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牛津版(深圳广州)2019-2020学年初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):阅读理解A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_考试须知: 1、请首先按要求在本卷的指定位置填写您的姓名、班级等信息。 2、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在指定区域内答题,否则不予评分。一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共100分)1. (10分) 阅读理解Marty is five years old,and he is the baby of the familyHis brother Ralph likes playing basketballCan I play,too?asks MartyNo,MartyThe basket is too high for you,and the ball is too big for your baby hands,says RalphIm not a baby,Marty saysIm 115 cm!Then Marty sees his sister Cindy tiding her bikeShell go to the bookstoreCan I ride to the store,too?asks MartyNo,the store is too farAnd your baby bike is too slowIm not a baby,Marty SaysIm nearly(将近)sixSix?says CindyYou must had your fifth birthday last Friday!Marty starts to cryWhy do you cry,dear?asks Marrys motherIm too young to do anythingI dont want to be the last childHis mother pats(轻拍)her belly(肚子)and saysW色will have the fourth childAnd that is to say,youll be a big brotherButIm too small to be a big brother,Marty saysIm just a baby!根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(1) What sport does Ralph like? A . SoccerB . Tennis。C . BasketballD . Baseball(2) Where will Cindy ride her bike? A . To the libraryB . To the bookstoreC . Tothe schoolD . To the train station(3) Why does Marty cry? A . He doesnthave abikeB . He callt play sports wellC . He will have a little brotherD . He is too young to do anything(4) Marry is the child of the family A . firstB . secondC . thirdD . fourth(5) Whats the best title ofthe passage? A . The baby of the familyB . Marty,the big brotherC . A fun day at homeD . Mothers belly2. (10分) 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。CThe best thing about going to school is learning how to read. Books are great friends. They can help you to learn about anything you want to know. They can go anywhere with you. You can read about animals, places, people and anything else.Some people in the world write books and we call them authors. Authors think of things they want to write about. They make a plan for a book and start to write. Some authors write books that give us information (信息) and teach us things. Authors are very important people because they help us learn. Find a good book to read and read every day. You will enjoy your time with a good book. (1) What can you read about in books?A . Animals.B . People.C . Places.D . All of the above.(2) What is the best part about going to school?A . Playing.B . Having lunch.C . Learning to read.D . Seeing friends.(3) What does the underlined word “authors” mean?A . Doctors.B . Workers.C . Writers.D . Teachers.(4) What do authors do before they write a book?A . They think about what they want to write about.B . They eat lunch.C . They make a plan for the book.D . Both A and C.3. (10分) 阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Tom and I are good friends. Tom is an English boy, but I am a Chinese girl. My name is Li Hua. He is 12 and I am 13. He is in Class One. Im in Class One, too.Tom has a nice soccer ball. He can play it very well. I have a computer. I can play computer games, but I cant play soccer. It is difficult. Tom teaches me to play soccer, and I teach Tom to play computer games. Now I can play soccer and Tom can play computer games.(1) Li Hua is _, but Tom is _. A . Chinese; ChineseB . Chinese; EnglishC . English; ChineseD . English; English(2) Tom and Li Hua are _. A . EnglishB . in Class OneC . boysD . 13(3) Li Hua is _ years old. A . 11B . 12C . 13D . 14(4) Tom can play _ very well. A . soccerB . basketballC . computer gamesD . volleyball(5) Which of the following is TRUE? A . Tom and Li Hua are teachers.B . Li Hua cant play soccer now.C . Tom cant play soccer. Its difficult.D . Tom has a soccer ball and Li Hua has a computer.4. (10分) (2019八上南浔月考) 阅读理解It was the day before Mothers Day this year. There was only me in the house and I was sitting in the chair thinking about my son Todd. I looked up and saw the little Mothers Day statue. Todd gave me that many years before. I put it on a shelf along with other memories(记忆)of passed days. It was hard to believe that Todd left me forever in a car accident in 2003.As I sat in my chair, lost in my memories, I thought, It would sure be nice to get something again from Todd on Mothers Day, God. I knew it was almost impossible(不可能的), but I wasnt going to tell anyone and I even thought, This is between you and me, God. I still smiled and wondered if I might be surprised.Later that night Bill came back home from a few days work. He walked in with a rose. He gave it to me and said it was from Todd!I was really happy and moved! In the past 15 years, no one had given me anything and said it was from Todd. I knew God had heard and answered my petitions(祈求). But I really know that love is everywhere. What important to us is to make our bad memories into good ones. (1) Todd died . A . the day before Mothers DayB . fifteen years agoC . because of a plane accidentD . on Mothers Day(2) What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 2 refer to(指代)? A . The memories about Todd.B . The rose from Bill.C . The little statue from Todd.D . Getting something from Todd.(3) What is TRUE according to the passage? A . The writer got the little Mothers Day statue in 2003.B . Todd asked Bill to buy her mother a rose.C . The writer loved and missed her son very much.D . Bill met Todd before he came back home.5. (10分) (2017八下广西期中) 根据短文内容,选择各题的最佳选项。CTwo young women started a program in Beijing. The goal (目标) of the program was to help children with autism (自闭症) from the Stars & Rain Education Institute.Elaine Ho from the United States and Cui Kaixuan from China invited 26 artists from China and other countries to take part in the program. They donated (捐赠) their time and works to help children with autism. Most of the artists finished some works for the program, and some even finished their works with the help of the children from Stars & Rain.One in every 150 people has autism, but most people still dont know about it. The two young women started this special program to help children and their families. They hope more people will learn the importance of helping people with autism.The real goal of the program is communication. We hope that the activity will give a chance to artists and those children to communicate with each other. In this way, more great ideas may be brought to the artists works and these children will get rich experiences which will stay with them for the rest of their life. Of course, all the art works will be sold and the money will be donated to the children in Stars & Rain.(1) What was the program for?A . All children in Beijing.B . The children with autism.C . The artists.D . Two young women.(2) How many artists did they invite?A . 2.B . 8.C . 26.D . 150.(3) What did the two young women want more people to know more?A . About the art works.B . About autism.C . About Stars & Rain.D . About the artists.(4) What did the artists do in the program?A . They held an art show.B . They helped children with autism.C . They took the autism to the hospital.D . They gave money to children with autism.(5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A . The two young women came from different countries.B . There were 26 people working for the project.C . The art works were given to the children in Stars & Rain.D . The artists were all from China.6. (10分) (2017广东) 阅读短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或 完成所给句子的最佳答案。AInternational Poetry Competition World Poetry Day is celebrated on 21 March. Its purpose is to improve peoples ability to read, write, and teach poems all over the world. This year, the International Poetry Centre is holding a poetry competition to celebrate the festival! The competition is open to all the poets(诗人)aged 18 and over from all over the world, and they will be divided into two groups:Open Group (open to all the poets aged 18 and over)ESL Group (open to all the poets aged 18 and over who can write in English as a Second Language)The winners of each group will receive1000.RULES:All the poems must be unpublished (未出版的) works.Poems will not be returned, so please keep a copy. The poem(s) must be in English and created by the poet himself/herself. Poems can be written on any proper subject. No subject on violence(暴力) or drugs. The competition begins on 3 March, 2017 and ends on 28 August, 2017. To enter the competition, please visit the Centre Shop to pay 5 for each poem. Once the payment is made, please email the poem(s) to poetrycompcenter.uk. Remember to mark Open or ESL in the top right-hand corner of the document(文档) to show which group to enter before emailing your poem(s).Questions about the competition can be emailed to poetrycompcenter.uk.(1) The World Poetry Day is on_. A . March 28thB . March 3rdC . March 21stD . August 28th(2) The purpose of the World Poetry Day is_. A . to encourage the British to write poemsB . to teach children how to read and write poemsC . to raise money for the poets from all over the worldD . to help people to read, write and teach poems better(3) The rules for the competition include the following EXCEPT_. A . that poets can write poems in any languageB . that poets must use their unpublished poemsC . that poems cant be taken back after the competitionD . that poems cant be written on the subject of violence or drugs.(4) Poets can get 1000 if_. A . they win in the groupB . their poems are publishedC . they enter the competitionD . their poems are written by themselves(5) Which is the correct order for poets to enter the competition?Pay5 for each poem.Visit the Centre Shop.Email their poem(s) to poetrycompcenter.uk.Mark Open or ESL in the top right hand corner of their document.A . B . C . D . 7. (10分) (2016八下浙江期末) 阅读理解Teenagers are going to have lessons on how to sleep. Materials to teach teenagers how to get enough sleep will be offered to schools across Scotland by the charity Sleep Scotland. The purpose is to help people realize the importance of sleep for young peoples physical and emotional health(身心健康)The charity Sleep Scotland said watching TV and using computers and mobile phones at night could stop teenagers from getting the nine hours of sleep they need. It also offers a sleep advising service, saying getting enough sleep can improve grades and physical health. However, less sleep can result in being heavy and a greater risk of feeling worried and hopeless.The charity Sleep Scotland hopes to educate young people about why they need a full nights sleep and how to develop good sleeping habits. Most students find it very difficult to get up in the morning and pay attention to their study. Sleep is most surely a problem.Research shows that sleep time for teenagers around the world has got down in the past 10 to 20 years. A report by the charity Sleep Scotland said young people often believed they could make up for(弥补) sleep time during the week by sleeping late at weekends. However, by going to bed even later at weekends, they would actually have to experience a change in their body clocks, which would be harmful to their study on Monday mornings.(1) The first two paragraphs tell us that in Scotland _A . all teenagers have nine hours of sleepB . teenagers cant sleep well at nightC . schools havent had any lessons on sleep beforeD . many people feel sad and hopeless(2) What does underlined “It” in the passage refer to(指) ?A . The teenagersB . The charity Sleep ScotlandC . The Scottish governmentD . Health Centre(3) According to the charity Sleep Scotland,_A . its not important for teenagers to have enough sleepB . students can still pay attention to study easily without good sleeping habitsC . its helpful to sleep more at weekendsD . less sleep may make teenagers heavy(4) The passage can be usually read in the part of _ in a newspaper.A . cultureB . healthC . sportsD . business8. (10分) Strong earthquakes hit the east of Japan in the afternoon of March 11, causing several meter-high tsunami(海啸), which killed more than 10,000 people in areas along the coast. Several nuclear plants(核电站) at the coast were broken by the earthquake and tsunami. People living near the plants have been asked to move away. People living within 30 kilometers of the first plant are asked to stay indoors and close all windows.The breaking of the nuclear plants is causing electricity shortages(电力短缺) in Eastern Japan. As a result, electricity is cut off for 3-hour periods in the area of Tokyo and some other areas during daytime. In order to save electricity, some shops, restaurants and tourist places in the areas are closed for some time every day. But all major airports and train lines are still open and operating.For the above reasons, tourists are advised not to visit the eastern areas in the near future. Visits to Western Japan are not affected by the event. People who plan to travel over the coming weeks and months are advised to pay attention to the situation for a few more days before making decisions.(1) This passage may probably be written by a .A . scientistB . travelerC . story writerD . news reporter(2) People living near the plants were asked to move away because _A . there would be more earthquakes and tsunamisB . several nuclear plants had been brokenC . there were serious electricity shortagesD . their houses were washed away by the tsunami(3) They closed some shops and restaurants for some time every day to _A . avoid making electricity shortages even worseB . avoid more people getting togetherC . rebuild their broken buildingsD . keep away from nuclear radiation(核辐射)(4) The word “_” can be used instead of the underlined word “advised” in the last paragraph.A . foundB . invitedC . toldD . met(5) Which of the following is right?A . The earthquake happened before the tsunami.B . The earthquake happened after the tsunami.C . There was no electricity in Eastern Japan.D . People were not allowed to visit Western Japan.9. (10分) (2016七上江苏月考) 根据短文内容的理解,现在正确答案。I am John. I always get up late at the weekend. At about 9:30 a. m, I have breakfast. After breakfast, I start doing my homework. We have lunch at about 12:00, and then I watch TV or have a rest(休息). I like reading and I often read some interesting books in the afternoon. I like sports, too. Sometimes I play football or basketball with my friends at school. My school is near my home, so I can walk there. Every weekend, my father takes me to a restaurant for a big dinner. I can enjoy lots of nice food. I like my weekend.(1) What time does John have breakfast at the weekend? A . At about 8:30 a.m.B . At about 9:30 a.m.C . At about 10:30 a.m.D . At about 11:30 a.m.(2) What does John often do in the afternoon at the weekend? A . He often reads some books.B . He often has a rest.C . He often watches TV.D . He often plays basketball.(3) Which is NOT true(正确的)? A . John likes reading.B . John likes playing basketball.C . John likes playing football.D . John likes cooking.(4) Where does John enjoy lots of nice food at the weekend? A . At home.B . At school.C . In a restaurant.D . At his friends home.(5) Who takes John for a big dinner at the weekend? A . His brother.B . His father.C . His grandparents.D . His friends.10. (10分) 根据短文理解选择答案。BFILA Mens T-shirtsMade in: ChinaColour: whiteSize: MMaterial: cottonWash them with warm water in machines (洗衣机).Price: ¥320FIRS Mens CoatsMade in: ChinaColour: greySize: LMaterial: 98% wool, 2% cottonDry cleaning (干洗) only.Keep them in dry and cool places.Price: ¥1320Senda Womens ShoesMade in: ChinaColour: pinkSize: M (235 mm)Material: leatherKeep away from water.Price: ¥820(1) All the items (物品) are .A . very cheapB . made in ChinaC . too smallD . for men(2) The FILA mens T-shirts need .A . dry cleaningB . washing in cold waterC . washing in warm waterD . washing by hand(3) The FIRS mens coats .A . are whiteB . are pinkC . are made of wool onlyD . cost over 1000 yuan(4) The Senda shoes .A . are made of leatherB . are large in sizeC . cost only 320 yuanD . need dry cleaning(5) We cant find any information (信息) about in the boxes.A . the pricesB . the materialsC . the coloursD . the shops第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共100分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、

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