牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期Unit 9 International Food Festiavl单元测试卷

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牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期Unit 9 International Food Festiavl单元测试卷_第1页
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牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期Unit 9 International Food Festiavl单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He usually _ his bother_ him.Aask; to helpBasks; helpingCask; helpingDasks; to help2 . Im looking forward toyour letter soon.AgetBwill getCgettingDgot3 . I hope you _ me how to make scones.Ais showingBwill showCshowDhave shown4 . I _ that the SPCE needs some money to take care of animals.AheardBwill hearCwas hearingDhave heard5 . Can you come herea quarterten?Sure, 9:45.Aat; pastBat; toCin; toDaround; past6 . The boy promised _ late for school again.Ato not beBnot to beCnot beingDbeing not7 . In our lives, friends play an important role. So we should always be there to care for _.AusByouCthem8 . Please bake the cake for 10 minutes _ 200C.AfromBof C.atCwith9 . Jack and his friend need 200_ of flour to make a cake.AminutesBmetersCmilesDgrams10 . To protect the environment,we are trying our best to make our school a_ school.AlargeBnewCcoolDgreen11 . You look quite beautiful _ this pink dress.AinBonCwithDfor12 . Excuse me, how much _ the jeans made _ cotton? Oh, theyre very cheap now. Theyre only $20.Aare;ofBare;fromCis;ofDis;from13 . _a sports game on the playground next week.AThere will beBThere will haveCThere willDBe will there14 . I miss my penfriend very much. I hope _ her soon.Ato hear ofBto hear fromChearing ofDhearing from15 . _do you use the washing machine?Twice a week.AHow oftenBHow longCHow farDHow much16 . A prawn cake usually_ about three yuan five jiao.AbuysBtakesCcostsDsells17 . We can move the desks by_.AourselvesBusCourDours18 . Beijings first human library opened _ December 4,2011.AonBatCinDfor19 . To her _,he wasnt _ at the news at all.Asurprise;surpriseBsurprised;surprisedCsurprise;surprisedDsurprising;surprising20 . Mother told the girl to _ her toys and clothes to keep her room clean.Aput awayBput outCput upDput in二、完型填空Delia was a young pianist. Her husband, Joe, was a young artist. Each of them took lessons with very great teachers. So the lessons were _, more than they could afford(供得起), but . when you love your art, _ is too much.Soon they couldnt afford the lessons any more. Then one day Delia told Joe that someone wanted to learn the piano from her and would _ her $50 an hour.“Delia,” Joe said, “Ill be much _ if you keep up your lessons.” Delia said, “When I have money, Ill go on with it.” But Joe, at the same time, also _ his lessons to draw pictures and sell them.A few days later, Joe came home and _ took $200 with him. “I met a man from Vermont and he _ my picture. And he wants to buy more!” So they were very happy. They didnt have to worry about _.One day, Joe came home and saw Delias hand was wrapped in a bandage(绷带). Delia told him she hurt her _.“Delia, _ are you doing these days?” Joe asked. She tried not to tell him, but the tears _ down. “Oh, Joe. I couldnt get any student, so I worked as a waitress in a restaurant. Today, I hurt my hand with hot water._ we can still have money from the man in Vermont.”Joe looked at her. “Theres _ man in Vermont,” he said, “Im working in a _, and today someone came to buy bandages _ a woman who hurt her hand. So when I saw you, well, I knew.”We are willing to do anything for the ones, though it may be hard. Nothing is too much but the love. Thats true.21 . AexpensiveBcheapClowDhigh22 . AeverythingBsomethingCnothingDanything23 . AcostBpayCspendDget24 . AlaterBlazierChappierDricher25 . AlearnedBkeptCleftDstopped26 . AluckilyBexcitedlyCquietlyDeasily27 . AboughtBbroughtCsawDsold28 . ApicturesBmoneyCworkDstudents29 . AlegBhandCarmDface30 . AwhyBwhereChowDwhat31 . AwentBgotCblewDtook32 . ASoBAndCOrDBut33 . AoneBaCnoDanother34 . AstoreBschoolCrestaurantDcinema35 . AfromBbyCforDof三、阅读单选Internet BoomToday the Internet is widely used in homes, schools, and businesses around the world. However, that hasnt always been the case. The Internet was first developed in the 1960s and 1970s by U.S. government scientists as a way of sharing information. The earliest Internet was called ARPAnet. In 1969, only four computers were connected to the ARPAnet. Just 20 years later, though, as computers became more commonly developed, over 80,000 computers were connected.Use of the Internet has continued to grow rapidly. Experts think that about 1% of the worlds population used the Internet in 1996. By 2008, that percentage grew to nearly 24%.How do scientists count more than 1 billion users? Programs called Web Crawlers look through the Internet to see how many people are using the Internet and which pages they are visiting. They also make copies of webpages, which are stored by search engines. Web Crawlers work and collect information once they are started. These programs are sometimes called “spiders” because they “crawl” around the Web.These programs collect and send information 24 hours a day. So if everyone stops using the Internet for one day, the Internet will still be a pretty busy place. Even when people are not online, these programs travel the Internet.36 . The information in the first paragraph shows the idea that the Internet _.Ais available mainly in the United StatesBhas a wider use today than it did in the pastCis seldom used by people in other countriesDis used mainly by government scientists today37 . From the third paragraph, we can know that scientists use Web Crawlers to _.Aclean the webBcatch the spidersCfind the InternetDcount the users38 . According to the chart, which one of the statements is TRUE?AThere were much fewer people who used Internet in 2000.BThere were more than 500 million Internet users in 2000.CThe number of Internet users became less from 2000 to 2008.DUse of the Internet grows slowly between 2000 and 2005.39 . The underlined word “Boom” in the title means _.Aa loud noiseBa government jobCa rapid increaseDa computer program四、句型转换按要求完成下列句子,每空一词40 . The girl in a red coat is Betty. (对画线部分提问)_ is Betty?41 . Sam is heavier than John. (改为同义句)John is _Sam.42 . Paul jumps high. Carol jumps high, too. (合并为一句)Paul jumps _Carol.43 . Tina is as friendly as Tara. (改为否定句)Tina _ Tara.44 . Is Mike smarter than Jack? (改为同义句)_ Mike or Jack?45 . Dave is heavy, but he can run very fast. (改为同义句)_ Dave is heavy, he can run very fast.46 . Its a nice day, _? (完成反意疑问句)47 . She sang more clearly than her sister. (改为一般疑问句)_?48 . Julie is ten years old. Anna is eleven years old. (合成一句话)Anna is _than Julie.49 . My mother is smart. My father is smart, too. (改为同义句)_?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。50 . We wish every one of _ a bright future after graduation. (we)51 . When we speak, sound waves begin to travel and go in all _. (direct)52 . Our manager greeted the guests _ with a smile at the entrance. (polite)53 . You wont find anything _ about my father until you learn more. (usual)54 . My teacher often encourages me to spend at _ one hour a day reading books. (little)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文55 . AandBenjoyCcoldDbutEpriceWu Shan is in Chongqing City in western China. Its in the east of Chongqing. Its a small _ very beautiful county. Its near Changjiang River. There is a famous lake called High Gorges(峡谷)and Calm Lake in Wu Shan.Its warm in summer in Wu Shan. You can enjoy the beautiful rivers, the big lake and mountains. If you visit Wu Shan in summer, its the best time to visit the Small Three Gorges. You can _ the views by boat. In autumn, the mountains are covered by red leaves. You can go hiking and enjoy Wu Shan Goddess(巫山神女). Its a little _ in winter. Tourists need to wear warm clothes. If you visit Wu Shan in winter, you can enjoy the snow or go skating at Li Zi Ping. The _ of a hotel room is about 320 yuan a night. Wu shah is a good place to visit.【小题1】_ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _talk word meet share teach patient they experience help tellMy family went to Israel in order to attend a meeting, and we had a great time there.I 56 . two new friends there who are Americans. I seldom talked with people in English. Besides, I was pretty shy. However, they listened to me 57 . and if I didnt understand them, they explained slowly and clearly.Unluckily, we didnt get much time to talk, but we wrote down our e-mails. So Im still in touch with one of 58 . .She has59 . me a lot and always gives me her advice and opinion when I ask questions, and she is quite 60 . . I think a good friend doesnt only61 . you the things you want to hear but also truthful things that might make you uncomfortable, and I appreciate(感激)that so much. She always says, Thats what friends for. We talk every day through a chat APP called kik. Her 62 . keep me moving forward whenever I feel unhappy and also help me to walk through hard work.I was 63 . very hard time in my life, and she comforted(安慰)me with nice words, encouraged me, prayed(祈祷)for me and was with me out of love. I feel so happy to64 . with her and so relaxed, we learn things from each other, and we 65 . things together from country to country, culture to culture and so much more.She is the best friend I could never forget!七、单词填空根据下列短文内容填入恰当的单词,使短文意思完整通顺,每空一词。My grandfather is eighty years old now, 66 . he looks very young(年轻的). He 67 . a good lifestyle(生活方式). He goes to bed early(早)and gets up early every day. He likes doing 68 . . Every morning, he runs from 6:30 am to 7:30 am, and he usually takes a walk after dinner.He likes eating 69 . food. He eats lots of vegetables 70 . fruit every day. He doesnt like meat 71 . eggs very much. He likes playing chess(下象棋)72 . other old people. In the evening, he likes watching comedies(喜剧).八、回答问题Wu Dong has a good friend. His name is Peter. He is from America. Wu Dong and Peter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Sundays and Saturdays. Peter likes China and Chinese food. He likes rice cakes very much. At school they play table tennis after class.Wu Dong and Peter likes making things. Now they are making a plane. They like flying planes on Sunday mornings. Peter speaks English and a little Chinese. Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English. They teach each other. They believe good friends should help each other.73 . Who has a good friend? _74 . Where is Peter from?_75 . What does Peter like?_76 . What are they doing now?_77 . Can Peter speak Chinese?_九、话题作文78 . Write a passage about the topic “A letter to my friend about my school life”第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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