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冀教版七年级下学期(1-18班)3月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Whatsthe_,Sonia?Well,Ilostmyglasses.AweatherBnumberCproblemDquestion2 . (题文)_us Chinese, the Spring Festival is a time _ togther.AWith;getBWith;to getCFor;getDFor;to get3 . My teacher wants me _ hard.AstudyBstudyingCto studyDstudies4 . We must be strict _ ourselves and work _.Ain;hardBwith;hardlyCin;hardlyDwith;hard5 . There _ a dog and two cats in the picture.AisBareCbeDAm6 . All of us must do_ to help protect the environment,or we will have more hazy weather雾霾天气.Asomething usefulBanything usefulCuseful somethingDuseful nothing7 . I think all the plants would_ if there was too much pollution.Adied outBdie ofCdie outDdied of8 . -Hello, may I speak to Jane? -_AWho are you?BWhats wrong?CThis is Jane speaking. DShe is Jane.9 . My parents are very strict _ me. _ school nights they dont let me watch TV.Awith; OnBin; AtCin; OnDwith; At10 . 一Could you please go to the movies with me?一_I have to do my homeworkAYes,sureBsorry,I cantCNo,you cantDNot11 . Alan is 9-year-old boy and he wants to be artist in the future.Aan; aBa; anCan; anDa; a12 . Mary is _ primary school student in Beijing.Aa 8-year-oldBan 8-year-oldCa 8-years-oldDan 8-years-old13 . About two _ people watch e-sports competitions and cheer on their favorite teams.AmillionBmillionsCmillion ofDmillions of14 . 找出重音位置与collect相同的单词:ApeacefulBjuniorCnowadaysDregard15 . I need to learn English because it can help me get a good _AworkBnewsCjobDjobs二、完型填空(题文)Dear Dad.Happy birthday to you !On this special day Id like to talk to you_a special way.I dont think Im good at_you my thoughts face to face. so Im writing to you to express my love for you.Youre neither rich nor famous, but in my heart, you are one of the greatest_in the world. Im proud of you. You have_been interested in fame and wealth (财富). You always work hard to get your work_The smile on your face shows youre pleased with the family. You take good care of my grandparents. You help me with my schoolwork and go shopping with Mom on Sundays.In the past , I dont care_you were with me or not. Now I am sorry to say I_you my respect ( 尊重 ) before. But I am thankful for what you have done for me. I am quite lucky that I have_a good father. I am happy that now I can let you know how much I love you. You arc successful as a son, a husband. a father and a friend.I hope youll be happy foreverYours ,David16 . (小题1)AinBatCbyDon17 . (小题2)AtalkingBsayingCspeakingDtelling18 . (小题3)AbusinessmenBmanCmenDworker19 . (小题4)AalwaysBeverCalreadyDnever20 . (小题5)AdoneBdoingCdoesDdid21 . (小题6)AwhetherBthatCwhatDwhere22 . (小题7)Awill showBdont showCdidnt showDhave shown23 . (小题8)AtooBsoCveryDsuch三、阅读单选One day, there was a blind man called John sitting on the bench with a hat by his feet and a sign that read, “I am blind. Please help me.”A creative publicist(广告员)named Tom was walking by the blind man and stopped to see that the man only had a few coins in his hat. He put a few of his own coins in the hat. Without asking for permission(允许), took the sign, turned it around and wrote a new message. Then he put the sign by the feet of the blind man and left.Later that afternoon the publicist returned to the blind man and noticed that his hat was almost full of bills and coins. The blind man recognized(识别)his footsteps and asked if it was he who had changed his sign. He also wanted to know what the man wrote on it.The publicist said, “I just wrote the message a little differently.” He smiled and went on his way.The new sign read, “Spring has come, but I cant see anything.”24 . Who wrote a new message?AThe blind man.BThe teacher.CThe publicist.DThe farmer.25 . How did the blind man recognize the publicist?ABy his sign.BBy his footsteps.CBy his voice.DBy his coins.26 . When did the story happen?AIn spring.BIn summer.CIn autumn.DIn winter.27 . What can we learn from the passage?APublicists are always friendly and helpful.BWe can get more money by changing a sign.CThe blind man is not clever, so he has little money.DThe power of language is great.WHATS ON IN SHANGHAIThis March is a busy month in Shanghai. There is much to do. Here are the exciting activities.Live Music-Late Night Jazz(爵士乐)Enjoy real American jazz from John Davis, the famous guitar player. This is his third visit to Shanghai. Get your tickets quickly!PLACE: The Jazz Club DATES:15-23 March PRICE:¥120TIME: l0 p.m. till late! TEL: 6466-8736Scottish(苏格兰的) DancingTake your friends and get ready to dance till you get tired. Scottish dancing is fun and easy to learn. Teachers there will teach you to dance.PLACE: Jack Steins DATES: every Monday PRICE:¥60TIME: 7 p. m.-10 p. m. TEL:6402-1877Exhibitions - Shanghai MuseumThere are 120,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history. Its always interesting to visit.PLACE: Shanghai Museum DATES: dailyPRICE:¥30(¥15 for students) TEL:6888-6888TIME: Monday-Friday 9 a.m. -5 p.m. , Weekends 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.28 . Which month is busy in Shanghai?AMay.BMarchCJuneDJuly.29 . If you want to watch Johns performance, you can call _ to book a ticket.A6466-1877B6888-6888C6402-1877D6466-873630 . Bob and his friend want to go Scottish dancing. They should pay _ for the tickets.A¥180B¥120C¥90D¥60 .31 . At 2 p.m. on Monday, you can _.Aenjoy real American jazzBtake your friend to do Scottish dancingCgo to visit Shanghai MuseumDsee the whole of the world history32 . Where can we see the whole of Chinese history?AIn the Jazz Club.BIn Jack Steins home.CIn Shanghai Museum.DIn John Davis concert.Daniel Olin was 11 years old when his parents moved to Canada He liked his new school and made friends there, but then things at home started to change His mum and dad began to argue and the arguments got worse and worse until one day, Daniels mum left With his father working long hours, Daniel felt very lonely and very unhappy He wanted to escape, to run away And thats what he didVery early one terribly cold morning when the snow was deep on the ground, he packed a bag with some clothes, some chocolate and a map of Canada and set off to a forest He ran and ran until he could hardly breathe His feet were heavy with the snow but he still walked on through deep snow, not even watching where he was goingThen,disaster struck A rock hidden by the deep snow caught his feet and Daniel fell to the ground He had broken the bone He was very cold and was starting to feel tired, but he knew that if he fell asleep in the snow, he would certainly die from the coldA tree shook ahead From within the branches, a pair of yellow eyes watched Daniel The puma had been following him A puma is a large wild cat with claws that could tear Daniel into pieces But instead of moving in for the kill, the puma walked up to Daniel and lay across his chest, arms and legs Daniel was too frightened to move, but soon the warmth of the animal reached Daniel and he began to feel better From time to time, the puma pressed his muzzle against Daniel and rocked his head gently Clearly, the puma knew that Daniel must not fall asleep This animal should have been a real danger to Daniel and yet the boy began to feel safeThey remained like that for several hours until Daniel and the puma heard voices The rescue team had found them33 . Daniel ran away from home becauseAhe had a big argument with his fatherBhe wanted to learn to be independentChe didnt get enough care from his parentsDhis parents were always arguing at home34 . What was the disaster?ADaniel lost his way in the forestBThe heavy snow blocked the wayCDaniel fell down and got hurtDA puma wanted to attack Daniel35 . Why didnt Daniel notice the rock that caused him to fall?ABecause it was getting darkBBecause the rock was hidden by snowCBecause he was frightened by a pumaDBecause he was too sad to notice it36 . What is the best title for the story?APuma in dangerBA caring pumaCRescue of a boyDA homeless boyA(词数:约140;建议用时:5分钟)Paul,10I used to spend a lot of time choosing what to wear in the morning.But now with uniform,I can save(节省)a lot of time and can concentrate more on my studies.Sarah,12A students clothing shows his or her personality(个性)Uniform,in one way,violates our freedom of choice by making us all wear the same clothes.Susan,11I think that uniform is very necessary.It makes us feel equal(平等的)because everyone is wearing the same thing.And no one will laugh at you for what you are wearing.Jason,11Many students in my school complain that the uniform is uncomfortable.Sometimes it makes us feel a little uneasy when we are doing a particular activity.I think we students should have the right(权利)to choose our own clothes.37 . Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Paul?AHe spent a lot of money on clothing in the past.BHe spent a lot of time on clothing in the past.CNow he likes to wear uniform to school.DHe is younger than Jason and Susan.38 . The underlined word “violates” means “_” in Chinese.A渴望B宣告C侵犯D获得39 . Many students in Jasons school think that _.Atheir uniform is comfortableBtheir uniform is uncomfortableCit is necessary to wear uniformDtheir uniform makes them feel easy40 . _ both believe that it is a good thing to wear uniform.APaul and SarahBJason and SusanCSusan and PaulDJason and Sarah41 . What does the material mainly tell us about?AWhat kind of uniform is good for students.BThe advantages of wearing uniform.CWhy students should wear uniform.DSome students opinions on uniform.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空42 . You should t_ up the room before your friends arrive.43 . Remember to b_ a book to school tomorrow.44 . I hope e_ goes well with you.45 . He u_ makes a plan before he does something.46 . The children often play on the p_ at school.五、单词填空47 . Born in the city, we regard the country life as something far away. We are used to e【小题1】in the city. We are even getting used to the noisesand pollution in the city. It has become a p【小题2】of our life. I have never been to the country. Nature is a word strange to us. This summer I had the chance to go with my parents on a v【小题3】to countryside.For the first time in my life I have the experience with the country life. Here I r【小题4】what a life of nature is. This is a small village far from cities. It is at the foot of a mountain. The life there is s【小题5】. It is different from the city life.There are few cars or other t【小题6】on the way. The air is fresh. The sky is high. The people are friendly. They are not as busy as t【小题7】in the big city. Everywhere you can find people bathing i【小题8】the sun. They drink clean water. The water comes from the mountain. They e【小题9】the quiet life very much. Whats more, there you can hear the sound of nature. You can find the children p【小题10】with water in the river and the dogs running after the people. All these make a wonderfulpicture of countryside. How I love the country life!六、填空About the importance of good health, nobody can explain better than your doctor. They are the people who really know the importance of keeping fit and healthy. I am saying this because my doctor is an angel. Every time I put on an extra pound, he will remind me of what it is happening to my body. If we do not need to visit any doctor, we thing we are very healthy. But that is not true. We may look healthy but we dont know clearly what is happening inside. However, there are many different ways we can make sure that we look inside as good as we do outside.The first and easiest step is keeping a good idea, a balanced diet.Next is sleeping well. Sleep early. Make sure you get nine hours of sleep.Do not skip your breakfast. It is one of the most important meals of the day. Eat your regular meals, and it will do you good to eat healthily even during breaks.Exercise your body every day. Go for a swim, or walk, or just play a game of football or tennis.Try your best not to get stressed because its bad for your health.Remember to keep washing your hands, and then you wont catch any infection.Get away from your bad habit. Dont smoke. Some wine does your body good while most of it does harm. Be wise and dont drink too much.48 . to Keep Fit and Stay HealthyFoodKeep a49 . and balanced diet.Eat regular meals.50 . is one of the most important meals of the day, so you must eat it every day.51 . Sleep52 . , and you should sleep for53 . hours every day.ExerciseDo54 . every day.RelaxingYou mustnt get55 . Good56 . Dont57 . and dont drink too much wine.七、汉译英:整句句子翻译58 . 乌云密布,我想天就要下雨了。_59 . 为什么不参观我们当地的剧院并欣赏京剧呢?_60 . 几名大学生乐意在家庭作业上帮助我。_61 . 恐怕他们不会欢迎像你们这样的游客。_62 . 中国的面积约 960 万平方公里。_八、材料作文63 . 书面表达假设你是Millie, 刚搬进新家,想邀请Simon来你家。根据表格提示写一篇题为Welcome to My New Flat 的短文。新家环境1.离姜堰中学(Jiangyan High School )不远,周围有2.邻居乐于助人,新家介绍1.新房子在十二楼,三个卧室,一个餐厅,一个客厅,其中一个是自己的卧室。2.可以在卧室里交通路线1.沿人民路(Renmin Road)一直往前走,在第二个路口向左拐,你将会见到姜堰中学,我家就在姜堰中学东面。要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2)词数:80词左右Welcome to My New FlatI have moved into a new flat. It is 第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、单词填空1、六、填空1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、

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