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人教版(PEP)六年级下册英语小升初专项训练第七部分:完形填空与短文填词-完形填空姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、完形填空完形填空Yang Ming, Zhou Pei and Lisa are my good _ We have different(不同的) _. Yang Ming _ playing computer games. Zhou Pei likes _ dolls. But Lisa _ like it. Lisas hobby is _ photos. Look at the photos. The kid is _ the baby. The baby is crying. Because the baby is _. The kid takes good care of the baby.1 . AfriendBfriendsCboys2 . AhobbyBhobbiesClikes3 . AlikesBlikeCis4 . AmakeBmakesCmaking5 . AdontBdoesntCnot6 . AtakeBtakesCtaking7 . AfeedingBfeedsCfeed8 . AhappyBhungryCsmiling完形填空。Peter is Wang Lis pen friend. Peter _ in the U. S. The U. S. is _ China. Wang Li _ go to the U. S. to see Peter. She is going to go there by _. Wang Li _ about the U. S. The flag of the U. S. has _ and stripes. The capital city is _. In the U. S., they _ English. The U. S. is very beautiful. It _ the Statue of Liberty. It is in _.9 . AlivesBliveCliving10 . AnearBfar fromCfar11 . AwantsBwantCwants to12 . AbusBbikeCplane13 . AknowsBknowCno14 . AstarBstarsCleaf15 . AWashington,BC.CLondon C.Beijing16 . AspeaksBtalkCspeak17 . AhavesBhasChave18 . ANew YorkBBeijingCLondon完形填空。John: How_your weekend, Mike?Mike: It was great.John: What did you do?Mike: I_to a park with my family.John: How did you feel?Mike: We were _. We climbed mountains. What did you do?John: I went shopping with my mother.Mike:_did you go?John: We went to Wang fujing Street. My mum bought some presents.Mike: Did your mother buy any presents for your brother?John: Yes, he will _12 years old next month. We bought some books for him.Mike: He will be happy.19 . AisBareCwas20 . AwentBgoCgoing21 . AhappyBscaredCsad22 . AWhatBWhere CHow23 . AbeBisCare读对话,根据上下文选择合适的单词填空。A: What did you do yesterday?B: I _to plant trees.A: Why?B: Because yesterday _Tree Planting Day.A: How many _did you plant?B: I planted five trees. Trees are very _to people. We shouldplant more trees.A: Yes. We should make our country _.24 . AwentBgoCam going25 . AwereBisCwas26 . AtreeBtrees and flowerCtrees27 . AhelpBhelpfulCsmart28 . AgreenBredCblack完型填空。Last Sunday, it was sunny and hot. I went to a new park with my friends. We _ our bikes to the park. We saw many beautiful flowers. So we took many _. There _ a big lake in it. We _ on the lake. That was fun. Then we _ a picnic. We ate hamburgers and fruit. We drank juice and milk. We had a good time.29 . ArodeBridingCare riding30 . ApictureBpicturesCphoto31 . AwasBwereCare32 . Aflew a kiteBwent boatingCwent iceskating33 . Aare havingBis going to haveChad第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、完形填空1、2、3、4、5、

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