2019版人教新目标版英语同步导学九年级全册Unit 10 SectionA课时练习(青岛专版)C卷

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2019版人教新目标版英语同步导学九年级全册Unit 10 SectionA课时练习(青岛专版)C卷_第1页
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2019版人教新目标版英语同步导学九年级全册Unit 10 SectionA课时练习(青岛专版)C卷_第2页
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2019版人教新目标版英语同步导学九年级全册Unit 10 SectionA课时练习(青岛专版)C卷_第3页
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2019版人教新目标版英语同步导学九年级全册Unit 10 SectionA课时练习(青岛专版)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Can you help kids with_?-Yes,I can.AswimmingBswimCswimsDto swim2 . Its lucky _ you _ such a good teacher.Aof; to meetBfor; to meetCof; meetingDfor; meeting3 . Thanks for _ me with my English.Its my pleasure.Im glad youve made such great progress.(海南)AhelpBto helpChelping4 . Classmates in our grade _ a big family. Everyone really _ living in a place _ this.Aare like; likes; likeBlike; likes; is likeCare like; like; likesDlike; is like; likes5 . You should_the answers again carefully before you hand in your test papers.Sure. Ill do as you say.AexamineBwriteCreadDwatch二、完型填空Beautiful pictures of mountains and forests, clear skies, flying birds, wild animals, silly faces you can find them all in one place_? On a postcard! Have people always sent postcards? No! Before postcards, people_sealed (密封的) letters.The_for the first decorated (装饰的) postcard came to John P. Charlton in 1861. He thought a simple card_By law, people had to write their note on the fronton the picture! The back was_for the address. Several years later, England allowed a divided-back (背面隔开的) postcard. Then people could write their_on the back left side. And they put the address_During the early 1900s, the golden age of postcards, people around the world were more and more_picture postcards. In 1908, Americans alone mailed over 677 million postcards.Today, postcards are the_most popular collection in the world after stamps and coins. You can always see or get a lot of newly-designed postcards, especially on New Years Day.6 . AHowBWhenCWhyDWhere7 . AlikedBhatedCfoundDlost8 . AadviceBpictureCideaDcard9 . AaboveBwithCunderDfor10 . AhappenedBchangedCendedDappeared11 . AevenBonlyCstillDever12 . AnoteBwordCaddressDletter13 . Aon the frontBon the backCon the leftDon the right14 . Asurprised atBinterested inCexpected byDworried about15 . AfirstBsecondCthirdDfourth三、阅读单选We may know that there are four basic periods for human beings to pass through when you enter and live in another country. This process helps you deal with culture shock.Culture shock begins with the “honeymoon period”. This is the time when you first arrive in a place where everything about the new culture is strange and exciting. You see new things, hear new sounds and language, eat new kinds of food. This period can last for quite a long time because you feel very happy.Unluckily, the second period can be more difficult. After you have got used to your new life, you can become very tired and begin to miss your motherland, your family, your friends, your pets and so on. All the little problems in life seem to be much bigger and more worrying when you face them in a foreign country. This period can be very difficult and lead to moving backwards quickly.The third period is called the “adjustment period”. This is when you begin to realize that things are not so bad in the new country. Your sense of humor usually becomes stronger and you realize you are becoming stronger by learning to take care of yourself in the new place. Things are still difficult, but you are now a survivor.The fourth period can be called “at ease at last” Now you feel quite comfortable in your new place. You can deal with most problems that you have. You may still have problems with language, but you know you are strong enough to deal with them. At this time, you may feel a little uncomfortable if you go back to your motherland.16 . During the first period of the process,you feel _.Asad and lonelyBhappy and excitedCangry but strongDeasy but uncomfortable17 . You will find that you are a survivor in _.Athe 1st periodBthe 2nd periodCthe 3rd periodDthe 4th period18 . The fourth period can be regarded as a period of beingArelaxingBworryingCtiringDdisturbing19 . From the passage we can conclude that _.Aliving in another country is funBits boring to live in another countryCknowing about culture shock is hardDits not easy to deal with culture shock四、完成句子根据各题所给图片提示补全下列各句,每空一词20 . He is Marys_brother. And he is two years_than Mary.21 . Tony joined the army_ of eighteen.22 . The man is good at_.23 . Mozart was one of_ in Europe.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。get together, deal with, make sure, because of, be proud of24 . We _ Sun Yang, a famous swimming athlete.25 . Tom hopes to _ with his old friends in America.26 . Mike was late for school _ his illness yesterday.27 . You must _ all the windows are closed before you leave the room.28 . My father is thinking about how _ the old computer.六、多任务混合问题A.They have set the style for clothing, food, manners and many other things.B.In the mid-19th century, it came into England.C.Some use the computer.D.Today cartoons are a part of the daily life of most people.The word “cartoon” came from Italy. It first referred to the picture before an actual(真实的)drawing on the wall. 1Since the 1840s, it has also come to mean any drawing that is humorous, satirical(讽刺性的)or showing an opinion. It usually appears in a newspaper or a magazine, with or without a short text.2People of all ages, especially children enjoy all kinds of cartoons in newspapers and magazines, on TV and at the movies. Cartoons not only show their life, but help form it. 3They have supplied ideas to plays,movies and television series and so on. Names or words from cartoon series have also come into modern languages.Many cartoonists (漫画家)draw with special pens. 4Surely, computers are especially effective for the making of animated cartoons. This helps us to enjoy more lively cartoons.29 . _30 . _31 . _32 . _33 . From the passage, we know that_.Afew children like cartoonsBthe word “cartoon” came from EnglandCall cartoonists use pencils to draw cartoons nowadaysDpeople like cartoons because they show and help form the life.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、完成句子1、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、多任务混合问题1、


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