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人教版2019-2020学年七年级12月月考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Yesterday for dinner I had a piece of beef, vegetables and_.Asome riceBa few riceCa little ricesDa rice2 . Excuse me ! Is there _ restaurant near here ?Yes, there is _ behind the hospital.Aa, theBthe, aCa, oneDone , a3 . The girl Mary, and telephone number is 3624385.Aam, herBis, hisCis, herDam, his4 . I have some problems with my health. Can you give me some _?AadviceBmessagesCsuggestionDinformation5 . Look! is my green and blue sports bag and I like very much. AThis; it B. It; this C. It; that D. This; that6 . Alice!Are MaryLinda your good friends?Yes,theyre not in my class.Abut;andBand;butCand;and7 . _ are you going to be an actor?Im going to take acting lessons.AWhatBWhyCHowDWhen8 . (题文)Can you help me to _ my dog when I leave for HongKong?Alook afterBlook forClook atDlook through9 . What do you your hometown?Its an old village. I love it very much.Alook atBtalk aboutCthink ofDthink over10 . No one can live _ water. So we shouldnt waste it.AwithBwithoutCbesidesDexcept11 . There _ some milk and two eggs on the table.AisBareChas12 . The girls father often encourages her more sports.AdoBdoesCdoingDto do13 . Dont go _ today. There are too many people in the swimming pool.(游泳池)AshoppingBclimbingCswimmingDwalking14 . does your grandpa do exercise?Every day.AHow soonBHow longCHow often15 . To our _,Spud Webb won the Slam Dunk Contest!All the people wore a_look!Asurprise;surprisingBamaze;surprisingCsurprise;surprisedDamazed;surprised二、完型填空Each of us fails from time to time. If we are wise, having enough experience and knowledge, we regard these failures as a necessary and_part of the learning process. But often as parents and teachers, we dont _ this right to our children.Donnie was a third-grader. His_about failure kept him from classroom games that other children enjoyed. He didnt often answer my questions he was afraid of_mistakes. I tried my best to build his self-confidence. But nothing changed_ midterm, when Mary, a new teacher, came.She was young and pretty, and she was loved by every student, _Donnie. It was her who made a big difference to Donnie later.One morning, we were working on math problems on the blackboard, Donnie had copied the problems clearly and_, But hed missed the fourth problem and began to cry with his head in his arms. I didnt know what to do. Suddenly, a smile _on Marys face from her desk she got a box _pencils. Look, Donnie, she said gently, kneeling(蹲在) beside him. “Ive got something to _ you. She removed the pencils, one at a time, and placed them on his desk. See these pencils,Donnie,”she continued, They_Mrs Landon and me. See how the erasers(橡皮) are worn?, Thats because we make mistakes too. But we erase the mistakes and try again. Thats what you _learn to do, too. She kissed him and stood up. Here. she said, Ill leave one of these pencils on_desk,so you ll remember that everybody makes mistakes, even teachers. Donnie looked up with_in his eyes and a smile.The pencil became Donnies prize. That, together with Marys encouragement, gradually made him understand _the meaning of making mistakes is its all right to make mistakes, as long as you erase them and try again.16 . AsimilarBactiveCimportantDinteresting17 . AwriteBpassCsendDgive18 . AdoubtBworriesChopesDhappiness19 . AmakeBmadeCmakingDto make20 . AsinceBafterCuntilDwhen21 . AincludingBincludeCwithoutDwith22 . AsimplyBcarefullyCcarelesslyDhurried23 . AappearedBretellCdisappearedDrefused24 . Amade ofBcovered withCfull ofDwritten by25 . AshowBinterestCpassDfind26 . Acome toBlisten toCbelong toDgo to27 . AmightBmustCcouldDmay28 . AitsBhisCherDyour29 . AhateBloveCfearDtrouble30 . AhowBwhyCwhatDthat三、阅读单选Lovely dog aged 5. Im moving and cant take him with me. Very good with children. Id like to give it away to a good home.Tel: 8631986WantedWelcome to HILO Store! Take any old pair of shoes to us between now and 30 Sep. And you pay ten dollars less for a new pair of HILO shoes. Your old shoes will go to a Third World country.Address: Stone Street Tel: 245591 245683Womens dress, size 12, silk, not worn, $150. Also three dresses for girls between 5 and 9, $50 each, $ 120 the three.More information call Laura at 5679832.31 . You neednt pay if you want to get _.Aa pair of shoesBa womens dressCa girls dressDa lovely dog32 . How much does Mrs. Evans have to pay if she wants to buy two dresses, one for herself and the other for her 7-year-old daughter?A$170.B$190.C$200.D$270.33 . You can probably read this in _.Aa school letterBa local newspaperCa club noticeDa students bookLive musicCome and enjoy the songs by Qi Qin, one of the most famous singers in the past 20 yearsPlace: The Stadium Date: June 26thPrice: ¥588-1288 Time: 7:00 pm Tel: 6935094Spanish DancingSpanish Dancing is fun and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance from SpainPlace: John BlacksDate: June I5th-July 14thPrice: ¥500 Time:7309:30 pm Tel:271399J&M Music StoreRock, pop and country musicBuy CDs, new or usedListen before youGuitar lessons offeredCountry MusicEnjoy true American country musicPlace: Rainbow music Club Date: July 2ndPrice:¥300 Time:7:30-11:00 pmTel:811560834 . If you want to enjoy country music, you should call _.A8115608B3102768C2711399D693509435 . You can enjoy Qi Qins music at _.AWanda PlazaBJohn BlacksCThe stadiumDRainbow Music Club36 . If you want to learn Spanish dancing with one of your friends. how much do you and your friend need to pay?A¥500B¥1,000C¥600D¥58837 . You can _ at J&M Music Store.Atake guitar lessonsBborrow new or used CDsClearn pop music historyDbuy all kinds of music books38 . Its June 28th today, you can enjoy _.ALive MusicBSpanish DancingCTitanic(3D)DCountry MusicAlice Hou, started Girls in STEM club(俱乐部) in America, tries to help more girls interested in science, technology, engineering and math.Do you know Girls in STEM? Its a club for girls. They can learn science here. Alice Hou, a 16-year-old girl from the US, set up(创立)the club.Alice loves science, and now she learns computer science at the University of North Texas. She is also good at Chinese dance, and she won the title of Miss Arlingtons Outstanding Teen(阿灵顿杰出少年).When Im dancing on the stage, I just feel relaxed, Alice said. But I feel worried(担心的)when I have my science lesson. There are 100 students in my class, but only 11 are girls. To help more girls to be interested in science, Alice set up STEM. Now, a lot of girls are in the club. They often come to the club after school. In the club, they can learn science by playing interesting games. They can also talk about the school subjects with their friends.People in the US like this club. Now many schools have the same clubs. They want more girls to love science.39 . What do we know about Girls in STEM?AIts a school in the US.BGirls learn to dance there.CA girl set it up.DIts a club for boys.40 . Alice set up Girls in STEM to_.Amake moneyBmake more friendsClearn to danceDhelp girls learn science.41 . What can girls do in STEM?ALearn science by playing games.BSing and dance after classCTalk about interesting games.DRelax themselves by dancing42 . What do people in the US think of Girls in STEM?ADifficultBBoringCGreatDRelaxing(题文)Scene 1On a wild mountain, two goats met on a rock just over a high cliff (峭壁). The rock was so narrow that there was neither room for them to pass each other nor to turn round and go back.One of them with great care laid himself down on the narrow rock, pressing as close to the rock as he could. Then the other goat gently and softly stepped over his friend, till, safely past him, he could lightly get away.The goat that had lain down then drew himself up, safe and free to leap again from rock to rock, and eat the sweet grass on the hills.Scene 2Two other goats met on the banks of a wild, rushing stream. They found there was a tree across the stream. It formed a bridge from one side to the other.They stood for a moment with one foot on the tree, each thinking that the other would draw back. But neither of them would give away, and they met at last on the middle of the narrow bridge!They then began to push and fight with their horns (犄角), till at last their feet slipped, and both the goats fell into the stream, and were lost in the waters!Both might have been saved if either of them had known how to give way to another at the right time.43 . (小题1)How did the two goats in Scene 1 manage to get away from the rock?AOne goat turned around and went back.BOne goat jumped over the other and walked away.CThey stood there and passed the rock carefully together.DOne goat lay down on the rock so that the other could first leave.44 . (小题2)Which of the following shows the right order in Scene 2?a. Their feet slipped and fell into the stream.b. They met on the bank of a rushing stream.c. A tree fell across a stream and formed a bridge.d. They pushed and fought with their horns.e. They met on the middle of the narrow bridge.Ab-c-e-a-dBb-c-e-d-aCc-b-e-d-aDc-e-b-d-a45 . (小题3)What can we learn from the passage?AMany hands make light work.BActions speak louder than words.CDont put all your eggs in one basket.DBeing kind to someone is never a waste.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空词汇46 . Why cant you work _(和平)with each other?47 . How many_(奖牌)do you think he can win at the next Olympic Games?48 . Her hard work made a name for herself as one of the best_(演员).49 . The sports meet has been_(取消)because of the bad weather.50 . She loved dancing and her dream was to become one of the successful ballet _(dance).51 . Our English teacher often _(鼓励) us to learn English well.52 . Jim is afraid of _(面对) his father because of his mistakes.53 . Yang Liping is a very famous _(舞蹈者) in our country.54 . Drivers should _(停车) their cars in the right place, or they will be fined.55 . The old man passed away _(和平地) in his sleep yesterday.56 . The superstars _ (die) is a great loss to the film industry.57 . She looks like her sister so much that she is often_ (误认为) for her sister.58 . The teacher _(carry) a book is our Maths teacher.59 . His grandfather died _(peace) on May 3, 2004.60 . Im sorry I _ (误以为) you for your brother just now.61 . The _ (finally) decision will be made by my father.62 . I watched a boring _ (west) yesterday afternoon.63 . Zhou Xun is one of the most popular_(女演员)in China.64 . Do you know when Zhang Ziyi entered the film _(产业).五、语法填空根据短文内容及首字母提示写出所缺单词,并将完整单词写在下面对应题号后的横线上。April Fools Day is on April 1st. People can play j65 . on others on this special d66 . If you succeed, you usually laugh and say, “April Fool” The person who has been fooled by you l67 . , too, and he will never be angry with you.Mothers Day is on the second Sunday of May. Its a day to t68 . mothers. On that day mothers usually receive flowers and cards from their children. Fathers and children do the housework so that mothers can have ar69 . .Easter Day falls on the first Sunday after the full moon which on or after March 21st. It is called Easter Sunday. It is said that on that day Jesus Christ comes back to l70 . . Many people go to church and children often get p71 . such as toy rabbits.Thanks-giving Day is on the fourth Thursday in November. Its a day when people give thanks for the good things in life. Usually families all get t72 . and have a big dinner.Christmas Day comes on D73 . 25th. Its the most important festival in a year. The beautiful things can be s74 . everywhere. People exchange gifts, send Christmas cards and visit friends.六、信息归纳Canada is a big country with a large area, but it has a small population. It lies in North America with ocean around it in three directions except in the south, where the United States is. The Great Lakes are between Canada and the United States. There are many lakes and islands in the coastal areas. Canadians care about the environment very much. The government and the people in Canada try their best to protect the environment. So in Canada, the air is fresh, the water is clean, and the sky is blue. Many tourists like to travel in Canada and live for some time to relax themselves.The climate in Canada is different from area to area. It is wet in the west and east, but cold in the north and south. Canada is rich in natural resources, such as forests, fresh water, coal, oil, and so on. Farmland mainly lies in the south where farmers grow lots of corns and wheats. There are many big farms there. The farmers work hard so that the people in Canada can get enough good food for their daily life. Industry in this country is well developed and the transportation is very convenient. Living surroundings in Canada are the best in the world. Canadians enjoy themselves and live a happy life.根据短文内容,完成下面的表格。Where are many lakes and islands?75 . The climate in the west and eastIt is wet.The climate in the north and south76 . Natural resources in Canada77 . , fresh water, coal, oil, etc.Where does the farmland mainly lie?78 . Which thing in Canada is the best in the world?79 . 七、汉译英:整句五.翻译句子(每小题2分,共10分)80 . 你太胖了,我建议你多运动。81 . 去年我儿子对弹钢琴很着迷。82 . 孩子们应该上学而不是为家里赚钱。83 . 没有你的帮助我完成这项工作是不可能的。84 . 不仅这些学生而且他们的数学老师都喜欢观看电视中的足球赛。八、材料作文85 . 假如你是Mark,请根据下面的表格信息,介绍一下你家庭成员的情况。namenowusuallylast SundayIplay the pianodo homeworktake a walkfathersit on the chairwatch TVrun in the parkmotherlisten to musicclean the housego shoppingbrotherwrite a letterplay games fly a kite注意:1)文中不可出现真实的学校和姓名;2)可根据要点适当发挥;3)词数在80词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。Now its Sunday morning. I_第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、语法填空1、六、信息归纳1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、

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