人教精通版六年级英语下册Unit 4 Road safety 单元测试卷(B)

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人教精通版六年级英语下册Unit 4 Road safety 单元测试卷(B)_第1页
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人教精通版六年级下册Unit 4 Road safety 单元测试卷(B)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Look _ the hats and masks. ( )AatBforClike2 . I _ sure you _ like that jacket. ( )Ais, canBare, canCam, will3 . Look _the farm. ( )AatBonCin4 . -What _ you like for lunch?-Id like some noodles.AwouldBdidCare5 . 读一读,选一选。【小题1】laugh( )A笑B哭【小题2】basket( )A帽子B篮,筐【小题3】lick ( )A踢B舔【小题4】beach( )A海滩B海鸥【小题5】stay in the hospital( )A呆在医院B呆在旅店【小题6】dress up( )A衣服B打扮【小题7】part( )A角色B表演【小题8】till( )A明天B直到【小题9】fell off( )A掉下来B感觉到【小题10】countryside( )A乡村B国家6 . _ this tree. Whats in it? ( )Well, I can _ some apples on it.ASee; look atBLook at; seeCLook at; look atDSee; see7 . 听录音,圈出与你听到的词是同一类的单词。(6分)(1)cm meterkg(2)taller stronger old(3)beefonion juice(4)Sundayspring week(5)yesterdayfly miss (6)sweater sneakerfloor8 . Will you go to the supermarket? ( )Yes, please _me.AwaitBwait forCwaits forDwaiting for9 . We are going to celebrate New Years Day January 1st .AinBforCatDon10 . The boy _read four years ago, but now he _. ( )Acant; canBcouldnt; cantCcouldnt; canDcan; couldnt二、填空题11 . 用所给词的正确形式填空:The bus took _ (we) to our school.用所给单词的正确形式填空。12 . Jean likes _(write).13 . I am happy _(get)your email.14 . Lara is _ (make) a doll.15 . Here _(is)our birthday gifts for you.16 . My parents will _(hold)a great birthday party.三、任务型阅读17 . 阅读短文,完成表格。Do you love animals? What do you know about animals? This passage (段落)may be of some help. Its dangerous for blind (瞎的)people to walk across the street. If they have a seeing-eye dog, they can cross the street without worrying(没有担忧). Police dogs can help the police look for dangerous things or bad people. Elephants can help carry heavy things.Some people think animals are dangerous. They are afraid of tigers, lions and other strong animals. But in fact, animals are usually lovely and friendly. If people dont try to kill (杀死) them or destroy (毁掉) their homes, they seldom(偶尔) attack (攻击) people.When we are not happy, we can go to the zoo. When we watch the wonderful performances (表演) of the clever monkeys or the dolphins (海豚), we will stop feeling sad. With animals, our life is full of joy(快乐) and fun.If you keep small animals as pets (宠物), you should know how they live and what they eat. You can buy a book about these animals or search the Internet. You should keep the animals clean and give them a good place to live. Make sure they eat and drink well.Animals Animals are useful. A seeing-eye dog helps blind people _the street. _dogs help look for dangerous things or bad people. Elephants can do some work, like _heavy things. Animals are lovely and_.They dont hurt people if they are not in danger. So animals are not _at all. Animals are great fun. They can play wonderful tricks and make us feel_. Life will be boring (乏味) in the world. Know how to _ an animal as a pet. Keep the animals_and give them a good place to live. Make animals eat and drink _. For more information, you can read books or _the Internet. 四、汉译英根据提示写出单词。18 . 马路,公路_19 . 必须_20 . 安全_21 . 安全的_22 . 穿过,穿行_23 . 人行道_24 . 安全地_25 . 遵守_26 . 规则_27 . 灯_五、英汉混合28 . 英汉互译(1)洗一些蔬菜_(2)be ready _(3)一位很棒的厨师_(4)cook dinner_(5)寻找_(6)smell nice_(7)帮助我们_(8)how many spots_(9)在花园里_(10)drive away_六、句型转换29 . 句型转换。(1)Shanghai is a big city.(变为一般疑问句)_ a big city?(2)他们将乘飞机去哈尔滨。They _ go to Harbin_ _(3)the,of,map,at,China,look(! ) (连词成句) _(4)我们打算去参观长城。(汉译英)We_ visit the Great Wall.七、匹配题选择正确的答语。AShes my sister. BI have fifteen. CGood idea!DMy new crayon. EI see ten.30 . How many pens do you have?(_)31 . Whos that girl? (_)32 . Whats this?(_)33 . How many dogs do you see?(_)34 . Lets fly a kite!(_)第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、填空题1、2、三、任务型阅读1、四、汉译英1、五、英汉混合1、六、句型转换1、七、匹配题1、

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