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闽教版六年级下册期末学科素养评价英语试卷(不含听力) 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . You _ throw the rubbish on the floor. ( )AarentBcantCdont2 . There arent _cars near there. ( )AsomeBmuchCany3 . Amy and Samback from China last Sunday. ( )AcomeBcameCwill come4 . There is a picture _ the right of the shelf. ( )AinBonCunder5 . Theres some and on the table. ( )Ahoney; drinkBhoneys; drinksChoneys; drinkDhoney; drinks6 . My dog came out . ( )Ato playBplayingCplay7 . What can you _ on the blackboard? ( )AseeBwatchClook8 . Can you tell me about New York?( )AsomethingBeverythingCanything9 . Will you help me tie the strings _ the kite? ( )Yes, I will.AinBtoCwith10 . He often _ in the evenings. ( )Ago to swimBswimCgoes swimming.二、填空题11 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Im making some_(flower)for my mother.2. Lingling is good at_(swim).3. My mother is a_(teach).4. Where_(be) you from?5. She_(not)live in New York now.三、任务型阅读读对话,判断句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”.The children are talking about their weekend activities.Mike: Hello, Amy! Whats in your bag? Is it a storybook?Amy: No. Its my picture book. I often draw pictures on the weekend.Mike: John, do you often draw pictures on the weekend, too?John: Yes. I often draw pictures and read books at home on the weekend.Mike: What do you often do on the weekend, Chen Jie?Chen Jie: I often clean my room and wash my clothes on the weekend.Mike: What about you, Sarah?Sarah: I often do my homework. Sometimes I watch TV with my sister. What do you do on the weekend, Mike?Mike: I often play football in the park with my friends. Playing football is so much fun! Lets play football this weekend.Amy, John, Chen Jie& Sarah: Good idea!12 . John often reads books at school. (_)13 . Sarah often watches TV with her sister on the weekend. (_)14 . Mike likes playing football. (_)15 . The children are going to play football this weekend. (_)四、汉译英16 . 翻译下列句子。1. 我们学校很大。_2. 同学们在打扫卫生。_3. 我们将会每周进行一次野餐。_4. 我希望我们的学校会越来越好。_5. Joe的爸爸是我们的校长。_五、英汉混合英汉互译。17 . 衬衣_18 . 毛衣_19 . 夹克_20 . 连衣裙_21 . 裤子_22 . coat_23 . sock_24 . hat_25 . skirt_26 . scarf_六、句型转换27 . 句型转换。1. The books are in the bookcase.(改否定句)_2. The baseball is under the bed.(改一般疑问句)_3. The pictures are on the wall.(对划线部分提问)_4. The baseball is in the bag.(变为复数)_5. Are the chairs next to the table?(做否定回答)_6. on , T-shirt, the, his, is, bed(连词成句)_七、听力题28 . 听短文,选择正确的答案,将序号写在( )内. 10(1)Linglings school starts at _.A. 8:00 B. 9:00(2)Lingling gets up at _.A. 7:00 B. 7:30(3)Lingling _ after school. A. plays in the playground B. plays the piano(4)Lingling has got tests on _.A. Tuesdays B. Fridays(5)Lingling often _ at the weekend. A. plays with her friends B. plays with her toys29 . Listen and circle. 听录音,圈出正确的内容。1. turn on turn off2. lose lost3. find found4. give gave5. pull push30 . 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。每小题听两遍。(_) 1.A. shorter B. smaller C. stronger D. tallest(_) 2.A. shop B. sleep C. slept D. sheep(_) 3.A. grass B. glass C. class D. classroom(_) 4.A. cleaned B. climbed C. country D. clock (_) 5.A. shadow B. slept C. strong D. star(_) 6.A. grow taller B. get older C. get lower D. grow older八、书面表达31 . A想要去科技馆,请你根据下面的图示,编写与A的对话。要求句子通顺,书写规范,不少于6句话。_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、填空题1、三、任务型阅读1、四、汉译英1、五、英汉混合1、六、句型转换1、七、听力题1、2、3、八、书面表达1、


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