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2019-2020学年八年级第一学期(牛津译林版)期末模拟测试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Is the library _ now? No, it usually _ at 9 a.m.Aopens; opensBopen; openCopen; opensDopens; open2 . What do you think of this movie?Its _ more interesting than that one.AmuchBtooCveryDquite3 . Please look around. What can you see your right?AinBonCatDfor4 . My mother _ surfs the Internet. She likes watching TV.Adoesnt hardly everBhardly everCisnt hardly everDhardly never5 . My best friend Alex failed in the maths competition. Id like to _.Adress him upBcheer up himCcheer him upDdress up him6 . April ismonth of the year in Thailand.AhotBhotterChottestDthe hottest7 . Dont time on TV.Ato spend too muchBspend too muchCspend too manyDto spend too many8 . -I hope we can have _ homework to do at weekends.-Thats what I think. Then we can have _ free time for my hobbies.Afewer, lessBless, moreCmore, fewerDfewer, more9 . Not only _ but also _ is delicious.Abiscuits; cakeBbiscuits; cookieCcake; cookiesDcookies; biscuit10 . He is angry _ his son. I dont know what he is angry _ .Awith; aboutBwith; withCabout; aboutDabout; with11 . -Do you think Brazil will beat(打败) Japan in the next match?-Yes, they have better players, so I _ them to win.AhopeBexpectCguessDplan12 . Clean-Up Day is coming. How to let more people know it?We could _ advertisements after school.Acall upBput offChand outDthink up13 . The policeman asked him _.Akeep the car slowlyBkeep the car slowCto keep the car slowlyDto keep the car slow14 . They are talking about the popular songs. Lets join them. _.ANo, I dont want toBGood ideaCMy pleasureDThank you15 . (2017黑龙江龙东) My cousin isheavy because he often eats fast food.Amuch too;too manyBtoo much;too muchCmuch too;too much16 . _, please?I think its about 5:30.AWhat day is itBWhats the timeCWhats the watchDWheres your watch17 . Do youthe Number 5 bus to work every day?Yes, I do.AgetBhaveCtake18 . Howabout _ ourownpizza?Thatsabrilliantidea.AmakeBmakingCmakes19 . -Would you like some drink? -_.AHere you areBYes, just a littleCPlease give me some20 . Little Tommy knows so much. Yes. He isenough to take part in Whos Still Standing on Jiangsu TV.AsmartBgenerousChandsomeDgrateful二、完型填空Years ago a farmer owned land along the coast. He always needed workers to help him, but most people did not want to work on farms near the sea. They were _ of the terrible storms that may destroy buildings and crops.Finally, a short man came to the farmer. “Are you a good worker?” the farmer asked him. “Well, I can sleep when the wind blows,” answered the little man. Although surprised by this answer, the farmer, who really needed _, gave him the job. The little man _ well around the farm, busy from day to night, and the farmer felt _ with his work.Then one night the wind blew loudly in from the sea. Jumping out of bed, the farmer _ next door to the short mans room. The farmer shouted “Get up! A _ is coming! Tie things well before they are blown away!” the little man lay in bed _ and said, “No sir, I told you, I can sleep when the wind blows.”Hearing the words, the farmer got angry but he had to hurry outside to _ the storm. To his surprise, he found that everything was tied down and nothing could be blown away. The farmer then _ what the short man meant, so he returned to his bed to sleep while the wind blew.When youre prepared, you have nothing to fear. Can you _ when the wind blows through your life?21 . AafraidBsureCcarefulDfond22 . AmoneyBexperienceChelpDrest23 . AstayedBworkedCmovedDslept24 . AworriedBangryCstressedDpleased25 . ArushedBmovedCleftDreturned26 . AmanBstormCchangeDboat27 . AlazilyBcrazilyCangrilyDreasonably28 . Await forBcall forClook forDprepare for29 . ArememberedBunderstoodCheardDwondered30 . AworkBstandCsleepDlive三、阅读单选(题文)Dear Micheal,Hows your vacation? Im visiting my uncle in Spain. He lives in the sunny and beautiful city of Valencia in Spain. Yesterday, I had great fun. My uncle took me to the tomato festival in Bunol, which is just 30 miles away from where my uncle lives. You have probably never heard of this festival before. Neither had I. The tomato festival is called La Tomatina in Spanish. It was the biggest and messiest tomato fight in the world. When we first got to the square where the festival took place, it was very crowded with people from all around the world, and many trucks were carrying tomatoes. My uncle told me the crowded people here were around 38,000 and this was more than four times the population of Bunol. The tomato fight started as soon as the first banger was beaten. Then everyone including me started throwing tomatoes at each other. I took red tomatoes and threw them at anyone that ran, moved, bent down, or turned around. Tomatoes must be squashed before people threw them in order not to hurt anybody. After a little while, the streets, people and nearby buildings were splashed with red. There was no winner in this fight, but we all had fun. As soon as a second banger was beaten, people stopped throwing. I really had a great time, I wish you were here, too. I hope I hear from you soon. Take care. With love,From SpainLinda31 . (小题1)From the letter, we can know _.ALinda lives in ValenciaBLinda doesnt want to go to SpainCLinda is visiting her uncle in SpainDLinda is studying in Spain32 . (小题2)According to the letter, which statement of the following is NOT true?ABunol is 30 miles away from where Lindas uncle lives.BLinda had heard of this festival before.CIt was the first time Linda went to this festival.DLindas uncle took her to the tomato festival in Bunol.33 . (小题3)The population of Bunol is _.Aaround 38,000.Bmore than 38,000.Cmore than 152,000Dabout 9,300.34 . (小题4)What happened when the second banger was beaten?AThe fight started.BThe fight stopped.CThe fight got bigger and bigger.DThe fight continued again.35 . (小题5)What is the main idea of this letter?ALa Tomatina is a fun and popular festival in Spain.BLa Tomatina is a day for eating tomatoes.CMicheal has a great vacation.DLinda enjoyed the beautiful city of Valencia.Here is an experiment (实验) to see how ants can organize some clever teamwork.Whats going on?You can see one of the best examples of insect teamwork by watching ants. If one ant finds food, it leads others there to eat it too. They follow each other by making long trails(踪迹). The ants go back and forth collecting food, to take back to their nest(穴). When you move the fruit, the ants will still find it. But, instead of making a new direct route to the food, they will follow each other through their old trail route.36 . If the fruit is moved to a new position, the ants will _.Afail to find itBgive up looking for itCmake a new direct route to itDget to it through the old trail route37 . Which is the correct order to do this experiment?a. Move the fruit to a new position. b. Find an ant. c. Check the fruit an hour later. d. Put a thin slice of fruit in front of the ant.Aa-b-c-dBb-d-c-aCd-b-c-aDc-a-d-b38 . What can we learn from this experiment?AThe experiment is done successfully in the lab.BAnts do the experiment to show their team spirit.CCareful watching does little help in this experiment.DWe can find out some facts by doing small experiments.四、填写适当的单词补全句子39 . Three(孩子) are having lunch.40 . My father doesnt like my job because its too _(危险).41 . How many _ (图书馆) are there in your school?42 . Mr Wang (教) us science.43 . The(开始)of the story is kind of scary.44 . Please write and tell me about _. (你自己)45 . I want to be a singer because it is a (放松的) job.46 . The shop is (开着的) from 8:00am to 9:00pm.47 . My pen pal is.(法国人)48 . The supermarket is(后面)the post office.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空49 . Teachers Day is on _(9月) 10th.50 . Her _ (脚) are so big.51 . Our new teacher is quite _ (严格的)with us.52 . Its very _(吵闹的) in the square.53 . Tom likes the _(第二) picture.54 . Peter liked _(哭) when he was young.55 . He _(成为) a maths teacher when he was twentythree.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意和汉语注释,写出英语单词的正确形式。56 . How can you _ go to college without hard work? (success)57 . It is _ that the girl in her twenties planned to marry a man in his sixties. (surprise)58 . _ too much about your child may cause mental illness. (worry)59 . I am afraid that we need a _ discussion on whether to use TOTO for the bathrooms. (far)七、汉译英:整句II. 根据汉语意思翻译句子。60 . 他说我穿这条裙子看起来像个小姑娘。_61 . 这个飞机模型是用木头做的。_62 . 通过这次旅行,我们学到了很多不同文化。_63 . 不久整个世界便出现在我们面前。_64 . 我们用了大约一个小时乘公交车到了世界公园。_65 . 你可以在我的主页上看到我拍的照片。_八、话题作文66 . B某杂志社举办“我愉快的夏令营”征文活动,请你写一篇短文参加这次活动。短文内容如下:去年夏天,你和父母去了海边,玩沙子、游泳,中午吃海鲜;下午放风筝;晚上回去,很累,但很高兴。要求:词数:60词左右。可以适当发挥,不能按原文翻译。有可能用到的词:海滨:seaside 玩沙子:play with sand 海鲜:seafood友好:friendly有益的:helpful:_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、填写适当的单词补全句子1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、话题作文1、

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