2019-2020年度冀教版英语九年级全册Lesson 10 Touch the World课时练习C卷

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2019-2020年度冀教版英语九年级全册Lesson 10 Touch the World课时练习C卷_第1页
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2019-2020年度冀教版英语九年级全册Lesson 10 Touch the World课时练习C卷_第3页
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2019-2020年度冀教版英语九年级全册Lesson 10 Touch the World课时练习C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My parents go to work _ Monday _ Friday.Aon, onBat, inCto, onDfrom, to2 . Susan, get some eggs and butter and _ .Amix up themBmix them upCmix up it3 . _ Jenny. _ name is Tom.AIm, MyBHer, MyCIm, His4 . How do you study _ an examination?AtoBatCwithDfor5 . Tony doesnt like Chinese class. Every class _ a bad dream.Ais likeBlikesClikeDto like二、完型填空In England, winter is not very_and summer is not very hot. There is not a great difference_summer and winter. Why? England has a mild(温和) winter and a _summer because it is an island country. In winter, the sea is _than the land. The winds from the sea bring warm air to England. In summer, the sea is cooler_the land. The winds from the sea bring cool air to England. The winds from the west blow over England all the year. They_from the southwest. They are wet winds. They bring _to England all the year, so England has a lot of rain all the year. The west of England is _than the east. The winds must blow over the highland in the west. They drop more rain there. The four seasons are all three months_. Winter is in December, January and February. Spring is in March, April and May. Summer is in June, July and August._is in September, October and November.6 . AwarmBcoldChotDcool7 . AinBatCwithDbetween8 . AlovelyBinterestingCcoolDcold9 . AwarmerBhotterCwetterDdrier10 . AlikeBnearCthanDfor11 . AflyBrunCpushDblow12 . AwaterBrainCsnowDsand13 . AcoolerBhotterCwetterDhigher14 . AagoBtimeCshortDlong15 . AAutumnBRainingCSpringDWind三、阅读单选Hundreds of people did not get their train tickets through the online train ticketing service after paying the money.The China Railway Customer Service Center said that it would try to solve the problem and return the money in 15 working days.The service center said changes would be made to the online booking system which limited(限制) each purchase which is finished in 30 minutes. Many people said that they failed to book tickets because of the time limit in purchase.People who paid without getting their tickets have formed groups on QQ. As many as 400 people had joined the QQ group by Thursday and the group continues to grow.The ticket buyers said their money had been returned through online banks but they didnt get confirmation(确认) from the online booking system.They are afraid that they will not be able to get refunds(退款) because they dont have the order number given to those who have succeeded in booking. People also said they were unable to inquire(查询) through the booking hotline 12306, because it is almost always busy.The China Railway Customer Service Center Website suggested that the online banks didnt return the payment information to the online booking system because of network problems.The online railway booking service was made by the Ministry of Railways on Dec. 21, in order that people can easily buy train tickets during the Spring Festival.16 . What happened to the train tickets buyers after paying the money?AThey didnt join the QQ group.BThey didnt search the Internet.CThey didnt find the order number.DThey didnt get their tickets.17 . How long should people finish booking tickets?AIn an hour. B. In half an hour.BIn 15 days. D. In 30 hours.18 . According to the passage,which is Not true?AThe people who didnt get tickets can get their money back.BPeople cant inquire their booking through the hotline 12306.CPeople can easily book train tickets online without any problems.DThe online booking system didnt get the payment information.19 . What does the word “grow” mean in Chinese?A种植 B. 扩大 C. 生产 D. 减小20 . Why did many people join the QQ group?AThey want to get back their refunds.BThey wanted to book the train tickets.CThey wanted to chat with each other.DThey want to get the payment information.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和所给汉语完成句子。每空一词21 . Its _(大约)six oclock.22 . The teacher is _(受欢迎的)in our school.23 . Two beautiful _(盒子)are on the table.24 . Are these _(词典)yours, Mary? One is mine, the other is Lilys.25 . There are many books in my _(书包). Its very heavy.26 . Miss Zhu is my English _(老师).27 . This book is _(给)you.28 . Are those little dogs _(你的)? Yes, they are.29 . Is this your ruler? Yes, it is _(我的).30 . These are my _(铅笔).31 . This ruler is his. What about this _(橡皮)?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)32 . Mum, dont worry. Alice is old enough to take an aeroplane by _. (her)33 . Did Jenny accept Toms _ offer yesterday? She really needs his help. (three)34 . We were terribly _ by the huge figure at midnight. (frighten)35 . Vincent was too _. He was still unaware of the changes of his family. (careful)36 . I was attracted by Lucy _ because of her strong personality. (main)37 . Dont jump to _. You should think it over. (conclude)38 . A famous Chinese writer, Jin Yong, _ on October 30, 2018. (death)39 . Children should learn how to be _ when they grow up. (depend)六、将所给单词连成句子连词成句。(注意各小题的词形变化)40 . are, fruit, rich, also, and, vegetables, in, vitamins_.41 . need, body, your, calcium, stay, to healthy_.42 . we, need, to, balance, diet, do, our_?43 . in, salads, are, popular, West, very, country_.44 . are, make, with, lots, fresh, they, of, vegetables_.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、


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