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冀教版(三起)三年级上册期末测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选内容补全对话选词填空,补全对话。help strong teacher school wants alsoBen 1 . to be a policeman. He wants to 2 . people when they are in trouble. A policeman should be 3 . . So Ben will study hard and do more sport. Lily wants to be a 4 . when she grows up. She likes children. She 5 . likes playing with the children at 6 . .二、匹配题7 . Look and choose.(看图片,为其选择正确的英语单词。)ApearBgrapesCdeskDboatEcarFchair1.(_)2.(_)3.(_)4.(_)5. (_) 6. (_)8 . 看图,与相应的对话用“”连起来。1. a. A:Nice to meet you! B:Nice to meet you, too! 2. b. A:Goodbye.See you later! B:Bye!3. c. A:Where is my book? B:Its under the desk.4. d. A:How do you feel? B: Im very cold.5. e. A: What are they doing? B:They are playing.6. f. A:May I have two books? B:Thanks.三、看图题Look, read and choose the right answer. 看图,读句子找出描述图片的句子。9 . ( )AIm going to go to the cinema.BIm going to visit grandparents.CIm going to ride a bike.10 . ( )AStop and wait at a red light.BStop and wait at a green light.CStop and wait at a yellow light.11 . ( )AThe school is next to the zoo.BThe park is next to the museum.Cthe school is next to the hospital.12 . ( )AIm going to do homework.BIm going to buy a postcard.CIm going to read a book.13 . ( )AI need a ruler for English class.BI need a book for English class.CI need a dictionary for English class.14 . ( )AI often go to school on foot.BI often go to school by bus.CI often go to school by bike.15 . ( )AHes happy.BHes surprised.CHes angry.四、字母题将下列英语字母用手写体抄入四线格内。16 . A 17 . C 18 . E 19 . G 20 . H 21 . J 22 . N 23 . P 24 . R 25 . W 五、连线题26 . 选择正确的单词与图片连线1. rain a. 2. windy b. 3. sunny c. 4. snow d. 5. warm e. 六、其他补全单词,并在括号中写上中文意思27 . j(_)ice (_)28 . (_)ice (_)29 . s(_)lt(_)30 . s(_)gar (_)31 . m(_)(_)t(_)32 . t(_)f(_)(_)33 . fr(_)(_)t(_)34 . n(_)(_)dle(_)35 . c(_)_k (_)36 . f(_)(_)d (_)第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选内容补全对话1、二、匹配题1、2、三、看图题1、四、字母题1、五、连线题1、六、其他1、

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