广州版六年级英语下册Unit 6 An interesting country 单元测试卷

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广州版六年级下册Unit 6 An interesting country 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 听音选择与录音相符的图片(5):(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)2 . Mr Green _ the USA. ( )Ais fromBcome fromCare from3 . Read and choose.读一读,找出元音字母与所给单词元音字母发音不同的单词,并将其前面的字母标号填在题前的括号里。(_) 1. appleA. andB. fatC. father(_) 2. orange A. oldB. foxC. hot(_) 3. elephantA. tenB. planeC. bed(_) 4. cutA. blueB. runC. up4 . -Do you _any Maths lessons this afternoon? ( )-Yes, I do.AlikeBisChave5 . ( )AIm going to the Great Wall.BIm going to the cinema.CIm going to the hospital.DIm going to class.6 . Slow down and stop _ a yellow light. ( )AonBinCat7 . We _ our stay very much. ( )Adont enjoyedBdidnt enjoyedCdidnt enjoy8 . She _ the cinema this afternoon. ( )Ais goingBgoing toCis going to9 . There are _shops in the picture.AlotBlotsClots ofDa lot10 . Do you play piano ? No , I play basketball .A/ ; theBthe ; /Cthe ; theD/ ; /二、阅读选择阅读选择。Good morning, boys and girls! Im David. Every year in our school, we have the International Day(国际日) on May18th. It is for students to learn about the cultures (文化) from different countries. I love it very much. On this day, each class will introduce(介绍) a country. It is very interesting. You can know lots of different dances, foods and many other things.If you go to the classroom of Japan, you can play Japanese(日本的)games. You can also have some delicious Japanese food, like sushi(寿司) and buckwheat noodles. Im sure youll like it. In the classroom of Mexico(墨西哥),here are some tomalleys(龙虾肝) to eat. But if you like jiaozi,you must go to the classroom of China.In the afternoon, all the students, teachers and parents watch the dances. There are lots of dances. They are so nice. People all like them a lot.I like the International Day very much. What about you?11 . David has his International Day on_. ( )AApril 18thBMay 18thCJune 18thDJuly 18th12 . Whats the aim(目标) of the International Day? ( )ATo eat different food.BTo watch different dances.CTo learn about different cultures.DTo go to different countries.13 . The underlined(下画线的)word“ delicious” means“_” in Chinese. ( )A美味的B可爱的C复杂的D有趣的14 . What special food can you eat in the classroom of Mexico? ( )ASushiBJiaoziCTomalleysDBuckwheat noodles.15 . Which of the following is TRUE? ( )AThe food is not good on the InternationalBOnly teachers watch the dances in the afternoonCThe students think the dances are boringDDavid likes the International Day very much.三、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。16 . I _(visit) my uncle next week.17 . What _(do) his sister like doing?18 . _(do) you go swimming last Sunday?No, we didnt. We _(watch) a film.19 . _(be) there any water in the glass?No, there isnt.20 . My sister wants _(buy) a new skirt.21 . My brother _(see) his classmates photo in the newspaper yesterday.22 . My sister Lily likes _(listen) to music and _(draw).23 . He _(give) me a cake last night.四、英汉混合24 . 中英互译1.在沙发上_2.在桌子下_3.在花瓶后_4.在篮子里_5.on the mat _6.in the living room _7.play with _8.Molly the cat _9.喜欢肉_10.吃些西兰花_五、填内容补全对话根据上下文及首字母提示补全短文。Welcome to Beijing. Beijing is a beautiful c25 . . You will f26 . many interesting things here. You will see the Great Wall, the S 27 . P28 . and the Palace Museum. They are very exciting. Tiananmen Square is a very large square. Every year, many people visit it. Food l29 . will enjoy Beijing Duck. Its very delicious. People in Beijing welcome v30 . !根据所给情境完成对话。A: Hello, 31 . 32 . Mike?B: Yes, speaking.A: 33 . is Liu Tao speaking. Ill 34 . a film on Sunday afternoon. Would you 35 . to go with me?B: Of course. 36 . are we going to meet?A: At two oclock.根据上下文或首字母提示补全对话。A: Do you k37 . about Australia, Mum?B: No, I dont.A: We 38 . 39 . about Australia next week. We need to f40 . o41 . about this c42 . before the lessons. Can you help 43 . ?B: Sorry, I cant. But you can ask your e44 . .A: Thank you, Mum. Ill learn about Australia 45 . the Internet.B: You can go to the library and r46 . some books and magazines too.六、选内容补全对话从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。A. Would you like to go rowing?B. There are many children over there.C. What about playing football with the boys?D. Its a sunny day, isnt it?E. Oh, look at the flowers.A: 47 . B: Yes. And today is sunny. Shall we go to the park?A: OK. Lets go.B: 48 . A: How beautiful they are!B: Look! 49 . A: Yes. Some are rowing and some are singing under the big tree. How happy they are!B: 50 . A: Oh, no. Im not good at rowing. And the wind is strong.B: 51 . A: OK. I like playing football very much.七、改错52 . 找出下列句子中错误的词语,并改正:Where is the no. 9 Park Street, please?_八、书面表达53 . 书面表达。周末又来到了,这个周日你有没有特别的打算呢?请以 My Sunday Plan为题,写一篇小短文。My Sunday Plan_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、四、英汉混合1、五、填内容补全对话1、2、3、六、选内容补全对话1、七、改错1、八、书面表达1、

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