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译林牛津版九年级中考英语模拟考试试卷D卷一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分) (2018九下绵阳月考) Its too hot. Would you mind _ the window? Certainly not. Please do it now.A . to closeB . openingC . to openD . closing2. (2分) (2017常州竞赛) Lin Tao is good at all the subjects at school, _ English. A . reallyB . mostlyC . especiallyD . exactly3. (2分) (2017七下深圳期中) My parents are patient_us,but they are too strict_our studies. A . to; aboutB . with; aboutC . with; with4. (2分) Illness usually _ our feelings.Yes. I cough and feel very upset today.A . makesB . sendsC . affectsD . carries5. (2分) Can you tell me some countries a long history? Of course. There are a lot of countries, China, India and so on.A . have; for exampleB . has; such asC . with; for exampleD . with; such as6. (2分) (2016九上广州开学考) This is my beautiful school_is near the famous library. A . whereB . whichC . whoD . when7. (2分) I dont think you can finish the work in such a short time, _?A . cant youB . can youC . do ID . dont I8. (2分) (2018九上朝阳期末) My classmates _ as voluteers in the Science Museum last weekend. A . workB . workedC . will workD . are working9. (2分) Waste paper must be good use.A . putB . put toC . to putD . puts10. (2分) (2019葫芦岛) Every evening my father _ newspapers while my mother watches TV. A . puts upB . looks forC . gives awayD . looks through11. (2分) My mother _me _TV after I finished my homework.A . allow; to watchB . allow; watchingC . allowed; to watchD . allowed; watching12. (2分) (2017七下芜湖期中) - I spent all my pocket money _ this pencil case.- Really? The price is too _.A . in, expensiveB . in, muchC . on, highD . on, expensive13. (2分) (2018九上惠城期末) She isnt at the cinema now because she _ the library. A . has been toB . have gone toC . has gone toD . have been to14. (2分) Ice-cream is not good for us, but it tastes _.A . wellB . goodC . bad15. (2分) (2017九上安庆期末) _ of us felt very tired but quite happy after _ sports meeting.A . Everyone, a two daysB . Every one, the two daysC . Every one, the two-dayD . None, a two-day16. (2分) My mother separated the cake _ six pieces.A . withB . fromC . intoD . onto17. (2分) (2016七上临沭期末) The boy is only _. Today is his _birthday. A . five; fiveB . five; fifthC . fifth; fiveD . fifth; fifth18. (2分) (2017九上秦皇岛期中) He would rather at home go to the park with John. A . stay, thanB . to stay, toC . staying ,thanD . stayed, than19. (2分) That famous doctor started work at age of 16 A . aB . anC . theD . 不填20. (2分) There are many _ shops in this street. I want a pair of _ shoes.A . shoe, sportB . shoes, sportC . shoe, sportsD . shoes, sports二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) Today we 1only three lessons in the morning. The first lesson is math. It 2at eight oclock and finishes at 3to nine. It is in Room 101. But I dont like math. Then the second lesson is my favorite 4music. It starts at nine oclock. The 5lesson in the morning is PE. It starts at ten 6ten and finishes at five to eleven. We have our lunch at eleven thirty 7the second floor of dining hall. We have two lessons 8lunch. Art starts at two and at three oclock we have a9 lesson. We can learn a lot of knowledge about China. At about four in the afternoon 10is over.(1)A . have B . has C . having D . to have (2)A . start B . starts C . is start D . starting (3)A . fiveteen B . a quarter C . quarter D . quarters (4)A . subjects B . a subject C . subject D . song (5)A . last B . first C . one D . a (6)A . by B . from C . in D . past (7)A . in B . at C . on D . for (8)A . after B . before C . at D . for (9)A . math B . Chinese C . art D . music (10)A . classes B . a school C . class D . schools 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)22. (8分) He was a single father, raising a 5-year-old boy alone. He worried about his son growing up without a mother to care for him.One day he went away on business, leaving the child alone. He was worried about the child all the way, not knowing if he had eaten. But his child always told him not to worry. He went home quickly after finishing his work.When he got home, the child was deep asleep. He was tired out. When he was about to sleep himself, he was surprised to find an overturned bowl of noodles under the quilt. He spanked his sleeping son angrily:Why are you so naughty, making the quilt dirty? Who will wash it? It was the first time that he had hit his boy after his wifes death.I havent, the boy explained with tears in his eyes. This is your supper, Daddy. In order to let his father eat dinner as soon as he got home, the boy cooked two bowls of noodles: one for himself, the other one for his father. He was afraid his fathers noodles would get cold, so he placed them under the quilt to keep them hot.Hearing this, the father hugged his boy tightly without saying a word.(1) According to the passage we know the boy only had _.A . a grandfatherB . a motherC . a fatherD . a grandmother(2) The single father was always worried about _.A . his workB . his moneyC . his sonD . his quilt(3) When the father got home , _A . His son wasnt at home.B . He was tired outC . His son was doing his homeworkD . He was very happy.(4) When the father knew the truth, _.A . He hit his sonB . He was very upset.C . He hugged his son tightly.D . He went outside.23. (10分) 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。(A)Mary is an English girl, but she lives in Paris. She is six years old. Her mother says to her, You are six now, Mary, and you are going to the school here. Im sure youll like it very much. Its a nice school.Is it an English school? Mary asks.Yes, it is. her mother says.It is September and the new school year begins. Mary goes to school every day. She likes her lessons very much and works hard at them. Her mother always takes her to school in the morning and brings her home in the afternoon.Now, it is afternoon and school is over. Marys mother goes to the school and Mary runs over to her.We have a new classmate in our class today, Mum. Mary says. She is also six and shes very nice, but she isnt English. She is German. Does she speak English? Mary mother asks. No, she laughs in English. Mary says to her mother.(1) There are people in the story.A . oneB . twoC . three(2) Mary and the German girl are in .A . an English schoolB . a German schoolC . a Chinese school(3) The German girl can speak .A . EnglishB . GermanC . English and German(4) always takes Mary to school.A . Her motherB . Her fatherC . Her sister(5) Which of the following sentences is wrong?A . The German girl lives in Paris.B . The German girl is older than Mary.C . Mary can speak English.24. (8分) (2018九上深圳期中) 阅读理解 Recently, Donald Trump has been chosen to be the Person of the Year by Time. But who is the Person of the Year in your heart? Katrina, 13, EnglandIn my eyes, the Person of the Year must be British actor Alan Rickman. I love him because of his beautiful voice in the movie Alice in Wonderland. The most successful character he has made is Severus Snape in the Harry Potter movies, who loves Lily till the last second of his life. In 2016, he died at the age of 69. The author of Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling said he was a perfect actor and a wonderful man. Henry, 13, PortugalThe Person of the Year must be Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres. He was the former premier of Portugal (葡萄牙总理). And now he is the new Secretary-General (秘书长) of the United Nations. Before him, eight persons have taken this job. In my opinion, the UN Secretary General always plays an important role in developing international relationships. I think that he is worth offering the job and will make something great to the world.Zhang Xiaoning, 15, ChinaI think Guo Chuan, the famous Chinese sailor, can be Person of the Year. Guo broke many world records with his sailing boat. He often sailed around the world alone. He had strong spirit. Whatever difficulties he met, he never gave up. He went missing at sea earlier this year. But he still lives on in my heart. Michael, 12, FranceThe person I want to choose would be Teresa May, the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Since the UK left the European Union, many people thought that the UK would be in a mess. However, May made an effort to save the UK. She has done a good job. It is said that she has dealt with the chaos (混乱) of the English political parties (政党). She has also solved a lot of problems and showed her abilities to the world. She has been praised as the second Margaret Thatcher (撒切尔) for her hard work.(1) Who is Alan Rickman? A . The former premier of Portugal.B . A wonderful British actor.C . A famous Chinese sailor.D . Prime Minister of the UK.(2) Why does Zhang Xiaoning regard Guo Chuan as the Person of the Year? A . Because he went missing at sea earlier this year.B . Because he had a strong body and he could sail a long way.C . Because he broke many world records in sailing and he had strong spirit.D . Because he played an important role in developing international relationships.(3) According to the passage, which of the following is RIGHT? A . Guo Chuan often sailed around the world with his friends.B . J. K. Rowling is the author of Harry Potter and a perfect British actor. C . Antonio Manuel is the eighth person of the Secretary-General of the UN.D . Teresa May succeeds in dealing with problems of the English political parties.(4) Which one might be the best title of this passage? A . Famous Leaders in the World.B . The People of the Year in Teens Heart.C . The Second Margaret Thatcher.D . Trump Becomes the Person of the Year.25. (10分) Victoria Middle School Report Student: Jenny BrownMathBgood work all yearChinese:Adoes well this yearEnglish:A+very interested in it and does a very good jobScience:CA little weak in this subjectComputer:Dnot really interested and needs to improveSports:Acaptain of girls soccer team, and also on the basketball teamTotal GradeBDate:1/4/10 Signed: Ms Ding(1) Whose school report is it?A . VictoriasB . Ms YangsC . Jenny BrownsD . We dont know(2) Which subject of the following was Jenny best at?A . MathB . ChineseC . ScienceD . English.(3) How did Jenny do in sports?A . WellB . So-soC . Very badly.D . Badly.(4) From the report, we can know that Jenny.A . is good at computerB . does well in ChineseC . like science better than mathD . is the captain of the basketball team(5) Which of the following is TRUE?A . Jenny is very interested in English.B . Jenny is the best student in her class.C . Jenny doesnt do well in math at all.D . Jenny does well in all the subjects.四、 填写适当的句子补全对话 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分) (2019八上宁县期末) 补全对话 A: Hi, Mark. Long time no see. Where are you going?B: To the gym (健身房).A: How often do you exercise?B: _a week, on Friday and Sunday.A: .What makes you start exercising? B: You know, Im too _. I need to lose weights. (减肥)A: That sounds good. I want to exercise too. But I am so _that I hardly have free time.B: Dont forget that_comes first. Without it, you can do nothing at all.A: I certainly know its _. But do you know my job? I do lots of_work every day. I have to sit in front of the computer and use the Internet all day long.B: Well, _youre busy, you should exercise more often.A: Err.When I get back home, I am tired enough. I dont think I can do_but rest.B: So, how often do you exercise?A: _. I really dont have any time.B: Oh, I have to say, when youre old, many illnesses will come to you. Those are the _of not exercising.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分) (2016七上大石桥期末) 任务型阅读There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. For all my friends, every season is good.Wang Dong likes flying kites and climbing hills. She says when spring comes, the days are getting warmer and longer. And everything begins to grow. The wind is not very strong. Its the best time to fly kites. And when you climb the hills, you can enjoy yourself. So she often says spring is her favourite season.Swimming is my favourite sport,”says Anne. “When summer comes, I often go swimming in the rivers or lakes with my friends. You can enjoy yourself in the water.And you can swim like a fish there.“I often go climbing hills with my father during the long vacation of the National Day, ”says Liu An. “My father often tells me that I can see lots of beautiful things if I stand on the top of a hill. ”So he likes autumn best of all.Bob says he likes winter very much. He says, “Im very happy when I am playing with snow.”He is making a snowman now.(1) How many seasons are there in a year?_(2) What is Wang Dongs favourite season?_(3) What season does Liu An like best?_(4) Why does Bob like winter very much?_(5) 把画线句子译成汉语。_六、 选择合适的句子补全对话 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分) 从方框里选择正确的答案填入对话中。A. All right B. Thats a good idea C. How do you know it?D. Yes, Ive got a map E. What do you know about it?F. Yes, thats right G. what kind of animal shall we see there?John: We have to meet the others at 7:30 at the reserve, dont we?Mary: _.John: Do you know how to get there?Mary: _. It will take us about two hours to get there by bus.John: _.Mary: Its an area that protects lots of different animals.John: _.Mary: Im not really sure. I know there are many different kinds of birds there and Im going to take my camera with me.John: _.七、 补全短文 (共1题;共10分)29. (10分) 语法填空 Long long ago, there was a small village in the Middle East. In the village there was_old man called Sthira. He lived by himself. His only son had gone far away to study. Sthiras friends_(wonder) whether his son would return,_Sthira always said, Whatever happens, happens for good.One day the old mans son returned and the villagers were very happy for Sthira. He thanked the villagers and said_(polite),Whatever happens, happens for good. However, later, Sthiras son broke his_(leg). Once again the villagers came to visit him and once again the old man thanked_(they) and said, Whatever happens, happens for good. Some of the villagers were surprised_(hear) this. Why? What was good? His sons leg got badly hurt!After a few days, the army came to the village and forced all the young men to_the army. When they found his son had a_(break) leg, they left him behind. Once again, all the villagers came to congratulate him on his_(good) luck. Like always, the old man was still thankful to them and said, Whatever happens, happens for good.八、 信息归纳 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分) (2015九上三门期中) Charles,Isabel,Alex,Tara和Toby五个人都爱好体育。现在他们正打算从事各自喜欢的项目。请仔细阅读-题中的个人情况说明,然后选出符合各人要求的最佳选项。Charles works in the city center and wants to take up a sport that he can often do during his lunch break. He enjoys a game in which he can play with his workmate on the desk to relax. _Isabel, aged 17, is a Chinese girl who studies in the US now. She never misses any matches played by Houston Rockets. She hopes to follow in Yao Mings steps. _Alex likes water sports very much. He is good at showing different styles, such as butterflies, frogs and so on. Believe it or not, he can dive under water for 2. 5 minutes. _Tara comes from America. Now she teaches English in a middle school in Beijing. In her free time, she would like to go in for a traditional sport so that she can learn more about China. _Toby is a student in charge of PE lesson in Riverside Middle School. These days he is training hard for the coming sports meeting. He wants very much to break the school record of 175cm. _A. B. C. D. E.九、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)31. (5分) 阅读短文,判断对错 对(T)错(F)One day Mr Li and Mr King go to London to see a friend. They dont know much English and London. They cant find their friends home. They walk in the street for a long time. Then they see a man near a bus stop. They go up to him and ask the way. The man smiles but says nothing. Then he puts his hand into his pockets(口袋)and takes out a book. He opens the book and reads, “Im sorry. I dont speak English.” In the evening they find their friends home with the help of a policeman._Mr Li and Mr King know much about London._They cant speak much English._The man near the bus stop helps them find their friends home._They dont see any policeman in London._The man near the bus stop cant speak much English like Mr Li and Mr King.十、 翻译 (共7题;共29分)32. (5分) 打扰一下,你知道是否有好玩的地方吗?_ _, do you know if there is a good place _ _ _?33. (10分) 短语翻译。 起床_ 穿上衣服_洗淋浴_ 广播电台_ 做作业_散步_ 要么要么_ 坐地铁_大量,很多_ 骑自行车_34. (2分) 他说他的梦想已经实现了。 He said his dream had _ _.35. (4分) 根据汉语意思用英语完成句子,将答案写在横线上。(1) 你们上周日野营愉快吗?_ you _ _ camping?(2) 昨天下午他们参加了英语演讲比赛。They _ _ _ the English speech contest yesterday afternoon.(3) 我妹妹比我外向点。My sister is _ _ _ _than me.(4) 这个问题太难了,我答不上来。The question is _difficult for me _ answer.36. (1分) (2017鞍山模拟) 由于雾霾,哈尔滨的学生停课三天了。Because of the smog, the students in Harbin _.37. (2分) (2017乌鲁木齐模拟) “一带一路”将引领中国的经济发展。The _ of economy(经济) in China will be _ to by “One Belt and One Road”38. (5分) 她梦想在这部影片中扮演一个公主的主要角色。 十一、 根据短文,翻译句子 (共1题;共5分)39. (5分) (2019八上滨州期中) Because of the bad weather, they couldnt go anywhere last vacation. 十二、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)40. (5分) 假如你是APO (The Animal Protection Organization)的成员。请根据下面的内容提示写一份英语海报,告诉人们如何善待宠物。词数80左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 【内容提示】按时给宠物喂食、洗澡;如果宠物生病,要带它们看医生;多花时间和宠物进行一些有意义的活动;你的其他建议和想法。APOTreat the nets wellPets can make our lives interesting.41. (5分) 初中生活即将结束,新的生活即将开启,请为你最要好的同学写一段毕业留言:他(她)给你留下的深刻印象、你们在一起的快乐时光以及对他(她)最美好的祝愿。要求:1、可参考下图所给提示词,也可适当发挥,开头已给出(不计入总词数)。2、字数80词左右。School life in middle school will come to an end soon.第 25 页 共 25 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略

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