外研版(一起)英语六年级上册Module 6单元测试卷

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外研版(一起)英语六年级上册Module 6单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . What is John doing? ( ) He is.Aplaying footballBdrawing a treeCwatching TV2 . It is difficult _me to use chopsticks. ( )AforBtoCof3 . - _ bird is this? ( )- Its Mr. Lis.AWhosesBWhoseCWhatDeat4 . What do you _ on Mondays? I often play football.AhaveBdoCeat5 . ( ) (2)Lucys mother says she can have a trip _ her birthday .AinBatCon二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。I am Peter. I am 12 years old. I live in a tall building. It has twenty-eight floors. I live on the twenty- first floor. I am from China. I have small eyes. My favourite food is chicken. My favourite animal is dog, because it is lovely. My best friend is Ted. We often play together. But his house is very far from my house. He likes playing computer games. My hobby is playing football. I have got a football. I often play football with my classmates, because they like playing football, too. We often win. Why do I like playing football? Because it does a lot of good for my body. Do you like playing football?6 . Peter lives in _.( )Aa tall buildingBa big houseCa small house7 . Peter lives on the _floor. ( )Atwenty-oneBtwenty-firstCtwenty8 . Teds house is very far_ Peters house. ( )AwithBformCfrom9 . _is Peters hobby. ( )APlaying computer gamesBPlaying footballCPlaying basketball10 . Peter often plays football with_. ( )Ahis fatherBhis motherChis classmates11 . Playing football does a lot of _for Peters body. ( )AgoodBbadCcool三、填空题12 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。help family scary lot are1. Many _ like to eat n restaurants.2 There _ some beautiful trees before.3. We can see _ of birds in the sky.4 The little girl is very _ .5. Dont _ other people. Its bad.13 . 用所给词的适当形式填空:She has _ (get) some Chinese chopsticks.四、改错14 . 改错:I havent getabookabout the US.(_)_A B C D五、匹配题15 . 选择恰当的译文。(_) 1. Look at the name.A艾丽斯, 你喜欢音乐吗?(_) 2. Its wonderful.B那是你的钢琴吗?(_) 3. Whose violin is it?C(音乐) 是绝妙的。(_) 4. Do you like music, Alice?D看一看那名字。(_) 5. Is that your piano?E它是谁的小提琴?给下列单词选择相应的汉语。A她B司机C农民D母亲E姐妹F警察G祖母,外祖母H.医生I.护士J.祖父,外祖父16 . mother(_)17 . grandma(_)18 . she(_)19 . sister(_)20 . grandpa(_)21 . doctor(_)22 . driver(_)23 . nurse(_)24 . farmer(_)25 . policeman(_)六、书面表达26 . 写作。描写你的周末生活,注意用一般现在时。第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、2、四、改错1、五、匹配题1、2、六、书面表达1、

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