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人教版2019版九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I was playing the piano in the room. _,I heard someone knocking at the door.APeacefullyBWorriedlyCSuddenlyDSuccessfully2 . To our great,Tom failed to pass the graduation exam.AsurprisedBsurpriseCsurprisingDsurprises3 . (题文)Please write andme about your favorite movie.AsayBspeakCtalkDtell4 . The movie “Fast & Furious” is quite popular around China recently. How do you like it?_.AI think soBPretty goodCIts my pleasureDAll right5 . There are so many new words in the article, but I dont have a dictionary.But in fact you dont have to _ every new word at all.Alook afterBlook upClook for6 . He said that the new car _ him 200,000 yuan.ApaidBtookCspentDcost7 . My new iphone was stolen when I took a bus yesterday. _.AIt doesnt matterBIm sorry to hear thatCDont be sillyDId love to8 . Tom looks happy because he _ well in the English exam.AdidBwill doCwas doingDis going to do9 . I quiteJim. I havent seen him a long time.Amiss; forBmissed; atCsee; inDhear; on10 . More and more people have realized that we shouldnt _ the ancient buildings in cities.Aget offBput offCcut downDpull down11 . Tommy, my younger brother has a large _of butterflies at home.AconnectionBcommunicationCconstructionDcollection12 . I like the silence in the countryside. The city is too _ for me.AboringBlargeCcrowdedDnoisy13 . - Do you know_?-Im not sure. Maybe next year.Aif Dongying High-speed Train Station will be builtBwhere Dongying High-speed Train Station will be builtCwhen we will build Dongying High-speed Train StationDwhy the government decided to build Dongying High-speed Train Station14 . Where is Millie? She _in her bedroom just now. He _ be there now.Aheard to sing; mayBwas heard sing; mustCheard sing; mustDwas heard to sing; may二、完型填空I really only meant it as a joke.I wasnt trying to steal(偷)anything honestly.My friend Matthew started bringing his new cellphone to class last week.He was walking around bragging(吹嘘)about it to everyone.He was saying,“My cellphone can download(下载)the newest _ off the Internet.” Then he _ everyone by downloading a game and started to play it.The pictures and sounds were really _ class,he would use his cellphone to watch TV.The rest of us didnt have a phone _ his,so we had to crowd around him.I was just trying to see the screen,_ there were so many other kids that I could not see it clearly.I was getting really jealous(嫉妒的)But then yesterday,he forgot his cellphone at the end of class.He left it right on his desk._ noticed it was there except me.I decided to teach him a lesson.I took his phone quietly off the desk,and put it in my own bag.My _ was to give it back to him the next day.I _ wanted to see his reaction(反应)Maybe he would stop being such a showoff.But this morning he rushed into class,screaming and yelling(吼叫)He was very _ and almost mad.He started accusing(指责)different people of stealing his _,but I had it in my _ the whole time.He even started fighting with another classmate _ Matthew was sure that person had taken it.The teacher sent them to the headmasters office.They _ got in a lot of trouble.Now I dont know what to _!If I tell him that I took the cellphone,hell think I stole it.If I dont tell him,then I really did steal it.How did I get into such trouble?15 . AadsBsongsCfilmsDgames16 . AgaveBshowedClentDasked17 . AgoodBbadCnoisyDunclear18 . AAfterBDuringCInDFrom19 . AforBatClikeDto20 . AandBbutCthenDso21 . AEveryoneBSomeoneCAnyoneDNo one22 . AplanBsuggestionCdreamDaction23 . AalwaysBhardlyCjustDsometimes24 . AhappyBquietCsadDangry25 . AbookBphoneCpenDbike26 . AdeskBhandCbagDpocket27 . AifBbecauseCuntilDthough28 . AbothBallCneitherDnone29 . AsayBtakeCseeDdo三、阅读单选In many even most space-themed films, whenever Earth faces a disaster, the solution is always fleeing the planet in spaceships. But the latest Chinese sci-fi movie, The Wandering Earth, offers a different and more ambitious idea. In the film, based on a short story by Chinese sci-fi writer Liu Cixin, Earth is in danger of being destroyed by the dying sun. In response, humans around the world work together to build a giant engine system that will push Earth away from the sun. Instead of abandoning Earth again this time were taking it with us.This “ambition” didnt come from nowhere. For thousands of years, “homeland” has had a soft spot in the hearts and minds of Chinese people. One old idiom is luoyeguigen, which means returning to ones homeland in old age, like fallen leaves returning to the roots of their tree. Or look to an ancient verse: “The season called the White Dew begins tonight/Nowhere as in our native place is the moon so bright”. These both show the tight bond that Chinese people have had with their homeland.This special cultural background is probably what sets The Wandering Earth apart from Hollywood-style space films. “What is Chinese sci-fi?” Guo Fan, the films director, said in an interview. “A vehicle that can really express our cultural and spiritual core can be called Chinese sci-fi. Otherwise, were just imitating others and telling the same American stories.” And the makers of The Wandering Earth may have chosen the best time to tell its Chinese sci-fi story. The film was released on Feb 5, the first day of Chinese New Year. It was a time when many people had just made the hard journey back to their hometowns. So to them, there is only one possible way to tell the story: Earth goes wherever humans go, because its our home.30 . What is the difference between The Wandering Earth and Hollywood-style space films?AA different and more ambitious idea.BIts Chinese makers.CThe story with great imagination.DThe specical cultural background.31 . What does the underlined word abandoning mean in Chinese?A抛弃B毁灭C依赖D索取32 . The makers of this film choose Feb 5 to put on it probably because _.Ait was the Spring Festival and many people have time to watch itBmany old people want to return to their hometown thenCit can cause many peoples common feeling at this timeDChinese people usually celebrate together on that day33 . What can we learn from the passage?AThis film was based on a short story by Chinese sci-fi writer Guo Fan.BThis film tells us each of us should return to our hometown when we grow old.CWe should protect the Earth because it is in danger of being destroyed by the dying sun.DThe director of this film thinks Chinese sci-fi should have our cultural and spiritual core.A34 . What does the first advertisement ask us to do?ATo send in some jokes.BTo share our pets.CTo talk about kindness.DTo tell a true story.35 . Which of the four advertisements offers the most money?AJokes.BSmart Animals.CKindness of Strangers.DMy Story.36 . How can we send our writing in?ABy phone.BBy post.CBy email.DBy going there.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子一、用have, has填空。37 . I _ a nice puppet.38 . He _ a good friend.39 . They _ some soup.40 . She _ a duck.41 . Her mother _ a new watch.42 . Our teacher _ an English book.43 . My friends _ a football.44 . What do you _?45 . What do your friends_?46 . What does Helen_?五、单词填空根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词)The Wonderful Wizard of Ozt47 . the story of Dorothy, a girl from Kansas, who was taken by a cyclone to Oz, a magical land. The falling house killed the Wicked Witch of the East. The Good Witch of the North told Dorothy that the only way she could returnh48 . was to go to the Emerald City and ask the great Wizard of Oz for help.On the road, Dorothy met the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Lion. They also neededh49 . from the Great Wizard of Oz. The Scarecrow wanted brains, the Tin Woodman wanted a heart and the Lion needed courage. So, they travelled together. The road to the Emerald City was f50 . of various dangers, but they worked together to overcome(克服) them.After they got to the Emerald City, the Great Wizard of Oz a51 . them to kill the Wicked Witch of the West in return. They had no choice but to do so. After f52 . their task, they returned to the Emerald City to find the Wizard a common person without any magic. The Wizard was accidentally swept away to Oz in his hot air balloon. He decided to realize(实现) their w53 . , giving the Scarecrow brains, the Tin Woodman a heart, and the Lion courage. The Wizard promised to take Dorothy b54 . to Kansas in his new hot air balloon, but Dorothy was left behind b55 . of Toto, her dog. Dorothy felt sad and hopeless. However, she determined to go back to Kansas, though everything was grey there. Finally, with the help of the Witch of the South, she and Toto returned home. Dorothy ran to her Aunt Em, saying “Im so g56 . to be at home again!”六、材料作文57 . 人一生当中都或多或少会交到一些朋友。你一定对你最好的朋友非常了解。请你以My Best Friend 为题从下几个方面谈谈你最好的朋友:1) 你最好的朋友和你相比有哪些相同和不同的地方(性格,外貌等)2)相比你那么多同学朋友而言,你最好的朋友有什么特别之处?3)你最好朋友的爱好(日常活动,电视节目)是什么?注意:(1)不少于70词;(2)文中不能出现可能透露考生真实身份的任何信息。第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、单词填空1、六、材料作文1、


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