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人教版2019-2020年度中考二模英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Damings pet dog died yesterday. He was very sad.-Im sorry to hear that. Lets _.Acheer up himBcheer him upCcheer upDto cheer up2 . - Have you ever been to Janpan?- No, but I know it is Asian country.AaBanCtheD/3 . Come on,children! Help _to some_.Ayourself;meatByourselves;chickenCyourselves;beefs4 . I cant understandsome people choose to challenge themselves.Dont you think its also a good chance to find your hidden talent?AwhenBhowCwhyDWhere5 . -Your dress is very beautiful, Mary.- _.ANot at allBJust so-so.CNo, it isnt.DThank you6 . _ is after Thursday.ATuesdayBWednesdayCMondayDFriday7 . The price of the coat is. You can buy one.AexpensiveBcheapClowDcheaper8 . - _ I ask you a question, Mr. Wang? - Yes, you _.ACan, cantBCan, mayCMay, canDMay, mustnt9 . David cant go with us now because he _ the school project.AdoesBhas doneCdidDis doing10 . _Peter is old and weak, he still has to work.AButBThoughCSoDBecause of二、完型填空Daniel was disappointed as he _ out of his 40th job interview. He couldnt believe he had _40 interviews. He just finished his university study and needed to get a job _. He was almost broke(身无分文的). He decided that he would start a_project called Living the Map. He wanted to get 50 jobs in 50 states in only 50_.Daniels idea may sound crazy, _it is really clever. Daniel said that one of his goals was to get as_ job experience as possible. He was still not sure what kind of job he really wanted. The best way to find out was to try out_ types of jobs. So, he tried to get jobs that were close to each states identity(特点). For example, Michigan is famous_having a lot of car factories, so during his 8th week in Michigan, he worked as an engineer. Wisconsin is known for its cheese, so he was a cheese maker there. In Vermont he made maple syrup, and in Maryland he cooked crab for the patients in a _ .Daniel not only had fun_ all kinds of interesting jobs, but he also made 60,000 dollars and became famous. He plans to publish a book about _he learned from his project. _the beginning, Daniel wanted to be experienced in different jobs, but instead he became famous ,or was he _ to become famous from the beginning? You decide. Whatever he has in mind, it _ that there are many more jobs in his future.11 . AjumpedBranCwalkedDrolled12 . AsucceededBchangedClostDfailed13 . AfastBslowlyChighlyDhappily14 . AinterestingBnewCcompleteDboring15 . AmonthsBminutesCweeksDdays16 . AalthoughBbutCsoDeven17 . AlittleBfewCmanyDmuch18 . AsameBsimilarCdifferentDcreative19 . AasBofConDfor20 . ArestaurantBhospitalCcompanyDschool21 . Ato tryBtriedCtryingDtry22 . AthatBwhichCwhatDwhere23 . AFromBInCOfDOn24 . AhopingBhopedCto hopeDhopeful25 . AlikeBlikesClooksDseems三、阅读单选Is this your computer?Please call me.Tel:8572360 LindaIs that your wallet in the Lost and Found. Call me, please! Tel:8923760NickFound: a set of keys.Is this your set of keys? Please call Tim at 3376859.Lost: My school ID card.Please call 8973568.Tony 26 . If you lost your wallet, you may call _.ALindaBNickCTimDTony27 . If your computer is lost, you can call _.A8572360B8973568C3376859D892376028 . Who lost the school ID card?ATonyBNickCLindaDWe dont know.29 . If you want to find your set of key, please call _.ALindaBNickCTimDTony30 . The telephone number of the Lost and Found is _.A8572360B8973568C8923760D3376859English people like to say “Thank you” whenever others help them or say something kind to them. People of many countries do so, too. It is a good habit. You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when some walking ahead of you keeps the door open for you, when someone says you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful. “Thank you” is used not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives.“Excuse me” is another short sentence they use. When you hear someone says so behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk past you without touching(接触) you. Its not good to break in on others while they are talking. If you want to speak to one of them, you should say “ Excuse me” first, and then begin talking. You should also do so when you want to cough or make any unpleasant noise before others.Lets all learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”.31 . Englishmen _ say “thank you” and “Excuse me”.AoftenBneverCeverDsometimes32 . “Thank you” is used_.Aamong almost every kind of peopleBonly between friendsCbetween parents and children onlyDonly in a family33 . When someone keeps the door open for you, you should say “_”.AExcuse meBThank youCNot at allDOK34 . When you want to ask someone the way, you should say “_”.AHelloBThank youCExcuse meDCan you tell me35 . When you ask someone to pass you the salt on the dinner table you should say_.AThank you for your helpBThats all rightCIts nice of youDExcuse me, will you please pass me the saltSummer is finally here for most of us Sadly, summer is not so pleasant to people in a bit less lucky places, where air conditioning(空调) is not easy to get for most of themBut as a saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way, especially for those who like doing ityourself(DIY) A young man from Bangladesh(孟加拉国) designed an air conditioning system called the Eco Cooler, one that does not require power, and is made of the worlds most common waste-plastic bottlesThe Eco Cooler is super simple to build-no special engineering skills are requiredFirst,to fix it,a window should be taken away and replaced(替代) by it Second, a board should be cut into the size of a window Some bottle-neck sized holes should then be cut onto the board Then, the funnel-shaped(漏斗状) bottlenecks, cut from the plastic bottles, should be put into the holesThe next step is to fix the design onto the window frame(框) with the wider side facing outwards And this is itThe Eco Cooler then works by catching the winds and sending them inside the building It can reduce the temperature of a room by as much as 5C-a big difference when looking at comfortable 25C compared to uncomfortable 30CThe idea of the inventor, Ashis Paul, was to show his great product to as many People as possible For this purpose,he received help from some groups of volunteers Together, they offered to help local people build and fix the units,as well as teach them how to make them themselvesYes, the Eco Cooler is not a super high-tech air conditioning system, but it is one that can make a big difference36 . When building the Eco Cooler, we should pay special attention toAthe shape of the windowBthe direction of bottlenecksCthe temperature of the outsideDthe weight of the board37 . What can we learn from the passage?A. Ashis Paul is a clever inventor and a successful businessmanB. An Eco Cooler can fix the room temperature to comfortable 25C. CThe new invention of Eco Cooler is friendly to the environmentD. Local people will replace their air conditioner with an Eco Cooler38 . Whats the best title of this passage?ADIY air conditioning made from plastic bottlesBEco Cooler-a super high-tech air conditionerCWhy do we need an Eco Cooler in summer?DA strong-willed inventor and his DIY dream四、用单词的正确形式完成句子用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。pull down, use , afford , shop, read39 . The old buildings must _ because they are very dangerous.40 . There _ to be two libraries in our city,usednt there?41 . They have run out of their money , so they cant _ to take a taxi.42 . We should take our own bags when _ .43 . _ you _ this book yet?五、单词填空Deng Yaping is one of the best table tennis players in the world. 44 . (比较) with other great women, I like her better because I love playing table tennis.She started playing table tennis when she was five. She trained hard all day long. Every day she 45 . (醒来) up early and went to bed late. If she did not finish the training tasks,she would trained until 46 . (午夜), so she became a great player later. She has won many world competitions, 47 . (包括) four gold medals in the Olympics. The most unforgettable match was in 1989. She stood for the country for the first time and got the first, so she became one of the youngest champions 48 . (在之中)all the Chinese great table tennis players.She stopped playing when she was 24. In the 49 . (接下来的) years, she began to study at Tsinghua University in Beijing and then attended university abroad. Her English wasnt good enough when she began. Once again she worked hard, she dug her 50 . (能量)in study and seven years later, she completed her doctors degree at Cambridge University. I think shes a good student as well as a good player. She helped make the Beijing Olympics a 51 . (胜利) for world sport. She also made a lot of 52 . (演讲) to encourage Chinese people of all ages to work hard for our country. 53 . (事实上), shes simply the best and a true hero.六、多任务混合问题任务型阅读理解。The lion and the antelope(羚羊)On he grassland in Africa, there is a lion and an antelope .The lion runs faster than the antelope. Every morning, when the antelope wakes up, he says, “I must run faster than the lion may eat me.”And just at the same time, the lion wakes up from his dream, and he says, I must catch up with the antelope and the lion both start to run,They all want to live, so they try their best to be better.animals, are, the, we, same, the, as,( )Whether you are a lion or you are an antelope.if you want to live a good life, you cant stop work hard.54 . 将文中处画线句子翻译成汉语_.55 . 将文中处画线句子转换为同义句(每空限填一词)They all want to live, so they_to be better.56 . 将文中处画线内容连词成句。(标点符号已在括号内给出)_.57 . 文中处有一处错误,改正、将正确的句子抄写在横线上。_.58 . Every morning, why do the antelope and the lion both start to run?_.七、话题作文59 . 随着经济的增长,家庭轿车越来越普及,越来越多的人放弃了环保的交通方式,比如步行和骑自行车。令人开心的是, 漳州的大街小巷仿佛一夜之间就出现了很多的摩拜单车(mobike),为人们的出行带来了很大的便利。请写一篇文章,谈谈你对摩拜单车的看法。提示词:save energy;air pollution; cost less money;healthy;useful sport要求:1.80词左右2.提示词必需全部用上。_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、单词填空1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、话题作文1、

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