外研版(三起) 三年级下册期末模拟测试英语试卷1

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外研版(三起) 三年级下册期末模拟测试英语试卷1_第1页
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外研版(三起) 三年级下册期末模拟测试英语试卷1_第3页
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外研版(三起) 三年级下册期末模拟测试英语试卷1姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . What _this_? ( )-It_ “No smoking”.Ado; mean; meansBdoes; means; meansCdoes; mean; means2 . Im the living room. ( )AinBatCon我能给图或文字配上标题或说明:找出符合图片或文字内容的正确选项。3 . ( )AI like noodles.BI like milk.4 . ( )Aa big elephantBa small bird5 . ( )AWe are soldiers.BWe are policemen.6 . NO.2 ( )AIt is number eight.BIt is number two7 . ( )AThis is a birthday cake.BThis is an apple.8 . ( )AThis is a tree.BThe children are playing.9 . How are you, Jim. ( )_ABye-bye, Lingling.BFine, thank you.10 . He _ making things. ( )AlikeBis likeClikes11 . Are _ in the same class?Ayou, he and I Byou, I and heChe, you and I DI, you and he二、填空题12 . 填空题。1. Where are you?Im in the _ .2. Im in the _.3. What are you doing?Im _ .(洗手)4. Grandma is telling _ a story.(我们)5.填上合适的介词。I often do my homework _ night.6. She is _ word games with her family.7. make 的现在分词是_。8.“飞机模型”用英文怎么说:_三、匹配题13 . 给下列短语选出正确的图片。ABCD1. turn left(_)2. turn right(_)3. in front of(_)4. a taxi driver(_)选择方框里的词补全句子A. visitedB. countryC. hobbyD. wentE. noiseF. learn14 . Australia is a beautiful_. I want to go there for holiday.15 . Swimming is my favourite _. What about you?16 . Dont make _here. The baby is sleeping.17 . I _to the bookshop with my mother last Saturday.18 . We can _a lot from the books.19 . I _my grandparents last weekend.20 . 读对话或句子,选择相应的图片。( )1 . -Look at that dress.-Oh, its so pretty.( )2. Look! I have a nice skirt.( )3. -Look at this scarf. Its 300 yuan.-Its too expensive.( )4. -How much is the umbrella?-Its 15 yuan. Its cheap.( )5. I like these sunglasses. Theyre cheap.ABCDE21 . Read and write .(读一读,选词填空。)Whose hers eating drinking their 1. That is Sarahs picture. The picture is _.2. These are _rabbits, these rabbits are theirs.3. - _ picture is it? -Its Zhang Pengs.4.That elephant is _water.5. Chen Jie is _breakfast in the kitchen.四、看图题22 . 根据图片将合适的词写在横线上。1. Where is the pencil? Its _ pencil case.2. Where is the ball? Its _.3. Where is the book? Its _.4. Where is the ball? Its _.五、字母题23 . 写出下列字母相对应的大写或小写形式.(1)b_(2)G_(3)K_(4)m_(5)j_(6)q_(7)X_(8)t_(9)D_(10)h_(11)I_(12)p_(13)R_(14)V_(15)Y_(16)f_六、连词成句连词成句。(注意字母大小写和标点符号)24 . the, far, is, post, from, office, here (?)_25 . must, careful, we, be, with, fire (.)_26 . we, use, do, water, how(?)_27 . comes, water, the, rain, from (.)_28 . is, the, blowing, gently, wind (.)_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、填空题1、三、匹配题1、2、3、4、四、看图题1、五、字母题1、六、连词成句1、

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