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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年八年级下学期3月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -You look _. Whats wrong with you?-My pet dog is missing.AhappyBunhappyChappilyDhappiness2 . I willpayyoua visitnext month.Acall atBcall onCcall upDcall back3 . Let us play baseball!- _.AThat sounds great.BThats all right.CGoodbye.4 . _ the jacket?Its good.AWhat isBHow areCHow isDWhat are5 . After ten hours, they _in Malaysia.AgotBwill arriveCarrivedDwill be6 . -Whats your favorite_?-August.AnumberBcolorCsportDmonth7 . We couldnt see the road clearly _ the heavy snow.AbecauseBbutCthoughDbecause of8 . He take a bus to school. but now he there to get fitter.Aused to: is used to walkBwas used to: is used to walkCwas used to: is used to walkingDused to: is used to walking9 . - Sorry, Im late.- It doesnt matter. The meeting _ just for several minutes.Ahas begunBhas startedChas been onDstarted10 . -Excuse me, is there _ book by Mo Yan?-Yes. Its on _ bookshelf over there.Aa; /Ba; theC/; theDthe; a11 . - How long has your mother _ Beijing?- About two weeks. But she will come back tomorrow.Abeen toBbeen inCgone inDgone in12 . Which of the following can be put at the end of the paragraph ?Whenever I hear the song“Yesterday once more, I will always think of my hometown and my little friends. In my hometown, a small river flows in front of my house._AI played basketball on the playground.BMy teachers were very friendly to me.CMy little friends and I would always swim in the river in summer.13 . I had _ bad cold yesterday. It was _ awful day.Aa ; anBa ; aC/; anDa ; /14 . He has been to Europe, has he? I dont know.AalreadyBneverCstill15 . The Jacksons come from _ and they are _.ABritain; BritishBBritish; EnglandCEngland; BritainDBritish; Britain二、完型填空Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文): Doctors tell us that holidays are necessary(必需的). We must rest from _ for a week or two weeks every year. “If it is possible,” they say, “we must leave our homes and go to another _ of the country. We must go away for a holiday. Then after the holiday, we are _ home happily and ready for another year of work.”This seems(似乎) to be right for most adults but not for children. For young kids it is usually quite _. They dont like to leave their homes to stay in strange places. They dont like to go _ homes. Children like their homes best of all. _ you are a parent with young kids, please think about their feelings for the holiday.16 . AworkingBplayingCswimmingDrunning17 . AschoolBtownCvillageDpart18 . AawayBbackCoutDat19 . AdifficultBeasyCdifferentDinteresting20 . Aon the back ofBclose toCfar away fromDin front of21 . ABecauseBSoCButDIf三、阅读单选I just moved into a new house last month. The thing I like best about it is that its mine! But because its on the first floor, days ago I saw a mouse in my house. What should I do? I dont want to live with a mouse. I dont like my house at all. Its too small for my family. Whats worse, my neighbors often make a loud noise in the neighborhood (四邻). There are lots of kids here but they arent at my age. My house is clean and bright. My family live in it comfortably. There are three bedrooms in my house. What I dont like is that all the houses in the neighborhood look the same. I love my house because I designed(设计) it myself. I planned everything to fit my needs. For example, my kitchen is big enough to cook a big dinner. Whats the worst thing? Well, the house is not a new one.22 . Theres a _ in Amys new house.AbirdBcatCmouse23 . Peter doesnt like his house because _.Aits too oldBhis neighbors are noisyCthere are no kids24 . Susan thinks her house is very _.AcomfortableBcommonCexpensive25 . From the passage we know Bob might like _.AcookingBreadingCrunning26 . The four people all talk about _.Awhen they moved to the housesBhow much they spent on the housesCwhat they dont like about their housesThe picture shows 18-year old Katy Ross in Nepal, a small country in north India. Katy left school 8 months ago and soon she will go to university .She loves traveling and decides to visit Asia before she goes to university. Katy is living with a family in the capital of Nepal. She has learnt a lot about the country since she arrived 4 months ago. The family has two children but many uncles and cousins live with them in their big house. They have taken Katy to many parties.Katy teaches for four hours a day at a small school. All the classes are in English and the pupils have spoken English since the age of six. The older children speak English very well. Katy has taught writing, grammar and art, all in English. She enjoys art most. And she thinks the children like the lessons best , too. Katy doesnt have a lot of time to see Nepal, but soon she will stop teaching and travel around Nepal with a friend.“After that, Katy says,“we will visit more countries in Asia. We re not sure which ones yet. 27 . Why is Katy in Nepal? AShe is studying there.BShe wants to take some pictures there. CShe wants to learn more about the country.DShe is an exchange student.28 . Which of the following is TRUE about the family Katy is living with? AThey are friendly.BThere are three people in their house. CThey are strange.DThey have never taken Katy to the parties.29 . How long has Katy been in Nepal? AEight months.BSix months.CFour months.DOne month.30 . When did the children begin to speak English? AWhen they are 5 years old.BWhen they are 6 years old.CWhen they are 7 years old.DWhen they are 8 years old.31 . According to the passage , Katy _.Alikes traveling very muchBdoesn t want to live with a familyConly teaches writing in EnglishDwill go back to school after she leaves Nepal.This spring, the town of Oso saw twice the usual rainfall. When the sun finally shone, LoAnna and Kriss three older kids ran outside. Inside, LoAnna nursed their four-month-old Kristian. Suddenly LoAnna heard a loud noise. She rushed outside in time to see a half-mile-wide mud and sand thundering down the hill toward them, knocking over hundreds of trees.Mudslide(泥流)!LoAnna gathered everyone into the bedroom farthest from the falling hill side and waited.Kris got a call from LoAnna, He hurriedly drove home.Highway 530 was covered with thick sand, fallen trees. Kris had to run home.The mud came up to his knees. Suddenly he heard a woman screaming for help. He pulled through mud, over pieces of houses to the source of the cries.At first, he saw an arm reaching up through the debris. There, a woman, buried under pieces of walls. furniture, and trees. was holding a baby. Finally, he freed the baby. By this time, other citizens had come.After saving the woman, Kris moved on. He was still a mile from home. Ahead lay two fallen houses. He heard a moan. Stepping toward the house, Kris nearly killed himself in the mud. An older man was trapped in house debris. He was twice Kriss weight. Hed have to wait for more help.Just then, Kris heard another man moaning from the second house. Kris pulled away some pieces of the house, but the man was buried too deeply for him.Hearing helicopter(直升飞机) on the roof, Kris climbed up, met a member of the search-and-rescue team and led him to the first man. Then he headed back and kept digging until he could turn the second man over. After the rest of the team arrived, Kris moved on to find his family.Kris finally reached home. It was flooded, but the mud had stopped just shy of the house. His truck was gone, as were LoAnna and the others. He checked cars and houses nearby for survivors, then ran to the command center.Not long after he arrived, he saw his truck coming down the road. LoAnna jumped out.Kris was praised by the Red Cross for his heroics.32 . The purpose of the first two paragraphs is to.Acreate an unusual setting of the storyBintroduce the central idea of the storyCdescribe a turning point of the storyDreview the main character of the story33 . Which of the following is the correct order of the story?a. Kris found a man buried too deeply for him.b. Kris heard a woman screaming for help.c. Kris led a rescue member to save the older man.d. Kris found LoAnna, kids and his truck gone.e. Kris was nearly killed in the mud.AbeacdBbadecCaecbdDaedbc34 . Which of the following sentences is TRUE?AKris saved three persons in all.BKris saved the baby by himself.CKris pulled the first man out of mud.DKris found some survivors near his house.35 . Which sentence best shows the central theme in the text?AKris got a call from LoAnna.BHe was still a mile from home.CHe saw his truck coming down the road.DKris was praised by the Red Cross for his heroics.Come to Austria (奥地利)Soll is a village in the mountains western Austria. And the Post Hotel is clean and not expensive. It is opened by a local family. From the hotel you can see the whole village, the forests and the mountains. Temperatures in summer are usually 20 Cto 25 Cin the daytime, but much cooler by evening. Enjoy Thailand!When you visit Bangkok in Thailand, dont miss the early morning river boat trip to the Floating just outside the city. There you will find many kinds of fruits and vegetables. And you can pay for them when you sit in your boat. Dont forget your hat: the sun can be strong and it may be as hot as 40 at noon.Visit Hawaii!Maybe the most beautiful place in Hawaii is Kauai. You can visit its long, sandy beaches in the south and west of the island, and mountains and forests in the north, but dont be surprised if it rains in the centre of the island. Daytime temperatures there are usually around 24C to 26C by the sea, and only a little cooler by late evening.36 . What is mentioned in all the three short passages?AFruits and vegetablesBMountains and forestsCHotels and animalsDTemperature and places to play37 . If you go to Kauai,what must you take with you?AUmbrellaBHatCSunglassesDFruits38 . If you visit the Floating Market,youll have to take a _AboatBbusCwalkDplane39 . Which of following is right?AStaying at the Hotel Post is very expensive.BIn summer,it is very cool in Kauai and Soll in the daytime.CYou can visit the long,sandy beaches in the south and north of Hawaii.DHawaii is the best places for shopping in summer.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据括号中所给汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确40 . The United Nations is an _ (国际的) organization, China is a member of it.41 . WeChats popularity grows quickly because its convenient for people to _ (交流) with each other.42 . Everyone is here _ (除了) Jim. We dont know why he hasnt come.43 . Now Tom has _ (意识到) the importance of learning English.44 . Many _ (世纪) ago, people found this fantastic castle.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空第一节根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。45 . Liu Cixin is my favorite writer. A recent speech he gave in the United States caught peoples attention_.(complete)46 . Mr. Smith didnt enjoy_during the tennis camp because of the terrible weather.(he)47 . It is reported that about 200, 000_came to Beijing during the May Day holiday.(visit)48 . The Dragon Boat Festival is very important for us Chinese. On that day we have some_food like zongzi.(tradition)49 . Peter studies so hard. He is sure that he will succeed in_the exam.(pass)六、完成句子英汉互译50 . 我们班的很多女生擅长唱歌。Many girls in our class are _.51 . 对于这个问题的答案我没有把握。I _not_the answer to the question.52 . 在上课一开始,老师让我们问问题。At the _the class,the teacher asked us to ask questions.53 . Let me help him _(查明)Greens telephone number.54 . 下周我们学校要举行足球比赛。There _a football match in our school next week.55 . 你知道什么是决心吗?Do you know _a _?56 . 你应该尽可能多地使用这些句子。You should use the sentences_.57 . 长大后,彼得将成为一名什么?What does Peter want to be when he _?58 . 我们学校的许多男生擅长打篮球。Lots of boys in our school are _basketball.59 . 你打算去哪里工作?_ are you _?七、单词填空“When you are sad, I will dry your tears. When you are worried, I will give you hope. Why? You may ask. Because you are my friend!”A friend often listens to your problems, understands you and will not tell other people your secrets(秘密). How should you make your friendship(友谊) grow stronger? You can e-mail and call your friends often. And dont forget to send cards to them on Friendship Day.People started to celebrate Friendship Day in American in August, 1935. Today, people in many countries celebrate it. On the first Sunday in August every year, people from kids to old men meet their friends. They give cards, flowers or gifts to their friends. On Friendship Day, people also hold parties for their friends. Everybody is excited to wish their best friends in their own ways.根据短文内容及单词首字母提示,请填出文中所缺的单词,使短文内容完整,通顺。The passage starts w60 . a short beautiful poem (诗歌). It tells us that we all need f61 . , because our friends can always g62 . us a hand when we are in t63 . . In o64 . to make our friendship stronger, we should always keep in touch with our friends. So the f65 . Sunday in August was the F66 . Day. On that day people b67 . young and old meet their friends. They give all k68 . of gifts to their friends to w69 . their best friends in their own ways.八、填空Mum and dad are two of the most important people in your life. They influence(影响)you more than others you meet in your life. So if your mom or dad loves to read, you just might grow up carrying a book wherever you go, just like she or he does. Mums and dads care for(关心)their children from the minute they were born. So its very important to stay close and get along(和睦相处)with them. But not every child knows how to do this. Here are some ways to help you.Spend time together. Dont play a computer game or watch TV, ask your mum and dad to play with you. Go to the cinema, or read a book out loud.Be kind. Little things might mean a lot to your mum or dad. You can make your parents happy with a hug(拥抱), a card, or a joke(笑话). Its also lovely when a child cleans his or her parents room. And when you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents might be very happy.Do your best at whatever you do. You dont have to be perfect, but when you do your best, you make your parents proud(自豪). It makes them happy to see how youre changing into a great kid. Why? Because it lets them know youre doing a good job.阅读以上信息, 用恰当的词完成下面的表格, 每空一词。Parents influence children mostReasonsfor loving parentsParents do a lot more than 70 . people.Parents care for their children from the minute they were born.Some ideas of 71 . children to get along wellwith parentsSpend more time with parents, like playing or watching 72 . together.Be kind to parents. For example, you can help them 73 . their room.Do your best at whatever you do and you need to 74 . yourselves.九、话题作文75 . 书面表达今天你和同学一起去了美术博物馆。请写一篇日记, 描述你们此次活动的内容和你的感受。要求:1. 意思连贯. 语句通顺. 时态正确。2. 60词左右。April 9th_第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、话题作文1、


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