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外研版(一起)四年级上册期末测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Lets _ to school! ( )AgoBto goCgoes2 . Shes _ a party. ( )AofBatCon3 . Put up the _.( )AwindowBlightCpicture4 . We have meals in the _.( )AkitchenBgardenCtoilet5 . He s walking in the park, but it _ to snow. ( )AstartBstartingCstarts6 . Jack _some wood _make a toy plane yesterday. ( )Auses; toBused; toCused; for7 . 根据中文选择单词(_)1.赛跑 A.runB.winC.race(_)2.骄傲的 A.happyB.proudC.match(_)3.另一个 A.othersB.noneC.another(_)4.唯一的,仅仅 A.oneB.onlyC.firs(_)5.没有礼貌的 A.politeB.impoliteC.manner(_)6.音乐家 A.artistB.musicC.musician(_)7.两个都 A.allB.everyC.both(_)8.通过 A.leftB.throughC.across(_)9.跑掉 A.wait forB.run awayC.cry out(_)10.变成现实 A.in dangerB.once againC.come true8 . She _ see _ doctor. ( )Agoes; theBgoes to; /Cgoes to; the9 . 看图、选出相应短语。1. ( )A. watch TVB. play computers2.( )A. have dinnerB. clean the room3.( )A. go to school B. have a picnic4.( )A. do homeworkB. watch a film5.( )A. on the moonB. go swimming6.( )A. in a spaceshipB. on the moon7.( )A. play basketballB. play football8.( )A. singing contestB. writing contest9.( )A. high jumpB. long jump10.( )A. read booksB. tell a story10 . What do you want to _? ( )I want to drink a cola.AdrinkBeatChave11 . We are all _.( )AJapanBAmericaCChinese12 . When is the World Environment Day? ( )Its on _.A10th SeptemberB5th JuneC22nd AprilD1st July13 . What did you do last weekend?I _ TV.AsawBlooked atCwatched14 . _(为什么) do you like spring best? ( )AWhatBWhy15 . Its a _ . ( )Alamp purpleBpurpleCpurple lamp二、单词拼写16 . 根据句意及首字母填写单词:There are only nineteen c_.17 . 根据句意和首字母提示填空。1There are four s_ in a year.2I t_ I can do it well.3I like to eat an ice cream in s_.Because its very hot.4Do you like to skate in w_?5A_ is my favourite season.6W_ do you like spring?单词拼写。18 . dea_亲爱的19 . we_健康的20 . l_e爱你的21 . so_n不久,很快22 . t_ll告诉23 . 根据首字母提示完成单词。1. The teachers and pupils are having a p_.2. Listen!The bell r_.3. Pingping r_ English every morning.4. We are e_ dinner,but the phone rings.5. Im walking in the park,but it starts to s_.24 . Look and write: s_三、任务型阅读阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。Sun: Hello, Im the sun. Im strong. I give light to the earth. Im No.1.Moon: Hello, Im the moon. At night give light to the earth. Im stronger. Im No.1Sun: Your light is from me, isnt it?Cloud: Dont quarrel. When I am over the earth, you cant give light to the earth. So everyone has his strong point. We are one family.Sun Moon: Yes, youre right. We are one family. We should help each other and take care of each other.25 . The sun gives light to the earth at night. (_)26 . The moon gives light to the earth at night. (_)27 . The suns light is not from the earth. (_)28 . When the cloud is over the earth, the sun can give light to the earth, too. (_)29 . They should help each other.What are the children doing? (_)四、连词成句连词成句。30 . is Friday good at sports (.)_31 . do what on you the weekend do (?)_32 . also Im hand-working (.)_33 . do when do morning exercises you (?)_34 . finish at we class oclock 11 (.)_连词成句。35 . will, teacher, our, Ms Wang, Chinese, be, new, _.36 . is, like, she, What_?37 . funny, like, I, teacher_.38 . Who, your, art, is, teacher_?39 . is, tall, She, strict, and_.40 . 连词成句1. you come birthday would like party to my to (?)_2. her is for camera she looking (.)_3. see park we some public in the can signs (.)_4. diary ago was my where moment a (?)_5. please you can pick me them up for (?)_连词成句。41 . often, on, room, clean, They, the, Saturdays_.42 . with, mum, I, shopping, on, weekend, go, my, the_.43 . you, always, Do, for, walk, go, a_?44 . 连词成句【小题1】like, do, apples, you(?)_【小题2】have, lets, pears, some(.)_【小题3】about, bananas, what(?)_【小题4】I, have, an, can, apple, please(?)_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、单词拼写1、2、3、4、5、三、任务型阅读1、四、连词成句1、2、3、4、5、

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