnt know what to order. When he looked at the menu, it was hard for him to make a decision. Not only were there ten similar types of hamburger dinners, but there were also fish and chicken dinners. He didnt know what to choose. He thought of asking the cashier for help, but she didnt look very friendly. At last he chose a small chicken meal. With so many choices, its not very fast food! he thought.20 . Why did John go downtown last Monday?AHe went shopping.BHe bought some clothes.CHe went to eat at the fast food restaurant.DHe bought fast food.21 . Why didnt John know what to order at McDonalds?AHe didnt like fast food.BHe didnt mind fast food.CHe couldnt stand fast food.DHe didnt eat there very often.22 . What made it hard for John to decide what to eat?AHe was in a hurry.BHe wasnt very hungry.CThere were too many choices.DThe menu was difficult to read.23 . Why didnt John ask the cashier for help?AHe didnt like the cashier.BHe couldnt stand the cashier.CThe cashier was busy.DThe cashier looked unfriendly.24 . Why did John think the fast food was not fast?AIt took him a long time to decide what to order.BThe cashier didnt bring him his meal for an hour.CThe cashier was not friendly.DThe restaurant was too far from the downtown.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母填写单词25 . On Christmas Day children usually get up very early to open their _.26 . Two children stood at the door and shouted trick or _.27 . My sister likes eating meat and she has put _ some weight.28 . I wanted to do everything I could to make my teacher pay more a_ to me.29 . Jason is h_ and he often makes people laugh.30 . Tell me e_ where Carl lives?31 . After the storm, the wind dropped and the s_ of the sea was still.32 . Ice will t_ into water when it is heated.33 . Lets d_ ourselves into several groups.34 . These pencils are 5 cents e_. If you want one, pay 5 cents.35 . You must put the food in the _to keep it cool in summer.36 . Our English teacher gave us many s_ on the study of a foreign language.37 . Yang Liwei became a h_ after coming back from space.38 . He goes to work every day e_ Monday.39 . I have nothing a_ your decision.四、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案写在答题纸的相应位置。Its a funny experience to fly on an airplane. During the trip, we get a little view of other cultures and their habits.Now you can compare the different culture habits, thanks to a survey 40 . the AirplanePassenger Experience Association. The survey 41 . (make) among people from eight countries, including the US, UK and China. Whats everyone doing?Surprisingly, the British are most likely to chat with 42 . (strange).They spend 50 percent43 . (much) time talking than any other countries.It is an old stereotype(刻板印象) that British people are quiet but today, more and more young British people like to begin conversations .”Where are you from?” “Are you44 . (scare) of flying ?” You may hear the British ask these questions on an airplane.If there is an American beside you, you may see 45 . (they) typing away on their laptop, busy with work. The nation is the birthplace of the fast-paced lifestyle. Either at school 46 . work, lunch breaks are quite short. Usually, it is only 47 . 30-minute break. Many people just grab(抓)a sandwich and keep on 48 . (work).The survey also showed that the Chinese like sleeping and playing computer games during flights. Are you 49 . (first) of them?五、材料作文50 . 假设你是李雷,你听说将有一批来自英国的交换生到泰兴,他们想了解有关泰兴中学生的学校生活。请根据下表信息用英语写一封电子邮件向他们介绍相关情况。Items(项目)Contents(要点)校内1.师生关系融洽,同学互帮互学。2.学生上课认真听讲,课后.3.每学期举行艺术节。(写出内容、感受)校外1.环保活动(举一例)2.慈善活动(举一例)存在问题1.熬夜做作业2.饮食不健康解决措施(发挥一至两点)要求:1词数100个左右,开头结尾已给出,不计人总词数;2所写内容必须包括表格中所有的信息,并作适当的发挥;3不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。Dear friendsI am glad to know you will come to Taixing. Ill tell you something about our school life. At school, _In our free time, we often work as volunteers. _However, we still have some problems. _In my opinion, _Welcome to my hometown. I hope you will have a good time here.YoursLi Lei六、其他读请阅读以下左栏人员的相关信息,然后与右栏的广告相匹配。51 . Jane is a forty year-old housewife. She is looking for a job. She can do nothing but clean the house.52 . Xiao Zhao who likes writing very much majors in English at college. Now she is looking for a job during the summer vacation.53 . Lucys handbag was lost in the school library yesterday. Now she is very worried.54 . Mike is a seven-year-old boy. He likes animals very much , and he goes to the zoo with his mother every weekend.55 . Nancy who likes children is a nurse. She has a one-week holiday. She wants to stay with children during these days.AFoundA red ladys handbag was found in the school library. Please come to the teachers office to take it back.BCLEANER WANTEDCan you make a large house clean and tidy? If you want to get the job, please call 8866380. $50 a day.CSUMMER JOBIs your English very good? Do you like writing stories? If you want to work as an English reporter, please call 8566754.DDANCING CLUBAre you interested in dancing? Come to our club. We have the best dancers in our city. We are waiting for you.EPEPLES ZOODo you like animals?Do you want to make friends wih these lovely pandas?Come here! We have an animal show this weekend.FBABY-SITTER WANTEDDo you like babies? Can you look after a two-year-old baby for five days? If you are sure to take good care of it , call us at 8766558.$500 or more.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、语法填空1、五、材料作文1、六、其他1、


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