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2019-2020学年外研版(一起)五年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷(二)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题选出每组中不同类的单词。1 . ApolicewomanBworkerCparentsDreporter2 . AAustraliaBcityCFranceDRussia3 . AheBsheCweDyour4 . AauntBgrandfatherCsingerDuncle5 . AumbrellaBpeachCcoconutDhami melon6 . Would you like _ apple? ( )AaBanC/7 . - Is this your uncle? ( )- _.AYes, she is.BNo, she isnt.CYes, he is.8 . Its late, she _ to go home now. ( )AhaveBhasChaving9 . There a pair of socks on the bed. ( )AareBisCsome二、完形填空完形填空。Dear Li Ming,How are you? I miss you very much.Let me _ you something about us. My brother and I are in _school. We have classes _Monday to Friday._ weekends, we dont have _classes. We _many American friends now. We often play games together _school. They help us with our English. How many lessons do you _week?Please _to me soon.Jean10 . AsayBspeakCtell11 . AdifferentBsameCthe same12 . AfromBonCbetween13 . AAtBOfCBetween14 . AsomeBmanyCany15 . AhavingBhaveChas16 . AbehindBafterCfrom17 . AteachBplayChave18 . AeveryBtheCan19 . AspeakBtellCwrite三、填空题按要求写单词20 . hard(反义词)_21 . love(形容词)_22 . wash(现在分词)_23 . fast(反义词)_24 . cannot(缩写)_25 . 用适当的形式填空1. She has some_(paper).2. Lets_(make) our lunch?3. Tony _(have) some glue.4. I like _(draw) a picture in the park.5. He doesnt _(need) a hang glider.26 . Look, a panda kite is _(fall).27 . There _(are)some small trees here before.28 . Open the book.(改为否定句) _ the book.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断对错China held the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing. The Games began on August 8, 2008. The slogans are one world, one dream. The Olympic Flag is white. There are five rings on it. They are blue, black, red, yellow and green. They stand for all people of the world. They are brothers and sisters. They are one family. They live in one world. They have one dream.29 . China held the 28th Olympic Games in Beijing. (_)30 . The Games began on August 8, 2008. (_)31 . There are five rings on the Olympic Flag. (_)32 . The five rings are black, blue, brown, red, green and yellow. (_)33 . The five rings stand for all people of the world. (_)五、汉译英根据中文提示,补全下面的句子或对话。34 . 春天很暖和,夏天很热。_ is _and _is _.35 . 我会放风筝。I _.36 . 这是谁的足球?它是我的足球。_is this?Its _.37 . 让我们下午去野餐吧。好主意!Lets _a _in the _. _!38 . 我通常在冬天堆雪人。I _in _.六、英汉混合39 . 汉英翻译1. Good morning. _2. Good afternoon. _3. Are you Jane? _4. Whats your name? _5. 请问,你叫什么名字?_6. 你好吗?_七、句型转换40 . It is fat now.(改为一般过去时)It_fat_.41 . 根据要求完成句子。1. What classes do you have on Monday?(根据实际情况回答问题)_2. What do your parents do on Sunday?(主语换成Zhang Peng重组句子)_3. I go to the cinema.(改为否定句)_4. Its Wednesday today.(写出问句)_5. Amy goes to the park on Saturday.(改为一般疑问句)_按要求完成句子。42 . you, your, do, miss, family (?)(连词成句)_43 . There are some Chinatowns in America. (改为一般疑问句)_44 . I can tell you more about Chinatowns. (改为一般疑问句)_45 . I am watering the flowers. (对画线部分提问)_46 . Weplayedfootballlast Sunday.(对划线部分提问)_按要求完成句子。47 . They are in the playground. (对画线部分提问)_ they?48 . Its time for bed. (同义句转换)Its time _ to bed.49 . There are some swings in front of the house. (改为否定句)There _ swings in front of the house.50 . There is some orange juice in the bottle. (改为一般疑问句)_ there _ orange juice in the bottle?八、其他按实际情况回答问题。51 . Do you like the country life or the city life?_52 . What is Guangzhou like?_53 . Are there any pens in your bag?_54 . What can farmers do on the farm?_55 . How many pupils are there in your school?_根据所给提示回答下列问题。56 . WhosyourPEteacher?(WangLan)_57 . IsyourEnglishteacherstrict?(肯定回答)_58 . Whosyourheadteacher?(MrLi)_59 . WhatsyourEnglishteacherlike?(tallandstrong)_60 . WhatsChenJielike?(quiet)_61 . 按实际情况回答问题。1. Whats your favourite season?_2. When is your birthday?_3. Where will you travel on your summer holiday?_4. What do you think of the weather in winter in Guangzhou?_5. How do you usually go to school?_6. Are you going to have a trip next Sunday?_按要求完成下列各题。62 . can/ swim/ Peter/ fast. (.) (连词成句)_63 . you/ jump/ can/ high (?)(连词成句) _64 . I can make cards. (改为否定句)_65 . I can jump far. (对划线部分提问)_66 . My father can play football well. (变一般疑问句) _按实际情况回答问题。67 . Do you want to have coffee or milk? _68 . How is the weather in August in Guangzhou? _69 . What do you usually have for dinner? _70 . What do you think of chocolate? _第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、完形填空1、三、填空题1、2、3、4、5、四、任务型阅读1、五、汉译英1、六、英汉混合1、七、句型转换1、2、3、4、5、八、其他1、2、3、4、5、


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