人教版七年级英语上册Unit4 单元达标测试题

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人教版七年级英语上册Unit4 单元达标测试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Is this your_, Emma?- Yes, shes my uncles daughter.AcousinBsisterCfriendDbrother2 . When do you usually _?In the morning. I usually run with my friends.AswimBwalkCworkDexercise3 . Can I have _ juice to drink, Mum?Sorry, we dont have _ juice at home.Asome, someBany, anyCany, someDsome, any4 . Kaizhou isthe northeast of Chongqing.AinBtoConDnear5 . The two girls are my friends. _ names are Sally and Kate.AHerBYourCOurDTheir6 . Great changes have taken place in my hometown. The small shop there has been _a big supermarket, so people can go shopping easily.Aturned upBturned intoCturned offDturned down7 . My father doesnt play sports. He only _ on TV.Awatches itBwatch themCwatch itDwatches them8 . There is a bankthe hotel and the library.AonBaboveCbetweenDover9 . Now it is a world of flowers in Zhongshan Park. You can see flowers _ .AsomewhereBeverywhereCnowhereDanywhere10 . activities are the activities you do every day.AWeeklyBOutdoorCDaily11 . My sister is a clerk(职员). _ works (工作)in a bank (银行).AIBSheCYouDHe12 . Ive no idea where to go next month.Why not _ visiting Beijing ? There are many places of interest.AsuggestBconsiderCwonderDimagine13 . Are _ Cindy and David?Yes,and this is _ friend,Laura.Athey;theirBtheir;theyCthey;theyDtheir;their14 . Two-thirds of the money has been spent according to the plan, but nobody knows how to use _ of it.AotherBthe othersCthe restDrest15 . -Do you like reading books in bed?-NoIdo that,because it is bad for eyesAusuallyBseldomCsometimesDoften二、完型填空My family has a new house. And I have a nice_. Here is a _of it. My room is orange. And all the furniture(家具) is orange, too. I like the_ very much. There is a_ and a chair in my room. On the desk_is a computer. I play computer games in the evening. I love books. And_are everywhere in my roomon the bed, on the desk and_the bookcase. So Im not_. There are two_ in my room. One is mine, and the other is my sisters. But my sister is not _at home. So you can sleep(睡觉) in my room. We can have a good talk. Welcome to my house.16 . AfriendBschoolCroomDschoolbag17 . AphotoBnumberCphoneDname18 . AnameBcolorCorangeDchair19 . AclockBtableCdeskDradio20 . AthereBitCheDshe21 . AyouBweCtheyDhe22 . AinBatCtoDof23 . AniceBgoodCtidyDfine24 . AphotosBbedsCbagsDcomputers25 . AtooBalwaysCsomeDusually三、阅读单选Dear Kitty,News! We have a new flat! The rooms are small, but they are comfortable. There are more rooms here than in our old flat. This is good because now I have my own room. In the old flat, I have to share a room with my sister.My bedroom is my favourite place in the flat. I can be alone in it. I can read or draw. I can listen to my radio or CDs. I can play games on my computer or send emails to my friends.I also like the kitchen very much. I love helping my mother cook our meals. She is a very good cook. She is teaching me how to make many different kinds of dishes. She lived in Morocco when she was a girl, and she can cook Moroccan food. Its very delicious.Write me soon and tell me about your home. All good wishes!Yours,Anna26 . What is the main idea of this letter?AAnna tells Kitty something about her familys new flat.BAnna has a bedroom of her own now.CAnna likes reading and drawing.DAnnas mother is teaching her Moroccan food.27 . What is the difference between the old flat and the new one?AThe new flat has bigger rooms.BThe new flat has a bigger kitchen.CThe new flat has more rooms.DThe new flat lies closer to the city centre.28 . Why is Anna very pleased with the new flat?ABecause she has a balcony.BBecause she has a study of her own.CBecause she has a bigger bedroom.DBecause she has her own bedroom.29 . Which place is Annas favourite in the flat?AThe living room.BThe kitchen.CHer bedroom.DThe bathroom.30 . Which of the following statements is true according to the letter?AThe rooms in the new flat are small but comfortable.BAnna is the only child in her family.CAnna is a good cook and can make delicious meals.DAnnas mother can only make Moroccan food.Zhang Bin and Zhang Rui are brothers. But their living habits are different. Now Lets go to Zhang Bins room. He cleans his bedroom every day and puts his things away. Look! There is a computer on the desk. There are two balls under the bed. A guitar and a kite are on the wall. Some books are on the shelf. So he must be a careful boy. Now lets go to Zhang Ruis room. The room isnt clean. Can we see his clothes on the desk? Oh, yes. We can see a football and a knife on the desk, too. Zhang Rui never does any cleaning on weekends. So his room is in a mess.What do you think of Zhang Bin and Zhang Rui? Zhang Bin is a good boy. Zhang Rui needs to learn from his brother.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。31 . How often does Zhang Bin clean his bedroom?AEvery day.BEvery week.CTwice a week.DEvery month.32 . There is a guitar .Aon the deskBon the wallCon the shelfDunder the bed33 . What can we see on Zhang Ruis desk?AHis clothes and a computer.BA kite, a football and a knife.CHis clothes, a football and a knife.DSome books, a football and a computer.34 . What does “in a mess” mean in Chinese?A杂乱无章B整洁C漂亮D拥挤35 . Which of the following sentences is NOT true?AZhang Bin and Zhang Rui are brothers.BZhang Rui does not clean his bedroom on weekends.CZhang Rui is a careful boy.DZhang Bin does some cleaning every day.四、句型转换句型转换。36 . Lets climb the hill now, _?(完成反意问句)37 . He learned to play the piano by himself.(改同义句)He_ to play the piano.38 . It took him twenty minutes to solve the maths problem. (改为同义句)He _ twenty minutes _ the maths problem.39 . I dont think climbing is as interesting as hiking. (保持句意不变 )I think climbing is _than hiking.40 . We wont play basketball. Well do our homework. (改为同义句)Well do our homework _play basketball.41 . This building is as high as that building. (同义句转换)This building is the same _ that building.42 . Andrew did his DIY jobs the most carefully in his class. (改为同义句)Andrew did his DIY jobs more carefully than _in his class.43 . Uncle Li is very humorous.Uncle Li has a good_of_. .44 . more, is, the, beautiful, painting, much, finished, than, before ? (连词成句)_五、根据首字母、中文提示填空45 . The _ (格言) are very important to us.46 . I am h_May I have some bread?Sure.47 . Dont speak so l_, because the baby is sleeping now.48 . My sister is quite o_. she makes a lot of friends.49 . We should listen to our teachers _ (认真地)in class.六、完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子,一空一词(包括缩写词)50 . 周末她常和朋友去商场闲逛。She often_in the mall with her friends on weekends.51 . 今年暑假他们打算去夏威夷旅行。They are going to_to Hawaii this summer vacation.52 . 我希望很快收到你们的来信。I hope_you soon.53 . 如果你生病了, 你必须去看医生。If you are ill, you_to a doctor.54 . 我们盼望着搬入新居。We are_to a new house.55 . 我喜欢和别人交朋友。I like_ with others.56 . 太多的巧克力对你不好。_ chocolate isnt good for you.57 . 让我们去买食物和饮料吧。Lets _ for food and drink.58 . 你们多久使用一次电脑?_ do you use your computer?59 . 他正在下飞机。He is _ the plane.七、多任务混合问题John lives in a big house. There are ten bedrooms in his house. He also has a big garden. There are all kinds of flowers and plants in his garden. His house is just next to a church. The place where he is staying is called Canning Garden. It is a small town, but there are many important buildings here. There is a general hospital, a public library and a museum here. The most popular place is the supermarket. It is ten stories high. There are many types of shops in this supermarket. You can buy all kinds of things there.5至7小题Answer the questions according to the passage 8至10小题According to the explanation, find the words in the passage.60 . How many rooms are there?_61 . What building is beside his house?_62 . What is the most popular place? And how high is it?_63 . A piece of land around or next to your house where there is usually an area of grass and an area where you grow flowers, plants or vegetables_64 . A very large shop where you can buy different kinds of food and other things_65 . A building where you can read or borrow books_八、看图作文66 . 这是Bill的房间,请根据图片写一篇80词左右的作文。提示:near在附近,next to紧挨着,wall墙,there is.有_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、完成句子1、2、七、多任务混合问题1、八、看图作文1、

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